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Running head: Speech

Student’s name: Ezz Eldin

Name of instructor: Soad Khalil



I. Attention Getter: Do you ever take in stray pets and take care of them? How about

paying extra attention on your pet’s health and general well-being? Does your heart pain

when you see a pet that has been hit by a car? Imagine cries and suffering of a living

thing that is not able to communicate in human language. (Attention getter 1) James

Cromwell once said, “Pets are humanizing. They remind us we have an obligation and

responsibility to preserve and nurture and care for all life.” (Attention getter 2) Pet

show us our sense of purpose, therefore they deserve to be safe, healthy and taken care

from any harm or danger. Using the basic necessities of pet care provided by The Animal

Foundation, (

proper-pet-care#2018), one can care properly for any pet (Attention getter 3). With this

in mind, whether you are a bet lover or not, or whether you own a pet or not, you should

never harm or hurt any pet. Taking care of pets is every human’s responsibility.

II. Audience Relevance: Keeping pets has become a habit for almost all household in many

countries. People want to kept pets, love them and play with them, but they do not

understand their benefits. This topic is relevant to the audience, who own a pet, want a

pet or will encounter a pet that need help. Understanding why care important and benefits

of caring for the pets can help the audience be open minded pets and the benefits which

they offer.

III. Credibility statement: As an individual who has volunteered and worked in a pet shelter,

I can tell taking of the pest is important. I also own a pet dog, which has helped me learn

the benefits of having a pet. According to research, 70% of households in countries such
as United States, own a pet, either a dog, cat, horse or a fish. Pets, such as dogs are often

referred to as human’s best friend due to their ability to learn various human skills and

their behavior’s which include loyalty and demeanor. However, thousands of pet still

dying out of negligence. In addition, there are still many stray pets, which have been

abandoned. This shows that people need to learn how to care for pets and benefits they

offer. Have also used NIH News in Health to provided more information on the health

benefits of owning and caring for a pet

IV. Thesis: Caring for our pets is essential because pets are linked to various health benefits

such as improving mental health.


Preview: proper care of your pet is the basis of a responsible owner.

1. Ways of taking care of your pet

There are various ways, in which people can use in caring for their pet. These steps include,

taking your pet to the vet for checkup once in a year. This ensures the pet has a healthy condition

and diet. From the vet, one can get to understand if the do has any health condition or medication

they need. When I started working in a pet shelter, there was one dog, which never followed

instruction or any training. After 3 years of assuming the dog was probably dumb, vet decided to

run a through checkup on it, where he found out the dog was suffering from hearing loss. This

shows how important it is to take your pet to vet at least once in a year or each time you notice

something abnormal. Next, provide your pet with healthy food and 24/7 fresh water access,

provide a cozy and safe shelter, make sure the pet gets regular exercise depending or the type of

pet and finally, providing them with all necessary care.

2. Pet health benefits

Over the last few years, health experts have found out owning a pet, especially a dog, can

increase an individual’s overall health. One of the health benefits include, lowering an

individual’s stress and anxiety. Phycologist claim that petting a dog, can increase someone’s

serotonin level and decrease the level of cortisol (stress related hormone). If such pet can

decrease the level of stress, then pet can be said to be one of the best tool to help fight mental

problems. Pet can help in physical fitness, when playing or walking them. In addition, pets can

be a source of comfort and support. According to one study, children with autism spectrum

disorder tend to be calmer while playing with a guinea pig while dogs help children with ADHD

to focus their attention.


There are many reason why people should care for their pets. Pets such as pigs, cats and dogs can

improve our overall physical and mental help. Pets are caring, best known for their benefits.

Therefore, caring for our pet means having a healthy and mutual relationship with them, which

can benefit us in different aspect.

NIH (2018). “The Power of Pets. Health Benefits of Human-Animal Interactions.” NIH News in



The Animal foundation (2022). The Basic Necessities of Proper Pet Care.


Centers for Disease control and prevention (2019). “About pets & People.” How to Stay Healthy

Around Pets.

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