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Physics 1 st Test Series SUBJECTIVE

TIME Allowed: 2:35 Minutes PARTTotal Marks : 68
Note: Attempt any fourteen parts from Section B and any two questions from
Section C on the separately provided answer book. Write answers neatly and
Q:2. Attempt any “FOURTEEN PARTS” from the followings. All parts carry equal

i. If a point charge q of mass m is released in non uniform electric field with field lines pointing
in the same direction, will it make a rectilinear motion?
ii. Can the potential of a non uniformly charged sphere be the same as that of point charge?
iii. Water has large dielectric constant, but it is rarely used in capacitors why?
iv. If a material media is used between two charges how it will effect coulombs force?
v. Derive an expression for capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor.
vi. Describe the construction and working of inkjet printer?
vii. Show that E=-∆V/∆r
viii. Why do solids give rise to continuous spectrum while hot gases give rise to line spectrum?
ix. Why X- rays have different properties from light even though both originate from orbital
transition of electron in excited atoms?
x. Crystal lattices can be examined with x- rays but not UV. Why?
xi. How characteristics X-rays are produced?
xii. What do you know about Meta-Stable? Why this state is necessary to achieve for laser
xiii. How we observe Line absorption spectrum.
xiv. Define excitation energy? Calculate first and 2nd excitation energy that is an electron makes
in hydrogen atom.
xv. How much charge flow in pocket calculator each minute when the current is 0.0001A?
xvi. Why rise in temperature of a conductor is accompanied by a rise in the resistance?
xvii. While analysing a circuit the internal resistance of e.m.f. sources are ignored why?
xviii. Under what circumstances can the terminal P.D of a battery exceed it’s e.m.f?
xix. Define electron volt? Is electron volt is the unit of energy or potential? How electron volt
and energy are related.
xx. How De- Broglie deduced Bohr,s 2nd postulate?
Section -C ( Marks 26)

Note: Attempt any two questions. All questions carry equal marks. (13x2=26)

Q3.a. State and prove the Guass,s law for electrostatics?

b. Explain polarization of dielectric of a capacitor.

c. Two-point charge of 8C and -4C are separated by a distance of 10cm in air. At what point on the
line joining the two charges is the electric potential zero?

Q4.a. Derive an expression for energy of electron in quantized orbit.

b. Describe the construction and working of He-Ne laser.

c.An electron is in the first Bohr orbit of hydrogen. Find (a) the speed of electron (b) the time required
for the electron to circle the nucleus.

Q5.a. What is Laser? Describe it’s principle and operation.

b.Derive an expression for energy stored in a capacitor in terms of electric field.

c. If 280J of work is done in carrying a charge of 2C from a place where potential is -12V to another place
where potential is V calculate the value of V.
TIME Allowed: 25 Minutes PART
Total Marks :17
Note: Section A is compulsory. All parts of this section to be
answered.Deleting and overwriting is not allowed. Donot use lead pencil.
1. Each question has four possible answers, Tick (√) the correct answer.
1 The unit of Electric field intensity is
A volt/metre B newton/coulomb C joule/ D 1volt.metre
2 A one microfarad capacitor of a TV is subjected to 4000 V potential
difference. The energy stored in capacitor is
A 8j B 16j C 4×10^-3j D 2×10^-3j
3 A charge Q is divided into two parts q and Q-q and separated by a distance R.
The force of repulsion between them will be maximum when
A q=Q/4 B q=Q/3 C q=Q/2 D q=Q
4 The electric potential between two points A and B is∆V. The work done W by
the field in moving a charge q from A to B is
A W=-q∆V B W=q∆V C W=-q/∆V D W=∆V/q
5 Total flux through a closed surface depends on:
A Shape of B Charge enclosed C Medium only D Both b&c
surface only
6 RC factor has same dimensions as that of
A Potential B Resistance C Time D Capacitance
7 Due to polarization electric field E
A Increases B Decreases C First increase D Remain same
than decrease
8 Photo copier and inkjet printer are the application of
A Magnetism B Electricity C Electro magnetism D Electro statics
9 Relative permittivity for air is
A 1.06 B 1.006 C 1.0006 D 1.6
10 Which of the following series of hydrogen spectra lies in the visible region
of spectrum
A Lyman B Balmer C Pashen D Brachett
11 The energy of the electron in the excited state n=4 in hydrogen atom is
A -13.6 eV B -3.4 eV C -0.85 eV D -1.5 eV
12 The reverse process of X-ray production can be related to
A Compton B Photoelectric C Pair production D Pair
effect effect Annihilation
13 In neon, the 20.66 eV level can undergo lasing action to the 18.70 eV level.
What is the energy of the resulting photons
A 20.66eV B 18.70 eV C 39.36eV D 1.96 eV
14 He- Ne Laser beam emitted from a discharge tube has a color
A Blue B Green C Red D White
15 For Paschen series the value of n starts from
A 2 B 4 C 6 D 8
16 Bremsstrahlung radiation are example of
A Atomic B Molecular C Continuous spectra D Discrete
spectra spectra spectra
17 Metastable state of Neon is
A 20.66 eV B 20.61 eV C 18.70 eV D 1.60 eV
Best of Luck

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