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Full Marks : 70 CLASS – 4 Time : 1½HRS
1) Fill in the blanks :- (1x7=7)
a) To select consecutive group of files, click on the first file, hold the _______
key and click the last file.
b) An _____ is a company, which offers the use of Internet in exchange of fees.
c) A Presentation is a collection of ______ arranged in a systematic order.
d) When we move the cursor over a link, the cursor changes to ____ shaped pointer.
e) In the _____ pane, you can type your personal notes about the current slide.
f) A _____ is a digital page which may contain text, images, video etc.
g) ______ a file/folder means to create a duplicate copy of the selected file/folder.
2) Full Form of the following :- (1x3=3)
a) WWW (b) URL (c) ISP
3) Write True / False :- (1x6=6)
a) F 5 key is to duplicate a slide.
b) Press ctrl+ del to delete a file permanently.
c) Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 file extension is pppt.
d) Reasoning refers to the act of thinking about something in a logical manner.
e) A folder within a folder is called subfolder.
f) Moving means creating a duplicate file from original file.
4) Choose the correct option :- (1x5=5)
a) The _____ shows a thumbnail version of each slide.
a) Slide Tab (b) Outline Tab (c) File Tab.
b) The most common method to create a file is by using any ______ Software.
a) Application (b) System (c) Utility
c) By default, the first slide of a presentation is selected as _______
a) Title Only (b) Title and content (c) Title Slide
d) Hear is to Deaf as Speak is to :
a) Quiet (b) Dumb (c) Silent
e) To restore all the deleted files to their respective places, ______ button can be used.
a) All Restore (b) Restore all (c) Restore all items.
5) Match the following (write Number and matching statement) :- (1x5=5

15 August 1995 Rename a file.
1969 Enter or exit full screen mode in Google
25th January 2017 Man walked on the moon.

F 11 Internet service started

F2 Chrome 56 was released

Windows XP released

6) Write short answers :- (3x8=24)

a) Write the steps to copy a file or folder from one drive D: to drive E: .
b) What is Internet ? Name the types of ISPs connections.
c) What are the uses of ‘Recycle Bin’ ?
d) Explain the term ‘Modem’ . Name different types of modem.
e) How can you move a file/folder ?
f) Write two features of Broadcast Slide show .
g) Name the Founder of WWW. Who coined the phrase ‘Surfing the Net’ ? What is ‘The
World’ ?
h) Which key combinations used for creating a new presentation ? What is the short-cut
key to save our presentation? What is the use of F 5 key ?
7) Write long answer :- (5x4=20)
a) List the different parts of google chrome window.Explain any two.
b) What is a place holder ? What does it contains ?
c) Write down the steps required to pack your school bag for Monday.
d) List the uses of presentation.


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