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Hirachand Nemchand College of

Commerce, Solapur
(Autonomous College)
BBA Section
Name - Miss Vinita Narayandas Anandani
Class - BBA III Sem VI
Roll no - 2804
Subject – Marketing Management II
Seminar Topic- iD Fresh food
Teacher- Dr. Rajni Kshirsagar
Date - 21- 03 - 2021



PC Musthafa, along with his cousins, started iD Fresh Food in 2006, delivering
dosa and idli batter to neighbourhood stores in Bengaluru. Soon they were
supplying parotta and chutney, too. In 2017, the ready-to-cook food company
raised Rs-150 crore from Premji Invest, Wipro founder Azim Premji’s investment
arm, and sought to move beyond dosa and idli batter. Today, iD products – parottas
and chapatis and ready- to-cook idli, dosa, and vada batter and decoction for filter
coffee – are much sought after in major Indian cities such as Mumbai, Chennai,
and Hyderabad, besides West Asia.

There are millions of products in the market hence for a product to be successful in
a market; marketer has to make individual product decisions. Individual product
decisions involve the development of a product and related decisions regarding
marketing a product. There are three decisions to be taken for individual product
that are as follows.





“A brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one
seller’s good or service as distinct from the other sellers or to differentiate them
from competitors” (American Marketing Association).

You can consider a brand as the idea or image people have in mind when thinking
about specific products, services, and activities of a company, both in a practical
(e.g. “the shoe is light-weight”) and emotional way (e.g. “the shoe makes me feel
powerful”). It is therefore not just the physical features that create a brand but also
the feelings that consumers develop towards the company or its product. This
combination of physical and emotional cues is triggered when exposed to the
name, the logo, the visual identity, or even the message communicated.
Branding is the process of giving a meaning to specific organization, company,
products or services by creating and shaping a brand in consumers’ minds. It is a
strategy designed by organizations to help people to quickly identify and
experience their brand, and give them a reason to choose their products over the
competition’s, by clarifying what this particular brand is and is not.

The objective is to attract and retain loyal customers and other stakeholders by
delivering a product that is always aligned with what the brand promises.

Branding is a process of creating and maintaining brand

BRANDING OF iD Fresh food –

A brand contains six levels of meaning
 Attributes –

Brand Attributes are the core values that define the overall nature of the company
and represent the essence of the brand. They are the set of unique fundamentals
and characteristics that identify the physical, character, and personality traits of the
brand in the market and in the minds of the customers. They are on the similar
lines that allow us to consistently recognize the identity of an individual.

Brand Attributes helps to portray the brand characteristics of the company and
helps in formulating the brand identity. They give an exceptional and distinctive
competitive edge to the brand as compared to its arch contemporaries in the
industry and as the company marches ahead over a period of time, the attributes are
attached to the name and fame of the brand.

iD Fresh food is a company that prepares idli and dosa batter but what are its
attributes that make it special and make iD the brand that everyone chooses the
batter traditionally with fresh ingredients with no added preservatives no soda and
most importantly its idli and dosa batter is the same so you need not buy different
batter and also you don’t need to compromise on your wish of eating your favorite

 Benefits –

A brand is more than a set of attributes , customers are not buying attributes they
are buying benefits . Attributes need to be translated into functional and emotional

 Functional benefits –

The benefits that are related to the specific performance of the product or service .

iD idli and dosa batter is authentic south indian food which is ready to eat , easy to
cook with no added preservatives so you don’t need to worry about your health.

 Emotional benefits –

Emotional benefits in simple terms means looking at the product and asking
yourself how does it make you feel ? An emotional benefit is nothing more than
“something nice I can say about myself because I use your product or service.”

As most of you know id is a ready to eat product which is easy to make so you are
not dependent on anyone for your food you can make it for yourself, family and
friends. If someone is sick it comes in handy. Those who are away from home or
don’t know much about cooking can use it easily without creating any mess.

 Culture -

Company culture can be defined as a set of shared values, goals, attitudes and
practices that characterize an organization.
iD produces authentic south Indian batter which is traditionally prepared with fresh
ingredients and without any preservatives , the batter is fermented as authentic
south Indian batter is. iD believes in listening to its customers , identifying the
problem and solving it with common sense. iD food is organic, modern and infused
with tradition .

 Values –

The brand also says something about producers values .

For iD food is made in a kitchen and not in a laboratory, so when you bring home
id fresh food you bring food that is healthy and wholesome. iD is breaking the
stereotypes that authentic south Indian food is easy to make and their customers get
the authentic taste at home as packaged food is already stereotyped as unhealthy in
india but iD is making a change here they believe in Mahatma Gandhi philosophy
of be the change you want to see in the world .

 Personality –

The brand can also project a certain personality

Consumers making conscious lifestyle choices have risen over the years, be it for
their health or the food they’re consuming. While the lockdown initiated the home
cooking trend, they believe it has given way to a perceptible cultural shift – the
younger generation and busy nuclear couples are discovering the multiple benefits
of eating healthy, fresh, and easy-to-cook food. They are appreciating the fact that
they don’t have to compromise between healthy, delicious, and quick when it
comes to their everyday meals. Those people who don’t know how to cook can
also cook confidently and easily. This is also a great way to manage time and
 User-

The brand suggests the kind of consumers who buys or uses the product.

The primary target for iD fresh food were women, both homemakers as well as
working women of age group 26+ years in the upper and upper middle class of the
society . A large number of men also found iD products very handy and tasty. It
also includes bachelors and family.


Packaging means the wrapping or bottling of products to make them safe from
damages during transportation and storage. It keeps a product safe and marketable
and helps in identifying, describing, and promoting the product.

“Packing is the preparation of product or commodity for proper storage and/or

transportation. It may entail blocking, bracing, cushioning, marking, sealing,
strapping, weather proofing, wrapping, etc.” – Business Dictionary.

Packaging design is the silent salesman that will grab busy consumers’ attention
in-store. It informs consumers about the product’s properties and visually
differentiates the brand from the competition on-shelf.

Packaging of iD fresh food

While the packaging is a critical part of our marketing mix, we believe that half of
the marketing is done right with the right product. Change is constant and we at iD
are constantly working on packaging innovations and solutions.

There are three levels of packaging

 Primary packaging-

Primary packaging is the packaging in direct contact with the product itself and is
sometimes referred to as a consumer unit. The main purpose of primary packaging
is to contain, protect and/or preserve the finished product, particularly against

 Secondary packaging –

This type of packaging is used outside of primary packaging to group a certain

number of products to create a stock-keeping unit.

Id primary and secondary packaging are same the packets are filled, weighed and
air sealed so your batter is not contaminated, it comes with a zipper so you can use
the batter and save it without the batter being spoiled .

 Shipping packaging –

This type of packaging is used provides containment and protection to goods

during handling, storage, and transportation.

iD products are produced and then stored in blast freezers and then shipped to
nearest retailers, they have also partnered up with online platform like big basket .

They have six factories at different locations so they use location as an advantage
to provide fresh products.
 Packaging elements -
1. Size- iD batter comes in 1 kg pack .
2. Shape -The package is boat-shaped, self-standing pack which can be
doubled up as a vessel so that your experience is mess free. We don’t need
to pour batter into vessel , we can store it in and use from self standing pack
itself we can wash and re use the empty pack to store food . It also has a seal
on which you can see its written seal of freshness .It has unique shape which
attracts the customers. They have patented this pack.
3. Material-The pouch is made of plastic
4. Colour- The product has different colour on both sides on one side white
with green and other side golden brown with green
5. Text and Graphics – iD is short for idli and dosa , softer idlies and crispy
dosas O in that is made of idli and dosas as per side . On the pack you can
see graphics of idli and dosas
6. Brand- If you see the brand name you can see it is written in shape so it can
give the idea of product that is idli and dosa and 100% authentic.

Labelling is the display of label in a product. A label contains information about a

product on its container, packaging, or the product itself. It also has warnings in it.
For e.g. in some products, it is written that the products contain traces of nuts and
shouldn’t be consumed by a person who’s allergic to nuts. The type and extent of
information that must be imparted by a label are governed by the relevant safety
and shipping laws. Labeling is also an important part of the brand of the product
and the company. It helps the product stand out in the market, and identifies it as a
part of a particular brand. This is important in the era of high and intense

Labelling of id fresh food

 Description-

Descriptive labeling refers to the use of descriptive information (e.g., name of the
product, size, ingredients, use, and precautions) on labels.

 Ingredients
 Nutritional information
 Directions to use the product
 Storage instructions
 Caution
 Barcode
 Expiry date
 Price
 Vegetarian symbol
 Serving information
 License number
 Net weight
 Manufacturing date
 Factory addresses
 License number
 Email id
 Mobile number
 Website
 Social media
 Design patent number

 Grading –

In grading code letters or numbers are used to describe the relative quality of
goods.iD is graded by fssai i.e Food safety and standards authority of India along
with its license number . Standards and Regulations created by FSSAI to make sure
the obtainability of wholesome and safe food for consumption.To make sure the
availability of safe & hygiene food for customers. The product also include green
symbol indicating that the product is vegetarian.

 Promotion-

Providing information of other products produced by the manufacturer.

iD does not have any promotion of its other products on its packaging.

In conclusion, the individual product decisions of branding, product packaging and

labeling is of great importance in the success of Id fresh food. iD has geniuses that
understand the importance of identifying consumer problem and solving them with
common sense .Innovation should be a continuous process. They believe in having
a strong connection with customers and a company should understand what role
the products or services of the company play in a customer life. Be obsessed with
your consumers’ needs. As the needs evolve, be ready to cater to them in a
proactive manner. Listen to your consumers. Brands that have their ears close to
the ground reach great heights of success. iD has accomplished creating a brand
that is identifiable and accepted by consumers globally. Each of these factors
compounds to create a package that reinforces the iD brand image of a brand that
infuses innovation with tradition.

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