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Submitted by:

Precious Athena D. Drio


Submitted to:
Daryl M. Morillo
Overall, the process of physical and chemical weathering in Nabunglayan is likely a complex interplay of a
variety of factors, including natural processes such as wind and water erosion, as well as human activities such as
mining and construction. As a result, it is likely that the rock has been gradually broken down and transformed
over time, resulting in its current shape and structure.

The Barangay of Lonoy, Gamay, Northern Samar is known for its beautiful and famous waterfall, the Lonoy
Falls. The waterfall is characterized by a half-circle-shaped rock and a tall waterfall. The falls is surrounded by
many trees and the water is cold and refreshing.

Chemical weathering is the process by which rocks and minerals are broken down into smaller particles by
chemical reactions. In the case of the falls in Barangay Lonoy, Gamay, Northern Samar there are several factors
that contribute to the chemical weathering of the surrounding rocks and minerals.

First, the cold water in the falls is a major factor in chemical weathering. When water is cold, it is less able to
dissolve minerals and other substances, which can lead to the formation of new minerals and compounds. As the
water flows over the rocks and minerals, it can cause them to break down and release minerals into the water,
which can then be carried away by the current.

Second, the presence of mini rocks in the falls is also a contributing factor to chemical weathering. When rocks
and minerals are in close proximity, they can interact with each other through chemical reactions, which can lead
to the formation of new minerals and compounds. This process is known as rock erosion, and it ca be a
significant contributor to chemical weathering.

Third, the half-circle rock surrounding the falls is a factor in chemical weathering as well. The shape of the rock
can affect the way that water flows over it, causing some areas to erode more quickly than others. This can lead
to the formation of new minerals and compounds in the water, as well as the release of minerals from the rocks.

Finally, the trees surrounding the falls can also play a role in chemical weathering. The trees can release acids
and other compounds into the water, which can then interact with the rocks and minerals, leading to the
formation of new minerals and compounds.

Overall, the combination of these factors makes chemical weathering a significant process in the falls in
Barangay Lonoy, Gamay, Northern Samar. The cold water, mini rocks, half-circle rock, and trees all contribute to
the breakdown of rocks and minerals into smaller particles, which can then be carried away by the environment.
Physical Weathering Chemical Weathering

The Nabunglayan Rock Formation is Located in Barangay Baybay, Gamay, Northern Samar. It has been built by
locals for centuries and is a popular tourist attraction due to its beauty. You can also see various fish species and
other treasures in it. The Nabulangyan is well-known in our area and is said to have different stories and myths
about it, including the existence of a Serena who lives there.

Physical weathering is the process by which rocks and other geological features are broken down into smaller
pieces through various natural processes. In the case of Nabunglayan, physical weathering has likely occurred due
to a variety of factors, including wind erosion, water erosion, and the impact of human activities such as mining or

Wind erosion is a process in which wind blows away small particles of rock and soil, gradually breaking down
larger rock formations. In Nabunglayan, the wind may have blown away small pieces of the rock, gradually
reducing its size and shape over time.

Water erosion is another process that can contribute to physical weathering. In Nabunglayan, the rock may have
been exposed to rainwater and other forms of water, which can erode the surface of the rock and break it down
into smaller pieces.

Human activities can also contribute to physical weathering. For example, mining activities may involve the
removal of large chunks of rock from the surface, which can change the shape and structure of the rock formations
in the area. Similarly, construction activities may involve the removal of small pieces of rock to make way for
buildings or other structures, which can contribute to the gradual breakdown of larger rock formations.

In addition to physical weathering, there may also be some chemical weathering occurring in Nabunglayan.
Chemical weathering is the process by which rocks and minerals are broken down into smaller components
through chemical reactions. This can occur when water or other chemicals come into contact with the rock,
causing it to dissolve in some way.

In the case of Nabunglayan, chemical weathering may be occurring due to the exposure of the rock to water and
other chemicals. For example, if the rock contains minerals that are sensitive to water or other chemicals, these
minerals may be dissolve by the water, changing the composition of the rock and potentially making it less stable.

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