Essentials of Mis 12Th Edition by Kenneth C Laudon Full Chapter

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(eBook PDF) Essentials of MIS 12th

Edition by Kenneth C. Laudon

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Laudon, Kenneth C., 1944- author.

Essentials of management information systems / Kenneth C. Laudon, New York University, Jane P. Laudon,
Azimuth Information Systems.—Twelveth edition.
pages cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-13-423824-1—ISBN 0-13-423824-9
1. Management information systems. I. Laudon, Jane P. (Jane Price), author. II. Title.
T58.6.L3753 2017

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

ISBN 10: 0-13-423824-9

ISBN 13: 978-0-13-423824-1
About the Authors

Kenneth C. Laudon is a Professor of Information Systems at New York

University’s Stern School of Business. He holds a B.A. in Economics from Stanford and
a Ph.D. from Columbia University. He has authored twelve books dealing with elec-
tronic commerce, information systems, organizations, and society. Professor Laudon
has also written over forty articles concerned with the social, organizational, and man-
agement impacts of information systems, privacy, ethics, and multimedia technology.
Professor Laudon’s current research is on the planning and management of large-
scale information systems and multimedia information technology. He has received
grants from the National Science Foundation to study the evolution of national informa-
tion systems at the Social Security Administration, the IRS, and the FBI. Ken’s research
focuses on enterprise system implementation, computer-related organizational and
occupational changes in large organizations, changes in management ideology, changes
in public policy, and understanding productivity change in the knowledge sector.
Ken Laudon has testified as an expert before the United States Congress. He
has been a researcher and consultant to the Office of Technology Assessment
(United States Congress), Department of Homeland Security, and to the Office of
the President, several executive branch agencies, and Congressional Committees.
Professor Laudon also acts as an in-house educator for several consulting firms and
as a consultant on systems planning and strategy to several Fortune 500 firms.
At NYU’s Stern School of Business, Ken Laudon teaches courses on Managing
the Digital Firm, Information Technology and Corporate Strategy, Professional
Responsibility (Ethics), and Electronic Commerce and Digital Markets. Ken Laudon’s
hobby is sailing.

Jane Price Laudon is a management consultant in the information systems

area and the author of seven books. Her special interests include systems analysis,
data management, MIS auditing, software evaluation, and teaching business profes-
sionals how to design and use information systems.
Jane received her Ph.D. from Columbia University, her M.A. from Harvard
University, and her B.A. from Barnard College. She has taught at Columbia University
and the New York University Stern School of Business. She maintains a lifelong inter-
est in Oriental languages and civilizations.
The Laudons have two daughters, Erica and Elisabeth, to whom this book is dedicated.
Brief Contents
Preface xvi

I Information Systems in the Digital Age 1

1 Business Information Systems in Your Career 2
2 Global E-Business and Collaboration 38
3 Achieving Competitive Advantage with Information Systems 76
4 Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems 110

II Information Technology Infrastructure 149

5 IT Infrastructure: Hardware and Software 150
6 Foundations of Business Intelligence: Databases and Information Management 190
7 Telecommunications, the Internet, and Wireless Technology 226
8 Securing Information Systems 268

III Key System Applications for the Digital Age 307

9 Achieving Operational Excellence and Customer Intimacy: Enterprise Applications 308
10 E-Commerce: Digital Markets, Digital Goods 340
11 Improving Decision Making and Managing Knowledge 382

IV Building and Managing Systems 421

12 Building Information Systems and Managing Projects 422

Glossary 462
Index 479

Complete Contents
Preface xvi Decision Making: Using the Internet to Locate Jobs
Requiring Information Systems Knowledge 33
I Information Systems in the Collaboration and Teamwork Project 33
Digital Age 1 Business Problem-Solving Case
Home Depot Renovates Itself with New Systems
1 Business Information Systems in Your Career 2 and Ways of Working 34

Chapter-Opening Case:
2 Global E-Business and Collaboration 38
The San Francisco Giants Keep Winning
with Information Technology 3 Chapter-Opening Case:
1-1 Why are information systems so essential for Enterprise Social Networking Helps ABB Innovate
running and managing a business today? 5 and Grow 39
How Information Systems Are Transforming Business 5 • 2-1 What major features of a business are
What’s New in Management Information Systems? 6 • important for understanding the role
Globalization Challenges and Opportunities: A Flattened of information systems? 41
World 8 Organizing a Business: Basic Business Functions 41 •
Interactive Session: People Business Processes 42 • Managing a Business and
The Mobile Pocket Office 9 Firm Hierarchies 44 • The Business Environment 45 •
Business Drivers of Information Systems 11 The Role of Information Systems in a Business 46
1-2 What exactly is an information system? How 2-2 How do systems serve different management
does it work? What are its people, organizational, groups in a business and how do systems that
and technology components? 13 link the enterprise improve organizational
What Is an Information System? 13 • It Isn’t Simply performance? 46
Technology: The Role of People and Organizations 15 • Systems for Different Management Groups 47 •
Dimensions of Information Systems 16 Systems for Linking the Enterprise 51
Interactive Session: Technology Interactive Session: Organizations
UPS Competes Globally with Information New Systems Help Plan International Manage
Technology 19 Its Human Resources 52
1-3 How will a four-step method for business E-Business, E-Commerce, and E-Government 55
problem solving help you solve information 2-3 Why are systems for collaboration and social
system–related problems? 21 business so important and what technologies
The Problem-Solving Approach 21 • A Model of the do they use? 56
Problem-Solving Process 21 • The Role of Critical What Is Collaboration? 56 • What Is Social
Thinking in Problem Solving 24 • The Connections Business? 57 • Business Benefits of Collaboration and
Among Business Objectives, Problems, and Solutions 24 Social Business 58 • Building a Collaborative Culture
1-4 How will information systems affect business and Business Processes 60 • Tools and Technologies
careers, and what information systems skills for Collaboration and Social Business 60
and knowledge are essential? 25 Interactive Session: People
How Information Systems Will Affect Business Careers 25 Is Social Business Working Out? 64
• Information Systems and Your Career: Wrap-Up 28 2-4 What is the role of the information systems
• How This Book Prepares You For the Future 29 function in a business? 66
Review Summary 30 • The Information Systems
Key Terms 30 • Review Department 66 • Information
Questions 31 • Discussion Systems Services 67
Questions 31 • Hands-On Review Summary 68 •
MIS Projects 32 Key Terms 69 • Review
Management Decision Problems Questions 69 • Discussion
32 • Improving Decision Making: Questions 70 • Hands-On
Using Databases to Analyze Sales Trends 32 • Improving MIS Projects 70
Management Decision Problems 70 • Improving Decision Collaboration and Teamwork Project 105
Making: Using a Spreadsheet to Select Suppliers 71 Business Problem-Solving Case
• Achieving Operational Excellence: Using Internet Will Technology Save Sears? 106
Software to Plan Efficient Transportation Routes 71
Collaboration and Teamwork Project 71
Business Problem-Solving Case 4 Ethical and Social Issues in Information
How Much Does Data-Driven Planting Help Systems 110
Farmers? 72 Chapter-Opening Case:
The Dark Side of Big Data 111
3 Achieving Competitive Advantage with 4-1 What ethical, social, and political issues are
Information Systems 76 raised by information systems? 113
Chapter-Opening Case: A Model for Thinking About Ethical, Social, and
Should T.J. Maxx Sell Online? 77 Political Issues 114 • Five Moral Dimensions of
the Information Age 115 • Key Technology Trends
3-1 How do Porter’s competitive forces model, the
That Raise Ethical Issues 116
value chain model, synergies, core competencies,
4-2 What specific principles for conduct can
and network-based strategies help companies
be used to guide ethical decisions? 118
use information systems for competitive
Basic Concepts: Responsibility, Accountability,
advantage? 79
and Liability 118
Porter’s Competitive Forces Model 79 • Information
System Strategies for Dealing with Competitive Forces 81 Interactive Session: Organizations
Edward Snowden: Traitor or Protector
Interactive Session: Technology
of Privacy? 119
Nike Becomes a Technology Company 83
Ethical Analysis 120 • Candidate Ethical Principles 121 •
The Internet’s Impact on Competitive Advantage 86 •
Professional Codes of Conduct 122 • Some Real-World
The Business Value Chain Model 87 • Synergies, Core
Ethical Dilemmas 122
Competencies, and Network-Based Strategies 89 •
4-3 Why do contemporary information systems
Disruptive Technologies: Riding the Wave 91
technology and the Internet pose challenges
3-2 How do information systems help businesses
to the protection of individual privacy and
compete globally? 92
intellectual property? 122
The Internet and Globalization 93 • Global Business and
Information Rights: Privacy and Freedom in the Internet
System Strategies 93 • Global System Configuration 94
Age 122 • Property Rights: Intellectual Property 129
3-3 How do information systems help businesses
4-4 How have information systems affected laws
compete using quality and design? 95
for establishing accountability and liability
What Is Quality? 95 • How Information Systems
and the quality of everyday life? 132
Improve Quality 96
Computer-Related Liability Problems 132 • System
3-4 What is the role of business process management
Quality: Data Quality and System Errors 133 • Quality
(BPM) in enhancing competitiveness? 97
of Life: Equity, Access, and Boundaries 134 • Health
What is Business Process Management? 98
Risks: RSI, CVS, and Cognitive Decline 137
Interactive Session: Organizations Interactive Session: People
Datacard Group Redesigns the Way Are We Relying Too Much on Computers
It Works 100 to Think for Us? 138
Review Summary 102 • Review Summary 140 •
Key Terms 103 • Review Key Terms 141 • Review
Questions 103 • Discussion Questions 141 • Discussion
Questions 104 • Hands-On Questions 142 • Hands-On
MIS Projects 104 MIS Projects 142
Management Decision Management Decision
Problems 104 • Improving Problems 142 • Achieving
Decision Making: Using a Database to Clarify Operational Excellence:
Business Strategy 105 • Improving Decision Creating a Simple Blog 143 • Improving
Making: Using Web Tools to Configure and Decision Making: Analyzing Web Browser
Price an Automobile 105 Privacy 143

Collaboration and Teamwork Project 143 Business Problem-Solving Case
Business Problem-Solving Case BYOD: Business Opportunity
Facebook Privacy: What Privacy? 144 or Big Headache? 186

II Information Technology 6 Foundations of Business Intelligence: Databases

Infrastructure 149 and Information Management 190
Chapter-Opening Case:
5 IT Infrastructure: Hardware and Software 150 Better Data Management Helps the US Postal
Service Rebound 191
Chapter-Opening Case:
EasyJet Flies High with Cloud Computing 151 6-1 What is a database and how does a relational
database organize data? 193
5-1 What are the components of
Entities and Attributes 194 • Organizing Data in
IT infrastructure? 153
a Relational Database 194 • Establishing
Infrastructure Components 153
Relationships 196
5-2 What are the major computer hardware,
6-2 What are the principles of a database
data storage, input, and output technologies
management system? 199
used in business and the major hardware
Operations of a Relational DBMS 200 • Capabilities
trends? 155
of Database Management Systems 202 • Nonrelational
Types of Computers 155 • Storage, Input,
Databases and Databases in the Cloud 203
and Output Technology 157 • Contemporary
6-3 What are the principal tools and technologies
Hardware Trends 158
for accessing information from databases to
Interactive Session: Technology improve business performance and decision
Wearable Computers Go to Work 160 making? 204
Interactive Session: Organizations The Challenge of Big Data 204 • Business Intelligence
Cloud Computing Takes Off 165 Infrastructure 205
5-3 What are the major types of computer software Interactive Session: People
used in business and the major software New York City Embraces Data-Driven Crime
trends? 169 Fighting 206
Operating System Software 169 • Application
Software and Desktop Productivity Tools 171 •
Interactive Session: Technology
HTML and HTML5 173 • Web Services 174 •
Driving ARI Fleet Management with Real-Time
Software Trends 175 Analytics 209
5-4 What are the principal issues in managing Analytical Tools: Relationships, Patterns, Trends 210 •
hardware and software technology? 177 Databases and the Web 214
Capacity Planning and Scalability 177 • Total Cost 6-4 Why are information policy, data administration,
of Ownership (TCO) of Technology Assets 177 • Using and data quality assurance essential for
Technology Service Providers 178 • Managing Mobile managing the firm’s data resources? 215
Platforms 179 • Managing Software Localization for Establishing an Information Policy 215 • Ensuring
Global Business 180 Data Quality 215
Review Summary 180 • Review Summary 216 •
Key Terms 182 • Review Key Terms 217 • Review
Questions 182 • Discussion Questions 218 • Discussion
Questions 183 • Hands-On Questions 219 • Hands-On
MIS Projects 183 MIS Projects 219
Management Decision Management Decision
Problems 183 • Improving Problems 219 • Achieving
Decision Making: Using a Spreadsheet to Evaluate Operational Excellence: Building a Relational
Hardware and Software Options 184 • Improving Database for Inventory Management 220 • Improving
Decision Making: Using Web Research to Budget Decision Making: Searching Online Databases For
for a Sales Conference 184 Overseas Business Resources 220
Collaboration and Teamwork Project 185 Collaboration and Teamwork Project 221

Business Problem-Solving Case
Can We Trust Big Data? 222 8 Securing Information Systems 268
Chapter-Opening Case:
7 Telecommunications, the Internet, and Wireless Target Becomes the Target for Massive Data
Technology 226 Theft 269
Chapter-Opening Case: 8-1 Why are information systems vulnerable
Wireless Technology Makes Dundee Precious Metals to destruction, error, and abuse? 271
Good as Gold 227 Why Systems Are Vulnerable 271 • Malicious
7-1 What are the principal components Software: Viruses, Worms, Trojan Horses, and
of telecommunications networks and key Spyware 274 • Hackers and Computer Crime 276 •
networking technologies? 229 Internal Threats: Employees 280 • Software
Networking and Communication Trends 229 • What Vulnerability 280
is a Computer Network? 230 • Key Digital Networking 8-2 What is the business value of security and
Technologies 231 control? 281
7-2 What are the different types of Legal and Regulatory Requirements for Electronic
networks? 234 Records Management 282 • Electronic Evidence
Signals: Digital vs. Analog 234 • Types of and Computer Forensics 283
Networks 235 • Transmission Media and 8-3 What are the components of an organizational
Transmission Speed 236 framework for security and control? 283
7-3 How do the Internet and Internet technology Information Systems Controls 283 • Risk Assessment 284
work and how do they support communication Interactive Session: People
and e-business? 236 The Flash Crash: A New Culprit 285
What Is the Internet? 236 • Internet Addressing and
Architecture 237 Security Policy 287 • Disaster Recovery Planning
and Business Continuity Planning 288 • The Role
Interactive Session: Organizations of Auditing 289
The Battle over Net Neutrality 240 8-4 What are the most important tools and
Internet Services and Communication Tools 241
technologies for safeguarding information
Interactive Session: People resources? 289
Monitoring Employees on Networks: Unethical Identity Management and Authentication 290 •
or Good Business? 244 Firewalls, Intrusion Detection Systems, and Antivirus
The Web 246 Software 291 • Securing Wireless Networks 293 •
7-4 What are the principal technologies and standards Encryption and Public Key Infrastructure 293 •
for wireless networking, communication, and Ensuring System Availability 295 • Security Issues for
Internet access? 253 Cloud Computing and the Mobile Digital Platform 295 •
Cellular Systems 253 • Wireless Computer Networks Ensuring Software Quality 296
and Internet Access 254 • RFID and Wireless Sensor
Interactive Session: Technology
Networks 256
BYOD: A Security Nightmare? 297
Review Summary 259 •
Key Terms 260 • Review Review Summary 299 •
Questions 261 • Discussion Key Terms 300 • Review
Questions 261 • Hands-On Questions 300 • Discussion
MIS Projects 261 Questions 301 • Hands-On
MIS Projects 301
Management Decision
Problems 262 • Improving Management Decision
Decision Making: Using Spreadsheet Software to Problems 301 • Improving
Evaluate Wireless Services 262 • Achieving Operational Decision Making: Using Spreadsheet Software
Excellence: Using Web Search Engines for Business to Perform a Security Risk Assessment 302 •
Research 262 Improving Decision Making: Evaluating Security
Outsourcing Services 302
Collaboration and Teamwork Project 263
Collaboration and Teamwork Project 302
Business Problem-Solving Case
Google, Apple, and Facebook Struggle for Your Business Problem-Solving Case
Internet Experience 264 Sony Hacked Again: Bigger Than Ever 303
III Key System Applications Collaboration and Teamwork Project 335
for the Digital Age 307 Business Problem-Solving Case
Customer Relationship Management Helps Celcom
Become Number One 336
9 Achieving Operational Excellence and Customer
Intimacy: Enterprise Applications 308
Chapter-Opening Case:
10 E-Commerce: Digital Markets, Digital
Goods 340
ACH Food Companies Transforms Its Business with
Enterprise Systems 309 Chapter-Opening Case:
9-1 How do enterprise systems help businesses Uber Digitally Disrupts the Taxi
achieve operational excellence? 311 Industry 341
What are Enterprise Systems? 311 • Enterprise 10-1 What are the unique features of e-commerce,
Software 312 • Business Value of Enterprise digital markets, and digital goods? 343
Systems 313 E-Commerce Today 344 • The New E-Commerce:
9-2 How do supply chain management systems Social, Mobile, Local 345 • Why E-commerce
coordinate planning, production, and logistics is Different 347 • Key Concepts in E-commerce:
with suppliers? 314 Digital Markets and Digital Goods in a Global
The Supply Chain 314 • Information Systems and Supply Marketplace 349
Chain Management 316 • Supply Chain Management 10-2 What are the principal e-commerce business
Software 317 and revenue models? 353
Interactive Session: Organizations Types of E-Commerce 353 • E-Commerce Business
Scotts Miracle-Gro Cultivates Supply Chain Models 353 • E-Commerce Revenue Models 356
Proficiency 319 10-3 How has e-commerce transformed
marketing? 358
Global Supply Chains and the Internet 320 • Business
Behavioral Targeting 358 • Social E-commerce
Value of Supply Chain Management Systems 321
and Social Network Marketing 361
9-3 How do customer relationship management
systems help firms achieve customer Interactive Session: People
intimacy? 322 Getting Social with Customers 364
What Is Customer Relationship Management? 322 • 10-4 How has e-commerce affected Business-
Customer Relationship Management Software 323 • to-Business transactions? 365
Operational and Analytical CRM 325 • Business Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) 366 • New Ways
Value of Customer Relationship Management of B2B Buying and Selling 366
Systems 327 10-5 What is the role of m-commerce in
9-4 What are the challenges that enterprise business, and what are the most important
applications pose and how are enterprise m-commerce applications? 368
applications taking advantage of new Location-Based Services and Applications 369
technologies? 327 Interactive Session: Organizations
Enterprise Application Challenges 327 • Next- Can Instacart Deliver? 370
Generation Enterprise Applications 328 Other Mobile Commerce Services 371
Interactive Session: Technology 10-6 What issues must be addressed when building
Unilever Unifies Globally with Enhanced ERP 330 an e-commerce presence? 372
Review Summary 331 • Develop an E-commerce Presence Map 372 •
Key Terms 332 • Review Develop a Timeline: Milestones 373
Questions 333 • Discussion Review Summary 374 •
Questions 333 • Hands-On Key Terms 375 • Review
MIS Projects 334 Questions 375 • Discussion
Management Decision Questions 376 • Hands-On
Problems 334 • Improving MIS Projects 376
Decision Making: Using Database Software to Management Decision
Manage Customer Service Requests 334 • Achieving Problems 376 • Improving
Operational Excellence: Evaluating Supply Chain Decision Making: Using Spreadsheet Software
Management Services 335 to Analyze a Dot-Com Business 376 • Achieving

Operational Excellence: Evaluating E-Commerce Management Decision Problems 415 • Improving
Hosting Services 377 Decision Making: Using Pivot Tables to Analyze
Collaboration and Teamwork Project 377 Sales Data 416 • Improving Decision Making: Using
Intelligent Agents for Comparison Shopping 416
Business Problem-Solving Case
Walmart and Amazon Duke It Out for E-Commerce Collaboration and Teamwork Project 416
Supremacy 378 Business Problem-Solving Case
What’s Up with IBM’s Watson? 416
11 Improving Decision Making and Managing
Knowledge 382
Chapter-Opening Case: IV Building and Managing
Germany Wins the World Cup with Big Data Systems 421
at Its Side 383
11-1 What are the different types of decisions, 12 Building Information Systems and Managing
and how does the decision-making process Projects 422
work? 385
Business Value of Improved Decision Making 385 • Chapter-Opening Case:
Types of Decisions 386 • The Decision-Making Girl Scout Cookie Sales Go Digital 423
Process 387 • High-Velocity Automated Decision 12-1 What are the core problem-solving steps for
Making 387 • Quality of Decisions and Decision developing new information systems? 425
Making 388 Defining and Understanding the Problem 425 • Developing
11-2 How do business intelligence and business Alternative Solutions 427 • Evaluating and Choosing
analytics support decision making? 388 Solutions 427 • Implementing the Solution 428
What is Business Intelligence? 389 • The Business 12-2 What are the alternative methods for building
Intelligence Environment 389 • Business Intelligence information systems? 431
and Analytics Capabilities 390 Traditional Systems Development Life Cycle 431 •
Interactive Session: Technology Prototyping 432 • End-User Development 433 •
America’s Cup: The Tension Between Technology Purchasing Solutions: Application Software
and Human Decision Makers 394 Packages and Outsourcing 433 • Mobile Application
Development: Designing for a Multi-Screen
Business Intelligence Users 396 • Group Decision-
World 435 • Rapid Application Development
Support Systems 399
for E-Business 436
11-3 What are the business benefits of using
intelligent techniques in decision making Interactive Session: Technology
and knowledge management? 400 The Challenge of Mobile Application
Expert Systems 400 • Case-Based Reasoning 401 • Development 437
Fuzzy Logic Systems 402 • Neural Networks 403 • 12-3 What are the principal methodologies for
Genetic Algorithms 404 modeling and designing systems? 438
Structured Methodologies 438 • Object-Oriented
Interactive Session: People
Development 440 • Computer-Aided Software
Facial Recognition Systems: Another Threat
Engineering (CASE) 442
to Privacy? 405
12-4 How should
Intelligent Agents 407 information systems
11-4 What types of systems are used for enterprise- projects be selected
wide knowledge management and knowledge and managed? 442
work, and how do they provide value for Project Management
businesses? 408 Objectives 442
Enterprise-Wide Knowledge Management Systems 408 •
Knowledge Work Systems 410
Interactive Session: Organizations
Britain’s National Health Service Jettisons Choose
Review Summary 412 • and Book System 443
Key Terms 414 • Review Selecting Projects: Making the Business Case for
Questions 414 • Discussion a New System 445 • Managing Project Risk and
Questions 415 • Hands-On System-Related Change 448
MIS Projects 415
Review Summary 452 • Key Terms 454 • Review Collaboration and Teamwork Project 456
Questions 454 • Discussion Questions 455 • Hands-On Business Problem-Solving Case
MIS Projects 455 A Shaky Start for 457
Management Decision Problems 455 • Improving
Decision Making: Using Database Software to Glossary 462
Design a Customer System for Auto Sales 456 • Index 479
Achieving Operational Excellence: Analyzing Web
Site Design and Information Requirements 456


We wrote this book for business school students who wanted an in-depth look at how
today’s business firms use information technologies and systems to achieve corpo-
rate objectives. Information systems are one of the major tools available to business
managers for achieving operational excellence, developing new products and services,
improving decision making, and achieving competitive advantage. Students will find
here the most up-to-date and comprehensive overview of how business firms use
information systems to achieve these objectives. After reading this book, we expect
students will be able to participate in, and even lead, management discussions of
information systems for their firms.
When interviewing potential employees, business firms often look for new hires
who know how to use information systems and technologies for achieving bottom-line
business results. Regardless of whether you are an accounting, finance, management,
operations management, marketing, or information systems major, the knowledge and
information you find in this book will be valuable throughout your business career.

What’s New in This Edition

The 12th edition features all new opening, closing, and Interactive Session cases. The
text, figures, tables, and cases have been updated through September 2015 with the
latest sources from industry and MIS research.

• Assisted-graded Writing Questions at the end of each chapter with prebuilt grad-
ing rubrics and computerized essay scoring help instructors prepare, deliver, and
grade writing assignments.
• A new Video Cases collection contains 31 video cases (2 or more per chapter) and
13 additional instructional videos covering key concepts and experiences in the
MIS world.
• The text contains 47 Learning Tracks in MyMISLab for additional coverage of selected
• Video Cases and Chapter Cases are listed at the beginning of each chapter.

• Big data and the Internet of Things: In-depth coverage of big data, big data ana-
lytics, and the Internet of Things (IoT) are included in Chapters 1, 6, 7, and 11.
Coverage includes big data analytics, analyzing IoT data streams, Hadoop,
in-memory computing, nonrelational databases, and analytic platforms.
• Cloud computing:Updated and expanded coverage of cloud computing appears in
Chapter 5 (IT Infrastructure) with more detail on types of cloud services, private
and public clouds, hybrid clouds, managing cloud services, and a new Interactive
Session on using cloud services. Cloud computing is also covered in Chapter 6 (data-
bases in the cloud), Chapter 8 (cloud security), Chapter 9 (cloud-based CRM and
ERP), Chapter 10 (e-commerce), and Chapter 12 (cloud-based systems development).
• Social, mobile, local: New e-commerce content in Chapter 10 describes how social
tools, mobile technology, and location-based services are transforming marketing
and advertising.
• Social business: Expanded coverage of social business is introduced in Chapter 2
and discussed throughout the text. Detailed discussions of enterprise (internal cor-
porate) social networking as well as social networking in e-commerce are included.
• BYOD and mobile device management
• Wearable computers
• Smart products
• Internet of Things (IoT)
• Mobile application development, mobile and native apps
• Operational intelligence
• Expanded coverage of business analytics, including big data analytics
• On-demand business
• Windows 10
• Microsoft Office 365
• Zero-day vulnerabilities
• Two-factor authentication
• Ransomware
• Chief data officer
• MOOCs in business firms

What’s New in MIS?

Plenty. In fact, there’s a whole new world of doing business using new technologies for
managing and organizing. What makes the MIS field the most exciting area of study
in schools of business is the continuous change in technology, management, and busi-
ness processes. (Chapter 1 describes these changes in more detail.)

A continuing stream of information technology innovations is transforming the tradi-
tional business world. Examples include the emergence of cloud computing, the growth
of a mobile digital business platform based on smartphones and tablet computers, big
data, and the use of social networks by managers to achieve business objectives. Most
of these changes have occurred in the past few years. These innovations enable entre-
preneurs and innovative traditional firms to create new products and services, develop
new business models, and transform the day-to-day conduct of business. In the process,
some old businesses, even industries, are being destroyed while new businesses are
springing up.


For instance, the emergence of online video services such as Netflix for streaming,
Apple iTunes, Amazon, and many others for downloading video, has forever changed
how premium video is distributed and even created. Netflix in 2015 attracted 62 million
subscribers worldwide to what it calls the Internet TV revolution. Netflix has moved into
premium TV show production with nearly 30 original shows such as House of Cards and
Orange is the New Black challenging cable and broadcast producers of TV shows and
potentially disrupting cable network dominance of TV show production. Apple’s iTunes
now accounts for 67 percent of movie and TV show downloads and has struck deals with
major Hollywood studios for recent movies and TV shows. A growing trickle of viewers
are unplugging from cable and using only the Internet for entertainment.

E-commerce generated about $531 billion in revenues in 2015 and is estimated to grow
to nearly $800 billion by 2019. E-commerce is changing how firms design, produce, and xvii
deliver their products and services. E-commerce has reinvented itself again, disrupting
the traditional marketing and advertising industry and putting major media and con-
tent firms in jeopardy. Facebook and other social networking sites such as YouTube,
Twitter, and Tumblr, along with Netflix, Apple Beats music service, and many other
media firms exemplify the new face of e-commerce in the 21st century. They sell ser-
vices. When we think of e-commerce, we tend to think of selling physical products.
Although this iconic vision of e-commerce is still very powerful and the fastest growing
form of retail in the U.S., growing up alongside is a whole new value stream based on
selling services, not goods. It’s a services model of e-commerce. Growth in social com-
merce is spurred by powerful growth of the mobile platform; 80 percent of Facebook’s
users access the service from mobile phones and tablets. Information systems and
technologies are the foundation of this new services-based e-commerce.

Likewise, the management of business firms has changed: With new mobile smart-
phones, high-speed wireless Wi-Fi networks, and wireless laptop computers, remote
salespeople on the road are only seconds away from their managers’ questions and
oversight. Business is going mobile, along with consumers. Managers on the move
are in direct, continuous contact with their employees. The growth of enterprise-wide
information systems with extraordinarily rich data means that managers no longer
operate in a fog of confusion but, instead, have online, nearly instant access to the
really important information they need for accurate and timely decisions. In addition
to their public uses on the web, wikis and blogs are becoming important corporate
tools for communication, collaboration, and information sharing.


Compared to industrial organizations of the previous century, new, fast-growing,
21st-century business firms put less emphasis on hierarchy and structure and more
emphasis on employees taking on multiple roles and tasks. They put greater emphasis
on competency and skills than on position in the hierarchy. They emphasize higher
speed and more accurate decision making based on data and analysis. They are more
aware of changes in technology, consumer attitudes, and culture. They use social
media to enter into conversations with consumers and demonstrate a greater willing-
ness to listen to consumers, in part because they have no choice. They show better
understanding of the importance of information technology in creating and man-
aging business firms and other organizations. To the extent that organizations and
business firms demonstrate these characteristics, they are 21st-century digital firms.

The 12th Edition: The Comprehensive Solution

for the MIS Curriculum
Since its inception, this text has helped define the MIS course around the globe. This
edition continues to be authoritative but is also more customizable, flexible, and
geared to meeting the needs of different colleges, universities, and individual instruc-
tors. Many of its learning tools are now available in digital form. This book is now
part of a complete learning package that includes the core text, Video Case Study
Package, and Learning Tracks.
The core text consists of 12 chapters with hands-on projects covering the most
essential topics in MIS. An important part of the core text is the Video Case Study
and Instructional Video Package: 31 video case studies (2 to 3 per chapter) plus 13
instructional videos that illustrate business uses of information systems, explain new
technologies, and explore concepts. Videos are keyed to the topics of each chapter.
A diagram accompany-
ing each chapter-opening
Challenges case graphically illustrates
how people, organization,
• Highly competitive sport and technology elements
• Monitor games
and ticket sales • Opportunities from new technology work together to create
• Revise business an information system
strategies solution to the business
challenges discussed
in the case.
• Redesign job Information Business
functions and Organization System Solutions

Ticketing systems • Increase revenue

• Optimize ticket sales
• Provide secondary ticket market
Performance analysis system
• Fieldf/x • Analyze player and team performance
• Qcue dynamic Technology Interactive Services
ticketing software
• Secondary
ticketing platform
• Wi-Fi network

In addition, for students and instructors who want to go deeper into selected
topics, 47 Learning Tracks in MyMISLab cover a variety of MIS topics in greater


The core text provides an overview of fundamental MIS concepts by using an
integrated framework for describing and analyzing information systems. This frame-
work shows information systems composed of people, organization, and technology
elements and is reinforced in student projects and case studies.

Each chapter contains the following elements:
• A Chapter Outline based on Learning Objectives
• Lists of all the Case Studies and Video Cases for each chapter
• A chapter-opening case describing a real-world organization to establish the
theme and importance of the chapter
• A diagram analyzing the opening case in terms of the people, organization, and
technology model used throughout the text
• Two Interactive Sessions with Case Study Questions
• A Review Summary keyed to the Student Learning Objectives
• A list of Key Terms that students can use to review concepts
• Review questions for students to test their comprehension of chapter material
• Discussion questions the broader themes of the chapter raise.
• A series of Hands-on MIS Projects consisting of two Management Decision
Problems, a hands-on application software project, and a project to develop
Internet skills
• A Collaboration and Teamwork Project to develop teamwork and presentation
skills, with options for using open source collaboration tools
• A chapter-ending case study for students to apply chapter concepts
• Two assisted-graded writing questions with prebuilt grading rubrics
• Chapter references
We have enhanced the text to make it more interactive, leading-edge, and appealing
to both students and instructors. The features and learning tools are described in the
following sections:

Business-Driven with Real-World Business Cases and Examples

The text helps students see the direct connection between information systems and
business performance. It describes the main business objectives driving the use of
information systems and technologies in corporations all over the world: operational
excellence, new products and services, customer and supplier intimacy, improved decision
making, competitive advantage, and survival. In-text examples and case studies show stu-
dents how specific companies use information systems to achieve these objectives.
We use only current (2015) examples from business and public organizations
throughout the text to illustrate the important concepts in each chapter. All the case
studies describe companies or organizations that are familiar to students, such as the
San Francisco Giants, Facebook, Walmart, Google, Target, and Home Depot.

There’s no better way to learn about MIS than by doing MIS! We provide different
kinds of hands-on projects by which students can work with real-world business sce-
narios and data and learn firsthand what MIS is all about. These projects heighten
student involvement in this exciting subject.
• Online Video Case Package: Students can watch short videos online, either in class
or at home or work, and then apply the concepts of the book to the analysis of the
video. Every chapter contains at least two business video cases that explain how
business firms and managers are using information systems and explore concepts
discussed in the chapter. Each video case consists of a video about a real-world
company, a background text case, and case study questions. These video cases
enhance students’ understanding of MIS topics and the relevance of MIS to the
business world. In addition, 13 Instructional Videos describe developments and
concepts in MIS keyed to respective chapters.
• Interactive Sessions: Two short cases in each chapter have been redesigned as
Interactive Sessions to be used in the classroom (or on Internet discussion boards)
to stimulate student interest and active learning. Each case concludes with case
study questions. The case study questions provide topics for class discussion,
Internet discussion, or written assignments.

INTERACTIVE SESSION: PEOPLE Getting Social with Customers

Businesses of all sizes are finding Facebook, In addition to monitoring people’s chatter
Twitter, and other social media to be powerful tools on Twitter, Facebook, and other social media,
Each chapter contains for engaging customers, amplifying product mes- some companies are using sentiment analysis (see
two Interactive Sessions sages, discovering trends and influencers, building Chapter 6) to probe more deeply into their likes
on People, Organiza- brand awareness, and taking action on customer and dislikes. For example, during the 2014 Golden
tions, or Technology requests and recommendations. Half of all Twitter Globe Awards, thousands of women watching
users recommend products in their tweets. the ceremony tweeted detailed comments about
using real-world
About 1.4 billion people use Facebook, and Hayden Panettiere and Kelly Osborne’s slicked-
companies to illustrate more than 30 million businesses have active brand back hairdos. Almost instantaneously, the Twitter
chapter concepts and pages enabling users to interact with the brand feeds of these women received instructions from
issues. through blogs, comment pages, contests, and offer- L’Oréal Paris showing them how to capture vari-
ings on the brand page. The Like button gives ous red-carpet looks at home, along with pro-
users a chance to share with their social network motions and special deals for L’Oréal products.
their feelings about content and other objects they L’Oreal had worked with Poptip, a real-time mar-
are viewing and websites they are visiting. With ket research company to analyze what conversa-
Like buttons on millions of websites, Facebook can tions about hairstyling connected to Golden Globe
track user behavior on other sites and then sell this hashtags and other key phrases were appearing
information to marketers. Facebook also sells dis- on Twitter. When the Golden Globe red-carpet
play ads to firms that show up in the right column events began, Poptip’s software looked for similar
encourage students to
1. Assess the people, organization, and 3. Give some examples of business decisions in
technology issues for using social media to this case study that were facilitated by using
apply chapter concepts
engage with customers. social media to interact with customers. to real-world compa-
nies in class discussions,
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages 4. Should all companies use Facebook and
of using social media for advertising, brand Twitter for customer service and marketing?
student presentations,
building, market research, and customer Why or why not? What kinds of companies are or writing assignments.
service? best suited to use these platforms?

• Hands-on MIS Projects: Every chapter concludes with a Hands-on MIS Projects
section containing three types of projects: two Management Decision problems;
a hands-on application software exercise using Microsoft Excel, Access, or web
page and blog creation tools; and a project that develops Internet business skills.
A Dirt Bikes USA running case in MyMISLab provides additional hands-on
projects for each chapter.

11-9 Applebee’s is the largest casual dining chain in the world, with more than 1800 lo-
cations throughout the United States and 20 other countries. The menu features Two real-world business
beef, chicken, and pork items as well as burgers, pasta, and seafood. Applebee’s scenarios per chapter
CEO wants to make the restaurant more profitable by developing menus that provide opportunities
are tastier and contain more items that customers want and are willing to pay for students to apply
for despite rising costs for gasoline and agricultural products. How might busi- chapter concepts and
ness intelligence help management implement this strategy? What pieces of data practice management
would Applebee’s need to collect? What kinds of reports would be useful to help decision making.
management make decisions about how to improve menus and profitability?

Students practice using

software in real-world
settings for achieving
operational excellence
and enhancing decision

Software skills: Internet-based software
Business skills: Researching product information and pricing
Each chapter features 3-11 In this exercise, you will use software at car-selling websites to find product infor-
a project to develop mation about a car of your choice and use that information to make an important
Internet skills for
purchase decision. You will also evaluate two of these sites as selling tools.
accessing information,
conducting research,
You are interested in purchasing a new Ford Escape (or some other car of your
and performing online choice). Go to the website of CarsDirect ( and begin your inves-
calculations and analysis. tigation. Locate the Ford Escape. Research the various Escape models; choose one
you prefer in terms of price, features, and safety ratings. Locate and read at least
two reviews. Surf the website of the manufacturer, in this case Ford (
Compare the information available on Ford’s website with that of CarsDirect for the
Ford Escape. Try to locate the lowest price for the car you want in a local dealer’s
inventory. Suggest improvements for and

• Collaboration and Teamwork Projects: Each chapter features a collaborative proj-

ect that encourages students working in teams to use Google Drive, Google Docs,
or other open-source collaboration tools. The first team project in Chapter 1 asks
students to build a collaborative Google site.

Assessment and AACSB Assessment Guidelines

The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) is a not-for-profit
corporation of educational institutions, corporations and other organizations that seek
to improve business education primarily by accrediting university business programs. As
part of its accreditation activities, the AACSB has developed an Assurance of Learning
Program designed to ensure that schools do in fact teach students what they promise.
Schools are required to state a clear mission, develop a coherent business program, identify
student learning objectives, and then prove that students do in fact achieve the objectives.
We have attempted in this book to support AACSB efforts to encourage assess-
ment-based education. The front end papers of this edition identify student learning
objectives and anticipated outcomes for our Hands-on MIS projects. The authors will
provide custom advice on how to use this text in their colleges with different missions
and assessment needs. Please email the authors or contact your local Pearson repre-
sentative for contact information.
For more information on the AACSB Assurance of Learning Program, and how
this text supports assessment-based learning, please visit the website for this book.

Customization and Flexibility: New Learning Track Modules

Our Learning Tracks feature gives instructors the flexibility to provide in-depth cover-
age of the topics they choose. Forty-seven Learning Tracks in MyMISLab are available
to instructors and students. This supplementary content takes students deeper into
MIS topics, concepts, and debates; reviews basic technology concepts in hardware,
software, database design, telecommunications, and other areas; and provides addi-
tional hands-on software instruction. The 12th edition includes new Learning Tracks
on e-commerce payment systems, including Bitcoin, and Occupational and Career
Outlook for Information Systems Majors 2012–2020.

Author-certified test bank and supplements

• Author-certified test bank: The authors have worked closely with skilled test item
writers to ensure that higher-level cognitive skills are tested. Test bank multiple
choice questions include questions on content but also include many questions
that require analysis, synthesis, and evaluation skills.
• Annotated slides: The authors have prepared a comprehensive collection of
50 PowerPoint slides to be used in your lectures. Many of these slides are the same
as Ken Laudon uses in his MIS classes and executive education presentations. Each
of the slides is annotated with teaching suggestions for asking students questions,
developing in-class lists that illustrate key concepts, and recommending other firms as
examples in addition to those provided in the text. The annotations are like an instruc-
tor’s manual built into the slides and make it easier to teach the course effectively.

Student Learning Focused

Student Learning Objectives are organized around a set of study questions to focus stu-
dent attention. Each chapter concludes with a Review Summary and Review Questions
organized around these study questions, and each major chapter section is based on a
Learning Objective.

Career Resources
The instructor resources for this text include extensive career resources, including
job-hunting guides and instructions on how to build a digital portfolio demonstrating
the business knowledge, application software proficiency, and Internet skills acquired
from using the text. The portfolio can be included in a résumé or job application or
used as a learning assessment tool for instructors.

At the Instructor Resource Center,, instructors can
easily register to gain access to a variety of instructor resources available with this
text in downloadable format.
If assistance is needed, our dedicated technical support team is ready to help with
the media supplements that accompany this text. Visit for
answers to frequently asked questions and toll-free user support phone numbers.
The following supplements are available with this text:
• Instructor’s Resource Manual
• Test Bank
• TestGen® Computerized Test Bank
• PowerPoint Presentation
• Image Library
• Lecture Notes

Video Cases and Instructional Videos

Instructors can download step-by-step instructions for accessing the video cases
from the Instructor Resources Center. All Video Cases and Instructional Videos are
listed at the beginning of each chapter as well as in the Preface.

Learning Tracks Modules

Forty-seven Learning Tracks in MyMISLab provide additional coverage topics for
students and instructors. See page xxv for a list of the Learning Tracks available for
this edition.

Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
than those of Kings. Clearly he had no motive for suppressing the
statement of Kings and inventing instead a war with Ammon. We
must suppose that he followed some authority independent of Kings.

the book of the kings, etc.] Compare xxv. 26, and see
Introduction, § 5.

Chapter XXVIII.
1‒4 (= 2 Kings xvi. 1‒4).
Ahaz succeeds and practises Idolatry.

The reign of Ahaz is a specially interesting section of Chronicles,

showing in a remarkable degree the freedom with which the older
accounts in 2 Kings xvi. and Isaiah vii. 1 ff. have been handled. A
tale of a prophet is introduced (verses 9‒15). Otherwise only one
new point is added—viz. an Edomite and a Philistine invasion
(verses 16‒18); but all the incidents of the older tradition are altered
and given new settings in such a way as may best serve what is
plainly the Chronicler’s main object, namely by heightening the
disasters to show the exceeding sinfulness of sin. For details of the
changes, see the notes on verses 5‒7, 16‒21, 23, 24.

¹Ahaz was twenty years old when he began

to reign; and he reigned sixteen years in
Jerusalem: and he did not that which was right
in the eyes of the Lord, like David his father:
²but he walked in the ways of the kings of
Israel, and made also molten images for the
1. Ahaz] The full form of the name is Jehoahaz, the “Ja-u-ḥa-zi”
of an inscription of Tiglath-pileser IV.

twenty years old] As he died sixteen years later leaving a son of

twenty-five (Hezekiah, xxix. 1), Ahaz would have been only ten years
old when Hezekiah was born. The numeral here or in xxix. 1 must
therefore be incorrect. The Peshitṭa in this verse reads “twenty-five
years old,” which is more suitable and may be right, but the
coincidence would be strange if three kings in succession ascended
the throne at twenty-five years of age (compare xxvii. 1 and xxix. 1).

he did not that which was right] It is not said of Ahaz as of

Manasseh, the worst of all the Judean kings, that “he did that which
was evil” (xxxiii. 2).

³Moreover he burnt incense in the valley of the

son of Hinnom, and burnt his children in the
fire, according to the abominations of the
heathen, whom the Lord cast out before the
children of Israel.
3. the valley of the son of Hinnom] The name in Hebrew Gē-ben-
hinnōm or Gē-hinnōm is more familiar in the Greek form Gehenna
(Matthew v. 22, Revised Version margin). The valley was south and
south-west of Jerusalem. The evil reputation of the place perhaps
was due originally to some connection with the worship of Molech
(Jeremiah vii. 31, 32). Later it appears that the refuse of Jerusalem
and the corpses of criminals were deposited in this valley, and as the
verse Isaiah lxvi. 24 “they shall go forth, and look upon the carcases
of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall
not die, neither shall their fire be quenched ...” was associated with
this valley, the name Gehenna was eventually used to signify the
place of eternal punishment (compare Mark ix. 43).

burnt his children in the fire] There is no doubt that actual

sacrifice of the child’s life by fire is implied in this formula and in
parallel phrases such as “made his son to pass through the fire” (2
Kings xvi. 3). Unfortunately the gruesome evidence regarding child-
sacrifice among the ancients—Greeks and Romans as well as
Semites—is far too strong to allow the theory that always or even
generally branding or some symbolical dedication by fire was
employed (see Barnes on 1 Kings xi. 5). It seems that the horrible
custom, which was common with the early Canaanites and
Phoenicians, was very rare among the early Israelites and the
kindred people of Moab (see Judges xi. 31 and 39; 2 Kings iii. 27),
and was called forth only by the pressure of extreme need. Evidently
in the break-up of the national faith which attended the imminent
downfall of the State of Judah the evil authority of Ahaz and
Manasseh made the practice common (see xxxiii. 6; 2 Kings xxi. 6;
Micah vi. 7; Jeremiah vii. 31; Psalms cvi. 37 f.). Genesis xxii. 1‒18
may be regarded as a magnificent repudiation of the rite in the
worship of Jehovah, and the practice is expressly forbidden in the
Law, Leviticus xviii. 21; Deuteronomy xviii. 10.

his children] In Kings, “his son” (singular), a better reading. It is

possible that the sacrifice was intended to avert the danger
threatened by the Syro-Ephraimite alliance.

⁴And he sacrificed and burnt incense in the

high places, and on the hills, and under every
green tree.
4. under every green tree] The Hebrew word here used for
“green” (ra‘anān) means rather “flourishing,” the reference being not
so much to colour as to condition and size. Large fine trees (which
are rarer in the East than in the West) are important landmarks;
compare 1 Chronicles x. 12; Genesis xii. 6, xxxv. 4. In different ways
such trees acquired a sacred or semi-sacred character (Genesis
xviii. 1, xxi. 33; Judges vi. 11); in some cases because they were
associated with theophanies, in others perhaps because the
flourishing state of the tree was regarded as the sign of the presence
of some local deity. “No one can imagine how many voices a tree
has who has not come up to it from the silence of the great desert,”
G. A. Smith, Historical Geography of the Holy Land, p. 88; compare
the same writer’s Early Poetry of Israel, pp. 32, 33.

5‒7 (compare 2 Kings xvi. 5‒9; Isaiah vii. 1‒9).

The Syro-Ephraimite War.

The Chronicler’s account of the war conveys a very different

impression from the corresponding narrative in 2 Kings. In Kings an
invasion by the united forces of Israel and Syria is related.
Chronicles records two separate invasions, each resulting in disaster
for Ahaz. In Kings the failure of the allies to take Jerusalem is the
chief feature in the account, while in Chronicles the damage and loss
inflicted on Judah takes the first place, and the magnitude of the
disaster is heightened in characteristically midrashic fashion: see the
notes below on verses 5, 6.

⁵Wherefore the Lord his God delivered him

into the hand of the king of Syria; and they
smote him, and carried away of his a great
multitude of captives, and brought them to
Damascus. And he was also delivered into the
hand of the king of Israel, who smote him with
a great slaughter.
5. the king of Syria] i.e. Rezin.

smote him] From 2 Kings it appears that the Syrian king,

(1) helped to shut up Ahaz in Jerusalem, (2) seized the port of Elath
(Eloth) on the Red Sea which had belonged to Judah. Some of the
“captives” taken to Damascus were presumably brought from Elath.

carried away of his a great multitude of captives] No doubt

captives were taken, some probably from Elath; but the “great
multitude” is midrashic exaggeration: compare the number of slain
stated in verse 6.

And he was also delivered into the hand of the king of Israel] 2
Kings records but a single invasion, the forces of Syria and Israel
being confederate. The Chronicler’s phrase implies that two separate
invasions and disasters befell Ahaz—“he was also delivered.”

⁶For Pekah the son of Remaliah slew in Judah

an hundred and twenty thousand in one day,
all of them valiant men; because they had
forsaken the Lord, the God of their fathers.
6. an hundred and twenty thousand in one day] i.e. more than a
third of the host as reckoned in xxvi. 13.

⁷And Zichri, a mighty man of Ephraim, slew

Maaseiah the king’s son, and Azrikam the
ruler of the house, and Elkanah that was next ¹
to the king.
¹ Hebrew second.

7. the ruler of the house] Hebrew nāgīd. Probably the head of the
king’s household is meant, his “chancellor”; but compare Nehemiah
xi. 11, “the ruler (nāgīd) of the house of God.”

next to the king] compare 1 Samuel xxiii. 17.

8‒15 (not in Kings).

Israel sends back the Jewish Captives.

The tale of the intervention of Oded, his appeal, the response of

the people and the army to the call of conscience, with the
consequent outburst of pity for the unhappy captives, who are first
tended and then restored to their kinsfolk in Judah, is something far
better than literal history: it is the product of a moral and religious
conviction worthy of high admiration. We have, in fact, in these
verses a most clear instance of that inculcation of great religious
principles which was the primary object of the writer of Chronicles. A
modern ethical teacher, desirous of driving home the eternal verities,
may clothe them in a story which has no basis whatsoever in actual
events but is the pure product of the writer’s imagination. His ancient
counterpart among the Jews started with a nucleus of historical
events, which however he handled freely in whatever fashion might
best serve to emphasise the moral or religious lesson he desired to

The deep ethical and spiritual value of this example of how to

treat the fallen foe hardly requires comment—Israel must forgive, if it
would be forgiven (verse 10); the captives are—not “the enemy” but
—“your brethren” (verse 11); and, when conscience is at last
awakened, how great is the revulsion, and how nobly do the
generous qualities of human nature appear, when the captives,
laden not with the chains of bondage (verse 10) but with clothing and
with food, are restored to their homes in peace.

It is very evident that the writer of this fine story had in mind the
no less effective and beautiful narrative of Elisha’s dealing with the
captured Syrian army (2 Kings vi. 21‒23).

⁸And the children of Israel carried away

captive of their brethren two hundred
thousand, women, sons, and daughters, and
took also away much spoil from them, and
brought the spoil to Samaria.
8. of their brethren] Compare xi. 4, “ye shall not ... fight against
your brethren.”
⁹But a prophet of the Lord was there, whose
name was Oded: and he went out to meet the
host that came to Samaria, and said unto
them, Behold, because the Lord, the God of
your fathers, was wroth with Judah, he hath
delivered them into your hand, and ye have
slain them in a rage which hath reached up
unto heaven.
9. a prophet of the Lord was there] Nothing further is known of
Oded. For similar instances of prophetic activity narrated only in
Chronicles see xv. 1 ff., xvi. 7 ff., xxiv. 20 f., and especially xxv. 7 ff.

the Lord ... was wroth ... and ye have slain them in a rage which
hath reached up unto heaven] Compare Zechariah i. 15, “I am very
sore displeased with the nations that are at ease; for I was but a little
displeased, and they helped forward the affliction.”

heaven] There is a tendency in some later books of the Bible to

write “heaven” for “God”; compare xxxii. 20, “prayed and cried to
heaven,” also Daniel iv. 23; and similarly in the New Testament, Luke
xv. 18, 21; John iii. 27: for further references see Grimm and Thayer,
Lexicon of the N.T., s.v. οὐρανός ad fin. From a like feeling of
reverence the Chronicler is sparing in his use of the name
“Jehovah”; compare xvii. 4.

¹⁰And now ye purpose to keep under the

children of Judah and Jerusalem for bondmen
and bondwomen unto you: but are there not
even with you trespasses ¹ of your own against
the Lord your God? ¹¹Now hear me therefore,
and send back the captives, which ye have
taken captive of your brethren: for the fierce
wrath of the Lord is upon you. ¹²Then certain
of the heads of the children of Ephraim,
Azariah the son of Johanan, Berechiah the
son of Meshillemoth, and Jehizkiah the son of
Shallum, and Amasa the son of Hadlai, stood
up against them that came from the war, ¹³and
said unto them, Ye shall not bring in the
captives hither: for ye purpose that which will
bring upon us a trespass ² against the Lord, to
add unto our sins and to our trespass ²: for our
trespass ² is great, and there is fierce wrath
against Israel. ¹⁴So the armed men left the
captives and the spoil before the princes and
all the congregation.
¹ Hebrew guiltinesses. ² Or, guilt.

10. keep under] In Nehemiah v. 5, the same Hebrew word is

translated, “bring into bondage”; compare Ryle’s note on Hebrew
slavery in loco. One Hebrew might hold another Hebrew as a slave
for a limited period, but in the present passage the case is of one
part of the people taking advantage of the fortune of war to reduce to
slavery thousands of their fellow-countrymen.

¹⁵And the men which have been expressed by

name rose up, and took the captives, and with
the spoil clothed all that were naked among
them, and arrayed them, and shod them, and
gave them to eat and to drink, and anointed
them, and carried all the feeble of them upon
asses, and brought them to Jericho, the city of
palm trees, unto their brethren: then they
returned to Samaria.
15. have been expressed] The phrase is characteristic of the
Chronicler; compare xxxi. 19; 1 Chronicles xii. 31, xvi. 41; Ezra viii.

took the captives] Render, took hold of the captives; i.e.

succoured them; LXX. ἀντελάβοντο, compare Hebrew ii. 16
ἐπιλαμβάνεται = “he taketh hold of.”

to eat and to drink] Compare 2 Kings vi. 23.

anointed them] Part of the host’s duty; compare Luke vii. 44‒46.

to Jericho] Jericho perhaps belonged to the Northern Kingdom;

compare 1 Kings xvi. 34; 2 Kings ii. 4. A road led to it from Mount
Ephraim past ‘Ain ed-Duk. G. A. Smith, Historical Geography of the
Holy Land, pp. 266 ff.

the city of palm trees] Compare Deuteronomy xxxiv. 3. The

phrase is an alternative name of Jericho; compare Judges i. 16, iii.
13. Date palms were common in Jericho down to the seventh
century of the Christian era. Bädeker, Palestine⁵, pp. 128 f.

16‒21 (= 2 Kings xvi. 7‒9).

Ahaz invokes Assyrian aid.

There is an important variation here between Chronicles and

Kings. According to Chronicles (verse 21) Ahaz gained nothing by
his tribute to the king of Assyria; according to Kings the Assyrian
accepted the offering and marched against Syria, capturing
Damascus and slaying Rezin. Further in Chronicles it is said that the
help of Assyria was invoked, not against the kings of Syria and Israel
as in 2 Kings, but against Edomites and Philistines. Some alteration
was required in consequence of the insertion in Chronicles of the
midrashic narrative of verses 8‒15, according to which Ahaz was
delivered from his disaster at the hands of Israel not by the king of
Assyria (so Kings) but simply through the awakening of Israel’s
conscience and the consequent release of the captives and the
spoil. If therefore the Chronicler was to introduce the story of Ahaz’
appeal to Assyria, he could only do so by supplying new enemies for
Ahaz to combat. These, however, were appropriately found in the
Philistines and Edomites, regarding whom the Chronicler seems to
have had various traditions (see notes on xxi. 8, 16, xxvi. 6).

¹⁶At that time did king Ahaz send unto the

kings ¹ of Assyria to help him. ¹⁷For again the
Edomites had come and smitten Judah, and
carried away captives ².
¹ Many ancient authorities read, king.

² Hebrew a captivity.

16. the kings] LXX. “king” (singular). This monarch was Tiglath-
pileser IV; compare 1 Kings xvi. 7.

¹⁸The Philistines also had invaded the cities of

the lowland, and of the South of Judah, and
had taken Beth-shemesh, and Aijalon, and
Gederoth, and Soco with the towns ¹ thereof,
and Timnah with the towns ¹ thereof, Gimzo
also and the towns ¹ thereof: and they dwelt
¹ Hebrew daughters.
18. had invaded] Rather, raided.

the lowland] Hebrew Shephēlāh. Compare i. 15 (note).

Beth-shemesh] compare 1 Chronicles vi. 59 [44, Hebrew], note.

Aijalon] compare xi. 10.

Gederoth] Joshua xv. 41.

Soco] compare xi. 7.

Timnah] Joshua xv. 10; Judges xiv. 1 ff.

Gimzo] The modern Jimzu south-east of Lydda, Bädeker,

Palestine⁵, p. 18. The place is not mentioned elsewhere in the Old

¹⁹For the Lord brought Judah low because of

Ahaz king of Israel; for he had dealt wantonly ¹
in Judah, and trespassed sore against the
¹ Or, cast away restraint.

19. king of Israel] Compare xi. 3 (note).

he had dealt wantonly] margin “cast away restraint.” Compare

Exodus xxxii. 25 (Authorized Version and Revised Version) where
the same Hebrew verb is twice used.

²⁰And Tilgath-pilneser king of Assyria came

unto ¹ him, and distressed him, but
strengthened him not ². ²¹For Ahaz took away a
portion out of the house of the Lord, and out
of the house of the king and of the princes,
and gave it unto the king of Assyria: but it
helped him not.
¹ Or, against. ² Or, prevailed not against him.

20. Tilgath-pilneser] i.e. Tiglath-pileser IV. Compare 1 Chronicles

v. 6 (note).

came ... him not] Tiglath-pileser, invoked as an ally, is here

represented as having come as an unscrupulous oppressor,
accepting the bribe and not fulfilling the task for which he was paid
by Ahaz (verse 21). But neither 2 Kings nor the Assyrian records
relate that Tiglath-pileser thus came into Judah; and it must be
remarked that the Hebrew text in this verse does not inspire
confidence. Any interpretation is accordingly rendered uncertain.

22‒25 (compare 2 Kings xvi. 10‒18).

Apostasy of Ahaz.

²²And in the time of his distress ¹ did he

trespass yet more against the Lord, this
same king Ahaz. ²³For he sacrificed unto the
gods of Damascus ², which smote him: and he
said, Because the gods of the kings of Syria
helped them, therefore will I sacrifice to them,
that they may help me. But they were the ruin
of him, and of all Israel.
¹ Or, that he distressed him. ² Hebrew Darmesek.

23. the gods of Damascus] In 2 Kings the statement is merely

that Ahaz made a copy of an altar which he saw at Damascus, and
sacrificed upon it. The altar at Damascus was probably the one used
by Tiglath-pileser and therefore an Assyrian rather than a
Damascene altar. The use of such an altar was an act of apostasy
from Jehovah, for a foreign altar implied a foreign god; compare 2
Kings v. 17.

the gods ... which smote him] Early passages of the Old
Testament show that the Israelites for long believed the gods of other
peoples to be no less real than Jehovah. Later, when the teaching of
the great prophets had impressed on the people the sense of
Jehovah’s supreme majesty, the alien deities, though still conceived
as real Beings holding sway over the nations worshipping them,
were felt to be incomparable with Jehovah, hardly deserving
therefore the title of God. Still later, in certain circles, all reality
whatever was denied to the gods of the heathen; they were nothing
at all (compare Isaiah xl.‒xlviii., passim). Almost certainly the last
opinion would be the belief of the Chronicler and of most orthodox
Jews of his time; so that it is unnecessary to suppose that the
present phrase “which smote him” is more than a convenient way of
speaking. It does not indicate that the Chronicler, or even his source
in Kings, believed in the existence of these gods of Damascus. On
the other hand the Chronicler (and his source) does imply in this
verse that Ahaz had a lively belief in the efficacy and reality of the
gods of his foes; and therein no doubt he correctly represents the
condition of thought in that period.

the gods of the kings of Syria helped them] At this time the
Syrians of Damascus had been conquered by the Assyrians under
Tiglath-pileser (2 Kings xvi. 9), so that either we must suppose a
confusion in the Chronicler’s mind, or else the statement needs to be
corrected by reading “kings of Assyria (Asshur)” for “kings of Syria
(Aram).” The reading “Syria” might be due to some writer or scribe,
who lived at a time when one Empire extended from Babylon to the
Mediterranean and included both Syria and Assyria. Such was the
case under the Persians and under the successors of Alexander
down to the time of the Maccabees. The Romans similarly failed at
first to distinguish the ancient empire east of the Euphrates, i.e.
Assyria (= Asshur), from the peoples west of the Euphrates, the
Arameans, whom they mistakenly called “Syrians” (a shortened form
of “Assyrians”), whose chief cities were Antioch, Hamath, and
Damascus. This use of “Syrian” has passed over into English, but
the more accurate designation is “Aramean”; compare Genesis
xxviii. 5 (Revised Version).

helped them] Render “help them.”

²⁴And Ahaz gathered together the vessels of

the house of God, and cut in pieces the
vessels of the house of God, and shut up the
doors of the house of the Lord; and he made
him altars in every corner of Jerusalem.
24. cut in pieces the vessels] Presumably in order to smelt them
and put the metal to other uses; compare 2 Kings xxiv. 13. According
to 2 Kings xvi. 17 Ahaz merely “cut off the borders (‘panels’ Revised
Version margin) of the bases and removed the laver from off them,
and took down the sea from off the brasen oxen that were under it,
and put it upon a pavement of stone.” In Chronicles something more
than this is intended, for “the vessels” would naturally mean such
vessels as are mentioned in 2 Kings xxiv. 13.

shut up the doors] The Chronicler possibly derives his statement

from the difficult passage 2 Kings xvi. 18 (vide Authorized Version
and Revised Version). That passage, however, speaks merely of an
alteration carried out by Ahaz on one of the entrances to the Temple,
but says nothing of a complete closing of the Temple; indeed it may
be gathered from 2 Kings xvi. 14‒16 that the Temple was not closed
and that the daily service went on, with the great change that the
king’s new altar was used instead of the brasen altar. The Chronicler,
unwilling to suppose so horrible a desecration of the Temple as the
performance of Ahaz’ idolatries within its precincts would involve,
placed these rites outside the area of the Temple and expressly
asserts that the Temple was closed.
²⁵And in every several city of Judah he made
high places to burn incense unto other gods,
and provoked to anger the Lord, the God of
his fathers.
25. in every several city] Compare Jeremiah ii. 28.

26, 27 (= 2 Kings xvi. 19, 20).

The End of Ahaz.

²⁶Now the rest of his acts, and all his ways,

first and last, behold, they are written in the
book of the kings of Judah and Israel. ²⁷And
Ahaz slept with his fathers, and they buried
him in the city, even in Jerusalem; for they
brought him not into the sepulchres of the
kings of Israel: and Hezekiah his son reigned
in his stead.
27. they brought him not into the sepulchres of the kings of Israel]
An alteration of 2 Kings which says that Ahaz “was buried with his
fathers.” Compare xxi. 20, xxiv. 25, xxvi. 23.
Chapter XXIX.
1, 2 (= 2 Kings xviii. 1‒3).
The Reign of Hezekiah.

The reign of Hezekiah is related in chapters xxix.‒xxxii. Of this

section chapters xxix., xxx., and xxxi. furnish new material with the
exception of only three verses, xxix. 1, 2; xxx. 1. This new material
describes first, the reopening and cleansing of the Temple and the
restoration of worship therein (xxix.); secondly, a solemn and
magnificent celebration of the Passover (xxx.); and thirdly, a crusade
against idolatrous shrines and images, followed by a reorganisation
of the arrangements for the support of the priests and Levites—all
ecclesiastical topics dear to the heart of the Chronicler. These
chapters throughout are in the spirit of the Chronicler, the incidents
are generally conceived after the fashion of the ideas of his period,
the language bears frequent marks of his characteristic style; and
altogether there is no adequate reason to suppose that these
incidents are historically true, or even are derived by the Chronicler
from old tradition. They are probably his own free composition. Minor
considerations point to the same conclusion (see note on xxix. 3
below); and the favourable verdict which in Kings is passed upon
Hezekiah may be reckoned a satisfactory motive and a sufficient
source for the Chronicler’s narrative. According to Kings (2 Kings
xviii. 3‒6) Hezekiah “removed the high places ... and cut down the
Asherah, and brake in pieces the brasen serpent that Moses had
made.... He trusted in the Lord, the God of Israel; so that after him
was none like him among all the kings of Judah, nor among them
that were before him”; a eulogy sufficiently glowing to warrant the
assumption that Hezekiah must also have done all those other things
which seemed to the Chronicler natural for so pious a monarch to
do, and which accordingly are here related.
¹Hezekiah began to reign when he was five
and twenty years old; and he reigned nine and
twenty years in Jerusalem: and his mother’s
name was Abijah the daughter of Zechariah.
²And he did that which was right in the eyes of
the Lord, according to all that David his father
had done.
1. Hezekiah] Hebrew “Yehizkiah” (so usually in the Hebrew text of
Chronicles). “Hezekiah” (Hebrew “Hizkiah”), the form of the name in
Kings, is conveniently used in the English versions of Chronicles in
place of the less familiar “Yehizkiah.”

Abijah] In 2 Kings “Abi” which is probably only a shortened form

of the name.

3‒11 (not in 2 Kings).

Hezekiah commands to Cleanse the Temple.

³He in the first year of his reign, in the first

month, opened the doors of the house of the
Lord, and repaired them.
3. in the first month] i.e. in Nisan; compare xxx. 2, 3.

opened the doors] The reopening was a necessary sequel to the

Chronicler’s assertion (xxviii. 24) that Ahaz closed the Temple. If
therefore the supposed closing was unhistorical (see note, xxviii. 24)
the reopening must be equally so. The notion, however, served the
Chronicler admirably, enabling him to enhance the piety of Hezekiah
by a full description of the restoration of the Temple services.

⁴And he brought in the priests and the Levites,

and gathered them together into the broad
place on the east,
4. into the broad place on the east] The place meant was part of
the Temple area, the space before the water-gate; compare Ezra x.
9, “the broad place before the house of God” (Revised Version).

⁵and said unto them, Hear me, ye Levites;

now sanctify yourselves, and sanctify the
house of the Lord, the God of your fathers,
and carry forth the filthiness out of the holy
5. now sanctify yourselves] Compare Exodus xix. 10‒15.

⁶For our fathers have trespassed, and done

that which was evil in the sight of the Lord
our God, and have forsaken him, and have
turned away their faces from the habitation of
the Lord, and turned their backs.
6. from the habitation of the Lord] Compare xxiv. 18 “they
forsook the house of the Lord” (see note).

habitation] Hebrew “tabernacle,” as in Exodus xxv. 9, al.

⁷Also they have shut up the doors of the

porch, and put out the lamps, and have not
burned incense nor offered burnt offerings in
the holy place unto the God of Israel.
7. Contrast 2 Kings xvi. 10‒16, where Ahaz appears as an
innovator in ritual but also as a zealous advocate of worship in the
the lamps] compare xiii. 11; Exodus xxv. 31 ff.

⁸Wherefore the wrath of the Lord was upon

Judah and Jerusalem, and he hath delivered
them to be tossed to and fro ¹, to be an
astonishment, and an hissing, as ye see with
your eyes.
¹ Or, a terror.

8. to be tossed to and fro] Better, as margin, to be a terror (or

“cause of trembling”). The judgement on Israel fills the surrounding
nations with trembling for themselves. The rendering of the text
“tossed to and fro” is inferior because the Hebrew word describes
“trembling” and not “motion from place to place.”

⁹For, lo, our fathers have fallen by the sword,

and our sons and our daughters and our wives
are in captivity for this. ¹⁰Now it is in mine
heart to make a covenant with the Lord, the
God of Israel, that his fierce anger may turn
away from us.
10. a covenant] Compare xv. 12.

¹¹My sons, be not now negligent: for the Lord

hath chosen you to stand before him, to
minister unto him, and that ye should be his
ministers, and burn incense.
11. to stand before him] Deuteronomy x. 8.
12‒19 (not in 2 Kings).
The Cleansing of the Temple.

With this passage compare 1 Maccabees iv. 36‒51 (the

cleansing of the Temple by Judas Maccabeus).

¹²Then the Levites arose, Mahath the son of

Amasai, and Joel the son of Azariah, of the
sons of the Kohathites: and of the sons of
Merari, Kish the son of Abdi, and Azariah the
son of Jehallelel: and of the Gershonites, Joah
the son of Zimmah, and Eden the son of Joah:
¹³and of the sons of Elizaphan, Shimri and
Jeuel: and of the sons of Asaph, Zechariah
and Mattaniah: ¹⁴and of the sons of Heman,
Jehuel and Shimei: and of the sons of
Jeduthun, Shemaiah and Uzziel.
12. the Levites] The fourteen persons mentioned in these three
verses comprise (a) two representatives each of the three great
branches of Levi, namely, Kohath, Merari, and Gershon, (b) two
representatives of the great Kohathite family of Elizaphan (compare
Numbers iii. 30 and 1 Chronicles xv. 8), (c) two representatives each
of the three divisions of the singers, Asaph, Heman, and Jeduthun (1
Chronicles xxv. 1).

¹⁵And they gathered their brethren, and

sanctified themselves, and went in, according
to the commandment of the king by the words
of the Lord, to cleanse the house of the

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