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Journal of Telecommunication Study

Volume 4 Issue 1

Data Hiding Using Watermarking and Steganography Using

Image Processing
Prajakta Hatwar, 1Ankita Balbudhe, 1Pratik Gahlod, 1Prasanna Kshirsagar, 2Rasika Manapure
Student, 2UG Research Guide, Department of Electronics & Telecommunication, Suroydaya College
Of Engineering & Technology, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

Data Hiding has risen as a multidisciplinary field and is getting extensive help from the
exploration network amid the most recent two decades. The explanation behind the enormous
development in this field is most self-evident: to verify the correspondence, validation and to
give copyright insurance. Cryptography, alone doesn't give security as the correspondence
happens in nearness of outsiders and along these lines message can without much of a stretch
be unscrambled by the interlopers. Steganography, Watermarking and Fingerprinting have
come up as sub-controls of Information Hiding, and are being utilized in numerous
application regions which incorporates military, barrier, showcase applications, insight
organizations, ventures, biometrics, banking framework and some more. This paper gives a
diagram on Steganography and Watermarking. The paper finishes up with a short
examination on Steganography and Watermarking based on certain parameters.

Keywords: Steganography, Watermarking, Cover Source, Stego File, Watermarked File.

INTRODUCTION for military purposes, yet additionally for

People have constantly looked for new and business objective identified with the
productive approaches to impart. More market procedure just as the copyright
often than not, clients on the web need to rights [2, 3].
send, share or get private data. As
increasingly more correspondence is Cryptography manages the encryption of
directed electronically, new needs, issues, content to shape figure (encoded) content
and openings are conceived. Therefore, utilizing a mystery key. In any case, the
with the fast improvement of the web transmission of figure content may
advances, computerized media should be effectively stir assailants doubt, and the
transmitted advantageously over the figure content may accordingly be
system [1]. One issue that happens when blocked, assaulted or unscrambled
we are conveying over the channel is that fiercely. So as to beat the weaknesses of
it might have numerous busybodies, either cryptographic procedures, Information
detached or dynamic naturally. An inactive Hiding system was embraced. Data Hiding
spy might be one who just tunes in and a is a multi disciplinary field that gives
functioning one will tune in and alter the stowing away of mystery information in
message. Along these lines, we incline some spread source. Consider a sender
toward that just the planned beneficiary who needs to pass on data to a beneficiary
can interpret the substance of the however does not need any other
correspondence and we need to keep the individual to realize that the two
message mystery. Data Hiding and gatherings are imparting. The sender could
Cryptography have risen as two answers utilize steganography to shroud data inside
for the above issue. The inquiry of a harmless data, for instance, a picture that
sheltered and mystery way of covers the presence of the correspondence.
correspondence is imperative now a day, The picture would then be made accessible

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Journal of Telecommunication Study
Volume 4 Issue 1

on an open channel for anybody to get to, embedding information like owner name,
yet just the expected beneficiary knows company logo etc. in the host data. It is a
about the shrouded data, and can remove it. data hiding technique that protects digital
documents, files or images against
Information Hiding Classification removal of copyright information. Section
4 covers Digital Watermarking in detail.

Fingerprinting is the user-unique
markings of the data for the purpose of
tracing the origin of a discovered, illegal
copy of data: The core idea of
fingerprinting is that each user receives a
copy of the object in question, containing a
unique marking. The marking can be used
to identify the object and thereby also the
Figure 1: Information Hiding
user if his identity is linked to the
fingerprint in some way, for example by
distributing copies only to users who
Information hiding techniques can be
identify themselves. Other scenario
classified into three categories:
includes distributing sensitive information
(images, videos) to several deputies and
trying to trace down a traitor who leaks
Stegnography is a craftsmanship and
information to the enemy. The marks must
investigation of concealing data in some
be perceptually invisible and must be
spread media. The term began from Greek
present in every frame or image that is
roots actually signify "secured
being distributed. The marks must be
composition". The principle reason for
embedded in a robust way so that multiple
stegnography is to conceal the reality of
copying or editing cannot remove them [2,
correspondence. The sender implants a
4]. Figure 2 shows classification of
mystery message into advanced media (for
Stegnography. encounter sometimes while
example picture) where no one but
printing images or other materials, does
collector can remove this message [2].
not always hold true. Images can be more
Steganography is talked about in detail in
than what we see with our Human Visual
Section 3Watermarking:
System (HVS) [5]
Watermarking is defined as a process of

Figure 2: Flow chart showing steganography

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Journal of Telecommunication Study
Volume 4 Issue 1

STEGNOGRAPHY imperceptible. This implies pictures with

The word 'steganos' signifies "secured or and without mystery messages ought to
ensured" and 'graphie' signifies seem indistinguishable to all, independent
"expressing" [6]. Steganography is in this of the conceivable factual tests that can be
way, the specialty of data stowing away, completed.
yet in addition the workmanship and b) Another imperative prerequisite is the
exploration of concealing the way that limit of the correspondence channel. The
correspondence is notwithstanding test is to install however much data as
occurring [5]. Security isn't the main could be expected.
inspiration for steganography. By inserting c) The last imperative prerequisite is that it
one bit of information within another, the must be conceivable to identify the
two turn into a solitary element, in this concealed message without the first image.
manner dispensing with the need to save a
connection between the two distinct bits of Steganography Process
information, or hazard the opportunity of Message Insertion (Sender's end): Cover
their division. One application than source for example picture, sound, video)
displays the upside of this aspect of and mystery message which is to be
steganography is the implanting of patient covered up are given as contribution to the
data inside the therapeutic symbolism. By Message Insertion Algorithm.
doing as such a perpetual relationship
between these two data objects is made [8] Use the mystery key and Steganographic
The objective of steganography is to Algorithm to conceal the message in the
abstain from attracting doubt to the spread.
transmission of the mystery message. The Stego Output is produced as result of step
idea of "What You See Is What You get 2
(WYSIWYG)" which wehence they can
convey more than merely 1000 words. For Message Retrieval (Receiver’s end)
decades people strove to create methods a) Stego Output send by sender is given
for secret communication [9]. A as contribution to the Message
Steganographic system has two main Retrieval calculation.
aspects: Steganographic capacity and b) Use the Message recovery calculation
imperceptibility. However, these two and mystery key to recover the
characteristics are at odds with each other. message from the Stego yield
Furthermore, it is quite difficult to increase c) Secret message is recovered because of
the Steganographic capacity and stage 2 Secret key is to be shared
simultaneously maintain the between sender &receiver.
imperceptibility of a Steganographic
system[10]. Regardless of whether gatecrasher breaks
the Steganographic calculation, at that
Requirements of a Steganographic point additionally message can't be
System recovered in light of the mystery key
a) The most essential necessity for a which is just shared between sender and
steganography framework is that the recipient. Steganography process is
nearness of the concealed message be appeared in Figure 3 beneath.

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Journal of Telecommunication Study
Volume 4 Issue 1

Figure 2: Flowchart Showing Steganography Process

Types of Steganography unnoticeably. A faint, but audible, sound

Text Steganography becomes inaudible in the presence of
An undeniable strategy for content another louder audible sound [8].This
steganography is to shroud a mystery property creates a channel in which to hide
message in each nth letter of each information. The larger size of meaningful
expression of an instant message [8]. A audio files makes them less popular to use
wide range of methods exist of concealing than images.
information in content documents. Content
steganography utilizing computerized Protocol Steganography
records isn't utilized frequently since The term convention steganography
content documents have a little measure of alludes to the method of inserting data
repetitive information. inside messages and system control
conventions utilized in system
Image Steganography transmission [12]. In the layers of the OSI
Pictures are exceptionally mainstream organize display there exist secretive
spread hotspot for advanced channels where steganography can be
steganography. A picture is spoken to as a utilized [13]. A case of where data can be
variety of pixels and pixels have a lot of covered up is in the header of a TCP/IP
repetitive bits where information can be parcel in certain fields that are either
covered up. discretionary or are never utilized.

Audio/Video Steganography Copyright Protection

Audio/Video files can also be used for This is basically related to watermarking
hiding secret data. One different technique i.e. a secret message is embedded in the
unique to audio steganography is masking, image which serves as the watermark and
which exploits the properties of the thus identify it as a intellectual property
human ear to hide information which belongs to a particular owner.

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Journal of Telecommunication Study
Volume 4 Issue 1

Digital Watermarking Types of Watermark

This is a standout amongst the most Watermarks can be categorized into 3
imperative utilizations of Steganography. categories as follows:
It fundamentally insert a computerized
watermark inside a picture. Computerized Fragile Watermarks: Fragile watermark
watermarks might be utilized to confirm comes under those category of watermarks
the realness or honesty of the transporter that can be broken or distorted under slight
flag or to demonstrate the personality of its changes.
proprietors. It is unmistakably utilized for
following copyright encroachments and Semi Fragile Watermarks: These are the
for banknote verification watermarks that can be broken under all
changes that exceed a user specified
What is Watermark?
Watermarks are ID marks delivered amid Robust watermarks: These are the most
the paper making process. The main effective watermarks. Robust watermarks
watermarks showed up in Italy amid the can tolerate moderate to severe signal
thirteenth century, yet their utilization processing attacks (compression, rescaling,
quickly spread crosswise over Europe. filtering).
They were utilized as a way to recognize
the papermaker or the exchange Factors affecting Watermarking
organization that produced the paper. Tranparency: Transparency characterizes
Watermarks keep on being utilized today the intangibility of the watermark. The
as maker's imprints and to forestall phony. watermark must not be obvious in the
picture under run of the mill seeing
A watermark is a "mystery message" that conditions.
is installed into a "spread source".
Typically, just the information of a Capacity: Capacity characterizes the
mystery key enables us to separate the measure of watermark i.e its size that can
watermark. Consequently, the adequacy of be implanted in a picture. It likewise
any watermarking procedure relies upon characterizes the capacity to recognize
how hearty the watermark is for example watermarks with a low likelihood of
Regardless of whether somebody realizes blunder as the quantity of watermarked
that a watermark is exist (for example adaptations of the picture increments
unmistakable watermarking) in a given
article, it should be difficult to expel the Robust: If the watermarking strategy
watermark from the watermarked object utilized is powerful then watermark can
without causing a contortion or pulverizing undoubtedly be removed even after the
the first (watermarked) object picture has experienced some direct or non
straight activities

Perceptibility: A watermark is called

subtle if the first spread flag and stamped
flag are vague and is called recognizable if
the nearness of checked flag is observable.

Applications of Watermarking
Copyright Protection
Figure 4: Watermark embedded in an Copyright Protection is one of the most
Image important application of Watermarking.

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Journal of Telecommunication Study
Volume 4 Issue 1

By embedding owner’s information, logo data can be communicated secretly to the

in the original data it helps to prevent destination with high level of robustness.
others from claiming the copyright and to This concept is widely used in defence &
disallow unauthorized copying of the military, intelligent sectors and different
cover. It also requires very high level of organisations.
Transaction Monitoring or Tracking
Content Authentication Embedding a watermark, helps to convey
Watermarking is also widely used for the information about the legal recipient of the
proof of authenticity of documents. The cover source. This can be useful to
surfaces of ATM cards, ID cards, personal monitor or trace back illegally produced
checks and credit cards could be copies of the cover. This is usually
watermarked with company’s/ referred as ‘Fingerprinting’
organisation’s logo which serves as a
authentic document belonging to that Hidden Annotations
particular person/company or organisation Watermarking can be used in medical
applications, for unique identification of
Forensic Applications patient’s records. Patient’s records can be
For embedding digital watermarks, digital embedded directly in the image for each
still pictures and video cameras can be used, patient which helps in efficient retrieval of
that have integrated modules for embedding patient’s records and mismatch of patient’s
watermarks so that pictures and videos are and their records.
fingerprinted with the time and device
identifier of creation. Thus, printer, scanners Automatic Auditing of Radio
and photocopiers may refuse the operations Transmissions
of those documents which are not authorized A robot can “listen” to a radio station and
look for marks, which indicate that a
Secure & Invisible Communication particular piece of music, or
By using invisible digital watermarking, advertisement, has been broadcasted.


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Journal of Telecommunication Study
Volume 4 Issue 1

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Journal of Telecommunication Study
Volume 4 Issue 1

CONCLUSION Communications: Improving

This paper gives a review on Steganographic Capacity and
Steganography and Watermarking and Imperceptibility” A thesis submitted
furthermore gives an examination between for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy,
them based on certain parameters. Department of Information Systems
Steganography, a part of Information and Computing , Brunel University,
Hiding manages concealing the mystery August, 2010
information in some spread source 3. R. Popa, An Analysis of
(content, picture, sound, video) to create a Steganographic Techniques, The
stego record with installed information. "Politehnica" University of Timisoara,
Watermarking, then again, manages Faculty of Automatics and Computers,
copyright assurance by inserting a Department of Computer Science and
watermark in some spread information to Software Engineering,
deliver a watermarked document. (
Steganography comes up short if the arbeiter/will/dlib_bo
shrouded message can be distinguished by okmarks/digital-
any individual other than collector. atermarking/popa/popa.pdf, 1998)
Watermarking, then again, isn't considered 4. Fabien A. P. Petitcolas, Ross J.
as powerful if the implanted watermark Anderson and Markus G. Kuhn
can be evacuated or supplanted by the “Information Hiding A
interloper. Consequently, Robustness of Survey”Proceedings of the IEEE,
the watermark assumes an imperative job special issue on protection of
in watermarking. Both Steganography and multimedia content, 87(7):1062{1078,
Watermarking are being utilized in July 1999.
numerous genuine situations on account of 5. Angela D. Orebaugh “Steganalysis: A
wide assortment of utilization they Steganography Intrusion Detection
address. System” , George Mason University
6. Lisa M. Marvel “Image Steganography
REFERENCES for Hidden Communication” A
1. Mehdi Kharrazi, Husrev T. Sencar and Dissertation submitted to the Faculty
Nasir Memon “Image Steganography: of the University of Delaware in
Conceptsand Practices “Polytechnic partial fulfillment
University, Brooklyn, NY 11201, USA
2. Adel AL Mohammad “Steganography-
Based Secret and Reliable

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