Milestone09 Marwa ATMANE 17.12.2023

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ALX Foundations: Milestone 9 Worksheet

SECTION A: User Journey Map

Step 1: User Needs & Pain Points

What are your users' needs and pain points that your solution can address? State at least 6 pain

A good example of a pain point statement: "My user needs a way to stop their knees from
bleeding." A bad example of a pain point statement: "My user needs a bandaid."

Step 1: Pain Points

1. Farmers require personalized recommendations for financial aid and equipment that align
with their specific farming requirements.
2. Farmers struggle to get money for farming. They need an easy way to apply for funds and
to know more about the different options.
3. Farmers find it hard to understand and apply for help programs. They need a simple
solution to find and apply for support without confusion.
4. Farmers get too much information from different places. They need a clear and simple
way to find the latest details on funding and support programs.
5. Some farmers don't understand the information because it's not in their language. They
need the information in the language they speak to use the resources effectively.
6. Farmers need to be confident that the system is reliable, that their data is secure, and that
the grants will be distributed fairly and transparently.

Step 2: KPIs
Please list at least 3 KPIs for your solution to achieve in the next 3 months (if you were to get
Step 2: KPIs

1. Achieve a significant user base of at least 1000 farmers.

2. Getting 2000 applications for financing small-time farmers and 200 applications for
financing medium farmers in our first year.
3. Getting sponsorship from all our countries' banks for our first year, and at least 20
businessman sponsorships in our second year.

Step 3: Constraints
Consider the following for your solution, and write 1 - 2 sentences for each question.

Step 3: Constraints

A. Name at least 1 potential ethical concern for your solution. (That is, in what way
might your solution cause harm?)

One potential ethical concern could be data privacy and security, as the platform collects
sensitive information about farmers, including financial details and personal data, which, if
mishandled, could lead to privacy breaches or misuse.

B. What is 1 strategy you could use to mitigate this ethical concern?

Implement robust data encryption protocols, regular security audits, and strict access controls.
Additionally, provides transparent information about data usage and ensures strict adherence
to data protection laws and regulations.

C. What is one constraint or dependency (a condition or situation that your solution

will rely on) that your solution has?

The successful implementation of the platform may rely on the cooperation and support of
government entities, banks, agricultural associations, and other organizations providing

D. What is one strategy you could use to make this less of a concern?

Foster strong partnerships and collaborations with these entities, establishing clear
communication channels and agreements to ensure consistent availability of grants and
E. What is 1 assumption you’ve made about your solution or your target users?

I assumed that farmers are willing and able to adapt to digital technology and that they have
access to the internet or digital devices to utilize the platform effectively.

Please go back to Canvas and continue with your learning content.

You will be prompted on when to return to complete Section B.

SECTION B: Your Pitch

Step 4: Slide Deck
Please share the URL of your team’s slide deck here. IMPORTANT: Please make sure the URL
works and is visible to anyone with the link.

Make sure your slide deck meets all requirements in the Team Online Activity: Create Your
Pitch Slide Deck on Canvas.

Step 4: Slide Deck URL

Step 5: Video
Please upload your video to YouTube (you can choose to make it unlisted, but make sure it’s not
private.) Share the URL of your video here. Make sure your video meets all requirements in
Team Online Activity: Create Your Video on Canvas.

Step 5: Video URL
Step 6: Reflection
Please share a reflection on your team experience this past month.

Step 6: Reflection on Team Projects

A. What was the best thing about working in a team during Month 2?

The synergy within the team during Month 2 was truly remarkable. We seamlessly
synchronized our ideas to create a cohesive and compelling narrative for Fellah Aid.
Collaborating on the slide deck and pitch allowed us to leverage each member's strengths,
resulting in a comprehensive presentation that effectively addressed the agricultural
challenges faced by Moroccan farmers.

B. What was the worst thing about working in a team during Month 2?

One of the challenges we faced during Month 2 was occasional miscommunication. There
were instances where differing interpretations of specific aspects of Fellah Aid led to
temporary delays in finalizing certain sections of the presentation.

C. Please share 1 thing you learned about yourself or about teamwork as a result
of participating in your team project.

This project reinforced my appreciation for adaptability within a team setting. I discovered that
my flexibility in adjusting to different team dynamics and roles was a valuable asset.
Understanding how to seamlessly integrate my contributions with others' ideas taught me the
significance of being adaptable, ensuring a harmonious and productive team environment.

D. At ALX we know that learning to work as part of a team is a highly valued skill.
How could we at ALX make Team Projects an even better experience for

Introducing more structured checkpoints or milestones throughout the project could enhance
the learning experience. Clearer guidance on specific deliverables or interim presentations
might help teams track their progress effectively.

E. Please rate the following statement on a scale of 1 to 4: I have more confidence

in my ability to work as part of a professional team as a result of my experience
with this team project. (1= Strongly disagree, 4=Strongly Agree)

F. Is there anything else you’d like to share about how things went this month with
your team?

Overall, the Month 2 experience was enriching. While we encountered a few hiccups, the
team's dedication and collective effort made the journey rewarding. Moving forward, I believe
implementing more structured communication protocols and establishing clearer timelines
could further elevate our team's efficiency and productivity.

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