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Kelas : IX Nama : ___________________________

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Choose expressions to congratulations someone based on the picture ! ( Pilih ucapan

selamat yang tepat sesuai dengan gambar )

a. Congratulation on your sickness

b. Get well soon, my friend
c. Why you are sick ?
1. d. Don’t be sick
a. Have a great school day, my friend.
b. I like the way you speak, congratulations.
c. Congratulations on your graduation, I am happy for you
2. d. Congratulations on being the best singer. You did it very well.
a. Well done ! I knew you could do it
b. How beautiful. Thank you
c. Have a great weekend
3. d. What a wonderful day
a. Congratulatioans on your achievement.
b. Congratulations on your graduation.
c. Have a wonderful birthday ! wish you all the best
4. d. Have a great journey !
a. Congratulations on your new home. May it bring happiness for
your family.
b. May you have a new home soon
c. Have a good time decorating your new house.
d. What a great house

Read the statements and match them with the responses by drawing a line! ( bacalah
ungkapan dibawah ini dan jodohkan dengan respon yang tepat dengan menarik garis )

6. I think it is going to rain. a. I don’t think so. This one is

still good. We just have to
wash it

7. I think alex is such a careless b. I think he is really great. He

boy is talented writer

8. What do you think of Andrea c. I don’t think that’s a good

Hirata’s novels ? idea. The beach will be very
crowded this holiday.

9. Let ‘s go to the beach this d. I don’t think so. Look at the

holiday sky. It’s so clear. No clouds

10. I think we need a new trash e. I agree with you. He often

can. forget where he put his
Complete the following sentences with the suitable conjuction of purpose ( in order to / so that )!
Lengkapi kalimat dibawah ini dengan kata hubung yang tepat ( in order to / so that )

11. The room was dark ___________ Michelle turned on the lamp.

12. Diana wore warm clothes________________ keep warm.

13. Student want to visit the museum____________________they can learn about their ancestors.

14. I will tell him the reason for my coming late______________ he will let me join the class.

15. All news on TV is about crimes, ___________________I rarely watch it. I hate watching criminal news.

16. The cat was wet and wounded__________________ I took it to the veterinarian.

17. Dad was exhausted ___________he laid down to have some rest.

18. I going to study harder, _________ I can pass the exam with flying colours.

19. Grandma is going to the hospital __________have a medical check – up.

20. Linda go to library ______________ borrow some books.

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