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The text is for questions 1 to 3.

Chicken Soup
3 pound, whole fried chicken
6 to 8 cups of water
1 diced garlic clove
1 cup of sliced onion
1 cup of sliced celery
½ cup of sliced carrots
2 cup of chopped leeks
3 tablespoons of fresh chopped parsley
Freshly ground black pepper
Pinch of salt

Rinse the chicken. Place the chicken in a bowl and add vegetables, and enough water to cover
them. Put the bowl into an oven and boil over medium-high heat.
Reduce heat to low and simmer, covered for 90 minutes. Remove the chicken from the heat.
Serve the steaming hot chicken, garnished with parsley, salt and ground black pepper.

1. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To describe about the chicken soup b. To explain what the chicken soup is
c. To show how to make the chicken soup d. To entertain the readers about the chicken soup

2. What do we do first after rinsing the chicken?

a. Put the bowl into an oven b. Place the chicken in a bowl
c. Reduce heat to low and simmer d. Add vegetable and enough water
3. “…, and enough water to cover them.” (line 2)
What does the word “them” refer to?
a. Chicken and bowl b. Vegetables and bowl
c. Vegetables and chicken d. Bowl, chicken, and vegetabes

The text is for questions 4 to 6.

Sunrise Salad
- Some strawberries
- Some grapes
- A banana
- A cup of yogurt
- Some mint leaves
- A knife
- A small bowl
1. Wash the fruit and let them dry on paper towels
2. Cut the strawberries and grapes in half on two slices
3. Slice the banana into chunks
4. Combine all the fruit in the large bowl and mix them
5. Take three spoonfuls of mixed fruit and put them in a small bowl
6. Add a bit of yoghurt on top of the fruit salad
7. Place a small bundle of mint leaves on the yogurt as a garnish
8. Sunrise salad is ready to serve

4. What is a small bowl for?

a. To put the combination of all fruit. b. To place three spoonful of mixed fruit
c. To add some mixed fruit d. To mix all the fruit
5. What should we do after we cut all the fruit?
a. Add a bit of yoghurt in it b. Combine them in a large bowl
c. Garnish it with mint leaves d. Serve it immediately
6. “Slice the banana into chunks” (step 3)
The underlined word means ….
a. Small pieces b. Large amount c. Thick pieces d. Thin pieces

Read the following text to answer questions 7 to 11.

Making Colored Egg

- Hard boiled egg (cooled)
- Paper towels
- Food coloring
- Glass jar
- Vinegar
- Salt
1. Rinse eggs in cold water and dry it with paper towels. To make the dye, pour half a small
bottle of food coloring into a glass jar and add 300 ml of hot water
2. Add 300 ml vinegar and 15 ml salt. Lower an egg into the jar of dye and leave it for a few
minutes. Check the color of the egg regularly.
3. When the egg has reached the desire color, lift it out and repeat the process with the remaining

7. From the text above we get the information on ….

a. What coloring eggs are b. How to make coloring eggs
c. Which the best coloring eggs d. Where we can dry coloring eggs
8. What liquid do we need to make colored eggs?
a. Salt b. Vinegar c. Glass jar d. Paper towel
9. We use paper towels to ….
a. Dry eggs b. Rinse eggs c. Repeat the process d. Pour the food coloring
10. “Lower an egg into the jar of dye and ….”
What does the underlined word means?
a. Crack b. Water c. Peel d. Dip
11. “Add 300 ml vinegar and 15 ml salt. Lower an egg into the jar of dye and leave it for a few
What does the word “it” refer to?
a. Vinegar b. Salt c. Egg d. Jar

The text below is for questions 12 to 14.

Making fried banana or Making pisang goreng is very easy. First you need some good bananas
and some frying oil. You can slice the bananas into thin slices, then fry them in very hot oil until
they turn brown. If you like, you can sprinkle some sugar on top. Otherwise, roll the bananas in
flour before you fry them.

12. The main idea of the paragraph is ….

a. Making fried banana is very easy b. You can slice the bananas into thin slices
c. Roll the bananas in flour before you fry them
d. Fry bananas in very hot oil until they turn brown
13. The text above talks about ….
a. You need some good bananas
b. Fry bananas in very hot oil until brown
c. Making fried banana or making pisang goreng
d. If you like sprinkle some sugar on top of bananas
14. The suitable title of the text above is ….
a. How to frying bananas b. How to make fried banana
c. How to roll the bananas in flour d. How to slice the bananas into thin slices


Making an Omelette
This is the way an omelette should be made. It is important that the frying-pan should be proportionate to the
number of eggs; in other word, to the size of the omelette. The frying-pan must be made of iron not of aluminum, tin
or enamel. And here I fell I must stress a point, essential to what might be called the background of omelette-
making, namely that the frying-pan must never be washed with water but rubbed, when hot, with salt and tissue
paper, as this is the only way to prevent sticking.
For three paper, we take six eggs, break them into a bowl, season them with salt and freshly ground pepper, and
add a good teaspoonful of water. We beat this lightly with a fork or the wire-broom, not the whisk, until large
bubbles from on the top. This takes half a minute; it is fatal to beat too long. Meanwhile, our frying-pan is getting
hit, not too hot, and we drop in an ounce and a half of butter and best lard, over quick flame for a minute or two,
until it gives no more froth and has turned light golden. We give our egg-mixture another stir and pour it into the fat,
letting it spread evenly over the frying-pan.
All this is a swift business, and we may well feel a few extra hearts-beats and a little breathlessness at that
moment. the flame is now turned down a little. With a fork or palette-knife (a fork seems to work particularly well)
we loosen the edges of the omeletee all round and, once or twice, in the middle, letting the liquid flow into the
empty spaces, taking care always to move towards the middle.
This takes about two minutes. Then, keeping as calm as we possibly can, we fold it. This is easiest if we fold
over and pin down with two or three fork-pricks about an inch and-a-half of the omelette along one side. Then it is
quite easy to roll it into shape. Our omelette should be golden brown outside, and wet inside : because, as is the
classical french term. It is then slid on to a hot plate and its surface made shiny with a little butter. This last touch
makes all the difference.

1. What is important about the frying-pan?

a. It should be the same size as the eggs.
b. It should never be a small one.
c. It should never be too small to hold the eggs.
d. It should never be a very flat one.
e. It should be a big one.

2. Which of the following frying-pans is among those mentioned by the writer?

a. One made of aluminum. b. One made of aluminum and enamel.
c. One made of iron. d. One made of gold. e. One made of paper.

3. What is the only way to prevent sticking?

a. Rubbing with hot salt and tissue-paper. b. Rubbing with hot water.
c. Rubbing with salt and paper. d. Washing with salt and paper. e. Washing with water.

4. When the writer uses the word baveuse, she means ______.
a. the states of an omelette b. an omelette made in ancient Rome
c. the size of an omelette d. the shape of an omelette e. an omelette made in France

5. Where the empty spaces we let the liquid flow into?

a. all round the edged of the omelette b. at some edges of the omelette
c. in and round the pan d. in the omelette e. around the pan

6. What makes all the difference to the omelette?

a. making a plate shiny with a little butter b. putting something on it
c. touching the omelette d. sliding the omelette on to a plate e. putting the omelette on butter


 1 cup whole meal self-raising flour
 ½ cup brown sugar
 ½ cup oat bran
 ½ teaspoon cinnamon
 ¼ cup almond flakes
 2 large green apples
 1 egg
 2/3 cup milk
 60 g butter, melted
1 Turn oven to 220oC (425oF).
2 Grease 12 muffin pans.
3 Sift flour into a bowl. Add sugar, oat bran, cinnamon and almonds.
4 Peel and grate the apples.
5 Put them into the bowl.
6 Mix egg, milk and melted butter in a jug.
7 Add to bowl all at once.
8 Stir with a fork
9 Stir until just mixed.
10 Almost fill the muffin pans with the batter.
11 Bake in oven for 15 to 20 minutes until golden.
12 Serve the muffins warm with butter and jam.

7. When do you consider that the muffins should be served?

a. when they are still warm b. when they are still cold
c. when they are in the oven d. when they are in the bowl e. when they are ripe

8. Why do people use self-raising flour? Because …..

a. you don’t have to use fork b. you don’t have to use butter c. you don’t have to use cinnamon
d. you don’t have to use baking powder e. you don’t have to use oven

9. How many muffins will you get out of the recipe?

a. fifteen muffins b. fifty muffins c. twenty muffins d. two muffins
e. twelve muffins

10. What do you think ‘almost fill the muffin pans’ means? It means …..
a. we don’t fill the pans with the muffin
b. we don’t fill the pans to the brim
c. we don’t fill the pans with the apple
d. we don’t fill the pans to the bowl
e. we don’t fill the pans to the oven

11. How long do you bake the muffin?

a. fifteen to twelve minutes
b. fifty to twenty minutes
c. fifty to twelve minutes
d. fifteen to twenty minutes
e. twelve to fifty minutes

12. Where do you cook the muffins?

a. in a bowl
b. in a teaspoon
c. in an oven
d. in a jug
e. in a fork

The continous heavy rain for three days had made Jakarta flooding. About 80% of its area is dipped with water. Here are
some steps you could follow when you face the problem of flood.
 First save your valuable documents in the safest place in your house. It can be put on the top of cupboard or the space
above the ceiling.
 Then you could also save your electronic on the higher place. If you have thick and large plastic bag, it’s a good idea
to wrap the appliances with it and seal it.
 When the water has entered your house, don’t panic. Listen and do the instructions or announcement from the local
government about what to do. You should consider abour your family safety more than anything.
 If you should take a refugee, bring your most important documents with you. Don’t panic, but your should stay alert.

8. What made Jakarta flooding ?

a. 80% of its area is dipped with water
b. Rain
c. it’s very crowded city
d. Continuous heavy rain for three days
e. There is garbage everywhere

9. What should be saved first ?

a. Electronic appliances
b. Cupboard
c. your house
d. local government
e. valuable document

10. What should we do when the water has entered the house
a. Save our electronic appliances
b. Listen and do the instruction or announcement from the local government
c. panic
d. scream loudly
e. hide behind cupboard

11. The text is above consist of some steps we should do in facing flood.
what kind of text is it ?
a. Narrative
b. Description
c. Procedure
d. Recount
e. Report


600 g shrimps, peeled
40 g straw mushrooms
1 stalk celery
2 slices carrot
1 cup broth

A. 1/4 teaspoon salt
1 egg white
1 tablespoon cornstarch
B. 1 teaspoon soy sauce
1/4 teaspoon sesame oil

1. First, chop up shrimps and add seasoning. Mix until pasty.
2. Then, cut mushrooms into pieces and celery into short lengths.
3. Roll shrimp mixture into balls.
4. Next, pour broth into pot and bring to boil.
5. Add shrimp balls and cook for 8 minutes.
6. Then, add straw mushrooms and carrot. When broth begins to boil again, add B seasoning.
7. Finally, serve it in a serving bowl.

22. The type of the text is …

a. Procedure
b. Narrative
c. Descriptive
d. Recount
e. Report

23. The purpose of the text is

a. To describe particular place

b. to retell events for the purpose of informing or enter taining
c. to describe how something is accomplished through a sequence of steps
d. to amuse, entertain and to deal with the actual or vicarious experience in different ways
e. to persuade the readers that something should or should not be the case

24. The action verb of the text is …

a. shrimps
b. teaspoon
c. bowl
d. pour
e. them

25. How long do you cook the recipe ?

a. ¼ hour
b. 8 minutes
c. 1 hour
d. 600 minutes
e. 2 minutes

How to Find Unusual Gifts

Giving gifts is a well-known way to

show our attention toward somebody
else. Moreover, giving gifts may be
important for certain special moments.
Unusual or even weird gifts would
leave a sweet memory for us and the
recipient. So, try these tips to find
something unusual as your gifts.
Look for gifts wherever you find
yourself, especially when you were on
a trip. From a bazaar in Bandung to a
tag sale in Berlin.
Use the Internet. Follow links until
you find what you want.
Track down items such as rare prints,
out-of-print books or antiques in the
Give a welcome service. A massage,
costume makeovers, a day at the spa, or
romantic dinner will be a nice welcome
Combine one or two things for a
spectacular effect. The picture frame
that you bought in Bali might provide
the perfect background for showing off
the portrait of the recipient.
Come to a handicrafts store and
talk to the people that make unique
Visit art supply stores, craft shops,
art galleries and factory stores for

1. The word well-known in the first line means ….

a. great
b. weird
c. special
d. famous
2. Where may we look for unusual gifts?
a. Anywhere.
b. In an auction.
c. In the internet.
d. In the craft shop.
3. Before give an unusual gifts, it is suggested that we
give … first
a. a rare print
b. a photo frame
c. a unique furniture
d. a welcome service

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