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M1: Justify distribution and marketing methods for the planned


For the distributing and marketing methods I will need to evaluate and research what will be most
effective for the festival to reach the right people. Distribution methods would include trying to get
the festival known by people in the area and can further share information amongst others.
However, marketing methods would include deciding which section of audience that I will target with
the different graphics I have made.

For the poster It could be distributed physically to reach many people at the targeted age group, for
this I would recommend on putting the posters on walls where people will be able to walk past and
see the poster. This means that people could possibly stop and read the poster or even see whilst
walking past and they can later research the festival name etc. Some locations that may be suited for
the poster to be placed would be where people between the ages 18-24 would usually be. This could
be in train stations as it is not unusual for people in this age category to use the train and they will
see the poster when waiting or walking past in the train station. Another location where I could place
a poster would be in student unions, this would be a good location because it is the right age
category for the marketing to reach because people who will be here are the in the age range that
the festival is intended for, allowing them to be able to stop and read or get more information from
the poster. A last location I could place the poster would be in public changing rooms like pools and
gyms as people who are old enough to attend the festival will be able to read and be informed on the
details of the festivals and if it will interest them. This location will be effective because it isn’t too
busy where the poster will be covered or not seen but is also a popular location so it can reach the
target audience.

Online marketing and distribution will include social media. A good social media platform to use
would be Instagram as It is a popular app used by the target audience so therefore would be
effective for marketing purposes. By using Instagram, I can scale the poster down to a shape to fit the
post and then post the poster on Instagram allowing it to reach the intended audience and even
more. When using a social media such as Instagram I can also repost and share the post onto further
people by using story features etc, which makes the poster be seen by an even wider audience. As
Instagram allows you to post it means that the poster can be seen by people anywhere anytime using
their phone and will not be deleted. Another use of online distribution would be using emails to
reach out to people who have an interest in festivals and inform them on the festival, I can buy
peoples emails who have previously attended festivals and then send them links to the website or
even an image of the poster with all the information they need. Not everybody may see the email
however it still means that people who like festivals or have attended them in the past can access the
poster. Online distribution also includes websites – this means that I can pay for the poster to pop up
on websites and then it can be seen by people when they are researching other festivals or things to
do over the summer, allowing the festival and poster o be seen by a wider audience digitally
anywhere anytime.
For the billboard it could be distributed in places where it can be seen by a wide audience In a large
area. A good example of this would be on motorways and busy areas where people are driving, this is
because the billboard can be seen by people who are local in the area or close to the area where the
festival is taking place. If the billboard is placed on the side of motorways, it means that it can be
seen by whoever is diving past whether they take interest in festivals or not can get information on
the festival and look it up later. As motorways are busy and used by thousands of people a day it
would be effective to place the billboard here because it can reach the right people locally. Another
way billboard would be effective would be on the side of buildings in busy city areas. This is good
because it can be placed in busy areas where people will walk past and see, because people are
walking that means they can stop, read and gather more information about the festival. However,
this means that it is targeting everybody and not certain age categories about the festival meaning
this method would not be the most effective to reach the target audience but could be effective to
get people to have knowledge on the festival generally.

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