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Curso final de grado


Damaris Álvarez de Felipe

group members

Eunide Jean Jacques

Carleny Mejia

Derail Duran


Final project

Recinto, Cibao Nagua. María trinidad, Sánchez

Table of contents

Synopsis of the story 2
Scripts of the story 3
Characters’ description 4
Images of the setting created by the group 5
Conclusión 6
In the following project we are going to be developing a cinematographic script
that we have been creating during the first weeks of module 1 of the final
degree course, in it, we have been using our most creative ideas to create a
cinematographic script in which our skills in the English language, and also, we
must create this film script in relation to our career, which is modern languages
mention tourism.

To achieve this first project of the first module, we have started by creating a
script based on a scene in which several important factors are shown, such as
the setting of the script, the lines of the people, the exact time, the moment and
the place. where the story takes place, in addition, we have designed our
characters based on those described in the scene created during one of the
weeks of module one, and in the same way, we have created the synopsis that
describes in detail what our story is about.

In this project we have invested a lot of time and effort, and we have used many
internet tools that have helped us to carry out the weekly assignments and
assignments creatively within the module, in the same way, we have put our
creativity to flight and above all we have focused in improving our vocabulary in
terms of film scripts.
Synopsis of the story

Gender: Suspense

Title: Lulú Hotel

Santiago, Dominican Republic, 2023

´´An elegant, comfortable and quality hotel, where anyone could think that they
are going to enjoy a peaceful and quiet night, but nevertheless, this hotel hides
crimes and inexplicable events, where several people commit homicides and
many of their victims are never found, but the moment of truth has arrived, is
this a safe hotel to stay? ´´.

A 4-star hotel, Hotel Lulú, recognized in the city as one of the best hotels in the
entire Dominican Republic, which has had an excellent boom in the new
generation and has adapted to modern times, but which, nevertheless, has had
the horrible luck of hosting several guests who have some very common
hobbies, since most of them are serial killers who eventually get away with it.

In this hotel, the staff who work hard in it, choose to recount all the events
experienced there during their work within the company, some of them, to this
day, relive those moments in which they did not know whether to remain silent.
to keep the image of the hotel high, or if they spoke up and lost their jobs when
they most needed it, several of these people even tried to report some of these
cases to their supervisors, but nevertheless, they did not get any response as to
what to do. correct means.

Among one of these events, Rosemary Hughes and Mercedes Young, two girls
who used to work in the housekeeping department, recount what the situation
was like when they discovered that a possible murder had been committed in
one of the rooms they were assigned to clean. It had to be immediately reported
to the police, but nevertheless, when reporting this fact to her supervisor, the
police never arrived at the place, and they were practically forced to clean the
room without any power.
Scripts of the story


(Sneaky facial expression)
-Hey Rose, check this, the guests left part of his clothes in the drawer, why
would he do that?

(Wondering herself)
-That’s weird, they barely leave this number of things in the room, maybe a
watch or something else but not that many items.

Both of them start looking around and checking the whole room to see if they find any
other suspect things to figure out what happened.

-I found something with blood in the trash can.

-Whoa!!, don’t even try to touch that thing, I can get us both in a huge trouble,
we’re going to have to call the manager and let them know about this situation.

They proceed to call the manager and make sure everything is just as they
found it at the first time.
Characters’ description
Caracter Profile
Mercedes is a strong girl, with a very social
personality, she loves to sing and dance and above all
adult independence, she loves music and her dream is
to one day be a singer.

In the mornings, Mercedes takes singing and dancing

classes, when she finishes, she goes home and does
some chores, then she prepares her lunch and goes
to work, when she finishes her work, she returns
home, rests, and prepares for her next routine day.

Mercedes hates injustice and bitter people, she

Mercedes Young 29 also can't stand pessimistic people, she always
thinks of the positive.

29-year-old woman, strong

complexion, brown skin, curly hair
but always straight, her voice is soft ¨If you keep positive, everything’s going to be ok¨
but very strong at the same time.
Characters’ description
Caracter Profile
Rosemary is a very calm and a bit shy girl, she loves animals
especially cats, she likes to dress in fashion and in her free time
she designs clothes and looks for other styles, she likes to talk but
not socialize, unless she takes some confidence with the people
around you.

In the mornings Rose takes a fashion class and focuses on

updating her ideas to design, when she gets home she
does her homework and shares with her mother, then she
goes to work and when she finishes her work she returns
home and helps her mother with the tasks.

He hates people who are not aware of animal

Rosemary Rose 25 abuse, he always looks for a way to resolve
everything peacefully and he doesn't like them to
invade his personal space.

25-year-old girl, straight brown hair,

her skin color is light white and she
´´Nobody has the right to maltreat any other
has very marked cheekbones, her
creature, much less innocent animals. ´´
physical build is very thin.

To conclude, developing a cinematographic script is a challenging task that

requires a lot of creativity, effort and attention to detail. In this project, we have
applied our English language skills and knowledge of modern languages
mention tourism to create a suspenseful story set in the Dominican Republic.
Throughout the module, we have used various internet tools to complete weekly
assignments and improve our vocabulary in terms of film scripts. This project
has allowed us to develop our storytelling abilities and enhance our
understanding of the art of filmmaking. We hope that our script will capture the
imagination of our audience and leave them on the edge of their seats.

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