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University of Mumbai



2. Class : T. Y. BSc(IT)

3. Div: A

4. Roll No.: 12009

5. Name and Address of the College: BHARAT COLLEGE OF ARTS AND


6. Extension Work Project enrolled for: IOP

I) Vocational Career Oriented Projects

2. Industry Orientation Project [IOP]



Acknowledgement by the Student

I am deeply thankful for the guidance, encouragement, and assistance provided by principal

Dr. Deepak Sable and Dr. Savita Punjabi Ma'am.

Their expertise and insights have greatly enriched the quality of this Extension Work Activity. I

also want to extend my appreciation to our DLLE unit, and teaching staff that have played a

crucial role in the successful completion of this Activity.

I also want to acknowledge the generous support from our College. Their investment in this

has been a catalyst for its realization their invaluable support and contributions.

• My reason for joining Extension Work Activity:

Answer: I enthusiastically joined the extension activity to bridge the gap between academic

knowledge and practical industry applications. Recognizing the significance of hands-on

experience in shaping a well-rounded professional, I sought to immerse myself in a real-world

setting where. By actively participating in this extension activity, I aim to enhance my

employability, gain a deeper understanding of industry dynamics, and contribute effectively to

the intersection of academia and real-world business environments


• Please write about the difficulties you faced while conducting activities.

Answer: Balancing Academic Load: Juggling project responsibilities with academic

coursework may have been a small challenge.

Managing time: Being a student and working simultaneously creates a busy schedule because

of which managing time was a challenge

Limited Resources: Limited access to specific resources, like materials or equipment, may have

presented small hurdles in project execution.

Communication: Overcoming initial hesitation or resistance of communication might have

been a small challenge.

• How did you overcome the difficulties?

Answer: I tried to create a proper time to time schedule of my day to day activities and

followed it strictly. Made a rule to study daily for at least 2 hours while managing my work.

Tried to find alternative solutions to limited resources to overcome the hurdles while project


• Please write about your expectations from extension work activities.

Answer: It allowed me to bridge the gap between academia and real-world scenarios.

Furthermore, I looked forward to fostering meaningful connections with industry professionals,

thereby expanding my network and gaining valuable insights.

• Are your expectations fulfilled? Please brief.


Answer: With the help of our respected Principal Dr. Deepak Sable sir, Program Officer Dr.

Savita Punjabi Ma'am, Prof. Sushma ma’am, Prof. Neha ma’am and DLLE unit the extension

work activities fulfilled my expectations by providing a holistic and dynamic perspective on the

industry, ensuring the project's outcomes were not only academically robust but also reflective

of the current and practical industry landscape.

• What did you learn by Extension Activities? (gain / loss)

Answer: The extension activities not only enhanced my project management abilities but also

underscored the importance of flexibility and resourcefulness in navigating the intricacies of

the industry landscape. I also faced several challenges that improved my adaptability and

problem-solving skills.

• How will Extension Work help you to contribute to the Society?

Answer: The extension work played a pivotal role in translating knowledge into tangible

contributions for society. By actively engaging with industry professionals and understanding

the intricacies of the field, I gained insights that went beyond academic boundaries. Through

practical applications of industry knowledge, the extension work played a crucial role in

fostering a sense of corporate responsibility and contributing to the betterment of society.

• What is your suggestion?

Answer: Improve the existing resources and make required resources available to everyone.

Should organize more activities, competitions etc.



Table C:


1. a) Name of the Employer/ Firm: Bharat College of Arts And Commerce

b) Address of the Employer/Firm: Hendrepada, Badlapur (west)

Employer Tel No.: 96079711919

Prof. Harshita Baviskar (Activity In-Charge)

Sr. Date Time Work Done & Experience Gained

In Out Total hrs.
1 to
1 10/07/2023 7 2 7 Documentation
2 11/07/2023 7 1 6 Document Scanning
3 12/07/2023 7 2 7 PPT Presentation
4 13/07/2023 8 1 5 Created Register
5 14/07/2023 7 12 5 Documentation
6 15/07/2023 7 2 7 Created Register
7 18/07/2023 8 1 5 Document Scanning
8 19/07/2023 7 3 8 PPT Presentation
9 20/07/2023 7 2 7 Documentation
10 21/07/2023 8 4 8 Document Scanning
11 22/07/2023 7 4 9 Created Register
12 24/07/2023 7 3 8 Documentation
13 26/07/2023 7 12 5 Documentation
14 27/07/2023 7 1 6 Document Scanning
15 28/07/2023 8 12 4 PPT Presentation
16 31/07/2023 8 1 5 Created Register
17 01/08/2023 7 1 6 Documentation

18 02/08/2023 7 12 5 Document Scanning

19 03/08/2023 8 12 4 Document Scanning
20 04/08/2023 9 2 5 Created Register
21 05/08/2023 9 3 6 PPT Presentation
22 07/08/2023 8 4 8 Document Scanning
23 08/08/2023 7 3 8 PPT Presentation
24 09/08/2023 7 1 6 Created Register
25 10/08/2023 7 2 7 Documentation
157 hrs.

Table K:


For UG. PG. & B. Ed.

Sr. Date Activity Hours Outcome

1 29/10/2023 First Term Training Program 05 Learnt about
2 04/07/2023 College & Community Level Activity 80 For IOP 150 hrs.

3 22/12/2023 Second Term Training Program 05 We got to know

about new
DLLE activities
4 30/01/2024 Udaan Festival /Essay Writing 20 (Essay writing)
Learned about
Social Issues of
5 30/11/2023 Project Report Writing 10 Developed
various skills
Total 120

• Names of the College & Community Level Activities in which student has taken active participation such as: street play,
group songs, poster, elocution, speech, lessons, industrial visit etc. (any other); Please give Details.

Sr. Date Name of the activity such Topic of the activity: Participation for / as: Location/ Poster No of Signature of the
No. as: Street Play, group (Save Food, Child writing, directing, Place of prepared Hours Extension Work
songs, poster, allocution, Labor, performing, music or performance Yes / No Teacher
speech lessons etc. Environment, singing, poster designing, (College /
Pollution, women painting etc. Community)
empowerment etc.)

1 03/02/2024 Blood Donation Social Activity Volunteer College yes 8


2 20/08/2023 Mega Tree Plantation Environment Volunteer Ashwamedh Yes 8

Drive Upwan

• Details of the activities attended by you performed at college or community level:

Sr. Name of the Activity Yes Date Place / Location Topic / Subject Participated No. of No of Hours
No / No as Participants

i Exhibition
ii Seminar, Talk, Speeches yes 29/10/2023 Dr.L.H. Hiranandani College First Term Student 90 10
of pharmacy Training ,
Second Term 74
22/12/2023 Training
College Campus

iii Visits
iv Street Play

v Competitions held such as yes College Campus Quiz, Book Student 35 10

Elocution, Rangoli, Poster Making, Mark making,
Street Play, Quiz, Debate, Essay, Videography,
Craft Making, etc. Poster Making,
Cover page

vi Lessons taken by students if any

(for B. Ed. students)

vii Interview / survey No. of persons


viii Any other Activity yes 15/08/2023 College Campus Independence Student 45 10
26/01/2024 Day, Republic

Essay Writing on social issues / Additional Information you

may wish to share with us for improvement.


Mental health can be referred to as the psychological, emotional, and social well-being of
an individual. Though mental health does not have a proper definition, it is roughly termed
as the healthy and sound mental state of an individual. As human beings, we often neglect
the status of our mental health. It happens more frequently because it might not come to a
person’s notice that his/her mental health is deteriorating. An individual’s mental health is
associated with a lot of factors that drive negative emotions in the mind. Stress, anxiety,
and depression are some of the most widely existing mental health conditions in human
beings. These leads serious mental health problems such as schizophrenia, personality
disorders, and many more.

Doctors also believe that these mental health issues are the result of the hectic and chaotic
life that humans are leading to. Most mental health problems are also driven by an
extreme situation from the past that leaves an everlasting impact on the individual’s mind
and body. It's not just related to your emotional or psychological well-being, its way
beyond that. The situation further extends to hampering the behaviour of an individual. It
makes a person aggressive, vulnerable, socially distant, and much more. All these are
noticeable symptoms of poor mental health.

As per Science and medicine, there are various factors that can deteriorate an individual’s
mental health. These factors are classified as environmental factors, emotional factors,
physical factors, and of course mental factors. Unhappy relationships, peer pressure, career
stress, childhood abuse or trauma, family problems, mishappening with a loved person,
loneliness, isolation, social deprivation, lack of acceptance, and various other factors drive
pessimistic thoughts in human beings. Thus, it is said that your body and mind are
influenced by anything and everything in and around you.

An individual can work on improving his/her mental health by seeking external help and
practicing a healthy and mindful life. People can start by eating healthy, reducing their
screen time, indulging themselves in activities that bring pleasure and peace, and sleeping
peacefully. It is important for people to avoid places and people that bring chaos and
negative emotions into their lives. A psychologist/counsellor can help you to understand
the pattern of your mental disorders and work on it. I think it's high time, that we start
talking about mental health issues with an open heart and instead help others in
overcoming these challenging times. Celebration of World Mental Health Day is one such
initiative that focuses on encouraging open conversations about mental health disorders
and seeking external help.


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