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M TULLE oy uM ON} ICERONIS IN M. ANT ORagy TA 10 PHILIPPICA QUAR A "aol Tequentia vestrum ineredibilis, 2 a eigtsntam meminisse no li ; rei ports 7 Mihi summane defendendae rei Pe im wige®™ recupermnae aoe gett, idem Pumquam defuit, tempo rrendel ‘fol Sunt, peel 2 pritnune aliquid’ lucis os! vdendae A QuagsPtineens Nestrae libertatis defen ne £40 non ante facere conatus essem, ites meaieossem, Hodietno "enim ‘die, Qu jenta y Preigt tem agp itreinini fundamen putt fant rel oman, grin, fundams ic ren, Nam est host oa ag, “1 “adpellatyg, Naum est heat es sean Ne vested erection, q¥0d Neol®® ila Reston esse tants consent Probavictie ‘int inet, Quirites, it non ait fet potest at Pepe tne es gens exerci $2 at “Te tests, conten eaeeey ams r dbitatonem, ete mPa “ cron ess a? wdis Spplause. On rest MP ea EE en Od y LLIUS te Fourry, PHILIPPIC OF Mus 1 SCBRO AGAINST M. ANTO! Ying Youn ‘ner, -—of this seaprenee “thane 1 seem to ae eager- fenbly, RPite me yoth with the eof re-estab- 5 gaits i peers tea ere ay tora a et 278 eet ght, ee ‘er me gleam of npte 1 seeotiog 2 shed Tow “Ha {attempted to Beene, Pou not be able to do so now 5 for tage ven ay, Romans—that you may fished— ie iva Matter whiely hes beow sist remains & ngtemtions hayes, been Se aaervetial a lichen, For Antonius, though ed by the ta * called, has in fact been adjudged PY, om meh eg ag i cpemy.. Now, indeed: 1 9 Fimo ene, in that yon too, with . Fons apie, an at You 00 Bann theming tse ition cannot be otherwise Shia: Cither thosb at Aisloyal that have levied ings “Bainge ot consul, or thet man is an en fe Sogiet grtom gycoh have rightly Paereataa toMbL ON thi Point then—though tl ‘Senate has fay et ane ibility of doubt, the S ‘zeal, his wo cade ee she pan ny 2d ly by the eonteibationset ciate and lin, Totected and is protecting ate witl eben the Senate with “OSs een he Sow 237 1s, and the ‘dible numbers, Romans, 0 MARCUS TULLIUS CICER a ari erty ini nomen lat tiny sin aninty prosegumint simi adules, i potius; sunt enim “entis vel pueri potius 5 its immortalitars is qui, cu mane ora tale eognovi 4 Premerem, racsidit 3.28 dies malum eresceret, Preeti ane lem et pestiferum a ate Ss Capital ye inser” Teditum timeremus, i fe omnibys “casilium, ineognitum cer “Xereitum 5 “ret . ios confer, Rectum ex paternis militi Soeitat tongue foros i a intelleg*® to $8 qui hoe non lls na future! py oer ett et Antont Teditum fuisse? Ita vi Picbat ardeng ‘ne gers? R «great cruentus sanguine F antora, gto Ut nihiy nig 8S Suessa tare © Pernicie populi oma iat “ vn a enh ae salutis lil at Vestrag, ie esidium erat sul Pros rt forssimorum insti m eXercitug Ron fuisset? Caius morale see tribe 51 ei pro divinis et io ens a Sivint {immortalesque debentur, mibt og Maal ‘erpor~ rete? tate a 2 decrevit ut Pr ptt tun se me Quo eB ln? Tepeit hostem e856 ye = Aikeatant “One nim possumus aP2 ae ™ ONtry em eni 8 238 gem fis 5 ‘i exercitus ducunt, tte § PHILIPPIC IV. 1. 3-1 rarmest with the wa ‘or r greeting with (Ne man, ‘2 you, Romans, or great sie pens ois sore ae ot his deeds tothe ge ri oy pet heard, YY, the Lead oe vive Let eerhnors Temembes, much have | esi " cad; nosuch act have, wens err irene 12 with slavery, when, day. wh cal etiteted with very, src aaa Were | then ating the deadly rr Teturn Mareve Antonin cS ye te ited this policy, one unhoped army of known all of raising an unbeaten, ee 8, and turing ius, When’ spurred on Oy ate ws fom the destruction o! and es or wh est undertand neat had nos Tevied his army, the a dave: entalled Oo itd was he coming et ere you, am he, om blood Ieahe a fed mi the : 1 ng, thought but for the destt Ee ther ers Peopig. Ad what safeguard wae th - i ang At ist, safegane ar oh liberty, if Caesar a we Soldiers bad not exe a id FPP tes and pone due tt : aorta) honours are has jus Sac ae a “ong oton that they be takep Ag cant pereeive tt dag vat Sa yilus hay BOE adjudged an, on< 0 "eal the man, when the Rect Mts wo arbitratar ? Singulares exquirendos honores legio Mattia, : traxisse nomes accep hostem, hostis, st indi MARCUS TULLIUS CICERO Suse mahi videtur divinitus ab 6 2, 8 quo populum Romanus Bee regan ipsa suis decretis prius quam SP", pevieevit Antonium? Nan cose erat €onsulem reliquerunt, hostes Me Josie aot Beslate et loco, Quirtes, eel tum puleherimum Martialiu™ Hi Se ad senatus auctoritater 'bertatem ye af ae contule Patrine fortiter, sea Fant Albac constiterunt, ‘moni ‘unt, in urbe opportuns, Propingua, be opp Caesar Paravit ‘re te religuerunt, essent, tone; quar 5 quarum iene indian cong Populus 240, yubtien™ stam, ad universam rem publicrt hostein itlum et latronem et par lgnerunt. Nec solum id unt, reli et Considerate etiam sapienterque f°e" fortissimorum ssimoru” virorum, fidel oe Huius Martiae legi tuleio? k juae ‘xpectas, M, Antoni geavior® tissimis. verbis Tegione® quae a te arcessitae sunt, © ware, comsulem quam hostem maluisseS um fortissimum verissimumgue 2 Roman ents comprobat univers nisi forte TAR A “vei, PHELIPPIC IV. 1. 5-1 6 sea ntl hon, ose that Tea igiles gehOurs shouta te devised for th thee Martian nition (RINSE him’? What ? Ne derived its Wyte by ate! appears tome to have . consent from that God fro Ant tesoiny the Roman people has spre rmt2rigg ton before that ot the Senate cattcerlt Shemy FS Forte sot Ne nguyen cay hat, have deserted Ie Won te be Sait tho that ave faa hat ee Be So ne ou a outs approved a Mo We You by your repeated s Martians Ee ‘Mn muthority of the Senate, nd the entire State, HO, 1 Neenemy and brigand and pares and, “And it ig not only with Sp Agta also yuh the breve a ana of T2! citizens, Copying the good ang. *S. Tegion, the fourth rived he Senate nas just now comm s + Whe tiny of Cals Cues y antonins, mig oe watt, Se¥erer judgments, Marcus, Ae No hag’ ating for? “Gaesar is exalted 0 126 Ore Nilsed levied an army against yous Fesi0 sored the mont gomsrous terms Uist HAYS, aN Youd you, He Most generous ee wogliad chat have been summoned DY Yo nem, Tegtla hayeege® to be a consul rather, than 0” Fh ose riots, me, Been yours and the JUdEMeM spate Courageous and true a6 HO ‘whole Bonnar people #pProves Donny sat , vos iudicare, ut ndi ia, colontas, oster censetis> om rma ‘lam pes ; iaataigreste™ ese’ capienda, : videtasy® Potts, nam cal tandem eontemaenan, Tn ene SEE CE vere neyatie, Quire Este ‘corum immortalium beneficio et mune ster idl Pracfecturas num aliter 0 iy anes mortales una mente COPS gis corum, qui haec salva velints “Fouts Quid? tet publica e Populi Rog erteram genus et nomen ad Til er “ni vel constituendam vel recipirn vit? Excludit promigETatut de M, Antonio indict, Tortatur ad pantity exercitu obsistit, Galliam t2%® excitatere’ bellum ipsam sua sponte suoque iad Conseratoy SE,SORRH Antonina, Brutus: host ‘um igitur, cc, Puvlicae Brutus, hostis Anton! LV. “Atque tum horum sit, dubitare possuraus? e Yor negate’ St ¥8 una mente unague poce dubia” A SI modo decrevit sontas D. Brot paige ttle meres, cum senatus aucto® ereettique Romani libestatess imperiumae® fer ey Me teendreams a danda defensio? DeinceP® meritoque ornatur verbis quod resistat Antonio, Que! als ova pte ae aoe Fe sere se adstringeret omnes eni™ mis ab senata, PHILIPPIC IV. a. 6-19 ot WES not an enemy. 1 thought 30 eee son ‘ine’ Was as you show it es efecturesy Tae the tees Bae eatones the preter sete thermic? All Heng 6”, SF iss our ‘ind that every weapon those wh Lo oppose Ue to be ede nee spe oman, Deg, Pest. What? does the judgment Norn dict of gas Brutus, which you could owes? Rightly “Y; appear now one to be despis he kind- nd teuly een you any No, Forieis by the Kine, ie and} bounty of the immortal Gods, as it were, 310, the ge and name of Brutus has been bestoves oy of guttte, either to establish or to recover the iment ore Rotman people. "What then is the jodement Nim “cimus Brutus on Marcus Antonius? He etc) him ,OMt Of his province; with an army he resets Tomghe exhorts to ‘war all Gaul, altendy tsetf IPEEA OF Hts own accordy and by its own jude Ntonius isa consul, Brutus is a erat the a are Beats Auton “alterne- tives Y: , Can we then doubt which of these +5 true? voice 58} youjAtd as you with one mind and one voice sty Nay 12 Mot doubt, so has the Senate just decress Stat, Decimus Bratus. deserves cxcellently of {hs the “(iP defending the authority of the Sem reople. Dereliberty ‘and empire of the Roman. Peon’, ending from whom? from an enemy of Course hat other defence is worthy of praise 1d justly onglOvince: of Gaul ts commended and, 12 for “ured by the Senate in the most Benen deemed Ming peeling, Antonius, ‘If that proving it would. f2msul, and yet would not, receive No "Ia involve itself in a great crimes ea ‘ MARCUS TULLIUS CICERO in consulis it Negat bos Pregt,imperio debent esse PFO ys, . Brutus imperator, consul desire ys negat cuncte ats negate vos,” Qui iam Ey Quidem inet! Jatones putant? Quamquam 2° Tate ogP8 eA Tocuntur, id sentiunts ™ Sint, “sieut inci 7 non agrorum adsi ita hasta satiavit; qui sibi urbe™s ti ad praed ae ei ne quod euferant, 10 Sibi defurmg, i 10d rapiant, quod auferant, ™ ricer bits gue Amer omen fun ss ave et detestamini, quaeso» a urbem se divisurum ease promis wet 50, Gates ae ee, att recidae Tatise Poche in" ipsum Tamiiame, oS him non 2v02 tte futurum esse confide j 1822 wane solum homines, sede nmortaet Sive enpublicam conservandam arbitres eonsensi22 rod Pal nmoralet PHILIPPIC IV. 1v. 9-% 1! Vinces . com ought to be within the jurisdiction and com: Rand oe the Conga, Ths consulship Decious Tutus, commander, consul elect, a citizen born 1 sere fhe eae ae des iy all aly fies it; the Senate denies it; you deny it. Whe then deem him a consul but brigands? | Not thet oR these very ‘men think as they say; though aiggPAl and ‘criminal, as they are, yet ‘they cannot stent from the judgment of all living men. Bot wib® Of rapine and plunder blind the minds of men hom no gift of property, no assignments of lands, Tor that neverending auction * has sated ; men thay ANY tet Lefore themselves for plunder the city and thin B00ds and fortunes of its citizens 5 ‘men that ink nothing will fail them provided there be here ~G° subject for rapine, for robbery; men t¢ ‘whom FeO. ye easter Bert ag and als eats this omen !_—Marcus ntonius has promised vision of the city. Yes; Homano, ay re tesue be according to your rea¥e"S, and may the penalty for this man’s madnes {$eei on‘ hmeell and gn his family | Tam confident ‘roWil, for Tthinie that, not men only, but also the vaeottal Gods, have agreed together for the preser ion ‘of the’ State, © For whether the immortal

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