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This House regrets the neglect of the agricultural sector in the Philippines and calls on the government to

prioritize its development.

BASIS: Swept away – Philippine agriculture bears wrath from government neglect, Philippine Institute for Development Studies,
Agriculture: A Dying Sector in the Philippines?

AFFIRMATIVE/GOVERNMENT SIDE business is a sign that Philippine farming conditions have a

Small farmers have suffered greatly as a result of the bright future.
government's long-standing disregard for the nation's agricultural
sector. This has been brought to light by the recent super- It seems that there is still hope for Philippine
typhoons Quinta, Rolly, and Ulysses. agriculture. If the government continues to prioritize agriculture
The nation is vulnerable to natural hazards because of its and find ways to develop agricultural policies and infrastructure,
geographic location and geophysical features. The government's Philippine agriculture will thrive.
absence of pertinent policies to support the agriculture industry However, the government can’t do this alone. This is
and the broader economy, such as disaster risk reduction and the right time for the private sector to jump in for collaborative
management (DRRM) laws and practices, leaves it incredibly efforts and for knowledge sharing. It is essential for all
exposed to threats. concerned parties to work together in order to meet future
The government's recovery strategy, DRRM plan, actual challenges in agriculture in the "Pearl of the Orient Seas".
implementation, and even the budgetary allotment of calamity Last but not least, for many years, there was a lack of
monies are all indicative of how little the Philippines is development of adequate infrastructure for farmers, which would
acknowledged as a nation prone to natural disasters. There's no have helped boost crop productivity. Examples of this
evidence to support the claim that the nation is prepared for infrastructure include farm-to-market roads, irrigation systems,
disasters. drying facilities, and milling centers. These farmers make more
The 2019 World Risk Report places the Philippines money when they produce more crops. Sadly, things are not like
ninth among nations with the greatest disaster risk index. Every this in the Philippines.
year, on average, twenty tropical cyclones make landfall in the In this regard, the lack of assistance, education, and
Philippine area of responsibility. However, the modest Php20 encouragement for farmers from past administrations is the
billion, or 0.5% share, in the 2019 national budget was reduced reason the Philippines is experiencing this kind of issue. It is
to Php16 billion in the 2020 budget for disaster risk reduction. In obvious that in order to revive this collapsing industry, the
the national budget for 2021, the NDRRMC is once more slated Philippine government needs to work harder to transform the
to receive Php20 billion in lump sum catastrophe monies. agricultural landscape of the nation.
Only 2.2 million farmers on 1.8 million hectares are
insured, according to the most recent data available from the What needs to be completed?
Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) in 2018, which was There are crucial steps that need to be taken to revitalize
referenced by the Philippine Institute for Development Studies. this underappreciated industry if one is to maintain that
The government's Registry System for Basic Sectors in agriculture is essential to our economy, society, and culture.
Agriculture, or RSBSA, lists over 10.9 million farmers,  First and foremost, we must work to reduce or eliminate the
farmworkers, and fishermen. This is a modest number in dumping of foreign agricultural commodities onto our
comparison. Furthermore, despite the fact that 1.1 million of the agricultural markets, utilizing both WTO-approved and
listed farm parcels recorded by the Census of Agriculture and potentially non-WTO approved mechanisms. The US's
Fisheries (CAF) were smaller than 0.5 hectares, the PCIC unilateralism has crippled the dispute resolution process,
penetration rate in these holdings was comparatively low to that making the World Trade Organization (WTO) far weaker now
of larger portions. than it was twenty-six years ago. With careful legal
Despite living in a country vulnerable to natural maneuvering, we can avoid complying with many of its harsh
disasters, government support for the agriculture and fishing regulations without facing consequences, as many nations—
industries has always been either insufficient or harmful. Climate including Vietnam and Thailand—are doing despite
change has made weather disturbances much worse over time, objections from the US as well as the WTO.
wreaking even more damage on the nation's agricultural areas.  The second step in order to stop landlords from reclaiming
The agricultural sector in the Philippines is land, agrarian reform must be firmly implemented, reinforced
experiencing a crisis as it grew at its slowest rate in 70 years, by sufficient support services, and robust legal action made
averaging 2.1% annually from 2017 to 2019. During that time, available. Taiwan and Korea's rural areas became a hive of
the industry shed more than a million jobs. This year's third prosperous smallholders thanks to a prosperous agriculture
quarter saw only 1.2% growth in the industry. built on successful land reform, which in turn spurred their
The Philippines' agricultural trade imbalance reached its industrial take-off in the decades that followed. The
highest level ever in 2018, and the country started importing rice, Philippines has the potential to emulate them if sufficient
a basic grain, in 2019. political will is present.
 Third, the authorities must take on a more proactive role in
Some points I disagree on this article: development, acting as a support system for small and
1. The more pressing problem is labor availability not farmers medium-sized landholders that cannot be provided by purely
per se. This can be addressed thru mechanization, etc. market incentives. Three types of support should be provided:
2. Limited education for Phil farmers. Not true. In terms of first, initiatives that help farmers perform better, like credit
GM adoption, Phil farmers are the highest. Meaning, Phil and direct assistance; second, legal aid to ensure tenure
farmers are teachable or can easily adopt new technologies security; and third, leadership that offers a vision of a vibrant
unlike other countries. It’s a matter of more support from agricultural future and helps organize farmers into a powerful
Govt. advocate organization.
3. Quality of Fertilizers, Chemicals and Seeds. We have the  Four, we have to get rid of the anti-agricultural prejudice of
highest quality of seeds in Phils. Name it, GM or neoliberal economists and technocrats who, when viewed
Conventional hybrids or Inbreds. narrowly, view agriculture as a loss-making endeavor that
4. Poor quality of infrastructure. That’s before. But nowadays, costs a lot of money and should instead be used, with
Phil's countryside conditions have improved a lot, especially appropriate policies, as the engine of a process that leads to
farm-to-market roads. prosperous, equitable, and environmentally friendly growth.
The mere fact that local and multinational seed To put it briefly, we need to abandon a mindset that leads to
companies are investing and growing year after year their agrocide.
 Lastly, and maybe most challenging of all, we need to adapt
our agriculture to the demands of a fast-changing climate
and environmental crises. The best way to farm in the age of
climate change is increasingly thought to be small-scale,
ecologically resilient agriculture that integrates cutting-edge
technology with traditional methods because of its low
carbon intensity. Government can help to accelerate the
convergence of small farmers' economic interests and
climate health. These two interests are becoming more and
more entwined.


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