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a.Emma Watson plays the role of Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter movie series.

b. Watson was nine years old when she was cast in the first Harry Potter movie in 1999.

c. She played the role of Hermione Granger in all seven Harry Potter movies.

d. Emma Watson graduated from Brown University in Rhode Island.

e. Her role as a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador involves advocating for gender equality
and helping to launch campaigns such as HeForShe.

f. The goal of the HeForShe Campaign is to inspire men and boys to advocate for ending the
gender inequality that women and girls face throughout the world.


a. Lockdowns: Refers to the measures imposed during the COVID-19 pandemic that forced
young people to spend more time indoors.

b. Nigeria: Refers to the country that spends the longest time per day connected to social
media sites, with an average user signed in for 4 hours and 7 minutes.

c. Three quarters of an hour: Refers to the average time spent by people in Japan during a
typical day staying connected on social networks.

d. 13-17: Refers to the age group of teenagers surveyed, with almost half of them stating
they are online "almost constantly".

e. 37%: Refers to the percentage of the world's population that has never used the internet,
according to the UN, indicating a global digital divide.

f. 36%: Refers to the percentage of teens surveyed who are concerned about using social
media too much and finding it difficult to quit, with teenage girls more likely to express this
concern than boys.


a. The lockdowns imposed during the COVID-19 pandemic forced young people around the
world to spend more time inside.

b. On average, global internet users spend 2 hours and 27 minutes on social media per day.

c. People in Japan spend only three quarters of an hour staying connected on social networks
during a typical day.

d. People in Germany spend one hour and twenty minutes, while those in the UK and the US
spend closer to two hours per day engaging with social media.
e. The statistics published by Pew Research Center show that almost half of US teenagers
aged 13-17 say they are online "almost constantly".

f. The UN highlights an ongoing global digital divide, stating that 37% of the world's
population has still never used the internet.


1. English is spoken all over the world by people.

2. The school library is visited on a daily basis by students.
3. The lion will be killed by the hunter.
4. The windows have been cleaned by someone.
5. John was also invited to the party by us.
6. An elderly person in the park was attacked by a dangerous dog.


1. The first modern Olympic Games were held in Japan.

2. This chicken is kept in a farm.
3. Breakfast is served in the restaurant from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m.
4. Mona Lisa was painted by the Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci.
5. A lot of different kinds of coffee are grown in Brazil.
6. The world’s highest mountains are found in the Himalayas.

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