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Roger Kiser walked into the Hudle House Restaurant.

He sat down at the counter and looked at

the menu, trying to decide if he wanted to order breakfast or lunch.

Suddenly, a nice looking woman, called Barbara, touched him on his shoulder. Roger didn´t know
her, as well as her husband called Tony Claxton.

Tony was from Landon High School in Florida, the same school as Roger. But unfortunately his
name didn´t sound Roger.

While Barbara and Tony were sitting on their table, next to the bathroom, Roger tried to
remember who Tony was.

Suddenly, he remembered: Tony the Bull. He memorized his seventh grade geography class. He
could remember all the times that Tony made fun of his ears in front of the girls or when tony
laughed because as Roger didn´t have parents he had to live in a orphanage.

Tony, at school, was a big bully guy. But now, he was a thin man.

All of a sudden, the sound of break dishes was heard. Tony was trying to get into his wheelchair
when he had accidentally hit several plates.

Tony and his wife left the restaurant. Their van was waiting for them. Barbara tried over to get the
ramp of the van, but she couldn´t.

Roger left the restaurant to go and assist them. Tony asked him for some help to get into the van.

Roger helped him. Tony tried to find a way to apologize for the bad moments that made Roger at

He asked Tony to call him back so they could have lunch together. Roger was happy because he
found the only friend he had from high schools.

Moral: Do not make fun of anyone // Accept the other as it is. // I Learn from Roger, that he
forgave Tony, he forgot the bad moments and helped Tony who needed it.

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