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14:29:40 +04'00'
Site Project Quality Document
Customer Project PO Number
TechnipFMC AQAM Development EPCI 077607C004-230-PO-5530-012-7010
C: Record & Raise Documents H: Hold Point N: Non-Destructive Testing V: Visual 1: 100%
Legend D: Dimensional Inspection I: Random Inspection R/A: Review/APPROVAL W: Witness 2: 10%
E: Examine/Endorse Documents M: Monitor T: Destructive Testing S: Surveillance
Approval Inspection
BSIBV Production Test
No. Activity Description 22 Rev. Method / Acceptance Criteria Verifying doc
QP 04-1 Frequency BSIBV TP FMC DPE / TPI

All relevant quality documentation related to anode installation shall
1 Quality Documentation 2.1 Documentatio - H R R
be submitted to client representative prior to start of production.
Quality certificate of conformance for the anode material delivered
2 Anode Certificates 2.1 and its performance test data shall be submitted to client for Each Batch H R R
approval before installation.

Inspect the Anode shell for identification number, damages, defects,

contamination or irregularities. Any Anode shell observed with
irregularities will be quarantined and informed to Customer’s site
Anodes Receiving
3 3.1 2.1 representative. TF 016 Each Batch H V R
The Internal Surface of the Anode shall be wiped clean using a dry
cloth. Inspect for any damages or contamination on the anode shell.

Electrodes supplied in sealed cartons shall be used. Electrodes

shall be stored as per manufacturer's recommendation. Should be
4 Electrode storage 2.2 QF 01-3 Each Electrodes H M R
baked in oven at minimum 325˚C for one hour after reduce to
Visual Inspection of anode surface to ensure inner surface coating
is not damaged and that there are no detrimental cracks in the half
Visual Inspection of Anode TF 016 / GloQ-
5 2.1 Each anode H W1 R
Surface 410 / RF 002
Visual inspection of anode external surface to ensure no surface
irregularities. Any Anode shell observed with irregularities shall be
quarantined and informed to Customer’s site representative.

Visual Inspection of anode surface shall be carried out to ensure,

Visual Inspection of Anode - Edges and inside face of Type 8SA1 anodes are painted with TF 016 / GloQ-
6 Each anode H W1 R
Coating / Neoprene Lining modified epoxy paint. 410 / RF 002
- Inner surface of each anode shell is lined with neoprene sheet
except Type 8SA1 anodes.

Doc. No.: BSIBV-ITP-04-1, Rev. 0 Page 2 of 4

Revision Date: 08-Oct-18
Site Project Quality Document
Customer Project PO Number
TechnipFMC AQAM Development EPCI 077607C004-230-PO-5530-012-7010
C: Record & Raise Documents H: Hold Point N: Non-Destructive Testing V: Visual 1: 100%
Legend D: Dimensional Inspection I: Random Inspection R/A: Review/APPROVAL W: Witness 2: 10%
E: Examine/Endorse Documents M: Monitor T: Destructive Testing S: Surveillance
Approval Inspection
BSIBV Production Test
No. Activity Description 22 Rev. Method / Acceptance Criteria Verifying doc
QP 04-1 Frequency BSIBV TP FMC DPE / TPI

Confirm anode identity and record half shell number with pipe
7 Anode Identification 2.1 QF 04-1 Every Half Shell H M R
All anti corrosion coated pipes shall be visually inspected and
holiday detected prior to Anode Installation. 100% of the coated pipe
8 Visual Inspection of Pipes surface shall be holiday detected at a voltage of 25 kV shall be used QF 001 All pipes H W1 R
at a speed of not exceeding 300mm/sec. The anode installing area
shall be free from any damages or contamination.

For single anode installation, the anode bracelet shall be installed

approximate center of the pipe joint. For two or more anodes
installation per single joint, the anodes shall be equally spaced over
the joint length.

One anode half section shall be lifted and positioned on top of the
pipe. The other half shell shall be located on a cradle and
9 Anode Installation Location 3.2 2.3 - All Pipes H W1 R
positioned directly under the top half. By means of a hydraulic lift the
two sections shall be drawn together by use of come-along fitted
around the two halves, and the assembly shall be clamped tightly
together. A sufficient force shall be applied to ensure the anode
shells are fitted tightly to the pipe.
The gap between the reinforcement and the anode shall be
minimum 30 mm and maximum 50 mm.

The overlapping protruding anode tabs shall be cleaned by buffing.

Preheat surface to remove moisture (if required) Coating shall be
Every Weld (All Anode
10 Welding of Anode Straps 4.2 2.4 protected from weld spatter. Welding shall conform to approved QF 04-1 H M R
Installed Pipes)
weld procedure WPS#639 / WPQR#639. Only approved welders
shall be used.

The anti-corrosion coating shall be removed from an approximate

Thermit Welding
11 4.2 2.5 50 mm diameter area. The steel shall be cleaned to ST 3 in - Every Weld H M R
accordance with ISO 8501-1.

Doc. No.: BSIBV-ITP-04-1, Rev. 0 Page 3 of 4

Revision Date: 08-Oct-18
Site Project Quality Document
Customer Project PO Number
TechnipFMC AQAM Development EPCI 077607C004-230-PO-5530-012-7010
C: Record & Raise Documents H: Hold Point N: Non-Destructive Testing V: Visual 1: 100%
Legend D: Dimensional Inspection I: Random Inspection R/A: Review/APPROVAL W: Witness 2: 10%
E: Examine/Endorse Documents M: Monitor T: Destructive Testing S: Surveillance
Approval Inspection
BSIBV Production Test
No. Activity Description 22 Rev. Method / Acceptance Criteria Verifying doc
QP 04-1 Frequency BSIBV TP FMC DPE / TPI

Each half bracelet shall be attached to the pipe by two 16 mm²

diameter PVC insulated copper cables. The protective coating of the
anode conductor leads shall be trimmed back to expose the wire
Welding of Bonding Cable core. Using the correct moulds and thermit charge the cable shall Every Weld (All Anode
12 4.2 2.5 QF 04-1 H M R
to Pipe have one end thermit welded to the anode tab and the other welded Installed Pipes)
to the pipe surface. Thermit weld shall conform to approved
procedure BSIBV-WPS#504-4 using 15gm charge. Insulation cable
shall be clean and dry. Only approved welders shall be used.

Thermit weld area shall be cleaned using pencil grinder to remove

any residue of loose particles. Then the scattered particles shall be
13 Post Weld Cleaning 4.2 2.6 removed using brush or air blower. The mould shall be cleaned of - Every weld H M R
any slag/charge. The mould shall be replaced on completion of 50

The electric continuity between thermit weld connection and pipe

14 Electrical Continuity Test 5.1 3 QF 04-1 Every Weld H W1 R
bare surface shall not exceed 10 milliohms using an ohm meter.

After successful completion of thermit welding; the exposed steel,

QF 04-1 / QF
15 Coating Repairs 4.3 2.6 / 3 straps and FBE (anticorrosion) repair area shall be repaired using Every Weld H W1 R
Canusa HBE HT and covered with marine mastic.

Gap between anode half shells shall be filled flush with hot marine
16 Anode Gap Infill 2.7 mastic. Anode surface shall be kept clean. Accepted anode installed QF 04-2 All pipes H M R
pipes shall be sent to next process.
Each anode shall be protected during concrete weight coating by
15 Anode Covering 2.8 polyethylene wrap securely banded in place. The sheeting shall - All pipes H M R
completely cover the surface of the anode.
Final documentation shall be submitted to TPI by BSIBV once all the
QF 032 (IRN)
16 Final documentation testing completed. The final documentation shall be prepared in Completion of project H H H
accordance with approved MRB Index.

Doc. No.: BSIBV-ITP-04-1, Rev. 0 Page 4 of 4

Revision Date: 08-Oct-18

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