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What ages prefer tv over streaming ?.

According to my survey it shows that people

between the ages of 0-16 prefer streaming over
tv this may be because you can access this when
and however often you would like which may be
seen as more modern than the typical tv
programme that may be aired only once every
night at a certain time period making it limited to
who can watch it. However, this is completely
different to those in the 51+ category who prefer
TV by a lot more, this may be because they can
then get themselves into a pattern and have a
routine of when they watch tv. This could be
because if people have a routine they may find it
difficult to change or might not want to change it
to the more modern idea as it has worked for
them for while so why should they change? 17–
30-year-olds is seen to prefer streaming over tv
but not by a lot as they are getting more into
their adult life and might not have time to watch
tv shows which work around tight schedules and
want to watch film or programmes that fit into
their schedule rather than fitting into the tv’s
schedule. 31-45 year olds are seen to prefer to
watch tv over streaming as it is more suitable for
them however as you can see by the chart the
amount of people watching programmes has
became lower but those who do decide to watch
shows much prefer the tv programmes rather
than the streaming.

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