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Between Yaqoob and his sons

1. And they returned to their father and informed him with the news and they said to him: send
with our our brother, and if not, we will not find goodness by the governor.
2. And they requested from Yaqoob Binyamin and they said: Indeed, for him we are protectors.
3. Yaqoob said: Should I believe you over him except like how I believed you over his brother
from before?
4. Did you forget the story of Yusuf? Will you protect Binyamin like how you protected Yusuf?
5. Allah is the best protector and he is the most merciful of the ones who show mercy.
6. And they found their wealth in their belongings so they said to their father:
7. Indeed, the governor is a noble man, indeed he has returned our wealth and did not take from
us a price.
8. Send with us Binyamin we will take his share also.
9. Yaqoob said to them I will never send him with you until you all pledge to Allah that you will
return with him except upon you becoming overpowered.
10. And they pledged to Allah and Yaqoob said: Allah is upon what we say and he is a guardian.
11. And Yaqoob said to his sons: O my sons, do not enter from a single door, and enter from
separate doors.

20. Binyamin with Yusuf

1. And the brothers entered from separate doors like how their father commanded them and
they reached to Yusuf.
2. And when Yusuf saw Binyamin, he became very happy and made him stay in his house.
3. And Yusuf said to Binyamin “Indeed I am your brother” and Binyamin was at ease.
4. And Yusuf met Binyamin after a long time so he remembered his mother and father and he
remembered his house and he remembered his childhood.
5. And Yusuf wanted that Binyamin remain by him seeing him every day.
6. And he speaks to him and asks him about his house.
7. And but how is the path to that, and Binyamin returns tomorrow to Kanaan?
8. And how is the path to that and the brothers all pledged to Allah that they will return him
with them?
9. And how is it possible for Yusuf to hold back Binyamin by him without a reason?
10. And the people would say: Definitely the governor has held back by him a Kanaani without a
reason, indeed this is a great oppression.
11. And but Yusuf was clever and intelligent.
12. By Yusuf was a valuable utensil, and he used to drink in it.
13. He placed this utensil in Binyamin’s belongings and the announcer announced indeed you are
definitely thieves.
14. And the brothers turned around, and they said what can you not find?
15. They said: we are missing the king’s utensil and for whoever brings it is a camel’s load.
16. They said by Allah definitely you know we did not come to cause corruption in the earth and we
are not thieves.
17. They said so what is the compensation if you are liars?
18. They said its compensation is the one whoever it is found in he will be its compensation, like
that we compensate the wrongdoers.
19. And the utensil came out from Binyamin’s belongings so the brothers were embarrassed, and
but they said without embarrassment:
20. If he (Binyamin) stole so then a brother of his (Yusuf) stole from before.
21. And Yusuf heard this accusation so he remained silent and did not become angry and Yusuf was
noble and tolerant.
22. They said O governor, for him is an old elderly father, so take one of us in his place, indeed we
see you from those who do good.
23. He said Allah forbid that we take other than the one with who we found our property, indeed
we would then be oppressors.
24. And like that Binyamin remained by Yusuf and the two brothers were happy together.
25. Indeed, Yusuf was alone since a long time he did not see anyone from his family.
26. And indeed, Allah drove to him Binyamin should he not then hold him back by him seeing him
and talking to him.
27. And is it from oppression that a brother stays by his brother. Never! Never!

21. To Yaqoob
1. And the brothers were confused, how would they return to their father?!
2. And the brothers pondered, what will they say to their father?!
3. Certainly, they grieved him yesterday regarding Yusuf, should they grieve him today regarding
4. As for their eldest, he refused to return to Yaqoob and he said to his brothers:
5. (Return to your father, then say O our father indeed your son stole and we only witness with
what we know and we are not protectors of the unseen.)
6. And when Yaqoob heard the story, he knew indeed Allah’s hand is in that.
7. Indeed, Allah is testing him.
8. Yesterday he was grieved regarding Yusuf and today he is grieved regarding Binyamin, indeed
Allah does not gather upon him two calamities, indeed Allah will not grieve him regarding both
9. Indeed, Allah will not grieve him regarding two sons like Yusuf and Binyamin.
10. Indeed, for Allah in that is a hidden hand.
11. Indeed, for Allah in that is a hidden wisdom.
12. Indeed, Allah continues testing his servants then he makes them happy and bestows favours
upon them.
13. Then indeed the eldest son remained in Egypt and refused to return to Kanaan.
14. Should he then be grieved regarding the third also, indeed he was caused grief from before
regarding the two.
15. Indeed, this will not be.
16. And here Yaqoob was at ease and he said:
17. (Perhaps

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