Mater Bi

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Polymer Degradation and Stability 59 (I 998) 263-212

(c) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science Limited. All rights reserved

Printed in Northern Ireland
PII: SO141-3910(97)00156-O 0141.3910/98/$19.00

Properties and applications of Mater-Bi

starch-based materials
Catia Bastioli”
Novamont S.p.A., Via G. Fauser, 8, I-28100 Novara, Italy

(Accepted 12 July 1997)

Novamont is generally recognized as a pioneer in the sector of starch-based bio-

degradable materials. It started its research activity in 1989, and now has four
classes of materials, A, Z, V, and Y, sold under the Mater-Bi trademark, con-
taining starch and differing in their synthetic components.
This paper revises the main results obtained by Novamont in the field of ther-
moplastics and complexed starch in the presence of specific synthetic polymers,
and aspects, such as processability, physico-chemical and physico-mechanical
properties, composting behavior and future market perspectives of Mater-Bi
Moreover, the paper considers aspects such as in-use performances and bio-
degradation behavior of Mater-Bi bags for the separate collection of organic and
yard waste, the first real industrial product in the sector of biodegradable
materials introduced in the market by Novamont since 1992. 0 1998 Published
by Elsevier Science Limited. All rights reserved

1 INTRODUCTION economical. Technologies, such as cornposting

used for the disposal of food and yard waste,
The management of solid waste disposal with accouning for 2540% of the total municipal solid
regard to the decreasing availability of landfills, the waste, are the most suitable for the disposal of
litter problem and the pollution of the marine biodegradable materials together with soiled or
environment is becoming very urgent in indus- food-contaminated paper.
trialized countries and may extend very quickly to International organizations, such as the Amer-
developing countries. ican Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), in
A solution is the valorization of waste as a connection with the Institute for Standards
resource through its separation into specific frac- Research (ISR), the European Standardisation
tions, to be transformed into new products with a Committee (CEN), the International Standardisa-
certain market value. Technological aspects, such tion Organisation (ISO), the German Institute for
as the development of safer and more efficient Standardisation (DIN), the Italian Standardization
recycling technologies and the development of Agency (UNI), the Organic Reclamation and
materials which are easy to reuse or recycle and of Cornposting Association (ORCA), are all actively
biodegradable materials, can significantly con- involved in developing * definitions and tests for
tribute to the solution of the problem. biodegradability in different environments and
Biodegradable polymers constitute a loosely compostability.‘,*
defined family of polymers that are designed to be Although a standard world-wide definition for
degraded by living organisms. They offer a possi- biodegradable plastics has not been established,
ble alternative to traditional non-biodegradable nevertheless all the definitions already in place
polymers when recycling is impractical or not (ASTM, CEN, ISO) correlate the degradability of
a material to a specific disposal environment and to
a specific standard test method which simulates
*Fax: 39 321 699601; e-mail: novamont.bastioli@novara. this environment in a time period which determines its classification.
264 C. Rastioli

According to this approach CEN, ORCA, UN1 Novamont followed an approach based on three
and DIN have defined, at draft level, the basic main points:
requirements for a product to be declared
compostable based on: l use abundant, inexpensive, natural raw mat-
erials, available annually from different crops,
l Complete biodegradability of the product, in excess of current market needs in USA and
measured through respirometric tests like Europe, like starch, proteins, cellulose, vege-
ASTM D5338-92, ISO/CD14855 and corre- table oils;
sponding CEN draft or the modified Sturm test a take advantage of the skills of an experienced
ASTM D5209, in a time period compatible with interdisciplinary team of ‘Materials Science’;
the cornposting technology (a few months); l engineer tailor-made materials for specific
l Disintegration of the material during the applications, identified by means of a close
fermentation phase; contact between R&D and the market.
l No negative effects on compost quality and in
particular no toxic effects of the compost and The present objective is the production of a new
leachates on terrestrial and aquatic organisms; generation of plastic-like materials from natural
l Control of laboratory-scale results on pilot/ sources, which retain their properties while in use and
full-scale cornposting plants. completely biodegrade when properly discharged.
The Novamont approach gave effective results
These requirements set forth a common base for mainly in the area of starch-based materials with
a universal marking system to readily identify significant achievements on starch destructuriza-
products to be composted. tion, complexation and compatibilization, in the
Starch-based materials are now industrial prod- presence of specific synthetic and natural polymers
ucts and are leading the still small market of bio- and additives, and on the engineering of products
degradable products, whereas aliphatic polyesters, with a wide range of properties.
another promising class of materials, are just at the The behavior of starch-based materials has been
development stage. deeply studied in terms of processability, physico-
The market potential for biodegradable products chemical and physico-mechanical properties and
in the next 5 years can be estimated at approxi- biodegradation trend.
mately 30 00@-40 000 ton/year in Europe. Amer- The production capacity of Novamont today is
ican and Japanese markets are of great potential, 8000 ton/year.
but are still at a very early stage of development, The technology used is very flexible and permits
with the exception of starch-based loose-fillers. adaptation of the plant capacity to the market
This paper reviews the state of the art of thermo- needs, with minor investments and in a short
plastic starch and the results obtained by Novamont period of time.
on thermoplastic starch complexed with synthetic
hydrophylic/hydrophobic copolymers, on thermo-
plastic starch blended with non-compatible syn- 3 STARCH-BASED MATERIALS: STATE OF
thetic polymers, and on thermoplastic starch THE ART
partially complexed with non-compatible or
slightly compatible synthetic polymers. Starch is an inexpensive abundant product avail-
The four classes of Mater-Bi products currently able annually from corn and other crops. It is
available on the market are also described in terms totally biodegradable in a wide variety of environ-
of processability, physico-chemical and physico- ments and can permit the development of totally
mechanical properties and biodegradation behavior. degradable products for specific market needs.
Degradation or incineration of starch products
recycles the atmospheric CO2 trapped by starch-
2 NOVAMONT: GENERAL INFORMATION producing plants during their growth, thus closing
the biological carbon cycle.
Novamont is an innovation-oriented company, Starch is constituted by two major components:
able to develop and apply advanced technologies amylose, a mostly linear alpha-D-( l-4)-glucan and
to natural raw materials for the solution of envi- amylopectin, an alpha-D-( l-4) glucan which has
ronmental problems. From the very beginning, alpha-D-(1-6) linkages at the branch point. The
Properties and applications of Mater-Bi starch-based materials 265

linear amylose molecules of starch have a mole- hydrophobic units (i.e. copolymers of vinyl-
cular weight of 0.2-2 million, while the branched alcohol, polyester-urethanes, ethylene-acrylic
amylopectin molecules have molecular weights as acid copolymers, etc.).
high as 100-400 million.3T4 2. Thermoplastic starch blended with incompat-
In nature, starch is found as crystalline beads of ible synthetic polymers (cellulose derivatives,
approximately 15 -100 pm in diameter, in three aliphatic polyesters, etc.)
crystalline modifications designated A (cereal), B 3. Partially complexed and/or compatibilized
(tuber), and C (smooth pea and various beans), all thermoplastic starch blended with incompat-
characterized by almost perfect left-handed, six- ible or slightly compatible synthetic polymers.
fold double helices.
The biodegradation behavior of the different
3.1 Thermoplastic starch products is mainly influenced by the biodegrad-
ability of the synthetic component, although the
Starch can be made thermoplastic according to a presence of starch can significantly influence the
technology very similar to extrusion cooking. biodegradation rate of intrinsically biodegradable
Extrusion cooking and forming is characterized by synthetic components.
sufficient work and heat being applied to a cereal-
based product to cook or gelatinize completely ail
the ingredients. Equipment used for high pressure 5 THERMOPLASTIC STARCH COMPLEXED
extrusion heats materials during processing, and WITH SYNTHETIC COPOLYMERS
continually compresses them.
Thermoplastic starch products with different As an example, starch/vinyl alcohol copolymer
viscosity, water solubility and water absorption systems, 27 depending on the processing conditions,
have been prepared by altering the moisture con- on starch type and on copolymer composition, can
tent of the raw product and the temperature or the generate a wide variety of morphologies and prop-
pressure in the extruder. A thermoplastic starch erties as a result of the extent of a complex formed
can be solubilized without any formation of mal- between amylose and the synthetic molecules
todextrins, and the extent of solubilization depends (Figs 1 and 2). Second derivative IR studies suggest
on the extrusion temperature, the moisture content for the amylose configuration a six-folded single
of the starch before extrusion and the amylose/ helix identified as a ‘V’ structure.
amylopectin ratio.5-9 A model has been proposed considering large
Thermoplastic starch alone can be processed as a individual amylopectin molecules interconnected at
traditional plastic; its sensitivity to humidity, how- several points per molecule as a result of hydrogen
ever, makes it unsuitable for most applications. bonds and entanglements by chains of amylose/
The main use of thermoplastic starch alone is in vinyl alcohol copolymer V complexes.
soluble compostable foams, such as loose-fillers,
expanded trays, shape molded parts, expanded
layers, as a replacement for polystyrene.


Starch can be destructurized in combination with

different synthetic polymers to satisfy a broad
spectrum of market needs.1@26 Thermoplastic
starch composites can reach starch contents higher
than 50%.
Novamont discovered that thermoplastic starch
in combination with synthetic polymers can gen-
erate three different families of materials.
Fig. 1. Droplet-like
structure of thermoplastic corn starch/
1. Thermoplastic starch complexed with syn- EVOH system (5050 w/w on a dry basis), after disgregation in
thetic copolymers containing hydrophylic and boiling water.
266 C. Bastioli

The biodegradability of these composites has

been demonstrated in different environments.29
The degradation rate of 2-3 years in a watery
environment remains too slow for considering
these materials compostable (Fig. 4).



Starch can also be destructurized in the presence of

more hydrophobic polymers such as aliphatic
Fig. 2. Layered structure of thermoplastic waxy maize/EVOH It has been found that the blending of starch
system (50:50 w/w on dry basis) after 3 days of soil burial. with aliphatic polyesters improves their processa-
bility and biodegradation behavior. Particularly
This structure has been defined in the literature suitable polyesters are poly-c-caprolactone and its
as ‘interpenetrated’ and makes starch completely copolymers, or polymers at higher melting point
insoluble.27 formed by the reaction of glycols as 1,4 butandiol
The biodegradation rate of starch in these mat- with succinic acid or with sebacic acid, adipic acid,
erials is inversely proportional to the content of azelaic acid, decanoic acid or brassilic acid. The
amylose/vinyl alcohol copolymer complex (Fig. 3). presence of compatibilizers between starch and ali-
The products based on starch/polyethylene-vinyl phatic polyesters, such as amylose complexed with
alcohol (EVOH) show mechanical properties good aliphatic polyesters or with polymers partially or
enough to meet the needs of specific industrial appli- completely compatible with polyesters,31 starch
cations. Their moldability in tim blowing, injection grafted polyesters, chain extenders like diisocya-
molding, blow molding, thermoforming, foaming, nates, epoxides, etc., can improve the properties of
etc. is comparable with that of traditional plastics starch composites.
such as PS, ABS, LDPE.28 The main limitations of These types of materials are characterized by
these materials are in their high sensitivity to low excellent compostability, good mechanical proper-
humidities, with consequent enbrittlement. ties and reduced sensitivity to water.

Time (days)

Fig. 3. Weight loss of thermoplastic corn starch/EVOH (60:40) films in a soil burial test as a function of time and of amylose
content: (a) 70% amylose; (b) 25% amylose; (c) 5% amylose.
Properties and applications of Mater-Bi starch-based materials 267

Fig. 4. Weight loss (wl) of Mater-Bi AIOSH (A class) (thermoplastic starch/EVOH 60:40) under semicontinuous activated sludge
(SCAS) test conditions as a function of time (t).

The results obtained in the field of thermoplastic

starch in combination with polymers or copoly-
mers of vinyl alcohol and with aliphatic polyesters
and copolyesters in terms of biodegradation kinet-
ics, mechanical properties and reduced sensitivity
to humidity make these materials ready for a real
industrial development starting from film, foam
and injection molding applications. The present
global market is about 12 000 tons/year.
Main producers are Novamont with the Mater-
Bi trademark, ENPAC and National Starch.


Fig. 5. Microstructure of a thermoplastic starch blended with Under the Mater-Bi [67-69] trademark, Novamont
poly-•-caprolactone. The starch component has been removed
by etching with 1N HCl.
today produces four classes of biodegradable
materials (Table l), all based on starch and differ-
ing in synthetic components.
Thermoplastic starch can also be blended with
cellulose derivatives, as reported in the literature.29 1 Class Z :Biodegradable and compostable,
Thermoplastic starch in this case can be found as a mainly for films and sheets. The biodegrada-
dispersed form (Fig. 5). tion behavior is reported in Figs 6 and 7. They
contain thermoplastic starch and poly+
caprolactone and were introduced into the
7 PLASTICIZED THERMOPLASTIC market at the beginning of 1992. The micro-
STARCH structure of the products belonging to this
class can be very different, ranging from ther-
The combination of gelatinized starch with a solu- moplastic starch dispersed in the synthetic
ble polymer, such as poly(viny1 alcohol) (PVOH) component (Fig. 5) as in the case of Mater-Bi
and/or poly(alkylene glycols), has been widely ZIOIU, to thermoplastic starch in a semi-
considered since 1970. In recent years, thermo- continuous phase, as in the case of Mater-Bi
plastic starch/PVOH has been mainly studied for ZF03U/A.
producing starch-based loose-fillers as a replace- 2. Class V: Biodegradable, compostable and
ment for expanded polystyrene.32-35 soluble, as a replacement for polystyrene
268 C. Bastioli

Table 1. Mater-Bi: classes and grades

Z class l Biodegradable and compostable mainly for films and sheets.

l Biodegradation time of 2@-45 days in composting conditions.
l Made of thermoplastic starch and poly-t-caprolactone.
Grade Technology use
ZF03U/A Film blowing Bags, nets, paper lamination, mulch films, twines,
wrapping film...
ZF02U/A Film blowing Diaper backsheets, paper lamination...
ZIOl u Film blowing/extrusion/casting injection General purposes, wrapping film...
ZIO 1U/T Extrusion/calandering/injection molding Thermoformed and injected items...

Y class l Biodegradable and compostable for rigid and dimensionally stable injection molded items.
. Biodegradation time of about 4 months in composting conditions and 30 days in anaerobic
conditions (1 mm in thickness).
l Made of thermoplastic starch and cellulose derivative.

Grade Technology Use

YIOlU Injection molding Cutlery, boxes, flowers pots, seedling plantertrays,
golf tees, vending cups, pens...

V class l Biodegradable, compostable and soluble for rigid and espanded items.
l Biodegradation time even shorter than Z grades.
l Content of thermoplastic starch more than 85%.

Grade Technology Use

PE02U Foaming Loose fillers and packaging foams as a replacement
of polystyrene...
PE03U Injection molding SoIuble cotton swabs, soluble items...

A class l Biodegradable, not compostable, mainly for molded items.

l Biodegradation time of about 2 years in an environment simulating a sewage sludge treatment plant.
l Made of starch and ethylene vinyl-alcohol copolymer, used in applications where compostability is
not required.

8 90
e 80
0" 70
ti 60
.g 50
7 40
; 30 -m-ZFO3UIA

z 20
E 10
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (Days)

Fig. 6. Aerobic biodegradation of Mater-Bi products of class Z under controlled composting conditions (ASTM D 5338-92), in
comparison with pure cellulose (test performed by VTT Institute, Finland).

packaging foams. Their biodegradation beha- molded items; they contain raw materials all
vior in a watery environment is reported in from natural origin, such as thermoplastic
Fig. 7. They have a starch content > 85% and starch in a dispersed form and cellulose deriva-
can be defined as thermoplastic plasticized tives. Their biodegradation behavior in different
starch. environments is reported in Figs 7-9. Their
3. Class Y: Biodegradable and compostable, mechanical properties (Table 2) and mold-
for rigid and dimensionally stable injection ability are very close to those of polystyrene.
Properties and applications of Mater-Bi starch-based materials 269

20 30 ‘lo 50
Time ( Days)

Fig. 7. Aerobic biodegradation of different Mater-Bi grades in the presence of municipal sewage sludge (ASTM D 5209-91 test).

g 80
- 70
s 6o
E 50
I 40
E 30
0 20

Time (days)

Fig. 8. High solid anaerobic digestion of Mater-Bi YIOI U in comparison with cellulose powder (ASTM D5511-94 performed by
OWS, Belgium).

100 , oc

2 80
: 56
; 60

g 40

s 20

0 --t
30 60 90
Time (Davsb

Fig. 9. Weight loss of Mater-Bi YIOlU under cornposting conditions (test method described in Ref. 36).

4. Class A: Biodegradable, non-compostable main uses are in sectors where compostability

materials (biodegradation time of 2 years in a is not required.
liquid environment (Fig. 4). They contain Novamont has recently launched two new grades
thermoplastic starch heavily complexed with of Mater-Bi for films belonging to class Z, ZIOlU
ethylene-vinyl alcohol copolymers. Their and ZF03U/A, which have the ‘OK COMPOST’
270 C.Bastioli

Table 2. Some physical properties of Mater-Bi YIOlU in comparison with traditional plastics
Test Procedure Unit YIOlU PS
Density Pycnometer g/cm3 1.35 1.04t 1.09
Melt flow rate ASTM D1238 g/lOmin 10+15 8e-12
(at 19O”C, load 5 kg)
Tensile strength ASTM D882 Mpa 25t30 35+64
Elongation at brake ASTM D882 % 2~6 le2.5
Tensile modulus ASTM D882 Mpa 2100+2500 2800+3500

Table 3. Some physical properties of Mater-Bi grades belonging to Z class, in comparison with traditional plastics
Test Procedure Unit ZF03U/A ZIOIU LDPE

MFI ASTM D1238 g/lOmin 4-5.5 1.5 0.1-22

Strength at break ASTM D882 MPa 31 28 8-10
Elongation at break ASTM D882 % 886 780 15&600
Young modulus ASTM D882 MPa 185 180 1O&200
Tear strength ASTM D1938
Primer N/mm 68 55 60
Propagation N/mm 68 55 60

certificate released by AIB-Vincotte Inter, an These Mater-Bi materials are industrial products
international company of auditing. designed for films and layers. An important exam-
The assignment criteria of the ‘OK COMPOST’ ple of a successful application of these two grades
label follow the ORCA Compostability Criteria is represented by the compostable bags for organic
and the draft guidelines currently under discussion and yard waste collection. The films and bags can
by international and national committees, such as be produced by means of traditional film blowing and
CEN, ISR/ASTM, ISO, DIN, UNI. sealing equipment for low density polyethylene with
Moreover, the biodegradability of the two mat- minor modifications, reaching similar productivities.
erials in cornposting conditions has been measured Bags of different sizes are already used by millions of
by VTT, Finland (Fig. 6) and by other institutes. European citizens for the separate collection of the
Data of biodegradability in different environments organic fraction of MSW to be composted.
are reported in Figs 6, 7 and 10. Their mechanical Novamont’s entrance into this market sector has
properties are very similar to those of low density been preceded by a comprehensive study on the
polyethylene (Table 3). behaviour of Mater-Bi bags in different compost-
ing plants (from static windrows to rotary fer-
menting reactors) and in ‘in-use’ conditions, in co-
operation with some European municipalities like
Furstenfeldbruck (Germany), Korneuburg (Aus-
tria), Trento and Bellusco (Italy). The preliminary
study has been completed in about 2 years, from
1992 to 1994. A summary of this preliminary
activity was presented at the International Con-
ference ‘The Science of Cornposting’ in 1995.37
Both the in-use performance and compostability
of Mater-Bi bags in full-scale cornposting facilities
have been fully satisfactory.
Besides cornposting and yard waste bags, other
main uses of Mater-Bi products are in the field of
short-life applications, such as shopping bags
(Fig. 1l), mulch film, film for wrapping, loose-fillers
(Fig. 12) and expanded shape molded parts as a
Fig. 10. Weight loss of Mater-Bi ZIOIU (class Z) under com- replacement for polystyrene, soluble cotton swabs,
posting conditions. nursery pots, cutlery, etc.
Properties and applications of Mater-Bi starch-based materials 271

Mater-Bi products are the result of a significant

investment made by Novamont in research and
development, testified to by the wide patent port-
folio and by the leading position in the small mar-
ket of biodegradable materials. In spite of these
positive results, thermoplastic starch-based materi-
als are still at an early stage of development with
many opportunities still to be taken.


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3. Otey, F. H. and Doane, W. M., in Starch Chemistry and
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272 C. Bastioli

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