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X Rapidsituational analysis

of the employment-climate-
environment nexus
Identifying just transition policies

2 Rapid situational analysis of the employment-climate-environment nexus
Identifying just transition policies Nigeria

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Rapid situational analysis of the employment-climate-environment nexus: Identifying just transition policies
International Labour Office - Geneva: ILO, 2020

ISBN 9789220330340 (print)

ISBN 9789220330333 (web PDF)

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X 1. Introduction 4

X 2. The employment-environment-climate nexus 5

2.1. Country overview 5

2.2. Economic structure 5
2.3. The link between labour market, economy,
and environment and climate 7

2.3.1 Impacts of climate and environmental

change on key sectors and jobs 8
2.3.2 Environmental impact of key sectors and jobs 9
2.3.3 Key sector selection: Agriculture and Energy 10

X 3. Just transition policies − identifying entry points

in the national policy framework 11

3.1. The impact of climate policies on economic

activities and jobs 11
3.2. Review of the national policy framework 11
3.3. Just transition policies 15


4 Rapid situational analysis of the employment-climate-environment nexus
Identifying just transition policies Nigeria

X 1. Introduction

A “just transition” is about achieving decent work In the analysis, four key indicators are used –
for all and eradicating poverty through growing gross domestic product (GDP), decent work,
inclusive economies that can meet the needs of the greenhouse gas emissions and vulnerability to
world’s growing population while also protecting climate and environmental change – to identify
the environment and natural resources on which key sectors of the economy and segments of the
life on earth depends. The greening of economies, labour market where there is a necessity to ensure
enterprises and jobs must be seen in the context of a transition to environmental sustainability, while
sustainable development. The Guidelines for a just addressing simultaneously objectives of economic
transition towards environmentally sustainable development and social inclusion. Particular
economies and societies for all adopted by the attention is given to the working poor, farmers
ILO Governing Body (ILO 2015) provide practical and rural population, and women. Decent Work
orientation to Governments and social partners is understood as providing equal employment
on how to formulate, implement and monitor a opportunities for men and women, rights at work,
just transition policy framework in accordance social protection and social dialogue.
with national circumstances and priorities.
The selected sectors are further assessed to better
The ILO developed a methodology − the Rapid understand the sector-specific linkages between
Situational Analysis − to identify areas for just the economic, employment, environmental, and
transition policies at national level. The analysis policy dimensions. The national policy framework
follows two subsequent steps. First, it examines analysis examines the link between national
the link between the economy, employment and priorities and just transition policies. Potential
nature. Thereby, it provides a detailed picture gaps within the policy framework are detected.
of the economic structure and labour market at Finally, the report presents key just transition
sectoral level in relation to the natural environ- policies in selected sectors of the economy.
ment and climate change. Second, it investigates
The structure of the report is as follows.
the national policy framework in the context of
Following the Introduction, Section 2 provides
employment promotion, skills and human cap-
a brief overview of Nigeria followed by a detailed
ital development, social protection and other
analysis of the structure of the economy and the
dimensions of decent work, and identifies key just
labour market at sectoral level. The link between
transition policies. The objective is to identify win-
economic sectors, the labour market, and climate
win policies for the environment and employment,
and environmental change is assessed using the
which maximise job creation, minimize negative
four key indicators mentioned above. Section 3
effects and protect the vulnerable.
presents the national policy framework relevant
for just transition policies and concludes with
a policy-oriented summary.
Rapid situational analysis of the employment-climate-environment nexus
Identifying just transition policies Nigeria 5

X 2. The employment-environment-climate nexus

2.1 Country overview economic development, employment and social

indicators, than countries with fewer resources.
Nigeria is a lower middle-income countr y It is affected by precarious social services,
with a population of 195.88 million (2018), including poor health and schooling facilities
which represents close to half of West Africa’s and lack of road, rail, energy and transport
population. It has one of the largest youth infrastructure, notably in rural areas and with
populations in the world (70 per cent of the a significant north-south divide. Oil is mostly
population is under the age of 30). Possessing produced in the Niger Delta in the South, with
significant reserves of oil and gas, Nigeria, Lagos, the business centre, exhibiting much
together with Angola, Algeria and Libya, is among higher living standards and public services than
the largest oil producers on the African continent the far North.
(producing around 2 million barrels a year) and In terms of governance and politics, Nigeria
is among the 15 biggest producers globally. It is is a federal republic with 36 states that returned
also the largest economy in Africa. Nigeria’s Gross to democratic rule in 1999. After more than
Domestic Product (GDP) was at 397 billion United 30 years under a military regime, Nigeria gained
States dollars in 2018, with an annual growth rate in political stability and basic freedoms. General
of 1.9 per cent. GDP per capita was of US$ 2,028 Muhammadu Buhari of the All Progressives
(World Bank 2018). Congress was re-elected for another four-year
The pattern of economic growth is largely term in 2019 and is thus in power since 2015.
influenced by oil price fluctuations. During the
resource boom between 2006 and 2015, Nigeria’s
GDP grew at an average rate of 5.7 per cent per
2.2 Economic structure
year, as volatile oil prices drove growth to a high In terms of the structure of the economy, Nigeria
of 8 per cent in 2006 and to a low of –1.5 per cent can be classified broadly into oil and non-oil
in 2016 after the resource price crash in 2014. sectors. Oil revenues contribute to two thirds of
Economic growth is expected to hover just above state revenues and 8.6 per cent of GDP. Other
2 per cent over the medium term. major economic sectors in terms of contribution
Oil accounts for more than 95 per cent of exports to the GDP are agriculture (24 per cent), trade
and foreign exchange earnings, while the (18 per cent), mining and quarrying (11 per cent),
manufacturing sector accounts for less than 1 per manufacturing (9 per cent), and information and
cent of total exports. Despite high GDP growth in communication (9 per cent) (NBS 2018).
the period 2011−2015, driven by high oil prices, This stands in stark contrast to the structure of
the economy remained largely non-inclusive. The the labour market. Agriculture employs around
majority of Nigerians remain under the burden of half of the labour force but contributes less
poverty which impacts close to 70 per cent of the than a quarter of GDP, meaning that labour
population. Inequality, as measured by the Gini productivity (GDP per hours worked) is very low.
coefficient, where 0 stands for ful equality and Similarly, informal sector jobs in trade, including
100 where all income goes to 1 person, stands street vending, and other low-productivity
at 43 (more equal than South Africa’s 63, but services employ around 25 per cent of the labour
significantly higher than EU’s average of 30). force. Manufacturing jobs account for less than
Underemployment and unemployment rates 10 per cent. Education, health and public sector
are very high (over 40 per cent). The country’s service jobs account for the remaining 15 per
resource-based economy shows signs of Dutch cent. Mining, oil and gas provide for less than
disease and resource curse, whereby despite 1 per cent of jobs, making the sector insignificant
having abundant endowments of natural as a direct contributor to employment. However,
resources, the country performs worse in terms of as 10 per cent of GDP is directly produced by oil
6 Rapid situational analysis of the employment-climate-environment nexus
Identifying just transition policies Nigeria

and gas, productivity is registered as very high. dependent on the spending of well-paid oil and
So any climate policy which impacts the oil and gas workers, make important contributions to
gas industry need to be conscientious of the fact sustain domestic demand. Although total labour
that it is important for the economy and income. share is small, jobs tend to be formal and stable
In addition, indirect jobs in the supply chain of the with high income sustaining extended families.
oil and gas sector, such as transport, equipment, As such, oil and gas income support jobs in the
construction and services tend to support service and trade sector among other (see figure
additional employment. Induced jobs, which are below for direct employment by sector).

X Figure1. Share of employment and Gross Domestic Product by sector

Water supply, sewerage,

waste management
& remediation
Electricity, gas, steam
& air conditioning supply
Administrative &
support services
Arts, entertainmentand
and food services
Human health and
social services
Financial and
and storage


Real estate

Information and
Professional, scientific
and technical services
Other services

Mining and



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Nominal GDP %

Source: ILO illustration data from NBS 2018

Rapid situational analysis of the employment-climate-environment nexus
Identifying just transition policies Nigeria 7

In terms of status in employment, the majority Nigeria’s 36 states is above the national average
is self-employed in the about 37 million micro, of 69 per cent.
small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). They
With respect to other aspects of decent work,
provide about 84 per cent of the total jobs, create
92.3 per cent of Nigeria’s employed population is in
the majority of new jobs and contribute 48.5
informal employment, which suggests that most
per cent of Nigeria’s GDP. They are clustered
workers lack social protection coverage, receive
in agriculture, trade and agro-processing. Key
irregular income and are employed in precarious
challenges for MSMEs to grow out of informality
conditions. Women, in particular, are more
is access to finance, technology, technical and
exposed to informal employment. In addition,
business skills. Lack of infrastructure and
Nigeria is confronted by human trafficking,
frequent impacts from climate change exacerbate
especially of women and children. The National
challenges. Exports are often non-competitive
Bureau of Statistics 2017 Multiple Indicator
due to the strong currency, partly due to the
Cluster Survey (MICS) shows that about 43 per
effects of the Dutch disease. Other challenges
cent of Nigerian children, in the age between
are lack of adequate power supply with close to
5 and 10, are working and about half of the
one third of the population having less than four
working children are estimated to be engaged
hours of electricity access per day. The annual
in child labour, Job creation is by and large
economic loss due to inadequate power supply
happening in the informal sector and engages
is estimated at US$25 billion, including large
more women than men, with stark differences
enterprises, which accounts for more than 6 per
between the 36 states, and north and south (NBS
cent of Nigeria’s GDP (Power for All 2019).
2018). Women face particularly adverse working
Regarding the labour market, Nigeria’s’ working conditions and tend to work without pay or in
age population (15–64 years old) stands at casual work, more often than men. In addition,
115.5 million, or 56 per cent out of a total population even though access to education is increasing
of 196 million. The labour force, those 15–64 years for both women and men, the gender gap in
old willing and available for work (hence not in education remains high as girls and women face
education or self-chosen homework), stands barriers to access primary, secondary and tertiary
at 90.5 million. This results in a relatively high levels of education.
labour force participation rate of 78 per cent,
with women representing around 50 per cent of
the labour force. This labour force is generally  .3 The link between labour
low-educated and lacks the needed knowledge, market, economy, and
skills and qualifications. Formal jobs represent
less than 10 per cent of employment (NEP 2016). environment and climate
Unemployment rates have been on the rise since The link between Nigeria’s economic structure,
the end of the global resource boom in 2014. labour market, and environment and climate,
In 2018, for which latest statistics are available, manifests itself in three ways:
it stood at 21.1 per cent. This figure is higher X First, climate change and environmental
for women (26.6 per cent versus 20.3 per cent
degradation trigger negative impacts on
for men) and youths 30.5 per cent (15-35 years old)
economic activities and jobs.
It is also significantly higher for the rural labour
force (23.9% versus 21.2% for urban) (NBS 2018). X Second, economic activities and jobs produce
negative environmental impacts through
An important additional dimension of the
pollution and destruction of nature.
functioning of the labour market, notably
in the context of developing economies, is X Third, policies and regulations to address and
underemployment (working less than 20 hours a restrain climate and environmental impacts
week). Combined with unemployment, it stands at have impacts on economic activities and jobs.
43.3 per cent. For youth, it is even higher On the other hand, incentives and support
− 55.4 per cent. Against the background of high policies may stimulate climate friendly and
un- and underemployment, poverty remains green sector growth. This third point is
widespread. The poverty rate in over half of addressed in the policy section below.
8 Rapid situational analysis of the employment-climate-environment nexus
Identifying just transition policies Nigeria

2.3.1 Impacts of climate and The current forest area of 7.22 per cent is under
environmental change on key significant pressure from logging, timber
export, subsistence agriculture, and notably
sectors and jobs firewood collection for fuel (used as primary
cooking source by approximately 70 per cent of
Nigeria is recognized as being vulnerable to
households) and charcoal, other biomass and
climate change. The Climate Vulnerability Index
dirty fuel (approximately 20 per cent) which
(CVI) is being proposed to assess climate change
provide the main source of cooking energy for
vulnerability. The index consists of parameters
close to 90 per cent of households (Megbowon
in the three dimensions of vulnerability defined
et al 2018; IEA 2019). Charcoal and firewood
by the IPCC: Exposure, Sensitivity and Adaptive
harvesting is an informal activity and statistics
Capability. Exposure is defined by ‘Natural disaster
on the number of jobs in charcoal/firewood
and Climate variability’, Sensitivity by ‘Health’,
production, transportation and trade are not
Food’, and ‘Water’ and Adaptive Capability by
available. However, a staggering 24 million
‘Socio-demographic profile’, ‘Governance and
secondary jobs (accounting for 30 per cent of the
Institutions’, ‘Livelihood strategies’, and ‘Social
labour force) can be assumed to exist in wood
networks’ among other (Chen et al 2015).
collection only, plus a significant high number in
A variety of indexes have been developed charcoal production and trading, due to the fact
to measure the vulnerability of countries to that it is mostly women from the 70 per cent of
environmental risks. For example, the University households which use firewood, who collect the
of Notre Dame proposes an index based on the wood themselves, mostly as a secondary and/or
IPCC criteria and ranks Nigeria 127th among household activity.
180 countries assessed. Importantly, the single
Charcoal and firewood activity and jobs are not
highest risk category is “Agriculture capacity” and
only a very important contributor to employment,
“Projected change of cereal yields” which other
household income (often non-monetized) but
studies estimate could be reduced by 25 per cent
also to a high annual deforestation rate of
in the case of rice cultivation (Chen et al 2015).
4.12 per cent. From a mitigation standpoint,
The total agricultural land, estimated at almost avoiding deforestation through alternative
71 million ha, has an irrigation potential between cooking fuel and climate-smart agriculture has
1.5 to 3.2 million ha out of which only 1 per a great greenhouse gas reduction potential of
cent is irrigated (FAO 2016). While floods will 74 million tonnes per year by 2030. Land use
likely become more severe in southern areas, change and forestry are among the main sources
droughts are expected to be more frequent in the of greenhouse gas emissions, together with
savannah north. Desertification is by far the most the energy sector. In addition to contributing
pressing environmental problem in this region to climate change, deforestation leads to
along the border with Niger. Nigeria is presently biodiversity loss and threatens the habitat and
losing about 351,000 km2 of its land mass to the livelihood of communities, in particular those
desert which is advancing southward at the rate living in the Cross River State, where over 50 per
of 0.6 km/year. Under a business-as-usual cent of the country’s tropical forests are located.
scenario, agricultural productivity could decline
However, climate change and environmental
by 10−25 per cent by 2080. The north of the
degradation caused by economic activity are
country is most vulnerable to climate change as
not only likely to alter the rainfall regimes and
the decline in yield in rain-fed agriculture could be
reduce the predictability of rainfall flow volumes
as much as 50 per cent. Agriculture decline would
but also increase temperature, humidity and the
also affect GDP, reducing it by 4.5 per cent by 2050
occurrence of floods that devastate farmlands.
(UNFCCC 2015).
It also enhances pest and diseases like endemic
The share of the informal sector is 92 per cent, the malaria, and cause other natural disasters like
highest share among all sectors in the country. ocean and storm surges.
This reflects a high number of working poverty
These alterations in the ecosystems of the
and workers lacking social protection coverage.
country impact not only half of all jobs in Nigeria
The sector also comprises a large share of youth
by threatening crop and livestock production,
and migrant workers.
Rapid situational analysis of the employment-climate-environment nexus
Identifying just transition policies Nigeria 9

fisheries, forestry and post-harvest activities. population from the North-Eastern Borno State
It also impacts the livelihoods which depend (IOM 2017).
on them and cause harm to life and property,
infrastructure loss, and salinization of surface and
coastal aquifers (Idowu et al. 2011).
2.3.2 Environmental impact of key
sectors and jobs
Floods, temperature rise and desertification
not only threaten key economic sectors like In terms of climate impacts, Nigeria is not a
agriculture, farming, fisheries and forestry, but large emitter of greenhouse gases, contributing
consequently affect employment in forward link- less than 1 per cent of global emissions
ing supply chains, notably agro-processing and (460 Mt CO2eq in 2014). However, it is the second
trade. Moreover, temperature rise and increasing highest emitter among Sub-Saharan countries.
pollution areas impose occupational safety and And, mainly because of high population growth,
health risks to workers in the aforementioned a business-as-usual scenario would double the
sectors and also in more urban sectors, such as emissions by 2030.
transport and waste management.
Latest statistics from Nigeria’s submission to
The impacts of environmental challenges on the UNFCC from 2014 show that 38.2 per cent of
vulnerable groups is particularly high. Indigenous GHG emissions came from land use change and
people groups throughout the country are the forestry sector, followed by energy, waste,
already confronting climate change impacts, in agriculture and the industrial processes sector
particular those dependent on agriculture and which contributed 32.6, 14.0, 13.0 and 2.1 per cent
farming (Nzeadibe et al. 2012). Droughts have respectively. Within the energy sector transport,
proven to prompt forced migration of farmers electricity and fugitive emissions from oil and gas
and agriculture workers to other regions in the are the most important sources (see figure 2).
country or abroad, as exemplified by the migrant

X Figure 2. Nigeria GHG Emissions 2014 by sector (Mt CO2eq)

200 Column 1

180 38,2%







Land clearing/ Power, Gas flaring, Waste Agriculture, Industry
Forest burning Transport, Manuf. Cattle Methane, processes

Source: ILO illustration data from GHG Inventory Nigeria 2014

10 Rapid situational analysis of the employment-climate-environment nexus
Identifying just transition policies Nigeria

Like agriculture, the energy sector requires a The energy sector is susceptible to climate change
profound transition. The sector is central to the risks, in particular the hydropower generation
economy in terms of GDP accounting for 90 per that frequently suffers from low water in-flow
cent of the country’s export and 80 per cent of caused by rainfall variability. Therefore, climate
government revenues. risks add more pressure to an already existing
context of severe shortages of energy supply due
Limitations in the power provision impose serious
to infrastructure limitations.
constraints to growth. Nigeria has made great
strides, successfully electrifying 65 per cent of Other forms of environmental degradation result
its population as of 2018. Despite this, 80 per from transport, oil and gas production, waste and
cent of those who have electricity access still use non-sustainable agriculture. An increasing fleet
alternative sources of energy due to frequent of vehicles and industrial expansion contribute
power outages. Low quality of energy access has not only greenhouse gas emissions but also local
taken a toll on Nigeria’s economy. air pollution. The oil industry, in addition to gas
flaring, is an important source of local air pollution
The energy mix is mainly composed of thermal
as well as soil and water pollution resulting
power (85 per cent), while hydropower generation
from frequent oil spills. The lack of appropriate
(15 per cent) is an important complementary
infrastructure for the disposal of industrial and
source of energy. The country is also blessed with
urban waste also pose threats to the environment
other energy sources such as hydro, solar, wind,
and human health. Conventional agricultural
biomass, and marine energy resources.
practices are now leading to desertification and
In terms of employment, although the sector is soil degradation in many areas of the country
not an important source of direct employment (Odock et al. 2016). Logging, timber export, use
(0.01 per cent of total employment by sector), of wood for fuels and agricultural practices result
increasing energy access and improving energy in the highest rate of deforestation in the world.
efficiency and related services that are highly This has led to a loss of 55.7 per cent of the
prioritized in the country’s agenda have some country’s primary forests, exacerbating water
potential for job creation. stress (FAO 2015).
In 2018, the decentralized renewable energy
sector provided 4,000 direct, formal jobs 2.3.3 Key sector selection:
whereas Nigeria’s national gas, electricity
agriculture and energy
and air conditioning sector employed about
10,000 workers. The renewable energy sector’s The rapid analysis above outlined the link
employment impact extends beyond direct, between the economy, employment, and climate
formal jobs into the informal sector by creating and environmental change. Using the four key
indirect jobs in the upstream value chain and indicators of GDP, Decent Work emissions and
productive use jobs among end users in rural vulnerability, energy and agriculture appear as the
areas. It also employed about 9,000 informal two economic sectors, which require the largest
workers. Furthermore, the newly acquired or and most profound restructuring to achieve
enhanced electricity access may have enabled sustainable economic and social development.
the creation of 15,000 productive use jobs. By Those sectors are also in line with the national
2022–23, it is estimated that the decentralized development priorities as will be discussed in the
renewable energy sector will provide more than next section.
52,000 direct, formal jobs and about 24,000
Combining the above indicators of GDP (25 per
informal jobs (Power for All 2019).
cent), jobs (50 per cent), CO2eq (50 per cent) and
Despite significant employment and future CVI (very high), agriculture, including forestry
opportunities for jobs in the renewable energy and land use change, is the sector with the most
sector, Nigerian economy relies on the oil and gas pressing need for a just transition. Notably, the
sector. As the main oil producer and exporter in climate-job link is very strong as 50 per cent of
Africa, around 80 per cent of the country’s public the labour force is engaged in the sector, which
revenue originates from oil and gas exploitation. is responsible for 50 per cent of emissions.
Consequently, any action to mitigate climate
Rapid situational analysis of the employment-climate-environment nexus
Identifying just transition policies Nigeria 11

change in agriculture is likely to have important Energy (including power, transport, oil and
implications for employment in the sector, making gas) is central in the pursuit of a just transition.
a well-managed transition essential. Moreover, Indicators in terms of contribution to GDP
working poverty is very high among the rural (10 per cent), significant CO2 emissions (30 per
workforce and farmers are among the population cent), low employment (less than 1 per cent)
categories under severe stress from climate and moderate to high vulnerability (notably
change impacts with a very low adaptive capacity. due to hydroelectricity and energy production
disruption due to disasters) point to the need
to ensure a crucial balance between economic
goals, reduction of environmental impacts and
the related social impacts.
12 Rapid situational analysis of the employment-climate-environment nexus
Identifying just transition policies Nigeria

X 3. Just transition policies − identifying entry points

in the national policy framework

This section discusses just transition challenges cooking fuel and agro-processing. This in turn reduces
and opportunities in Nigeria per sector. The section vulnerability and drives sector growth to transition
concludes with an analysis of the national policy in a just and inclusive way towards an environmental
framework and how it reflects or may reflect just friendly and resilient economy.
transition measures.

3.2 Review of the national

3.1 The impact of climate policy framework
policies on economic
This section briefly summarises the content of the
activities and jobs main policy strategies and their relationship to just
transition policies. It seeks to identify the extent to
With regard to climate policies, efforts to reduce
which national strategies relevant for a just transition
greenhouse gas emissions (mitigation), if taken in
acknowledge environmental challenges, employment
isolation, may negatively affect the energy, forestry
costs/opportunities, and the linkages between the two.
and agriculture sectors, which together are responsible
for more than 80 per cent of total emissions. However,
depending on the type of mitigation policies and Nigeria Vision 20:2020 (2009−2020)
accompanying just transition measures, economic Nigeria Vision 20:2020 is a long-term blueprint for
growth may be stimulated and job opportunities the period 2009−2020 to launch Nigeria onto a path
created. For instance, jobs may be created or of sustained social and economic progress across
transitioned from thermal power jobs to jobs in the four dimensions: social, economic, institutional and
off-grid solar sector, in energy efficiency and in grid environmental. With regard to human development,
expansion. Likewise, opportunities for job creation and the strategy seeks to build new capacity in technical
transformation are likely to emerge through climate- and vocational education, support small scale and
smart agriculture and reforestation, alternative rural farmers, expand and enhance primary health care

X Table 1. Nigeria policy strategies relevant to a just transition

Area Policy Year

General development vision and plan Economic Recovery and Growth Plan (ERGP) 2017–2020

Nigeria Vision 20:2020 (2009−2020)

Employment and decent work policies National Employment Policy 2017

Environmental policies Nationally Determined Contribution 2015

Other relevant policies Nigeria Industrial Revolution Plan (NIRP) 2012−2017

Source: ILO illustration data from GHG Inventory Nigeria 2014

Rapid situational analysis of the employment-climate-environment nexus
Identifying just transition policies Nigeria 13

and access to potable water and basic sanitation. Interventions to create jobs are a prominent aspect
Economic goals of the strategy include diversifi- of the ERGP, which aims to reduce unemployment
cation of the economy, expansion of investments, and underemployment, especially among youth.
increase in employment, improvement of efficien- It prioritises job creation through the adoption of a
cy of MSMEs, decrease in informality. Promoting jobs and skills programme for Nigeria. It also sets
gender equality and youth employment are also the target of improving the business environment
key strategies. It is a roadmap that establishes in collaboration with businesses to deepen their
strategies and priorities, but remains dependent investments in various sectors.
on further plans to effective implementation.
The Plan has a particular focus on enhancing
Nigeria Vision 20:2020 recognizes the challenge of opportunities for SMEs in the promotion of
climate change and environmental degradation to industrialization as Nigeria’s manufacturing
the economy and develops effective policies to the sector has been particularly vulnerable to the
threats of climate change. Importantly, economic stagnant economic conditions.
diversification away from oil dependence is
Even though increasing oil production is one of
recognized as crucial.
the main objectives of the ERGP, which would
increase the countries’ GHG emissions, the ERGP
Economic Recovery and Growth Plan acknowledges that investing in people includes
(ERGP) (2017−2020) protecting the environment in which they live and
The ERGP articulates the Government’s vision work. The Plan does not specify the employment-
for the country for the period 2017-2020, and lays environment linkages. The policy objectives are
the foundation for long-term growth. The ERGP the following:
focuses on three strategic objectives: restoring X Promote sustainable management of natural
growth, investing in people, and building a resources;
competitive economy. The Plan targets a growth X Address severe land degradation and deser-
rate of 7 per cent by 2020 driven by strong tification by implementing projects under the
non-oil sector growth anchored in agriculture Great Green Wall initiative, supporting climate
and food security, energy, transportation and change adaptation, and promoting forest
industrialization. It foresees investment in people plantations and eco-tourism;
by improving access to healthcare and education, X Attract financing for sustainable development
promoting social inclusion and creating jobs. projects;
To build a competitive economy, it aims at
X Reduce gas flaring by 2 percentage points a
accelerating infrastructure development and
year so that it is eliminated by 2020;
improving the ease of doing business.
X Install 3,000 MW of solar systems over the
To achieve the objectives of the ERGP, the key period;
execution priorities are:
X Increase the number of households transiting
X stabilizing the macroeconomic environment; from kerosene to cooking gas (LPG) to 20 per
X achieving agricultural transformation and cent by 2020;
food security; X Increase the number of households replacing
X ensuring energy sufficiency (power and petro- kerosene lanterns with solar lamps by 20 per
leum products); cent by 2020.

X improving transportation infrastructure;

Nigeria Industrial Revolution Plan
X driving industrialization, focusing on small (2012−2017)
and medium-sized enterprises.
The Nigeria Industrial Revolution Plan (NIRP)
The targets on employment, business develop- launched in 2012 provides a strategic and
ment and energy build on existing sectoral integrated roadmap towards industrialization,
strategies and plans such as the National Industrial which continues influencing the strategies
Revolution Plan and the Nigeria Integrated of the current government. NIRP provides a
Infrastructure Master Plan. plan across three sectors: agro-allied, solid
minerals and oil and gas-related industries,
14 Rapid situational analysis of the employment-climate-environment nexus
Identifying just transition policies Nigeria

where Nigeria’s comparative and competitive While oil exploitation remains a key economic
advantage are apparent. activity, Nigeria’s mitigation measures rather
focus on improving energy efficiency and access.
The Nigeria Industrial Revolution Plan is a five-
More specifically, the objectives are to increase
year plan to rapidly build up industrial capacity
energy efficiency by 30 per cent, provide 13 GW
and improve competitiveness in the country.
of renewable electricity (solar power) in particular
The plan identifies industry groups where it has
to rural off-grid communities, ending gas flaring,
comparative advantage: agro allied and agro
improving the electricity grid and efficient gas
processing, metals and solid minerals processing,
generators (Ministry of Environment 2014).
oil and gas-related industries, construction,
light manufacturing, and services. Building up The document also recognizes the country’s
industrial skills, an adequate infrastructure and vulnerability to climate change, for instance
business environment are key aspects. in the form of droughts. With the objective to
promote economic growth of 5 per cent per year,
National Employment Policy (2017) improve the standard of living and establish
electricity access for all by 2030, the government
The National Employment Policy (NEP) results is committed to putting in place the following
from a revision of the previous policy adopted in measures:
2002. Its goal is to create the enabling environment
for productive and employment-intensive growth X Work towards ending gas flaring by 2030
in Nigeria. Among the objectives of the policy are: X Work towards off-grid solar PV of 13GW
full employment, non-discrimination, promotion (13,000MW)
of skills and competencies in formal and informal
sectors, especially in rural areas, formalization, X Efficient gas generators
enhanced integration of migrant labour, creation X 2 per cent per year energy efficiency (30 per
and maintenance of labour market information cent by 2030)
system, ensuring social protection.
X Transport shift from private (cars) to public
The promotion of environmentally friendly (buses)
(green) jobs is mentioned as one scope of action
X Improve coverage and stability of electricity
of the policy and composes one of the policy
targets. Green jobs would be created in the grid
context of climate change adaptation measures, X Climate smart agriculture and reforestation
in the renewable energy sector, urban waste
Altogether, these measures are expected to
recycling and afforestation. Labour-intensive
reduce emissions by around 45 per cent compared
public works are foreseen in the policy., In order
to a business-as-usual scenario, conditional upon
to create decent work, in particular for the youth,
international support, and 20 per cent achieved
the policy also emphasizes sector value chains,
with domestic resources. In the context of
such as agriculture, , mining and solid mineral
mitigation measures, the government sets job
extraction, manufacturing in the textile sector,
creation as an important criterion to guide the
entertainment sector and tourism.
prioritization of actions. Fostering innovation
in clean technologies and implementing a fiscal
Intended Nationally Determined Contri- reform for mitigation are seen as potential action
bution (2015) for job creation.
Nigeria’s Intended Nationally Determined Adaptation measures are another key component
Contribution (INDC) takes an approach that of Nigeria’s INDC. The document underlines
focuses on the delivery of development benefits adaptation strategies for vulnerable groups and
and sustainable growth of the economy as for sectors including agriculture, forests, energy,
a response to the constraints to human and transportation and communications, industry and
economic development arising from poverty, commerce. Measures to enhance the resilience
food insecurity, poor access to energy and high of communities and protect them from disasters,
unemployment. promote social dialogue for adaptation, and skills
development have also been included in the plan.
Rapid situational analysis of the employment-climate-environment nexus
Identifying just transition policies Nigeria 15

The measures in the INDC for mitigation and entry points are meant to inform the design
adaptation reflect and build on the Nigeria Climate of projects or programmes, to further the
Change Policy Response and Strategy and the development of policies, building on the existing
National Adaptation Strategy and Plan of Action policy framework, and to complement them
for Climate Change Nigeria (NASPA-CCN 2011). where gaps have been identified. The entry
points seek to enable the achievement of two
policy goals: 1) promoting employment creation
3.3 Just transition policies by stimulating both labour demand and supply on
the one hand, and 2) minimizing and mitigating
This section looks at the match between sectors
risks of loss of employment or income.
identified as requiring priority attention in the
pursuit of a just transition, and national policy
strategies. Such analysis allows to consider the Potential entry points for interventions
extent to which the existing institutional and in agriculture, land use and forestry:
policy framework may be subject to revision in
X Building resilience of agricultural production:
order to reflect and ensure a just transition.
promotion of MSMEs, in particular among
The key sectors identified in this paper are energy youth, enhancing the ability to cope with cli-
and agriculture. A structural change is required mate change effects on crops and livestock.
in those sectors to achieve development, which
X Skills and enterprise development for cli-
is high-growth but low-carbon with reduced
mate-smart agriculture in the context of
climate risk. Within those sectors deforestation,
mitigation efforts, including reforestation
transport, power, and oil and gas are critical
and halting desertification.
for reducing emissions. Agriculture and agro-
processing are key for broad-based and inclusive X Skills and enterprise development for al-
growth, which is low climate risk. ternative clean cooking solutions, including
improved cook stoves, alternative energy
As the main national development plan, the
sources (LPG), eco-charcoal production from
Economic Growth and Recovery Plan recognizes
waste, sawmills, and small household-size
the importance of the agriculture and energy
animal-waste-fed bio digesters.
sectors. However, it may provide a stronger
link to climate and just transition policies. At X Social protection for agricultural workers:
the same time the National Employment Policy mainstream environmental risks into social
reflects key aspects of just transition policies, protection and insurance systems.
but does not link them to the climate and X Developing models of payment for ecosystem
environmental context. Finally, sectoral policies
services to alter the opportunity cost of clear-
in energy and agriculture may benefit from the
ing forest areas.
inclusion of just transition policies by linking the
development strategies to employment, social
and environmental goals as well. Potential entry points for interventions
in the energy sector (power, oil and gas,
In terms of just transition policies to enable transport):
and drive structural change in the energy
and agriculture sectors, skills and enterprises X Skills identification and anticipation with
development are considered primary levers a focus on renewables (solar).
of action. Social protection policies, including X Skills development targeted at new skill
insurance mechanisms, are critical to ensure requirements in the traditional energy sector,
reduced vulnerability and climate risk for including technicians required for technology
workers, enterprises and communities engaged ending gas flaring, double-cycle gas genera-
in agriculture. tors and more energy efficiency.
The following section provides a set of entry X Skills development in emerging and
points for policy, programme and project renewable energies − solar and wind −
intervention to promote a just transition in the notably off-grid solar installers, managers
agriculture and energy sectors. The proposed and maintenance service.
16 Rapid situational analysis of the employment-climate-environment nexus
Identifying just transition policies Nigeria

X Mainstreaming employment caveats in In addition, social dialogue can allow for

energy policy strategies. stakeholder-wide consultation and coordination.
Social dialogue can consist of all types of
Policies related to sustainable enterprise
negotiation, consultation or simply exchange of
development are regarded as potentially
information between, or among, representatives
effective in creating new jobs and fostering the
of governments, employers and workers, on
demand for jobs. On the other hand, supporting
issues of common interest relating to economic
skills development will improve the supply
and social policy. In practice, government and
side and human capital to drive clean electric
line ministries as well as employers’ and workers’
and cooking technologies and climate-smart
organizations are main stakeholders to engage
agricultural practices. Resilient enterprises would
in continuous dialogue in policy formulation and
be recommended in the agriculture sector. Green
public employment programmes are suggested
as potentially effective in the rural economy The use of existing institutional set-ups,such
where underemployment is severe. Employment as the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Climate
guarantees and working for the environment Change, and/or existing consultation mechanisms
programmes in India and South Africa have for national development planning and the
proven very effective in building natural assets, Revised Economic Growth and Recovery Plan,
creating jobs while enhancing agricultural are well suited to include additional key social
productivity and yields through improved soil, partners and stakeholders, and engage in
water management and irrigation. continuous social dialogue.
This will ensure broad-based consensus and
Potential institutional set-up support for the policy direction taken, safeguard
To ensure a just transition for all, policy peace, ensure the inclusion of the disadvantaged
coordination and coherence are required and marginal voices, and enable a timely and
between sectoral policies (energy, agriculture), successful implementation.
economic policies (economic growth plan),
environmental/climate policies (nationally
determined contributions on climate adaptation
and mitigation) and employment and social
policies (education and training, enterprise
development, social protection).
Rapid situational analysis of the employment-climate-environment nexus
Identifying just transition policies Nigeria 17


Chen, C., Noble, I., Hellmann, J., Coffee, J., Murillo, M. and Chawla, N. 2015. University of Notre Dame 2015:
Global Adaptation Index Country Index Technical Report.
FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) 2016. The State of Food and Agriculture
2016 (Rome).
—. 2015 Global Forest Resources Assessment (Rome).
Idowu, Adekunle, Ayoola, Simeon, Opele, A and Ikenweiwe, Bolatito. 2011. “Impact of Climate Change
in Nigeria.” Iranica Journal of Energy & Environment. 2: 145-152.
IEA (International Energy Agency). 2019. Nigeria Energy Outlook. Available at:
ILO (International Labour Office/Organization). 2011. Nigeria Decent Work Country Programme II
(2012−2015) (Geneva).
—. 2015. Guidelines for a just transition towards environmentally sustainable economies and societies for all
—. 2018. Women and men in the informal economy: A statistical picture, Third edition (Geneva).
IOM (International Organisation for Migration). 2017. Climate Change and Forced Migration from Ngala and
Kala-Balge LGAs, N.E. Borno State, Nigeria (Geneva).
Megbowon, Ebenezer, Mukarumbwa, Peter, Ojo, Sola and Olawuyi, Seyi. 2018. “Household
Cooking Energy Situation in Nigeria: Insight from Nigeria Malaria Indicator Survey 2015”,
in International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, Vol. 8: 284-291. 10.32479/ijeep.6913.
National Bureau of Statistics. 2018. Sectoral Distribution of Value Added and Gross Domestic Product Report
(Full Year 2018).
—. 2017. Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS).
Nigeria Federal Ministry of Environment. 2014. Nigeria’s second national communication.
Nigeria Federal Ministry of Labour and Employment. 2016. National Employment Policy.
Nzeadibe, Chidi, Egbule, Chukwudumebi, Chukwuone, Nnaemeka, Ekwe Agwu, Agwu and Agu, Victoria.
2012. “Indigenous innovations for climate change adaptation in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria.”
Environment, Development and Sustainability. 14: 901-914.
Odock, C. N., Okpiliya, F. I., OKA, P. O, Ajom, S. K. and Okwakpam, Ikechi O. 2016. “Sustainability of the
Nigerian Environment: Interrogating the Drivers of Environmental Degradation.” Global Research Journal
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Power for All. 2019. Powering Jobs Census Nigeria 2019.
UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change). 2015. Nigeria’s Intended National
Determined Contribution (New York, NY).
World Bank. 2015. Nigeria: Skills for Competitiveness and Employability (Washington, DC).
18 Rapid situational analysis of the employment-climate-environment nexus
Identifying just transition policies Nigeria


X Table 2. Main country indicators

Indicators 2011 2013 2015 2017 2018

Population (millions) 162.80 171.76 181.14 190.88 195.88

GDPpc (constant $) 2350.3 2476.8 2563.1 2412.4 2396.3

GDP growth rate (%) 5.3 6.7 2.7 0.8 1.9

GDP sectoral composition (%)

Agriculture - 23.33 23.11 25.08 25.13

Industry - 24.81 23.71 22.25 22.25

Services - 51.86 53.18 52.67 52.62

Employed persons by sectors

and sex (female total share) (%)

Agriculture 40.1 38.2 37 36.8 36.6

Industry 11.7 11.8 11.7 11.5 11.5

Services 48 49.9 51.2 51.6 51.8

Unemployment rate by sex

23.9 - 10.4 (12.3) 18.8 (21.2)
(female total share) (%)

Education level of the labour force

23.1 (26.6)
by sex (female total share) (%)

Less than basic 32.9

Basic 16.8

Intermediate 39.7

Advanced 10.7


Contribution to GDP (%) 49.78

Contribution to employment
(% employees)

Youth unemployment rate (%) 13.7 25.5

Informal employment (%) - - - 92.9 29.7

Trade union density rate (%) - - - - -

GHG emissions, total (mt co2 equivalent) 430 460 460 480 -

Renewable energy production

(as % of total)
8.1 8 5.9 - -

Main environmental hazards

Source: World Development Indicators (WB), National Bureau of Statistics, and ILO Modelled Estimates.
Rapid situational analysis of the employment-climate-environment nexus
Identifying just transition policies Nigeria 19

X Table 3. Summary table, policy framework approach

JT policy areas/ Vision

Policy strategy ERGP NIRP NEP INDC
GJP area of work 20:2020

Sustainable Enterprises

Resilient Enterprises

Green Employment

Considerations Skills development

Social protection


Social dialogue

Mitigation strategies

Adaptation and
resilience strategies
Specific mention
of ‘green jobs’
or employment-
environment linkages

Note: This table compiles information on the different national policy strategies and shows whether particular
just transition policy areas are recognised in each of these strategies, in which case the box appears in blue.
Different colour intensities are used to indicate what policy areas received a higher/lower consideration
within each policy strategy. This facilitates the identification of just transition policy areas which are well
mainstreamed into the national policy framework and highlights potential main gaps.

International Labour Organization

Route des Morillons 4
1211 Geneva 22

Green Jobs Programme

E: ISBN 9789220330333

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