The Gift of Magi

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Some sacraments are considered "once-for-all" or "non-repeatable" in Christianity because of its deep
spiritual significance and enduring impact on a person's connection with God and the Christian
community. These sacraments consist of Holy Orders, Confirmation and Baptism. As a gateway to the
Christian faith, baptism symbolizes the forgiveness of original sin, one's assimilation into Christ's Body,
and the permanent imprint it leaves on one's spirit. Often given soon after baptism, confirmation fortifies
the gift of baptism and gives the individual a seal of the Holy Spirit, strengthening their bond with Christ
and the Church. Holy Orders, the sacrament of ordination into the clergy, bestows to the ordained a
lifelong spiritual character, enabling them to act in the person.
3. The Sacrament of Penance, also known as Confession or Reconciliation, involves the confession of
sins and the absolution granted by a priest to reconcile the penitent with God and the Church. On the
other hand, the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is administered to those who are seriously ill or
facing a significant health crisis, offering spiritual grace and strength through the anointing with blessed
oil. While Penance focuses on forgiveness of sins and spiritual renewal, the Anointing of the Sick
provides comfort, healing, and spiritual support during times of illness or suffering.
Norie Mae C. Mortezo XI ST. THOMAS AQUINAS



"The Gift of the Magi" imparts insightful knowledge on love, sacrifice, and the real significance
of giving. The narrative focuses on the unselfish deeds of Jim and Della, the main protagonists, who part
with their most valuable items to purchase gifts for one another. Their love for one another is unshakeable
despite everything. The moral of the story is that gifts that are given with love and thought are far more
meaningful than tangible belongings. In the end, it makes the point that, monetary value notwithstanding,
the best gifts are those that come from the heart. The protagonists of the tale are Jim and Della, a young
couple who are incredibly committed to one another despite their financial struggles. To purchase a
Christmas gift for one another, they both make major sacrifices: Della sells her long, gorgeous hair to
purchase a chain for Jim's priceless pocket watch, and Jim sells his watch to purchase combs for Della's
hair. This story is a moving reminder that genuine love is based on the desire to make sacrifices for the
happiness of another person and transcends worldly belongings. Jim and Della exemplify the ageless idea
that the best presents originate from the heart and reveal the depth of their love for one another via their
As I read the story, I felt a bit sad about what happened in the last part and how they sacrificed
their most valuable thing for each other's gifts. But even though that happened, they still valued the gifts
they gave each other. Sometimes there are things that we need to sacrifice to make a person that we love
more special to us, such as giving them gifts. If we give something to someone, we should work for it and
have value in giving those gifts, not just for nothing.
These are some things that are the same in real life, this story reminds me of a Christmas party I
attended. I picked someone, and she got school materials as a gift. I got school goods from the person I
picked, and I got school supplies from the person who picked me. We should consider the choices we will
make in life to increase the value of the people we love. People frequently find themselves making
sacrifices in a variety of relationships—whether romantic, platonic, or familial—in order to uphold and
look after their loved ones. This could take many different forms, such as putting family obligations ahead
of personal goals, lending time and money to a friend in need, or putting a partner's pleasure ahead of
one's own. Like the narrative, these deeds of kindness reveal a profound and unselfish love that goes
beyond financial belongings or selfish ambitions.

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