XI - A - Differential & Integration-1

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Q.1: A body is moving in a straight line along X – axis. Its distance from the origin is given by the
equation x = 5t - t 2 , where ‘x’ is in ‘m’ and ‘t’ is in ‘s’. Find :
(i) the average speed of the body in the interval t = 0 and t = 2s and
(ii) its instantaneous speed at t = 2s. [ Ans: (i) 3 m/s (ii) 1 m/s ]

Q.2: Displacement is given by x = 2 - 5t + 6 t 2 . Find the initial velocity of the particle x in metre and
t in second. [-5m/s ]

Q.3: The position coordinate of a moving particle is given by x = 6 + 18t + 9 t 2 ( x in metres and ‘t’ in
seconds). What is its velocity at t = 2 sec. [ Ans: 54 m / s ]

Q.4: An object is moving along x – axis in such a way that its displacement is given by x = 30 + 20 t 2
, where x is in metres and t is in seconds.
(a) Find the velocity and acceleration.
(b) What are the initial position and the velocity of the object ?
[ Ans: (a) v = 40 t m / s , a = 40 m / s (b) I.P = 30 m , I.V = 0 ]

Q.5: The distance of a particle moving in one dimension , under the action of a constant force related to
time ‘t’ by equation t = - 3 , where ‘x’ is in metres and ‘t’ in seconds. Find the velocity of
the particle at (i) t = 0 s (ii) t = 3s. [ Ans: (i) 6 m / s (ii) 12 m / s ]

Q.6: The distance of a particle moving in one dimension , under the action of a constant force related to
time ‘t’ by equation t = + 3 , where ‘x’ is in metres and ‘t’ in seconds. Find the displacement
of the particle when its velocity is zero. [ Ans: 0 ] IIT

Q.7: An electron starting from rest has a velocity that increases linearly with time that is v = kt ,
where k = 2 m / s . What will be the distance covered in first 3 seconds of its motion ? [Ans:9 m ]

Q.8: The displacement of a particle along x – axis is given by: x = 3 - 8t + 7 t 2 + t 3

Calculate the velocity and acceleration of the particle at t = 2 s.

[ Ans: v = 32 m / s (b) a = 26 m / s 2 ]

Q.9: The displacement ‘x’ of a particle along a straight line at time ‘t’ is given by x =  - t +  t 2 .
Find the acceleration of the particle. [ Ans: a = 2 ]

Q.10: The position x of a particle varies with time t as x = at 2  bt3 .At what time the acceleration of the
particle will be zero? [ Ans: ]

Q.11: Displacement is given by x = 1 + 2t + 3 t 2 . Find the value of instantaneous acceleration.

[ Ans: 6 m / s 2 ]
Chap – 3 ( Motion in straight line ) Page 1
Q.12: Displacement of a particle is given by the expression x = 3 t 2 + 7t - 9 , where ‘x’ is in metre and
‘t; is in seconds. What is the value of its acceleration ? Is it uniform or variable ?
[ Ans: a = 6 m / s 2 ; Uniform ]

Q.13: A particle is moving in a straight line. Its displacement at any instant ‘t’ is given by
x = 10t + 15 t 3 , where ‘x’ is in metre and ‘t’ is in second. Find
(i) average acceleration in the time interval t = 0 to t = 2 s and
(ii) instantaneous acceleration at t = 2 s. [ Ans: (i) 90 m/ s (ii) 180 m / s 2 ]

Q.14: A particle moves along a straight line such that its displacement S at any instant time t is given by
S = t 3 - 6 t 2 + 3t + 4 metres. Find the velocity when the acceleration is zero. [ Ans: - 9 m / s 2 ]

Q.15: The distance travelled by a particle moving in a straight line is found to be proportional to the
square of the time elapsed. Is it moving with constant speed or constant acceleration ? Explain ?

Q.16: The displacement of a particle is proportional to the cube time elapsed. How does the acceleration
of the body depend on time elapsed ? [ Ans: a  t ]
Q.17: An object of mass ‘m’ is covering distance ‘x’ , in proportional to t 2 , where ‘t’ is the time
(a) What conclusion might you draw about the acceleration ? Is it increasing , decreasing
, zero or constant
(b) What will be the force acting on the object ? [ Ans: (a) Dec (b) F = m × ]
4 t

Q.18: When a body accelerates by t , what is the velocity after time ‘t’, when it starts from rest ?
 t2
[ Ans: ]

Q.19: What is the position at any time, for a body starting from rest, with an acceleration a =  t 2 ?
 t4
[ Ans: ]

Q.20: The acceleration of a body is given as a function of time as a = 6t. Find the velocity of the body as
a function of time at t = 0. [ Ans: v = 3 t 2 ]

Chap – 3 ( Motion in straight line ) Page 2

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