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The ever-growing society has made people see technology as some form

of necessity. Technology-comes from the Greek word techne and logos

which mean art and word. Technology means a discourse on arts. It first
appeared in the 17th century where the concept was only used to talk
about the arts, specifically applied arts. Concepts like machine and tools
were also attached to the word “technology” which is the more popular
sense of the concept nowadays.

A number of technological devices can be easily found inside the home, the
most accessible place to anyone. It can also be easily inferred that these
technological devices are some of the most popular and most commonly used
types of devices across all age groups. People all over the world use these
technologies every day to accomplish different purposes.
A product of different experiments by various people. Paul Gottlieb Nipkow,
a German student, in the late 1800s was successful in his attempt to send
images through wires with the aid of a rotating disk. This invention was the
called “electric telescope” that had 18 lines of resolution. In 1907, two
inventors, Alan Archibald Campbell-Swinton who was an English scientist
and Boris Rosing who was a Russian scientist, created a new system of
television by using cathode ray tube in addition to the mechanical scanner

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