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European Journal of Pain 13 (2009) 28–34

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Increased sensitivity to heat pain in chronic low blood pressure

Stefan Duschek a,*, Anja Dietel a, Rainer Schandry a, Gustavo A. Reyes del Paso b
Department Psychologie, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Leopoldstraße 13, 80802 Munich, Germany
Universidad de Jaén, Departamento de Psicología, Facultad de Humanidades y CCEE, 23071 Jaén, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: While in elevated blood pressure reduced sensitivity to acute pain has been well established, little is
Received 3 January 2008 known about possible alterations in pain perception within the lower range of blood pressure. In this
Received in revised form 6 February 2008 study, sensitivity to heat pain was assessed in 40 subjects with chronic hypotension (mean blood pressure
Accepted 20 February 2008
96.5/57.7 mmHg) and 40 normotensive control persons (mean blood pressure 121.8/77.2 mmHg).
Available online 18 April 2008
Employing a contact thermode, heat stimuli were applied to the forearm. Pain threshold and tolerance
were determined. Participants furthermore rated subjective intensities and unpleasantness of tonic heat
stimuli (45.5–47.5 °C) on visual analogue scales and in a questionnaire. Possible confounding of sensitivity
Blood pressure
to heat pain with skin temperature, temperature sensitivity and mood was controlled for. In addition to
Hypotension blood pressure, functional features of the arterial baroreceptor system were related to pain experience.
Baroreceptor Therefore, estimates for the input on the baroreceptors, as well as baroreflex sensitivity were obtained.
Hypotensive individuals exhibited markedly reduced pain threshold and pain tolerance, as well as
increased sensory and affective pain experience. The measures related to the baroreceptor system were
not associated with pain experience, suggesting that no significant modulation of heat pain occurs through
this system. The results of this study complete the findings on hypertension-related hypoalgesia and sug-
gest an inverse relationship between blood pressure and pain sensitivity across the whole blood pressure
spectrum. Furthermore, increased proneness of hypotensive individuals to clinical pain may be discussed.
Ó 2008 European Federation of Chapters of the International Association for the Study of Pain. Published
by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 2008). The significance of this finding, however, is limited by the

association between cold pain and peripheral blood flow. Reduced
Chronic low blood pressure is typically accompanied by symp- perfusion in hypotension may imply more pronounced cooling of
toms such as fatigue, reduced drive, dizziness, headaches and cold the skin, as well as increased activity of vascular nociceptors
limbs, which can have a considerable impact on subjective well- (Klement and Arndt, 1991). It therefore remains unknown whether
being and quality of life (e.g. Rosengren et al., 1993; Wessely the conclusion of increased sensitivity is restricted to cold pain or
et al., 1990). In addition to these subjective complaints, reduced also applies to other sources of pain.
cognitive performance, as well as diminished cerebral blood flow The clinical relevance of the blood pressure–pain association is
and cortical activation have been documented in hypotension underlined by reports on an inverse relationship between blood
(Duschek and Schandry, 2004, 2007; Duschek et al., 2006). pressure and the prevalence of pain syndromes in the normoten-
Associations between blood pressure and nociception are well sive and hypertensive ranges (e.g. Hagen et al., 2002, 2005). Taking
documented (Bruehl and Chung, 2004). Pain sensitivity has been this into account and assuming an inverse relationship between
shown to be diminished in clinical hypertension, as well as in blood pressure and pain sensitivity across the entire blood pres-
healthy individuals with only moderately elevated blood pressure sure spectrum, increased proneness of hypotensive individuals to
(e.g. Myers et al., 2001; Zamir and Shuber, 1980). In the normoten- clinical pain may be hypothesized.
sive population, an inverse linear relationship between blood pres- In addition to the association between hypotension and pain
sure and pain sensitivity has repeatedly been reported (Bruehl experience, the present study investigated possible relationships
et al., 1992; McCubbin and Bruehl, 1994). between functional features of the arterial baroreceptor system
In contrast, knowledge about pain perception in the low blood and nociceptive responses. The baroreceptors form part of a nega-
pressure range is sparse. A preliminary study revealed increased tive feedback loop (‘‘baroreflex”) in which blood pressure fluctua-
sensitivity to cold pressor pain in hypotension (Duschek et al., tions are responded to by compensatory changes in heart rate
(Guyton and Hall, 2005). In addition, baroreceptor stimulation is
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 89 21805297; fax: +49 89 21805233. believed to attenuate pain experience (Bruehl and Chung, 2004).
E-mail address: (S. Duschek). It was hypothesized that stronger input on the baroreceptors

1090-3801/$34.00 Ó 2008 European Federation of Chapters of the International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Duschek et al. / European Journal of Pain 13 (2009) 28–34 29

Table 1
Means (M) and standard deviations (SD) of systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, age, skin temperature, scores on the Mood Scale and the time interval from the latest
period in both samples

Hypotensive group Normotensive group

Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) 96.5 4.8 121.8 5.3
Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) 57.7 4.5 77.2 5.9
Age (years) 27.7 5.7 27.8 5.4
Skin temperature (°C) 31.5 1.3 31.9 1.1
Mood Scale 13.1 13.5 11.1 8.7
Time interval from latest period (days) 11.2 7.4 11.8 7.8

during periods of blood pressure increase is accompanied by the experiment. For the remaining women, the time interval from
reduced pain sensitivity (Rau and Elbert, 2001). Furthermore, an the end of the latest period is presented in Table 1.
inverse association between the sensitivity of the baroreflex and Sixty-three of the participants were university students (31 in
cold pain was observed, suggesting a dependence of pain percep- the hypotensive sample and 32 in the control group). Of the
tion on the degree of baroreflex activation (Duschek et al., 2007). remaining subjects, ten were employees, four were self-employed
It should not, however, be overlooked that conflicting results and three were unemployed.
which challenge the baroreceptor hypothesis have also been re-
ported. In a number of human studies, the expected antinocicep- 2.2. Pain induction and quantification
tive effect of experimental baroreceptor stimulation failed to
appear or was restricted to particular sources of pain (Edwards Thermal stimulation was performed using a Thermal Sensory
et al., 2003; Rau et al., 1994). Analyzer (TSA II, Medoc Advanced Medical Systems, Israel). A con-
In this study, heat stimulation was applied to evaluate pain per- tact thermode (surface 30  30 mm) was attached to the volar sur-
ception in chronic hypotension. Pain threshold and tolerance, as face of the left forearm. The thermode was digitally controlled
well as subjective pain intensities were assessed. Furthermore, a using the software WinTSA and CoVAS (Medoc, Israel).
possible dependence of the sensitivity to heat pain on the function In order to control for possible alterations in temperature sensi-
of the baroreceptor system was investigated. Based on former re- tivity in hypotension, warm and cold sensory thresholds were
search, both the impact on the arterial baroreceptors and barore- determined. For this purpose, the temperature of the thermode
flex sensitivity were hypothesized to be inversely associated with rose or fell at a rate of 1 °C/s, beginning at 32 °C. Subjects were in-
pain intensity. structed to press a response key as soon as they felt warmth or
coldness. The temperature returned to 32 °C at a rate of 10 °C/s
2. Methods immediately after the keystroke. Five warm followed by five cold
stimuli were applied with inter-stimulus intervals randomly rang-
2.1. Participants ing from 4 to 7 s.
Pain sensitivity and tolerance were quantified using a testing-
Forty hypotensive and 40 normotensive control subjects partici- the-limits procedure. Once again, the temperature increased at
pated. The definition of the WHO (1978) was applied as the inclusion 1 °C/s from a baseline of 32 °C. To determine pain threshold, partic-
criterion for the hypotensive sample. In this definition, hypotension ipants pressed the key when the sensation ‘‘started to become
is diagnosed when systolic blood pressure falls below 100 mmHg in painful”. In case of the assessment of pain tolerance, the key was
women and 110 mmHg in men, regardless of the diastolic value. The pressed when subjects could ‘‘no longer tolerate the pain”. Five tri-
inclusion criterion for the control group was systolic blood pressure als were performed for each condition (inter-stimulus interval 10 s,
between 115 and 140 mmHg. Criteria for exclusion comprised return rate 10 °C/s). In order to obtain estimates for temperature
relevant physical diseases, acute or chronic pain of any kind, psychi- sensitivity, pain sensitivity and pain tolerance, the temperatures
atric disorders, as well as the use of psychoactive drugs, analgesics or at which the keystrokes took place were averaged across the five
medication affecting the cardiovascular system. Health status was trials of each condition.
assessed using an anamnestic interview and a comprehensive med- Ratings on subjective pain intensity were obtained using tonic
ical questionnaire. All subjects were right-handed according to the heat stimulation. Therefore, five stimuli of temperatures ranging
Edinburgh Handedness Inventory (Oldfield, 1971). from 45.5 to 47.5 °C were presented (pseudorandom sequence:
The hypotensive and the control groups were matched accord- 45.5, 46.5, 47, 46, 47.5 °C). Stimulus duration was 60 s1 with each
ing to age and gender. Both samples consisted of 32 female and 8 stimulus being preceded by a 60 s baseline of 32 °C (increasing and
male subjects. Table 1 includes information about blood pressure return rate 7 °C/s). In order to prevent sensitization, the area of ther-
recorded just before the experimental procedure, as well as age, mal stimulation was changed slightly for each trial.
and skin temperature measured at the forearm. Furthermore, the The participants’ subjective pain experience was quantified
scores on the ‘‘Befindlichkeits-Skala” [Mood Scale] (Von Zerssen, using two 10 cm line visual analogue scales (VAS) referring to
1976) are displayed. This is a 28-item self-rating scale widely used the sensory and affective aspects of pain (‘‘How strong/unpleasant
in German speaking countries for the assessment of current emo- was the pain?”). The anchor points of the scales were marked
tional state. The questionnaire includes positive and negative ‘‘not at all” and ‘‘extremely”. The VAS were presented immediately
adjectives, which are related to general aspects of well-being after each stimulus. After the last stimulus, the overall pain
(e.g. cheerful, relaxed), as well as to more specific emotions (e.g. experience during tonic heat stimulation was rated on the
depressed, insecure). Higher values on the scale represent a more
adversely affected emotional state.
Relatively long lasting stimuli were chosen so that indices of baroreflex
Fifteen women of the hypotensive and 20 of the control group
sensitivity could be obtained during heat stimulation (see Data analysis). Sequence
were using oral contraceptives. Five hypotensive and three control analysis, which was applied for this purpose, requires recording periods of at least
subjects reported that they were having their period on the day of 60 s (Reyes del Paso, 1994).
30 S. Duschek et al. / European Journal of Pain 13 (2009) 28–34

‘‘Schmerzempfindungsskala” [Pain Sensation Scale] (Geissner, 2000; Steptoe and Sawada, 1989; Steptoe and Vögele, 1990). In or-
1995). This is a self-rating questionnaire comprising a list of 24 der to achieve sufficient temporal resolution, the blood pressure
adjectives related either to the sensory (e.g. pungent, biting) or data was resampled at 1000 Hz by means of spline interpolation
affective (e.g. horrible, unsupportable) dimension of pain. The util- using MATLAB software (The MathWorks, Inc., USA). For further
ity of the instrument in assessing experimentally induced pain has analysis, a software program developed by Reyes del Paso (1994)
been well established (Geissner, 1995). was employed. The program locates sequences of three to six con-
secutive heart cycles (‘‘reflex sequences”) in which systolic blood
2.3. Recording of hemodynamic data pressure increases are accompanied by increases in pulse interval,
and those in which blood pressure decreases are accompanied by
Blood pressure was monitored continuously during a 5 min decreases in pulse interval. Since a time lag of one heartbeat is
resting phase, as well as during the presentation of the tonic heat known to produce the best estimates of baroreflex sensitivity
stimuli and the preceding baseline periods. To this end a Finometer (Steptoe and Vögele, 1990), each systolic value was paired with
device (Model-2, Finapres Medical Systems, The Netherlands) was the pulse interval from the cycle immediately following. 1 mmHg
used. The cuff of the Finometer was applied to the mid-phalanx of and 1 ms were applied as minimal criteria for changes in blood
the third finger of the right hand. In order to control for the influ- pressure and pulse interval, respectively. Pulse interval was de-
ence of hydrostatic level errors, the height correction unit inte- fined as the interval between systolic points (‘‘intersystolic inter-
grated in the device was used. To enable periodical recalibration, val”). When one of these reflex sequences was detected, the
the ‘‘Physiocal” feature (Wesseling et al., 1995) was put into oper- regression line was computed across all cardiac cycles of the given
ation. The signal was digitized at a sample rate of 200 Hz. sequence. Baroreceptor sensitivity was expressed as the change in
pulse interval (in ms) per mmHg blood pressure change, measured
by the slope of the regression line. The validity of this index has
3. Procedure
been well documented (Bertinieri et al., 1985; Duschek and Reyes
del Paso, 2007; Steptoe and Vögele, 1990).
Assignment of subjects to the two study groups was carried out
on the basis of blood pressure readings taken in a screening session
which was conducted at least 1 week prior to the main experiment 4.2. Statistical analysis
and again at the beginning of the experimental session. Here, after
a rest period of 10 min, three sphygmomanometric blood pressure Temperature and pain sensitivity were compared between the
measurements were taken in a sitting position. For this purpose, an hypotensive and control groups using multivariate analysis of var-
automatic inflation blood pressure monitor (MIT, TYP M CR15; iance (MANOVA). Dependent variables comprised the indices for
Omron, USA) was used. Readings were separated by 5 min rest warm and cold sensitivity, pain threshold and tolerance, as well
intervals. The mean value of the three measurements was used as the VAS ratings and scores on the Pain Sensation Scale.
for group assignment. The criterion for inclusion in the experimen- In order to avoid redundancy and to enhance the reliability of
tal or control group had to be fulfilled at both the screening and the measurement, a principal component analysis was computed
experimental sessions. on the 10 VAS ratings (Basilevsky, 1994). The analysis revealed a
The subjects gave informed consent prior to the experiment. first factor with an eigenvalue of 6.36 explaining 63.55% of the total
After the blood pressure readings, skin temperature was taken at variance. Factor loads of the 10 scales ranged between .65 and .91.
the forearm using a digital infrared thermometer (Bosotherm In light of the considerable shared variance, it seemed appropriate
Medical, Boso, Germany). For the purpose of hemodynamic record- to combine these variables. The individual factor values of the sub-
ing under resting conditions, participants were asked to sit still, not jects were included in the MANOVA.
to speak and to relax with their eyes open. Following this, pain The hypotensive and the control groups did not differ signifi-
assessment was performed in the described manner. In order to cantly with respect to skin temperature (t = .43, p = .16) or scores
prevent experimenter effects, all instructions were presented to on the Mood Scale (t = .0.16, p = .88). The use of oral contracep-
the subjects in written form. All sessions were conducted by the tives among the female participants in the two groups did not dif-
same female experimenter. Subjects were requested not to smoke fer (U = 432.0, p = .23) nor did the time interval from the latest
or drink either alcohol or beverages containing caffeine for 3 h period (t = 0.26, p = .80). These parameters were therefore not ap-
prior to the screening and experimental sessions. plied as control variables in the MANOVA.
Possible effects of the input on the arterial baroreceptors and
baroreflex sensitivity on pain experience were determined using
4. Data analysis
multiple regression analysis performed across the entire sample.
Two regression models were computed with pain threshold and
4.1. Analysis of the hemodynamic data
tolerance as dependent variables, and dp/dt and baroreflex sensi-
tivity measured under resting conditions as predictors. Another
The rate of change in blood pressure within the cardiac cycle
three models referred to subjective pain intensity, containing the
was applied as an estimate for the input on the baroreceptors. To
factor values revealed from the VAS and both parameters of the
quantify this, the maximum slope of blood pressure rise during
Pain Sensation Scale as dependent variables. Here, the values for
the systolic upstroke (dp/dt) was computed using the software
dp/dt and baroreflex sensitivity averaged across the 5 periods of to-
Beatscope 1.1a (Finapres Medical Systems, The Netherlands). This
nic heat stimulation served as predictors. In order to evaluate the
index was chosen because of the well-known high sensitivity of
linear relationship between blood pressure and pain sensitivity,
arterial baroreceptors to rapid blood pressure changes. While the
systolic values were included as a further predictor in each of the
receptors show a certain degree of habituation (‘‘resetting”) to
long-term alterations in blood pressure, they do not habituate to
short-term changes within the cardiac cycle (Dembowsky and
Seller, 1995; Rau and Elbert, 2001). 5. Results
The sensitivity of the baroreflex was quantified in the time do-
main by analyzing the spontaneous covariation of systolic blood No significant differences between the hypotensive and normo-
pressure and pulse interval (Bertinieri et al., 1985; Parati et al., tensive groups were found with respect to temperature sensitivity
S. Duschek et al. / European Journal of Pain 13 (2009) 28–34 31

(warm sensitivity: hypotensives, M = 34.77, SD = 1.69, controls, VAS affective

M = 35.24, SD = 2.37, F[1/77] = 1.06, p = .31; cold sensitivity: 11
hypotensives, M = 31.10, SD = 0.34, controls, M = 31.13, SD = 0.37, 10 Hypotension
F[1/77] = 0.12, p = .73). As can be seen in Fig. 1, pain threshold 9 Control group
and pain tolerance were markedly lower in the hypotensive than 8
in the normotensive group. The MANOVA revealed a significant ef- 7
fect on both variables (pain threshold: F[1/77] = 4.20, p = .044; pain 6
tolerance: F[1/77] = 6.70, p = .012).
The VAS ratings of subjective pain experience were higher in
hypotensive than in normotensive subjects. This holds true for
the sensory and affective dimensions concerning each of the five
tonic heat stimuli (see Figs. 2 and 3). However, the group difference
in the factor values representing the aggregated VAS ratings 1
reached only the 10% significance level (hypotensives: M = 1.20, 0
45.5 ºC 46 ºC 46.5 ºC 47 ºC 47.5 ºC
SD = 1.00, controls: M = 1.20, SD = 1.00, F[1/77] = 3.07, p = .084).
The scores on both dimensions of the Pain Sensation Scale were Fig. 3. Ratings on the affective VAS dimension in hypotensive and control subjects
significantly higher in hypotensives than in normotensive controls (bars represent standard deviations).
(sensory: F[1/77] = 4.42, p = .039; affective: F[1/77] = 4.84, p = .031;
see Fig. 4).
The results of the multiple regression analyses are displayed in
Table 2. Significant Beta values were found for systolic blood pres- Pain Sensation Scale
sure in each of the models except for that on the VAS ratings sug-
gesting an inverse linear relationship between blood pressure and
pain sensitivity. The values for dp/dt and baroreflex sensitivity did
35 Hypotension *
not prove to predict any of the pain measures.
* Control group


Pain threshold and pain tolerance
52 15

50 Control group * 10
Temperature in ºC

Sensory Affective

* Fig. 4. Scores on the Pain Sensation Scale in hypotensive and control subjects ( for
p < .05, bars represent standard deviations).

44 6. Discussion

42 As main findings, the study revealed reduced threshold and tol-

erance to heat pain, as well as increased ratings in the question-
40 naire on sensory and affective pain experience in individuals
Pain threshold Pain tolerance with chronic low blood pressure. Regression analysis furthermore
documented an inverse linear association between blood pressure
Fig. 1. Pain threshold and pain tolerance in hypotensive and control subjects ( for
p < .05, bars represent standard deviations). and pain sensitivity across the hypotensive and normotensive
The findings are in line with the increased sensitivity to cold
pain in low blood pressure (Duschek et al., 2008). In that study, just
VAS sensory
11 as in the present one, reduced pain thresholds and tolerance, as
10 Hypotension well as higher subjective pain intensities were observed in hypo-
9 tension. However, besides pain sensitivity, individual behavior
Control group during cold pressor testing depends to a certain degree on systemic
perfusion which is inevitably altered in hypotension (Fruhstorfer
and Lindblom, 1983; Klement and Arndt, 1991). However, these
two things are not confounded in the current study. A number of
further possible third variable effects were also controlled for.
Emotional state, which has been suggested to be negatively af-
3 fected by low blood pressure (Duschek and Schandry, 2007;
2 Wessely et al., 1990) did not differ between hypotensive and
1 control subjects. The same holds true for skin temperature and
0 temperature sensitivity which may potentially influence the
45.5 ºC 46 ºC 46.5 ºC 47 ºC 47.5 ºC
perception of heat pain.
Fig. 2. Ratings on the sensory VAS dimension in hypotensive and control subjects An inverse association between blood pressure and pain sensi-
(bars represent standard deviations). tivity has already been documented for the normotensive and
32 S. Duschek et al. / European Journal of Pain 13 (2009) 28–34

Table 2 restricted to thermal pain, and did not include further methods
Regression analyses for the prediction of pain experience from systolic blood such as mechanical stimulation.
pressure, dp/dt and baroreflex sensitivity (Beta and R-values, significance levels of
Beta * for p < .05, ** for p < .01)
It has also been suggested that the baroreceptor system is in-
volved in mediating the association between hypotension and
Systolic blood dp/dt Baroreflex R hyperalgesia (Duschek et al., 2007). This view is not, however, sup-
pressure sensitivity
ported by the current data. Alternatively, mechanisms of action re-
Pain threshold .30* .01 .18 .29 stricted to the central-nervous system may play a dominant role.
Pain tolerance .42** .14 .03 .37
VAS (factor values) .25 .14 .07 .21
As neural interfaces between the cardiovascular and pain regula-
Pain Sensation Scale .32* .10 .05 .28 tory systems, brain stem structures such as the nucleus of the sol-
(sensory) itary tract and the rostral ventrolateral medulla have been
Pain Sensation Scale .35* .11 .10 .28 considered (Bruehl and Chung, 2004). Both structures are heavily
involved in cardiovascular regulation, and their experimental stim-
ulation has been shown to modulate nociceptive responses (Aicher
and Randich, 1990; Randich and Maixner, 1984). This effect may be
mediated by direct and indirect projections from the brain stem to
hypertensive ranges (Bruehl et al., 1992, 2002; Fillingim and Maix- regions including the periaqueductal grey, the nucleus raphe mag-
ner, 1996; France, 1999; Ghione, 1996; McCubbin and Bruehl, nus and the locus coeruleus which play a substantial role in noci-
1994; Myers et al., 2001; Zamir and Shuber, 1980). The present ception (Bruehl and Chung, 2004; Burnett and Gebhart, 1991;
finding suggests that this notion can be generalized to the com- Millan, 2002).
plete blood pressure spectrum. In this respect, the blood pres- Several neurochemical systems are also assumed to be involved
sure–pain relationship clearly differs from the relationships in the interaction between hemodynamic factors and nociception.
between blood pressure and other behavioral and psychophysio- Animal studies have shown that endogenous opioid activity is nec-
logical factors which were found to be non-linear (for overview essary for a full expression of the inverse relationship between
see Duschek and Schandry, 2007). The association between blood blood pressure and pain sensitivity (Maixner et al., 1982; Zamir
pressure and cognitive functioning, for instance, has an inverted et al., 1980). However, human studies prove somewhat controver-
u-shape with a decline in performance at both ends of the spec- sial, suggesting that the blood pressure–pain relationship does
trum (Duschek et al., 2003; Duschek et al., 2005; Qiu et al., 2005; not completely disappear in the absence of functionally active opi-
Waldstein et al., 2005). Also, cortical activation, as well as cerebral oid systems (McCubbin and Bruehl, 1994; Schobel et al., 1998). Fur-
blood flow have repeatedly been shown to be reduced both in indi- thermore, catecholaminergic mechanisms, in particular the central
viduals with elevated and low blood pressure (Baumbach and noradrenaline system, participate in both blood pressure regulation
Heistad, 1988; Duschek and Schandry, 2004; Duschek et al., and descending pain inhibition (Carlson, 2004; Millan, 2002;
2006; Hajdu and Baumbach, 1994; Stegagno et al., 2007; Weisz Randich and Maixner, 1984). The relevance of this system is under-
et al., 2002). lined by the fact that each of the aforementioned brain stem struc-
As a secondary aim, the study investigated a possible link be- tures, which are supposed to constitute structural interfaces
tween the function of the arterial baroreceptor system and the per- between cardiovascular and nociceptive regulation, contain norad-
ception of heat pain. In the regression analyses, where blood renergic pathways (Bruehl and Chung, 2004; Ghione, 1996; Millan,
pressure proved to predict pain experience, however, neither the 2002).
impact on the baroreceptors, estimated by the slope of the blood To conclude, possible clinical implications of the present finding
pressure increase within the cardiac cycle, nor baroreflex sensitiv- should be considered. Hypotension is commonly not viewed as a
ity did so. This is in contrast to the substantial inverse association medical condition that would require treatment (Duschek and
already shown between baroreflex sensitivity and the subjective Schandry, 2007). Nonetheless, a number of studies documented
intensity of cold pain (Duschek et al., 2007). This association was reduced subjective well-being and quality of life as a result of
interpreted as reflecting the generally assumed pain-inhibiting ef- the complaints associated with this state (Pilgrim et al., 1992;
fect of the baroreceptor system. Contrary to the present finding, in Rosengren et al., 1993; Wessely et al., 1990). In the present context,
that study increased activity of the reflex as a consequence of its one may furthermore consider whether the increased sensitivity to
higher sensitivity was accompanied by reduced experience of cold acute pain implies that hypotensive individuals are more prone to
pain. clinical pain. Findings revealed by experimental pain induction can
Such inconsistency, however, is also to be found in the literature certainly not be generalized directly to clinical conditions. A link
on the effects of experimental baroreceptor stimulation on noci- between laboratory and clinical pain is, however, suggested by
ceptive responding. Most of these studies were based on stimula- studies showing that patients suffering from chronic pain are more
tion of the aortic baroreceptors by means of neck cuff sensitive to pain induced by thermal and electrical stimulation
techniques, e.g. ‘‘phase-related neck suction” (PRES) (Rau et al., (Arroyo and Cohen, 1993; Berglund et al., 2002; Maixner et al.,
1992). Apart from a number of positive findings (Droste et al., 1995; Petzke et al., 2003).
1994; Kardos et al., 1994), the application of this technique also re- Evidence for the clinical relevance of the blood pressure–pain
vealed conflicting results. Edwards et al. (2003) failed to produce relationship stems from reports of an inverse association between
reductions in pain through a PRES procedure where pain was elic- blood pressure and the occurrence of pain syndromes in the
ited by electrocutaneous nerve stimulation. al’Absi et al. (2005) re- normotensive and hypertensive populations. Hagen et al. (2005)
ported that both baroreceptor stimulation and inhibition evoked documented a 10–60% lower prevalence of chronic musculoskele-
by PRES led to lower pain ratings. Results also varied subject to tal complaints in individuals with essential hypertension, as well
the methods of pain induction. In the present context, a study by as an inverse linear relationship between blood pressure and
Rau et al. (1994) is of particular interest as it revealed increased occurrence of such symptoms. A longitudinal study revealed
thresholds for mechanical, but not for heat pain during experimen- a 30% lower risk of development of non-migraine headache across
tal baroreceptor stimulation. One may thus hypothesize that the an 11 years follow-up interval in hypertension (Hagen et al., 2002).
inhibitory effect of the baroreceptor system is differently pro- In persons being assessed for coronary heart disease, chest pain
nounced depending on the source of pain. In this regard, it is cer- experienced during treadmill exercise was inversely associated
tainly a limitation of the present study that the protocol was with blood pressure (Ditto et al., 2007). In patients recovering
S. Duschek et al. / European Journal of Pain 13 (2009) 28–34 33

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