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a-What are the 3 points in Revit ?
b-What is the method to georeference a revit file ?
c-What the option "Acquire coordinates" and "Publish coordinates" do in Revit ?
d-How will you do to make different buildings in several revit files ? Where will be the PBP ?

a-What is a shared parameter ?
b-What is the difference between Type or instance parameter ?
c-What are the common type of parameter (Text, length, ...) ?
d-What is your method if you have a list of 20 parameters to create in Revit ?

3-General modeling
a-What is a Revit template ? What is it composed ?
a-How you check if elements have to correct level reference?
c-How can you make a schedule? (I mean Parameter, Order, Filter, …)
d-How to use a View template?

4-Structural modeling
a-What are the contraints for a wall ?
b-What will you do to model a finishing wall if you know that the thickness of finish can change ?
c-On which level will be attached beam ? The level bellow or above ?
d-How can you check Structural and not structural walls ?

5-Architecture modeling
a-How can you check Int/ext walls ?
b-How can be skirtings modeled?
c-Give a example where "Plan region" tool is used?
d-What need to be checked after placing a door?
e-On which level will be attached ceiling ? The level bellow or above ?

6-MEP modeling
a-How can worksets and filters be used for MEP routing and terminals?
b-What is important for Pipes and Ducts systems? And insures they work properly?
c-How to create new pipes size
d-How to create look-up table for pipe fitting and accessories families?

7-Family creation
a-How you choose and name the material?
b-What are the kind of constraints can be used?
c-What is a nasted family?
d-What is the workflow for family creation (From PC)?

8-Standardized works
a-How you name the view (Deliverables, Qc and WIP)?
b-How you name the family?
c-What is the workflow for family insertion?
d-What is the workflow for new type creation of a system family?

a-What is a package?
b-What kind of thing can we do with Dynamo?
c-How is contruct list when you read a excel file with the Dynamo node?
d- What do the node "FilterbyMask"? What are the inputs needed and the output?

10-Export IFC-DWG
a-What are the IFC parameters mean (ifcExportAs, ifcIsExternal, IfcExportType, …)
b-What are IFC class? Can you give some example?
c-What are the method to manage parameter exportation?
d-How can we manage the Layer exportation in Revit?

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