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Student 1

Stephen Student

Ms. Voyles

English 102

16 March 2023

To End Aging - Outline

Thesis Statement: radical life extension has the potential to give people a life full of

happiness, satisfaction, and prosperity, and create a stronger, larger, and

healthier society.

I. People will spend more time with loved ones and less time mourning them.

A. Deaths will be far less frequent because people will be healthier and younger.

1. Many illnesses are simply by-products of age, and by body rejuvenation

techniques, scientists will be able to stave off and possibly even cure many

diseases (Rogan).

2. A younger body fights off illnesses better, leading to a higher chance of

survival for the sick.

3. When people have so much more life available, they will become more

risk-averse, leading people to live safer lives (Green).

B. People will live happier lives no longer worrying about loved ones and their


1. The period of mourning to time spent alive will be significantly reduced,

leading to a happier life.

2. When loved ones get sick, their chances of survival will be higher, leading

to less worrying and stress for the family.

Student 2

3. With more life, there will be more time with friends and family, more time

to meet new people and make new friends, and a chance to watch a family

grow into multiple generations - a person could meet their

great-great-great-great-etc. Grandchildren (Rogan).

II. People will be able to pursue multiple paths in life, and no longer be limited to only a


A. Having multiple lifetimes will allow people to pursue a variety of educations and


1. Building a career takes a long time, and education is expensive. A longer

life allows people to pursue an education and develop a career, then use

the money saved to go back to school to pursue education in different

fields, and this process can be repeated multiple times, leading to a very

highly educated society (Bortolotti).

B. Being healthier and stronger will allow people to pursue a wider range of careers

1. Many people already do take up another career in retirement, such as

writing or painting. They choose jobs like these because they are easy on

the body, and their greying body can’t hold the physical stress. With

Anti-aging treatment, people will be younger and healthier, which means

that they will no longer be forced to pursue sedentary jobs. People can

pick up more physical hobbies at older ages (Bortolotti).

III. People will have more time to build wealth, through savings and investments, and will

find fewer obstacles when it comes to financials.

Student 3

A. People living longer lives will have more time to invest and enjoy the profits of

their investments.

1. People invest money that they will later use in retirement, usually when

they get into their sixties. By then they might not have a lot of time to use

it. This process of saving for retirement could be done multiple times in a

single person’s lifetime. People can save and invest money for sixty years

and when they get to normal retirement age, they can start the process all

over again. People will be able to build money easily and live comfortably

for the majority of their lives (Ramsey).

B. Debt is a big part of what is holding many in society back from prosperity, so

radical life extension will give people a chance to live without it.

1. People will have more time to pay debts off, and will no longer have to go

to their grave with debt still left to pay. They will also have more life to

enjoy after they pay it off. More time in a person’s life will be spent debt

free and building money, rather than losing it (Ramsey).

2. People can do a better job of avoiding debt altogether. Through the

method mentioned before, people can save up huge purchases before they

buy them, and never have to take out a loan. A person’s first career can

cost them almost no schooling, and they can build up money and assets

over a long period. Then they can pursue more costly educations, pay it

off without a loan, and will not have to pay unnecessary interest (Ramsey).

IV. The number of people will increase to form a stronger, larger, and healthier population
Student 4

A. People will begin to live past points in their life that would have resulted in their

death, and therefore many more people will live on the Earth at one time.

1. More people is a good thing, more people contribute to society, work and

pay taxes, and contribute ideas and inventions (Pettinger).

B. People will be healthier longer and can contribute to the workforce for many more

years than they do now.

1. A larger workforce will benefit all different fields of industry, production,

and economic growth, and give rise to new industries much faster


2. Much of human medicine, money, and support is given to the elderly

population, which continues to grow larger and larger. Those elders being

healthy and instead contributing work to the world will allow funding to

be directed to other places (“Life Span Extension”).

V. Counter Argument:

A. Radical life extension will lead to the overpopulation of the Earth.

1. Overpopulation will put a strain on Earth’s natural resources, and there

will not be enough to support everybody (Green).

a) With advancements in renewable energy and many other

sustainability fields, the solution to this problem is simply a matter

of time (Rogan).

2. The influx of strong, healthy workers will oversaturate the workforce,

creating an unbalanced ratio of workers to available jobs.

Student 5

a) A Larger workforce is a benefit. A higher population will not only

increase workers, but all increase the number of jobs available


b) Protecting workers' pay is a matter that has been handled before by

legislation, and falls on the government to solve. A solution is

already in place in the form of the minimum wage (“What are

Workers’ Rights?”).

B. Radical life extension will be unevenly distributed and not everyone will have

equal access.

1. Not all countries have a strong healthcare system, and many residents of

poorer countries suffer from a lack of access to quality medicine. This is

something people can see now, where the average life span for a person

living in a first-world country is seventy to eighty years while residents of

third-world countries can expect an average life expectancy of forty to

fifty years (Pijnenburg and Leget).

a) This is a problem that needs to be solved with or without radical

life extension. Humanity needs to provide better health care for

these poor countries This is not a valid reason to stop pursuing this

science because once the science is available it can still benefit as

many people as possible, with steps being taken to provide this

service to people without access (Pijnenburg and Leget).

2. Radical life expansion treatments could up being incredibly expensive,

and processes reserved only for the rich. This would lead to huge class
Student 6

disparity, where the rich are immortal while the rest of humanity can’t

afford the treatment (Green).

a) The price of the treatment is impossible to know right now, so this

is not a reason to stop anti-aging research. If the treatment does

end up being expensive, It will fall to the governments to create

plans to provide it to the lower classes, possibly imposing high

taxes on those that can afford to help fund the treatments for the

rest of society (Agar).

Student 7

Work Cited

Bortolotti, Lisa. “Agency, Life Extension, and the Meaning of Life.” The Monist, vol. 93, no. l,

Jan. 2010, pp 38-56. EBSCOhost,


Green, Brian Patrick. “Radical Life Extension.” Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, Santa Clara

University, 17 Feb. 2017,

“Life Span Extension.” Issues & Controversies, Infobase, 21 July 2006, Accessed 9 Feb. 2023.

Pettinger, Tejvan. “Advantages and Disadvantages of Population Growth.” Economics Help, 26

Nov. 2021,

Pijnenburg, Martien, and Carlo Leget. “Who Wants to Live Forever? Three Arguments against

Extending the Human Lifespan.” Journal of Medical Ethics, U.S. National Library of

Medicine, Oct. 2007,

Ramsey, David. Foundations in Personal Finance: High School Edition. The Lampoo Group,

Inc., 2014.

Rogan, Joe. “#1432 - Aubrey De Grey.” The Joe Rogan Experience, Spotify, Feb. 2020,

“What Are Workers' Rights?” DOL, Bureau of International Labor Affairs,

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