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The Price Of Genetic Mutations.

In its (2024)Annual report the American Institute :

(None Profit Organization For Index of The Most
Miserable Countries In the World).Its reports based on
scientific studies !Interviewing REAL (Not Fake )People)
Complex Statistical analysis of distress and clinically
depressed !etc?etc??
Uzbekistan (In Central Asia)Came out first as the most
miserable nation on earth.
But guess who came second ? ??(Great)Britain The
number two most miserable country in the whole world c
While we can understand why Uzbekistan miserable
(Barren Terrain? Impoverished !etc!etc.)For Britain to end
up second After looting half the world (Exporting
Democracy) is mind blowing phenomenon!
Not easily understood by most of us !As explained (Under
the title Criminal Genes)in my books : Due to the
protracting nature of British crimes against humanity
these criminals GENES were given the time to mutate ;
You see the conscience mind can turn blind eye to crimes
committed in the name of Queen Country and state
security but the Subconscious mind do not recognise
these excuses .it record these crimes against humanity in
what scientists used to think JUNK-DNA. Then only to be
mutated producing the second most miserable country in
the world.

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