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Answer Sheet


Course/Year : BSED-English-1st yr

1. TEAHER as a gardener because they cultivate or plant into the minds of their student through the
magical power of love, care, knowledge and attention that she transforms them into a beautiful tree.
2. TEACHER as a potter because they shape the future of a student.
3. TEACHER as a key because they set the tone; the teacher provides the activities; the teacher
plans the day and teachers is key to our success as a nation.
4. TEACHER as a compass because they guide the students to their own journey to a successful life.
5. TEACHER as a pencil, eraser because they will erase all the mistakes that we made and write a
new journey that in a right direction.
6. TEACHER as an alarm clock because they always reminding us to achieve our goals and dreams
in life.

Rank the following list of Professionals in terms of their status in the Philippines.

Professionals Rank Professionals Rank



1. What are the personal characteristics of an ideal Teacher?

Some qualities of a good teacher include skills in communication, listening,

collaboration, adaptability, empathy and patience. Other characteristics of effective
teaching include an engaging classroom presence, value in real-world learning,
exchange of best practices and a lifelong love of learning and an ideal teacher
is patient. Being patient is often expressed as being diligent or persevering.
2. What talents and skills do you have that can be shared of used when you become a
full-fledge teacher?
If I were a full-fledge teacher, I should enjoy communicating and understanding to others.
Have confidence to face the challenges or problems anytime, have great organizational skills,
Work effectively in groups, be able to deal with conflict, motivate my students to do their best,
empathies with my Students and give feedback to parents/students.
3. What types of problems do teachers encounter in their classes? How do they manage
these problems?
Applying a prescribed curriculum to all types of students I chose this problem because
every student is different. They learn at different speeds, and they each have their own way
of taking in content and remembering it. Problems arise when teachers are expected to
apply a fixed curriculum to students with vastly different needs. Adapting lessons to
students and tailoring content to their needs takes time, which is in short supply. If we distill
these challenges to the major areas of school life that cause teachers the most difficulty, a
common theme emerges: Teachers want better tools to communicate with students and
parents, help with classroom management, and We all understand that there are
challenges in the classroom.

4. How can we empower teachers to become effective classrooms managers?

We can empower teachers to become effective classrooms managers by nurture an
authentic workplace , mix it up, create opportunities with clear expectations, always be on
the lookout for leaders and become a matchmaker, share the load and avoid burn out,
support professional learning communities so that leaders can network.

5. How can teachers work effectively with families and professionals to understand
issues and problems of learners?

Let families know you want to work with them toward your shared
goal of helping their child thrive. Be explicit in letting them know that
they play a critical role in meeting that goal. Begin your relationship
by introducing yourself and asking to learn more about their family
and their student. During that time, ask them how they prefer to keep
in contact.
Ask families how they’d like to be involved and what information
they need to support their child’s learning. Share positive comments
you have about your students with their parents. The best way to do
that is prioritizing two-way communication.
Instead of sending students home with a failing grade slip, for
example, you could call their parents and create an improvement plan
together. The more you reach out to parents personally, the closer
you’ll be to building positive parent relationships.
1. Knowledge of Educational Ends, Purposes, And Values
2. Curriculum Knowledge
3. Knowledge of Educational Contexts
4. General Pedagogical Knowledge
5. Knowledge about learners
6. Pedagogical Content Knowledge
7. Character
8. Commitment
9. Critical Thinking
10. Creativity

1. What are the subjects and discipline that have important
contribution to the understanding of education as a field of
study and educational process.
a) The teacher as an individual person
b) The teacher as a professional
c) The teacher as a community and social advocate
d) The teacher as a model of good character
APPLICATION 1.:The teacher as an expert

2. What are the standards that teachers need to know in the area of Educational
a) Demonstrate understanding of the Historical foundations of education,
especially on the Philippine Education, including contribution and ideas of
individuals and groups from diverse backgrounds.
b) Analyze educational philosophies, theories, and researches on education.
c) Understand laws and policies related to education, especially in Philippine
d) Identify social, cultural, and economic factors that affect the education of
e) Integrate ideas and theories to understand the purposes and nature
education as a discipline.
3. The following standards that teachers need to know and practice to provide a
positive learning environment for students at any level.

a) Understand types of learning environments that accommodate the learners

various needs and promote the development of different types of learners.
b) Understand the role of various agencies, families and communities in
supporting the development of learners
c) Design learning opportunities that nurture learners talents, critical thinking,
and creativity
d) Create a safe learning environment for all teachers
e) Create learning environments that promote intercultural exchange among


Interview a model professional teacher in your Barangay, What made him/her an

outstanding professional?

A great teacher fully understands the development of the age of children he or she
works with. He or she knows and understands the content and curriculum of the grade
taught. The outstanding teacher constantly raises their level of competence by seeking out
professional development opportunities. The outstanding educator is a life-long learner,
strives to raise their level of competence, and communicates this idea to students. An
outstanding educators are creative! The content of a particular lesson may stay constant
over the years but the creative teacher continues to make the experience fun and exciting
for students. Creativity in the classroom is vital in many aspects. The outstanding teacher
needs to be innovative when planning lessons. A lesson goes much better when the
students anticipate a fun, engaging learning experience. And when the actual lesson or
activity is creative, the students are more likely to be actively involved and goals and
objectives can be met. Creative teachers have huge ‘bags of tricks’ and don’t give up
trying different ideas and techniques that may work in the classroom.

Why you choose teaching as your profession?

I chose to be a teacher because teaching is not just a profession, it is a

mission. Children, who are like clay are moulded and shaped by the hands of a
teacher. Pandit J.L. Nehru said, "The destiny of a nation is shaped in her
classrooms." No career, no work can be more rewarding than that of a teacher
who is occupied in building the personality of a student in order to equip him to
face the challenges of a competitive world in the throes of transition and change. I
chose teaching because being with children is like being endowed with perpetual
youth. The love, laughter, mischief, creativity and imagination of children are like
an eternal fountain of joy and vitality.

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