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“Veronica Roth”

Submitted To:
Mr. Nathaniel C. Puda

Submitted By:
Norie Mae C. Mortezo


THERE IS ONE mirror in my house. It is behind a sliding panel in

the hallway upstairs.Our faction allows me to stand in front of it on
the second day of every third month, the day my mother cuts my cheekbones and long eyelashes, and when she lets her hair down at
hair. I sit on the stool and my mother stands behind me with the night, it hangs in waves over her shoulders. But she must hide that
scissors, trimming. The strands fall on the floor in a dull, blond ring. beauty in Abnegation. We walk together to the kitchen. On these
When she finishes, she pulls my hair away from my face and twists mornings when my brother makes breakfast, and my father’s hand
it into a knot. I note how calm she looks and how focused she is. skims my hair as he reads the newspaper, and my mother hums as
She is well-practiced in the art of losing herself. I can’t say the same she clears the table—it is on these mornings that I feel guiltiest for
of myself. I sneak a look at my reflection when she isn’t paying wanting to leave them. The bus stinks of exhaust. Every time it hits
attention—not for the sake of vanity, but out of curiosity. A lot can a patch of uneven pavement, it jostles me from side to side, even
happen to a person’s appearance in three months. In my reflection, I though I’m gripping the seat to keep myself still. My older brother,
see a narrow face, wide, round eyes, and a long, thin nose—I still Caleb, stands in the aisle, holding a railing above his head to keep
look like a little girl, though sometime in the last few months I himself steady. We don’t look alike. He has my father’s dark hair
turned sixteen. The other factions celebrate birthdays, but we don’t. and hooked nose and my mother’s green eyes and dimpled cheeks.
It would be self-indulgent. “There,” she says when she pins the knot When he was younger, that collection of features looked strange,
in place. Her eyes catch mine in the mirror. It is too late to look but now it suits him. If he wasn’t Abnegation, I’m sure the girls at
away, but instead of scolding me, she smiles at our reflection. I school would stare at him. He also inherited my mother’s talent for
frown a little. Why doesn’t she reprimand me for staring at myself? selflessness. He gave his seat to a surly Candor man on the bus
“So today is the day,” she says. “Yes,” I reply. “Are you nervous?” I without a second thought. The Candor man wears a black suit with a
stare into my own eyes for a moment. Today is the day of the white tie—Candor standard uniform. Their faction values honesty
aptitude test that will show me which of the five factions I belong and sees the truth as black and white, so that is what they wear. The
in. And tomorrow, at the Choosing Ceremony, I will decide on a gaps between the buildings narrow and the roads are smoother as we
faction; I will decide the rest of my life; I will decide to stay with near the heart of the city. The building that was once called the
my family or abandon them.“No,” I say. “The tests don’t have to Sears Tower—we call it the Hub—emerges from the fog, a black
change our choices.” “Right.” She smiles. “Let’s go eat breakfast.” pillar in the skyline. The bus passes under the elevated tracks. I
“Thank you. For cutting my hair.” She kisses my cheek and slides have never been on a train, though they never stop running and there
the panel over the mirror. I think my mother could be beautiful, in a are tracks everywhere. Only the Dauntless ride them. Five years
different world. Her body is thin beneath the gray robe. She has high ago, volunteer construction workers from Abnegation repaved some
of the roads. They started in the middle of the city and worked their same year at school.22/726
way outward until they ran out of materials. The roads where I live He nods as we pass through the front
are still cracked and patchy, and it’s not safe to drive on them. We doors. My muscles tighten the second we
don’t have a car anyway. Caleb’s expression is placid as the bus walk in. The atmosphere feels hungry, like
sways and jolts on the road. The gray robe falls from his arm as he every sixteen-year-old is trying to devour as
clutches a pole for balance. I can tell by the constant shift of his much as he can get of this last day. It is likely
eyes that he is watching the people around us—striving to see only that we will not walk these halls again after
them and to forget himself. Candor values honesty, but our faction, the Choosing Ceremony—once we choose,
Abnegation, values selflessness. our new factions will be responsible for finishing
The bus stops in front of the school and I our education.
get up, scooting past the Candor man. I grab Our classes are cut in half today, so we will
Caleb’s arm as I stumble over the man’s attend all of them before the aptitude tests,
shoes. My slacks are too long, and I’ve never which take place after lunch. My heart rate is
been that graceful. already elevated.
The Upper Levels building is the oldest of “You aren’t at all worried about what
the three schools in the city: Lower Levels, they’ll tell you?” I ask Caleb.
Mid-Levels, and Upper Levels. Like all the We pause at the split in the hallway where
other buildings around it, it is made of glass he will go one way, toward Advanced Math,
and steel. In front of it is a large metal sculpture and I will go the other, toward Faction
that the Dauntless climb after school, History.
daring each other to go higher and higher. He raises an eyebrow at me. “Are you?”
Last year I watched one of them fall and I could tell him I’ve been worried for
break her leg. I was the one who ran to get weeks about what the aptitude test will tell23/726
the nurse. me—Abnegation, Candor, Erudite, Amity, or
“Aptitude tests today,” I say. Caleb is not Dauntless?
quite a year older than I am, so we are in the Instead I smile and say, “Not really.”
He smiles back. “Well…have a good day.” the plain hairstyle, and the unassuming demeanor
I walk toward Faction History, chewing on of my faction are supposed to make
my lower lip. He never answered my it easier for me to forget myself, and easier
question. for everyone else to forget me too. But now
The hallways are cramped, though the they make me a target.
light coming through the windows creates I pause by a window in the E Wing and
the illusion of space; they are one of the only wait for the Dauntless to arrive. I do this
places where the factions mix, at our age. every morning. At exactly 7:25, the Daunt
Today the crowd has a new kind of energy, a less prove their bravery by jumping from a
last day mania. moving train.
A girl with long curly hair shouts “Hey!” My father calls the Dauntless “hellions.”
next to my ear, waving at a distant friend. A They are pierced, tattooed, and black
jacket sleeve smacks me on the cheek. Then clothed. Their primary purpose is to guard
an Erudite boy in a blue sweater shoves me. I the fence that surrounds our city. From
lose my balance and fall hard on the ground. what, I don’t know.25/726
“Out of my way, Stiff,” he snaps, and They should perplex me. I should wonder
continues down the hallway. what courage—which is the virtue they most
My cheeks warm. I get up and dust myself value—has to do with a metal ring through
off. A few people stopped when I fell, but24/726 your nostril. Instead my eyes cling to them
none of them offered to help me. Their eyes wherever they go.
follow me to the edge of the hallway. This The train whistle blares, the sound resonating
sort of thing has been happening to others in in my chest. The light fixed to the front
my faction for months now—the Erudite of the train clicks on and off as the train
have been releasing antagonistic reports hurtles past the school, squealing on iron
about Abnegation, and it has begun to affect rails. And as the last few cars pass, a mass
the way we relate at school. The gray clothes, exodus of young men and women in dark
clothing hurl themselves from the moving CHAPTER TWO
cars, some dropping and rolling, others
stumbling a few steps before regaining their THE TESTS BEGIN after lunch. We sit at the
balance. One of the boys wraps his arm long tables in the cafeteria, and the test
around a girl’s shoulders, laughing. administrators call ten names at a time, one for
Watching them is a foolish practice. I turn each testing room. I sit next to Caleb and
away from the window and press through the across from our neighbor Susan.
crowd to the Faction History classroom. Susan’s father travels throughout the city
for his job, so he has a car and drives her to
and from school every day. He offered to
drive us, too, but as Caleb says, we prefer to leave
later and would not want to inconvenience him.
Of course not.
The test administrators are mostly Abnegation
volunteers, although there is an
Erudite in one of the testing rooms and a
Dauntless in another to test those of us from
Abnegation, because the rules state that we
can’t be tested by someone from our own27/726
faction. The rules also say that we can’t prepare
for the test in any way, so I don’t know
what to expect.
My gaze drifts from Susan to the Dauntless
tables across the room. They are laughing
and shouting and playing cards. At another
set of tables, the Erudite chatter over books
and newspapers, in constant pursuit of knowledge. giving my jump rope to a little girl on the
A group of Amity girls in yellow and red sit playground who didn’t have anything to play
in a circle on the cafeteria floor, playing with. He doesn’t lecture me often anymore,
some kind of hand-slapping game involving but
a rhyming song. Every few minutes I hear a I have his look
chorus of laughter from them as someone is of
eliminated and has to sit in the center of the disapproval
circle. At the table next to them, Candor boys memorized.
make wide gestures with their hands. They I have tried to explain to him that my instincts
appear to be arguing about something, but it are not the same as his—it didn’t even
must not be serious, because some of them enter my mind to give my seat to the Candor
are still smiling. man on the bus—but he doesn’t understand.
At the Abnegation table, we sit quietly and “Just do what you’re supposed to,” he always
wait. Faction customs dictate even idle behavior 28/72629/726
and supersede individual preference. I doubt all says. It is that easy for him. It should be that
the Erudite want to study all easy for me.
the time, or that every Candor enjoys a lively My stomach wrenches. I close my eyes and
debate, but they can’t defy the norms of their keep them closed until ten minutes later,
factions any more than I can. when Caleb sits down again.
Caleb’s name is called in the next group. He is plaster-pale. He pushes his palms
He moves confidently toward the exit. I don’t along his legs like I do when I wipe off sweat,
need to wish him luck or assure him that he and when he brings them back, his fingers
shouldn’t be nervous. He knows where he shake. I open my mouth to ask him
belongs, and as far as I know, he always has. something, but the words don’t come. I am
My earliest memory of him is from when we not allowed to ask him about his results, and
were four years old. He scolded me for not he is not allowed to tell me.
An Abnegation volunteer speaks the next and I walk into room 6, where a Dauntless
round of names. Two from Dauntless, two woman waits for me.
from Erudite, two from Amity, two from She is not as severe-looking as the young
Candor, and then: “From Abnegation: Susan Dauntless I have seen. She has small, dark,
Black and Beatrice Prior.” angular eyes and wears a black blazer—like a
I get up because I’m supposed to, but if it man’s suit—and jeans. It is only when she31/726
were up to me, I would stay in my seat for turns to close the door that I see a tattoo on
the rest of time. I feel like there is a bubble in the back of her neck, a black-and-white hawk
my chest that expands more by the second, with a red eye. If I didn’t feel like my heart
threatening to break me apart from the30/726 had migrated to my throat, I would ask her
inside. I follow Susan to the exit. The people what it signifies. It must signify something.
I pass probably can’t tell us apart. We wear Mirrors cover the inner walls of the room.
the same clothes and we wear our blond hair I can see my reflection from all angles: the
the same way. The only difference is that gray fabric obscuring the shape of my back,
Susan might not feel like she’s going to throw my long neck, my knobby-knuckled hands,
up, and from what I can tell, her hands aren’t red with a blood blush. The ceiling glows
shaking so hard she has to clutch the hem of white with light. In the center of the room is
her shirt to steady them. a reclined chair, like a dentist’s, with a ma
Waiting for us outside the cafeteria is a chine next to it. It looks like a place where
row of ten rooms. They are used only for the terrible things happen.
aptitude tests, so I have never been in one “Don’t worry,” the woman says, “it doesn’t
before. Unlike the other rooms in the school, hurt.”
they are separated, not by glass, but by mirrors. Her hair is black and straight, but in the
I watch myself, pale and terrified, walking light I see that it is streaked with gray.
toward one of the doors. Susan grins “Have a seat and get comfortable,” she
nervously at me as she walks into room 5, says. “My name is Tori.”
Clumsily I sit in the chair and recline, put She stands behind me. I squeeze the arm
ting my head on the headrest. The lights hurt32/726 rests so tightly the redness pulls away from
my eyes. Tori busies herself with the ma my knuckles. She tugs wires toward her, attaching
chine on my right. I try to focus on her and them to me, to her, to the machine
not on the wires in her hands. behind her. Then she passes me a vial of
“Why the hawk?” I blurt out as she attaches clear liquid.
an electrode to my forehead. “Drink this,” she says.
“Never met a curious Abnegation before,” “What is it?” My throat feels swollen. I
she says, raising her eyebrows at me. swallow hard. “What’s going to happen?”
I shiver, and goose bumps appear on my “Can’t tell you that. Just trust me.”
arms. My curiosity is a mistake, a betrayal of I press air from my lungs and tip the con
Abnegation values. tents of the vial into my mouth. My eyes
Humming a little, she presses another close.
electrode to my forehead and explains, “In When they open, an instant has passed, but I
some parts of the ancient world, the hawk am somewhere else. I stand in the school
symbolized the sun. Back when I got this, I cafeteria again, but all the long tables are
figured if I always had the sun on me, I empty, and I see through the glass walls that
wouldn’t be afraid of the dark.” it’s snowing. On the table in front of me are
I try to stop myself from asking another two baskets. In one is a hunk of cheese, and34/726
question, but I can’t help it. “You’re afraid of in the other, a knife the length of my
the dark?” forearm.
“I was afraid of the dark,” she corrects me. Behind me, a woman’s voice says,
She presses the next electrode to her own “Choose.”
forehead, and attaches a wire to it. She33/726 “Why?” I ask.
shrugs. “Now it reminds me of the fear I’ve “Choose,” she repeats.
overcome.” I look over my shoulder, but no one is
there. I turn back to the baskets. “What will I smell fear because of a chemical secreted by
do with them?” human glands in a state of duress, the same
“Choose!” she yells. chemical a dog’s prey secretes. Smelling fear
When she screams at me, my fear disappears leads them to attack. The dog inches toward
and stubbornness replaces it. I scowl me, its nails scraping the floor.
and cross my arms. I can’t run. I can’t fight. Instead I breathe
“Have it your way,” she says. in the smell of the dog’s foul breath and try
The baskets disappear. I hear a door not to think about what it just ate. There are
squeak and turn to see who it is. I see not a no whites in its eyes, just a black gleam.36/726
“who” but a “what”: A dog with a pointed What else do I know about dogs? I
nose stands a few yards away from me. It shouldn’t look it in the eye. That’s a sign of
crouches low and creeps toward me, its lips aggression. I remember asking my father for
peeling back from its white teeth. A growl a pet dog when I was young, and now, staring
gurgles from deep in its throat, and I see why35/726 at the ground in front of the dog’s paws, I
the cheese would have come in handy. Or the can’t remember why. It comes closer, still
knife. But it’s too late now. growling. If staring into its eyes is a sign of
I think about running, but the dog will be aggression, what’s a sign of submission?
faster than me. I can’t wrestle it to the My breaths are loud but steady. I sink to
ground. My head pounds. I have to make a my knees. The last thing I want to do is lie
decision. If I can jump over one of the tables down on the ground in front of the
and use it as a shield—no, I am too short to dog—making its teeth level with my
jump over the tables, and not strong enough face—but it’s the best option I have. I stretch
to tip one over. my legs out behind me and lean on my el
The dog snarls, and I can almost feel the bows. The dog creeps closer, and closer, until
sound vibrating in my skull. I feel its warm breath on my face. My arms
My biology textbook said that dogs can are shaking.
It barks in my ear, and I clench my teeth to don’t think, I just jump; I hurl my body on38/726
keep from screaming. top of the dog, wrapping my arms around its
Something rough and wet touches my thick neck.
cheek. The dog’s growling stops, and when I My head hits the ground. The dog is gone,
lift my head to look at it again, it is panting.37/726 and so is the little girl. Instead I am
It licked my face. I frown and sit on my heels. alone—in the testing room, now empty. I
The dog props its paws up on my knees and turn in a slow circle and can’t see myself in
licks my chin. I cringe, wiping the drool from any of the mirrors. I push the door open and
my skin, and laugh. walk into the hallway, but it isn’t a hallway;
“You’re not such a vicious beast, huh?” it’s a bus, and all the seats are taken.
I get up slowly so I don’t startle it, but it I stand in the aisle and hold on to a pole.
seems like a different animal than the one Sitting near me is a man with a newspaper. I
that faced me a few seconds ago. I stretch out can’t see his face over the top of the paper,
a hand, carefully, so I can draw it back if I but I can see his hands. They are scarred,
need to. The dog nudges my hand with its like he was burned, and they clench around
head. I am suddenly glad I didn’t pick up the the paper like he wants to crumple it.
knife. “Do you know this guy?” he asks. He taps
I blink, and when my eyes open, a child the picture on the front page of the newspaper.
stands across the room wearing a white The headline reads: “Brutal Murderer
dress. She stretches out both hands and Finally Apprehended!” I stare at the word
squeals, “Puppy!” “murderer.” It has been a long time since I
As she runs toward the dog at my side, I last read that word, but even its shape fills
open my mouth to warn her, but I am too me with dread.39/726
late. The dog turns. Instead of growling, it In the picture beneath the headline is a
barks and snarls and snaps, and its muscles young man with a plain face and a beard. I
bunch up like coiled wire. About to pounce. I feel like I do know him, though I don’t re
member how. And at the same time, I feel mind myself. Not real.
like it would be a bad idea to tell the man “You’re lying,” he says. “You’re lying!”
that. “I am not.”
“Well?” I hear anger in his voice. “Do “I can see it in your eyes.”
you?” I pull myself up straighter. “You can’t.”
A bad idea—no, a very bad idea. My heart “If you know him,” he says in a low voice,
pounds and I clutch the pole to keep my “you could save me. You could save me!”
hands from shaking, from giving me away. If I narrow my eyes. “Well,” I say. I set my
I tell him I know the man from the article, jaw. “I don’t.”
something awful will happen to me. But I can
convince him that I don’t. I can clear my
throat and shrug my shoulders—but that
would be a lie.
I clear my throat.
“Do you?” he repeats.
I shrug my shoulders.
A shudder goes through me. My fear is ir
rational; this is just a test, it isn’t real.40/726
“Nope,” I say, my voice casual. “No idea who
he is.”
He stands, and finally I see his face. He
wears dark sunglasses and his mouth is bent
into a snarl. His cheek is rippled with scars,
like his hands. He leans close to my face. His
breath smells like cigarettes. Not real, I re
CHAPTER THREE allowed to prepare for?
As the moments pass, I get more nervous.
I WAKE TO sweaty palms and a pang of guilt I have to wipe off my hands every few
in my chest. I am lying in the chair in the seconds as the sweat collects—or maybe I
mirrored room. When I tilt my head back, I just do it because it helps me feel calmer.
see Tori behind me. She pinches her lips What if they tell me that I’m not cut out for
together and removes electrodes from our any faction? I would have to live on the
heads. I wait for her to say something about streets, with the factionless. I can’t do that.
the test—that it’s over, or that I did well, To live factionless is not just to live in
although how could I do poorly on a test like poverty and discomfort; it is to live divorced
this?—but she says nothing, just pulls the from society, separated from the most important
wires from my forehead. thing in life: community.
I sit forward and wipe my palms off on my My mother told me once that we can’t survive
slacks. I had to have done something wrong, alone, but even if we could, we wouldn’t43/726
even if it only happened in my mind. Is that want to. Without a faction, we have no pur
strange look on Tori’s face because she pose and no reason to live.
doesn’t know how to tell me what a terrible I shake my head. I can’t think like this. I
person I am? I wish she would just come out have to stay calm.
with it.42/726 Finally the door opens, and Tori walks
“That,” she says, “was perplexing. Excuse back in. I grip the arms of the chair.
me, I’ll be right back.” “Sorry to worry you,” Tori says. She stands
Perplexing? by my feet with her hands in her pockets.
I bring my knees to my chest and bury my She looks tense and pale.
face in them. I wish I felt like crying, because “Beatrice, your results were inconclusive,”
the tears might bring me a sense of release, she says. “Typically, each stage of the simula
but I don’t. How can you fail a test you aren’t tion eliminates one or more of the factions,
but in your case, only two have been ruled “I suppose that’s not entirely true. People
out.” who tell the truth are the Candor…and the
I stare at her. “Two?” I ask. My throat is so Abnegation,” she says. “Which gives us a
tight it’s hard to talk. problem.”
“If you had shown an automatic distaste My mouth falls open.
for the knife and selected the cheese, the “On the one hand, you threw yourself on
simulation would have led you to a different the dog rather than let it attack the little girl,
scenario that confirmed your aptitude for which
Amity. That didn’t happen, which is why is
Amity is out.” Tori scratches the back of herneck. “Normally, the an
simulation progresses Abnegation-oriented
in a linear fashion, isolating one faction by re
ruling out the rest. The choices you made sponse…but on the other, when the man told
didn’t even allow Candor, the next possibil you that the truth would save him, you still
ity, to be ruled out, so I had to alter the simu 44/72645/726
lation to put you on the bus. And there your refused to tell it. Not an Abnegation-oriented
insistence response.” She sighs. “Not running from the
upon dog suggests Dauntless, but so does taking
dishonesty the knife, which you didn’t do.”
ruled She clears her throat and continues. “Your
out intelligent response to the dog indicates
Candor.” She half smiles. “Don’t worry about strong alignment with the Erudite. I have no
that. Only the Candor tell the truth in that idea what to make of your indecision in stage
one.” one, but—”
One of the knots in my chest loosens. “Wait,” I interrupt her. “So you have no
Maybe I’m not an awful person. idea what my aptitude is?”
“Yes and no. My conclusion,” she explains, understand?”
“is that you display equal aptitude for Abneg I don’t understand—how could inconclus
ation, Dauntless, and Erudite. People who ive test results be dangerous?—but I still
get this kind of result are…” She looks over nod. I don’t want to share my test results
her shoulder like she expects someone to ap with anyone anyway.
pear behind her. “…are called…Divergent.” “Okay.” I peel my hands from the arms of
She says the last word so quietly that I al the chair and stand. I feel unsteady.
most don’t hear it, and her tense, worried “I suggest,” Tori says, “that you go home.
look returns. She walks around the side of You have a lot of thinking to do, and waiting
the chair and leans in close to me.“Beatrice,” she says, “under no with the others may not benefit you.”
circum 46/72647/726
stances should you share that information “I have to tell my brother where I’m
with anyone. This is very important.” going.”
“We aren’t supposed to share our results.” “I’ll let him know.”
I nod. “I know that.” I touch my forehead and stare at the floor
“No.” Tori kneels next to the chair now as I walk out of the room. I can’t bear to look
and places her arms on the armrest. Our her in the eye. I can’t bear to think about the
faces are inches apart. “This is different. I Choosing Ceremony tomorrow.
don’t mean you shouldn’t share them now; I It’s my choice now, no matter what the test
mean you should never share them with any says.
one, ever, no matter what happens. Diver Abnegation. Dauntless. Erudite.
gence Divergent.
is I decide not to take the bus. If I get home
extremely early, my father will notice when he checks
dangerous. the house log at the end of the day, and I’ll
You have to explain what happened. Instead I
walk. I’ll have to intercept Caleb before he again. It’s only when I try to live it myself
mentions anything to our parents, but Caleb that I have trouble. It never feels genuine.49/726
can keep a secret. But choosing a different faction means I
I walk in the middle of the road. The buses forsake my family. Permanently.
tend to hug the curb, so it’s safer here. Some Just past the Abnegation sector of the city
times, on the streets near my house, I can see48/726 is the stretch of building skeletons and
places where the yellow lines used to be. We broken sidewalks that I now walk through.
have no use for them now that there are so There are places where the road has com
few cars. We don’t need stoplights, either, pletely collapsed, revealing sewer systems
but in some places they dangle precariously and empty subways that I have to be careful
over the road like they might crash down any to avoid, and places that stink so powerfully
minute. of sewage and trash that I have to plug my
Renovation moves slowly through the city, nose.
which is a patchwork of new, clean buildings This is where the factionless live. Because
and old, crumbling ones. Most of the new they failed to complete initiation into
buildings are next to the marsh, which used whatever faction they chose, they live in
to be a lake a long time ago. The Abnegation poverty, doing the work no one else wants to
volunteer agency my mother works for is re do. They are janitors and construction work
sponsible for most of those renovations. ers and garbage collectors; they make fabric
When I look at the Abnegation lifestyle as and operate trains and drive buses. In return
an outsider, I think it’s beautiful. When I for their work they get food and clothing,
watch my family move in harmony; when we but, as my mother says, not enough of either.
go to dinner parties and everyone cleans to I see a factionless man standing on the
gether afterward without having to be asked; corner up ahead. He wears ragged brown50/726
when I see Caleb help strangers carry their clothing and skin sags from his jaw. He
groceries, I fall in love with this life all over stares at me, and I stare back at him, unable
to look away. minded. “I’m older than I look,” I retort. “I’m
“Excuse me,” he says. His voice is raspy. sixteen.”
“Do you have something I can eat?” His lips spread wide, revealing a gray mol
I feel a lump in my throat. A stern voice in ar with a dark pit in the side. I can’t tell if
my head says, Duck your head and keep he’s smiling or grimacing. “Then isn’t today a
walking. special day for you? The day before you
No. I shake my head. I should not be choose?”
afraid of this man. He needs help and I am “Let go of me,” I say. I hear ringing in my
supposed to help him. ears. My voice sounds clear and stern—not
“Um…yes,” I say. I reach into my bag. My what I expected to hear. I feel like it doesn’t
father tells me to keep food in my bag at all belong to me.
times for exactly this reason. I offer the man I am ready. I know what to do. I picture
a small bag of dried apple slices. myself bringing my elbow back and hitting
He reaches for them, but instead of taking him. I see the bag of apples flying away from52/726
the bag, his hand closes around my wrist. He me. I hear my running footsteps. I am pre
smiles at me. He has a gap between his front pared to act.
teeth. But then he releases my wrist, takes the
“My, don’t you have pretty eyes,” he says. apples, and says, “Choose wisely, little girl.”
“It’s a shame the rest of you is so plain.”51/726
My heart pounds. I tug my hand back, but
his grip tightens. I smell something acrid and
unpleasant on his breath.
“You look a little young to be walking
around by yourself, dear,” he says.
I stop tugging, and stand up straighter. I
know I look young; I don’t need to be re
CHAPTER FOUR arrive. It doesn’t take long. After a minute I
see gray-robed forms walking down the
I REACH MY street five minutes before I usu street. I hear laughter. At school we try not to
ally do, according to my watch—which is the draw attention to ourselves, but once we’re
only adornment Abnegation allows, and only home, the games and jokes start. My natural
because it’s practical. It has a gray band and tendency toward sarcasm is still not appreci
a glass face. If I tilt it right, I can almost see ated. Sarcasm is always at someone’s ex
my reflection over the hands. pense. Maybe it’s better that Abnegation
The houses on my street are all the same wants me to suppress it. Maybe I don’t have
size and shape. They are made of gray ce to leave my family. Maybe if I fight to make
ment, with few windows, in economical, no Abnegation work, my act will turn into
nonsense rectangles. Their lawns are crab reality.
grass and their mailboxes are dull metal. To “Beatrice!” Caleb says. “What happened?
some the sight might be gloomy, but to me Are you all right?”
their simplicity is comforting. “I’m fine.” He is with Susan and her broth
The reason for the simplicity isn’t disdain er, Robert, and Susan is giving me a strange55/726
for uniqueness, as the other factions have look, like I am a different person than the
sometimes interpreted it. Everything—our one she knew this morning. I shrug. “When
houses, our clothes, our hairstyles—is meant the test was over, I got sick. Must have been
to help us forget ourselves and to protect us54/726 that liquid they gave us. I feel better now,
from vanity, greed, and envy, which are just though.”
forms of selfishness. If we have little, and I try to smile convincingly. I seem to have
want for little, and we are all equal, we envy persuaded Susan and Robert, who no longer
no one. look concerned for my mental stability, but
I try to love it. Caleb narrows his eyes at me, the way he
I sit on the front step and wait for Caleb to does when he suspects someone of duplicity.
“Did you two take the bus today?” I ask. I learning a trade, marrying Susan, and having
don’t care how Susan and Robert got home a family. It will be wonderful.
from school, but I need to change the I may not see it.
subject. “Are you going to tell me the truth now?”
“Our father had to work late,” Susan says, he asks softly.
“and he told us we should spend some time “The truth is,” I say, “I’m not supposed to
thinking before the ceremony tomorrow.” discuss it. And you’re not supposed to ask.”“All those rules you
My heart pounds at the mention of the bend, and you can’t
ceremony. bend this one? Not even for something this
“You’re welcome to come over later, if important?” His eyebrows tug together, and
you’d like,” Caleb says politely. he bites the corner of his lip. Though his
“Thank you.” Susan smiles at Caleb.56/726 words are accusatory, it sounds like he is
Robert raises an eyebrow at me. He and I probing me for information—like he actually
have been exchanging looks for the past year wants my answer.
as Susan and Caleb flirt in the tentative way I narrow my eyes. “Will you? What
known only to the Abnegation. Caleb’s eyes happened in your test, Caleb?”
follow Susan down the walk. I have to grab Our eyes meet. I hear a train horn, so faint
his arm to startle him from his daze. I lead it could easily be wind whistling through an
him into the house and close the door behind alleyway. But I know it when I hear it. It
us. sounds like the Dauntless, calling me to
He turns to me. His dark, straight eye them.
brows draw together so that a crease appears “Just…don’t
between them. When he frowns, he looks tell
more like my mother than my father. In an our
instant I can see him living the same kind of parents
life my father did: staying in Abnegation, what
happened, okay?” I say. is ready and the table is set. My father drops
His eyes stay on mine for a few seconds, his bag at the door and kisses my head. Oth
and then he nods. er people see him as an opinionated59/726
I want to go upstairs and lie down. The man—too opinionated, maybe—but he’s also
test, the walk, and my encounter with the loving. I try to see only the good in him; I try.
factionless man exhausted me. But my “How did the test go?” he asks me. I pour
brother made breakfast this morning, and the peas into a serving bowl.
57/72658/726 “Fine,” I say. I couldn’t be Candor. I lie too
my mother prepared our lunches, and my easily.
father made dinner last night, so it’s my turn “I heard there was some kind of upset with
to cook. I breathe deeply and walk into the one of the tests,” my mother says. Like my
kitchen to start cooking. father, she works for the government, but
A minute later, Caleb joins me. I grit my she manages city improvement projects. She
teeth. He helps with everything. What irrit recruited volunteers to administer the
ates me most about him is his natural good aptitude tests. Most of the time, though, she
ness, his inborn selflessness. organizes workers to help the factionless
Caleb and I work together without speak with food and shelter and job opportunities.
ing. I cook peas on the stove. He defrosts “Really?” says my father. A problem with
four pieces of chicken. Most of what we eat is the aptitude tests is rare.
frozen or canned, because farms these days “I don’t know much about it, but my friend
are far away. My mother told me once that, a Erin told me that something went wrong
long time ago, there were people who with one of the tests, so the results had to be
wouldn’t buy genetically engineered produce reported verbally.” My mother places a nap
because they viewed it as unnatural. Now we kin next to each plate on the table. “Appar
have no other option. ently the student got sick and was sent home60/726
By the time my parents get home, dinner early.” My mother shrugs. “I hope they’re all
right. Did you two hear about that?” chide me. Why was I so focused on myself
“No,” Caleb says. He smiles at my mother. that I didn’t notice his deep frown and his
My brother couldn’t be Candor either. sagging posture?
We sit at the table. We always pass food to “I had a difficult day at work,” he says.
the right, and no one eats until everyone is “Well, really, it was Marcus who had the dif
served. My father extends his hands to my ficult day. I shouldn’t lay claim to it.”
mother and my brother, and they extend Marcus is my father’s coworker; they are
their hands to him and me, and my father both political leaders. The city is ruled by a
gives thanks to God for food and work and council of fifty people, composed entirely of
friends and family. Not every Abnegation representatives from Abnegation, because
family is religious, but my father says we our faction is regarded as incorruptible, due
should try not to see those differences be to our commitment to selflessness. Our lead
cause they will only divide us. I am not sure ers are selected by their peers for their im
what to make of that. peccable character, moral fortitude, and
“So,” my mother says to my father. “Tell leadership skills. Representatives from each
me.” of the other factions can speak in the meet
She takes my father’s hand and moves her ings on behalf of a particular issue, but62/726
thumb in a small circle over his knuckles. I ultimately, the decision is the council’s. And
stare at their joined hands. My parents love while the council technically makes decisions
each other, but they rarely show affection together, Marcus is particularly influential.
like this in front of us. They taught us that61/726 It has been this way since the beginning of
physical contact is powerful, so I have been the great peace, when the factions were
wary of it since I was young. formed. I think the system persists because
“Tell me what’s bothering you,” she adds. we’re afraid of what might happen if it
I stare at my plate. My mother’s acute didn’t: war.
senses sometimes surprise me, but now they “Is this about that report Jeanine Mat
thews released?” my mother says. Jeanine by my brother.
Matthews is Erudite’s sole representative, se “It said,” my father says, “that Marcus’s vi
lected based on her IQ score. My father com olence and cruelty toward his son is the reas
plains about her often. on his son chose Dauntless instead of
I look up. “A report?” Abnegation.”
Caleb gives me a warning look. We aren’t Few people who are born into Abnegation
supposed to speak at the dinner table unless choose to leave it. When they do, we remem
our parents ask us a direct question, and ber. Two years ago, Marcus’s son, Tobias, left
they usually don’t. Our listening ears are a us for the Dauntless, and Marcus was devast
gift to them, my father says. They give us ated. Tobias was his only child—and his only
their listening ears after dinner, in the family family, since his wife died giving birth to
room.“Yes,” my father says. His eyes narrow. 63/72664/726
“Those arrogant, self-righteous—” He stops their second child. The infant died minutes
and clears his throat. “Sorry. But she re later.
leased I never met Tobias. He rarely attended
a community events and never joined his fath
report er at our house for dinner. My father often
attacking remarked that it was strange, but now it
Marcus’s doesn’t matter.
character.” “Cruel? Marcus?” My mother shakes her
I raise my eyebrows. head. “That poor man. As if he needs to be
“What did it say?” I ask. reminded of his loss.”
“Beatrice,” Caleb says quietly. “Of his son’s betrayal, you mean?” my
I duck my head, turning my fork over and father says coldly. “I shouldn’t be surprised
over and over until the warmth leaves my at this point. The Erudite have been attack
cheeks. I don’t like to be chastised. Especially ing us with these reports for months. And
this isn’t the end. There will be more, I guar stead of gathering in the family room, so we
antee it.” can think about our results.
I shouldn’t speak again, but I can’t help My family might be able to help me
myself. I blurt out, “Why are they doing choose, if I could talk about my results. But I66/726
this?” can’t. Tori’s warning whispers in my memory
“Why don’t you take this opportunity to every time my resolve to keep my mouth
listen to your father, Beatrice?” my mother shut falters.
says gently. It is phrased like a suggestion,65/726 Caleb and I climb the stairs and, at the top,
not a command. I look across the table at when we divide to go to our separate bed
Caleb, who has that look of disapproval in rooms, he stops me with a hand on my
his eyes. shoulder.
I stare at my peas. I am not sure I can live “Beatrice,” he says, looking sternly into my
this life of obligation any longer. I am not eyes. “We should think of our family.” There
good enough. is an edge to his voice. “But. But we must
“You know why,” my father says. “Because also think of ourselves.”
we have something they want. Valuing know For a moment I stare at him. I have never
ledge above all else results in a lust for seen him think of himself, never heard him
power, and that leads men into dark and insist on anything but selflessness.
empty places. We should be thankful that we I am so startled by his comment that I just
know better.” say what I am supposed to say: “The tests
I nod. I know I will not choose Erudite, don’t have to change our choices.”
even though my test results suggested that I He smiles a little. “Don’t they, though?”
could. I am my father’s daughter. He squeezes my shoulder and walks into
My parents clean up after dinner. They his bedroom. I peer into his room and see an
don’t even let Caleb help them, because we’re unmade bed and a stack of books on his
supposed to keep to ourselves tonight in desk. He closes the door. I wish I could tell67/726
him that we’re going through the same thing. CHAPTER FIVE
I wish I could speak to him like I want to in
stead of like I’m supposed to. But the idea of THE BUS WE take to get to the Choosing Cere
admitting that I need help is too much to mony is full of people in gray shirts and gray
bear, so I turn away. slacks. A pale ring of sunlight burns into the
I walk into my room, and when I close my clouds like the end of a lit cigarette. I will
door behind me, I realize that the decision never smoke one myself—they are closely
might be simple. It will require a great act of tied to vanity—but a crowd of Candor
selflessness to choose Abnegation, or a great smokes them in front of the building when
act of courage to choose Dauntless, and we get off the bus.
maybe just choosing one over the other will I have to tilt my head back to see the top of
prove that I belong. Tomorrow, those two the Hub, and even then, part of it disappears
qualities will struggle within me, and only into the clouds. It is the tallest building in
one can win the city. I can see the lights on the two
prongs on its roof from my bedroom
I follow my parents off the bus. Caleb
seems calm, but so would I, if I knew what I
was going to do. Instead I get the distinct im
pression that my heart will burst out of my69/726
chest any minute now, and I grab his arm to
steady myself as I walk up the front steps.
The elevator is crowded, so my father vo
lunteers to give a cluster of Amity our place.
We climb the stairs instead, following him
unquestioningly. We set an example for our
fellow faction members, and soon the three der, according to the last names we may
of us are engulfed in the mass of gray fabric leave behind today. I stand between Caleb
ascending cement stairs in the half light. I and Danielle Pohler, an Amity girl with rosy
settle into their pace. The uniform pounding cheeks and a yellow dress.
of feet in my ears and the homogeneity of the Rows of chairs for our families make up
people around me makes me believe that I the next circle. They are arranged in five sec
could choose this. I could be subsumed into tions, according to faction. Not everyone in
Abnegation’s hive mind, projecting always each faction comes to the Choosing Cere
outward. mony, but enough of them come that the
But then my legs get sore, and I struggle to crowd looks huge.
breathe, and I am again distracted by myself. The responsibility to conduct the cere
We have to climb twenty flights of stairs to mony rotates from faction to faction each71/726
get to the Choosing Ceremony. year, and this year is Abnegation’s. Marcus
My father holds the door open on the will give the opening address and read the
twentieth floor and stands like a sentry as names in reverse alphabetical order. Caleb
every Abnegation walks past him. I would70/726 will choose before me.
wait for him, but the crowd presses me for In the last circle are five metal bowls so
ward, out of the stairwell and into the room large they could hold my entire body, if I
where I will decide the rest of my life. curled up. Each one contains a substance
The room is arranged in concentric circles. that represents each faction: gray stones for
On the edges stand the sixteen-year-olds of Abnegation, water for Erudite, earth for
every faction. We are not called members Amity, lit coals for Dauntless, and glass for
yet; our decisions today will make us initi Candor.
ates, and we will become members if we When Marcus calls my name, I will walk to
complete initiation. the center of the three circles. I will not
We arrange ourselves in alphabetical or speak. He will offer me a knife. I will cut into
my hand and sprinkle my blood into the The room slowly comes to order. I should
bowl of the faction I choose. be observing the Dauntless; I should be tak
My blood on the stones. My blood sizzling ing in as much information as I can, but I73/726
on the coals. can only stare at the lanterns across the
Before my parents sit down, they stand in room. I try to lose myself in the blue glow.
front of Caleb and me. My father kisses my Marcus stands at the podium between the
forehead and claps Caleb on the shoulder, Erudite and the Dauntless and clears his
grinning.72/726 throat into the microphone. “Welcome,” he
“See you soon,” he says. Without a trace of says. “Welcome to the Choosing Ceremony.
doubt. Welcome to the day we honor the democratic
My mother hugs me, and what little re philosophy of our ancestors, which tells us
solve I have left almost breaks. I clench my that every man has the right to choose his
jaw and stare up at the ceiling, where globe own way in this world.”
lanterns hang and fill the room with blue Or, it occurs to me, one of five predeter
light. She holds me for what feels like a long mined ways. I squeeze Caleb’s fingers as
time, even after I let my hands fall. Before hard as he is squeezing mine.
she pulls away, she turns her head and whis “Our dependents are now sixteen. They
pers in my ear, “I love you. No matter what.” stand on the precipice of adulthood, and it is
I frown at her back as she walks away. She now up to them to decide what kind of
knows what I might do. She must know, or people they will be.” Marcus’s voice is sol
she wouldn’t feel the need to say that. emn and gives equal weight to each word.
Caleb grabs my hand, squeezing my palm “Decades ago our ancestors realized that it is
so tightly it hurts, but I don’t let go. The last not political ideology, religious belief, race,
time we held hands was at my uncle’s funer or nationalism that is to blame for a warring
al, as my father cried. We need each other’s world. Rather, they determined that it was74/726
strength now, just as we did then. the fault of human personality—of human
kind’s inclination toward evil, in whatever But I am not selfless enough. Sixteen years
form that is. They divided into factions that of trying and I am not enough.
sought to eradicate those qualities they be My legs go numb, like all the life has gone
lieved responsible for the world’s disarray.” out of them, and I wonder how I will walk
My eyes shift to the bowls in the center of when my name is called.
the room. What do I believe? I do not know; “Working together, these five factions have
I do not know; I do not know. lived in peace for many years, each contrib
“Those who blamed aggression formed uting to a different sector of society. Abnega
Amity.” tion has fulfilled our need for selfless leaders
The Amity exchange smiles. They are in government; Candor has provided us with
dressed comfortably, in red or yellow. Every trustworthy and sound leaders in law;
time I see them, they seem kind, loving, free. Erudite has supplied us with intelligent
But joining them has never been an option teachers and researchers; Amity has given us
for me. understanding counselors and caretakers;
“Those who blamed ignorance became the and Dauntless provides us with protection
Erudite.” from threats both within and without. But
Ruling out Erudite was the only part of my the reach of each faction is not limited to76/726
choice that was easy. these areas. We give one another far more
“Those who blamed duplicity created than can be adequately summarized. In our
Candor.” factions, we find meaning, we find purpose,
I have never liked Candor.75/726 we find life.”
“Those who blamed selfishness made I think of the motto I read in my Faction
Abnegation.” History textbook: Faction before blood.
I blame selfishness; I do. More than family, our factions are where we
“And those who blamed cowardice were belong. Can that possibly be right?
the Dauntless.” Marcus adds, “Apart from them, we would
not survive.” “James Tucker,” Marcus says.
The silence that follows his words is heav James Tucker of the Dauntless is the first
ier than other silences. It is heavy with our person to stumble on his way to the bowls.
worst fear, greater even than the fear of He throws his arms out and regains his bal
death: to be factionless. ance before hitting the floor. His face turns
Marcus continues, “Therefore this day red and he walks fast to the middle of the
marks a happy occasion—the day on which room. When he stands in the center, he looks
we receive our new initiates, who will work from the Dauntless bowl to the Candor
with us toward a better society and a better bowl—the orange flames that rise higher78/726
world.” each moment, and the glass reflecting blue
A round of applause. It sounds muffled. I light.
try to stand completely still, because if my Marcus offers him the knife. He breathes
knees are locked and my body is stiff, I don’t77/726 deeply—I watch his chest rise—and, as he ex
shake. Marcus reads the first names, but I hales, accepts the knife. Then he drags it
can’t tell one syllable from the other. How across his palm with a jerk and holds his arm
will I know when he calls my name? out to the side. His blood falls onto glass,
One by one, each sixteen-year-old steps and he is the first of us to switch factions.
out of line and walks to the middle of the The first faction transfer. A mutter rises from
room. The first girl to choose decides on the Dauntless section, and I stare at the
Amity, the same faction from which she floor.
came. I watch her blood droplets fall on soil, They will see him as a traitor from now on.
and she stands behind their seats alone. His Dauntless family will have the option of
The room is constantly moving, a new visiting him in his new faction, a week and a
name and a new person choosing, a new half from now on Visiting Day, but they
knife and a new choice. I recognize most of won’t, because he left them. His absence will
them, but I doubt they know me. haunt their hallways, and he will be a space
they can’t fill. And then time will pass, and aptitude test. Why didn’t I realize that whenhe told me to think of
the hole will be gone, like when an organ is myself yesterday, he
removed and the body’s fluids flow into the was also giving that advice to himself?
space it leaves. Humans can’t tolerate empti I scan the crowd of the Erudite—they wear
ness for long.79/726 smug smiles and nudge each other. The Ab
“Caleb Prior,” says Marcus. negation, normally so placid, speak to one
Caleb squeezes my hand one last time, and another in tense whispers and glare across
as he walks away, casts a long look at me the room at the faction that has become our
over his shoulder. I watch his feet move to enemy.
the center of the room, and his hands, steady “Excuse me,” says Marcus, but the crowd
as they accept the knife from Marcus, are doesn’t hear him. He shouts, “Quiet, please!”
deft as one presses the knife into the other. The room goes silent. Except for a ringing
Then he stands with blood pooling in his sound.
palm, and his lip snags on his teeth. I hear my name and a shudder propels me
He breathes out. And then in. And then he forward. Halfway to the bowls, I am sure that
holds his hand over the Erudite bowl, and his I will choose Abnegation. I can see it now. I
blood drips into the water, turning it a deep watch myself grow into a woman in Abnega
er shade of red. tion robes, marrying
I hear mutters that lift into outraged cries. Susan’s brother,
I can barely think straight. My brother, my Robert, volunteering on the weekends, the
selfless brother, a faction transfer? My peace of routine, the quiet nights spent in
brother, born for Abnegation, Erudite? front of the fireplace, the certainty that I will
When I close my eyes, I see the stack of be safe, and if not good enough, better than I
books on Caleb’s desk, and his shaking am now.
hands sliding along his legs after the 80/72681/726
The ringing, I realize, is in my ears.
I look at Caleb, who now stands behind the I am selfish. I am brave
Erudite. He stares back at me and nods a
little, like he knows what I’m thinking, and
agrees. My footsteps falter. If Caleb wasn’t fit
for Abnegation, how can I be? But what
choice do I have, now that he left us and I’m
the only one who remains? He left me no
other option.
I set my jaw. I will be the child that stays; I
have to do this for my parents. I have to.
Marcus offers me my knife. I look into his
eyes—they are dark blue, a strange col
or—and take it. He nods, and I turn toward
the bowls. Dauntless fire and Abnegation
stones are both on my left, one in front of my
shoulder and one behind. I hold the knife in
my right hand and touch the blade to my
palm. Gritting my teeth, I drag the blade
down. It stings, but I barely notice. I hold
both hands to my chest, and my next breath
shudders on the way out.82/726
I open my eyes and thrust my arm out. My
blood drips onto the carpet between the two
bowls. Then, with a gasp I can’t contain, I
shift my hand forward, and my blood sizzles
on the coals.
The Gift of the Magi “Jim.” You have already met her. She is Della. Della
finished her crying and cleaned the marks of it from her
O. Henry face. She stood by the window and looked out with no
interest. Tomorrow would be Christmas Day, and she had
ONE DOLLAR AND EIGHTY-SEVEN CENTS. That was only $1.87 with which to buy Jim a gift. She had put aside
all. She had put it aside, one cent and then another and then as much as she could for months, with this result. Twenty
another, in her careful buying of meat and other food. Della dollars a week is not much. Everything had cost more than
counted it three times. One dollar and eighty-seven cents. she had expected. It always happened like that. Only $ 1.87
And the next day would be Christmas. There was nothing to to buy a gift for Jim. Her Jim. She had had many happy
do but fall on the bed and cry. So Della did it. While the hours planning something nice for him. Something nearly
lady of the home is slowly growing quieter, we can look at good enough. Something almost worth the honor of
the home. Furnished rooms at a cost of $8 a week. There is belonging to Jim. There was a looking-glass between the
little more to say about it. In the hall below was a letter-box windows of the room. Perhaps you have seen the kind of
too small to hold a letter. There was an electric bell, but it looking-glass that is placed in $8 furnished rooms. It was
could not make a sound. Also there was a name beside the very narrow. A person could see only a little of himself at a
door: “Mr. James Dillingham Young.” When the name was time. However, if he was very thin and moved very quickly,
placed there, Mr. James Dillingham Young was being paid he might be able to get a good view of himself. Della, being
$30 a week. Now, when he was being paid only $20 a quite thin, had mastered this art. Suddenly she turned from
week, the name seemed too long and important. It should the window and stood before the glass. Her eyes were
perhaps have been “Mr. James D. Young.” But when Mr. shining brightly, but her face had lost its color. Quickly she
James Dillingham Young entered the furnished rooms, his pulled down her hair and let it fall to its complete length.
name became very short indeed. Mrs. James Dillingham The James Dillingham Youngs were very proud of two
Young put her arms warmly about him and called him things which they owned. One thing was Jim’s gold watch.
It had once belonged to his father. And, long ago, it had lifting the hair to feel its weight. “Give it to me quick,” said
belonged to his father’s father. The other thing was Della’s Della. Oh, and the next two hours seemed to fly. She was
hair. If a queen had lived in the rooms near theirs, Della going from one shop to another, to find a gift for Jim. She
would have washed and dried her hair where the queen found it at last. It surely had been made for Jim and no one
could see it. Della knew her hair was more beautiful than else. There was no other like it in any of the shops, and she
any queen’s jewels and gifts. If a king had lived in the same had looked in every shop in the city. It was a gold watch
house, with all his riches, Jim would have looked at his chain, very simply made. Its value was in its rich and pure
watch every time they met. Jim knew that no king had material. Because it was so plain and simple, you knew that
anything so valuable. So now Della’s beautiful hair fell it was very valuable. All good things are like this. It was
about her, shining like a falling stream of brown water. It good enough for The Watch. As soon as she saw it, she
reached below her knee. It almost made itself into a dress knew that Jim must have it. It was like him. Quietness and
for her. And then she put it up on her head again, nervously value—Jim and the chain both had quietness and value. She
and quickly. Once she stopped for a moment and stood still paid twenty-one dollars for it. And she hurried home with
while a tear or two ran down her face. She put on her old the chain and eighty-seven cents. With that chain on his
brown coat. She put on her old brown hat. With the bright watch, Jim could look at his watch and learn the time
light still in her eyes, she moved quickly out the door and anywhere he might be. Though the watch was so fine, it had
down to the street. Where she stopped, the sign said: “Mrs. never had a fine chain. He sometimes took it out and looked
Sofronie. Hair Articles of all Kinds.” Up to the second floor at it only when no one could see him do it. When Della
Della ran, and stopped to get her breath. Mrs. Sofronie, arrived home, her mind quieted a little. She began to think
large, too white, cold-eyed, looked at her. “Will you buy more reasonably. She started to try to cover the sad marks
my hair?” asked Della. “I buy hair,” said Mrs. Sofronie. of what she had done. Love and large-hearted giving, when
“Take your hat off and let me look at it.” Down fell the added together, can leave deep marks. It is never easy to
brown waterfall. “Twenty dollars,” said Mrs. Sofronie, cover these marks, dear friends— never easy. Within forty
minutes her head looked a little better. With her short hair, at me like that. I had my hair cut off and sold it. I couldn’t
she looked wonderfully like a schoolboy. She stood at the live through Christmas without giving you a gift. My hair
looking-glass for a long time. “If Jim doesn’t kill me,” she will grow again. You won’t care, will you? My hair grows
said to herself, “before he looks at me a second time, he’ll very fast. It’s Christmas, Jim. Let’s be happy. You don’t
say I look like a girl who sings and dances for money. But know what a nice—what a beautiful nice gift I got for you.”
what could I do—oh! What could I do with a dollar and “You’ve cut off your hair?” asked Jim slowly. He seemed
eightyseven cents?” At seven, Jim’s dinner was ready for to labor to understand what had happened. He seemed not
him. Jim was never late. Della held the watch chain in her to feel sure he knew. “Cut it off and sold it,” said Della.
hand and sat near the door where he always entered. Then “Don’t you like me now? I’m me, Jim. I’m the same
she heard his step in the hall and her face lost color for a without my hair.” Jim looked around the room. “You say
moment. She often said little prayers quietly, about simple your hair is gone?” he said. “You don’t have to look for it,”
everyday things. And now she said: “Please God, make him said Della. “It’s sold, I tell you— sold and gone, too. It’s
think I’m still pretty.” The door opened and Jim stepped in. the night before Christmas, boy. Be good to me, because I
He looked very thin and he was not smiling. Poor fellow, he sold it for you. Maybe the hairs of my head could be
was only twenty-two—and with a family to take care of! counted,” she said, “but no one could ever count my love
He needed a new coat and he had nothing to cover his cold for you. Shall we eat dinner, Jim?” Jim put his arms around
hands. Jim stopped inside the door. He was as quiet as a his Della. For ten seconds let us look in another direction.
hunting dog when it is near a bird. His eyes looked Eight dollars a week or a million dollars a year— how
strangely at Della, and there was an expression in them that different are they? Someone may give you an answer, but it
she could not understand. It filled her with fear. It was not will be wrong. The magi brought valuable gifts, but that
anger, nor surprise, nor anything she had been ready for. He was not among them. My meaning will be explained soon.
simply looked at her with that strange expression on his From inside the coat, Jim took something tied in paper. He
face. Della went to him. “Jim, dear,” she cried, “don’t look threw it upon the table. “I want you to understand me,
Dell,” he said. “Nothing like a haircut could make me love gifts to the newborn Christ-child. They were the first to
you any less. But if you’ll open that, you may know what I give Christmas gifts. Being wise, their gifts were doubtless
felt when I came in.” White fingers pulled off the paper. wise ones. And here I have told you the story of two
And then a cry of joy; and then a change to tears. For there children who were not wise. Each sold the most valuable
lay The Combs—the combs that Della had seen in a shop thing he owned in order to buy a gift for the other. But let
window and loved for a long time. Beautiful combs, with me speak a last word to the wise of these days: Of all who
jewels, perfect for her beautiful hair. She had known they give gifts, these two were the wisest. Of all who give and
cost too much for her to buy them. She had looked at them receive gifts, such as they are the wisest. Everywhere they
without the least hope of owning them. And now they were are the wise ones. They are the magi.
hers, but her hair was gone. But she held them to her heart,
and at last was able to look up and say: “My hair grows so
fast, Jim!” And then she jumped up and cried, “Oh, oh!”
Jim had not yet seen his beautiful gift. She held it out to
him in her open hand. The gold seemed to shine softly as if
with her own warm and loving spirit. “Isn’t it perfect, Jim?
I hunted all over town to find it. You’ll have to look at your
watch a hundred times a day now. Give me your watch. I
want to see how they look together.” Jim sat down and
smiled. “Della,” said he, “let’s put our Christmas gifts away
and keep them a while. They’re too nice to use now. I sold
the watch to get the money to buy the combs. And now I
think we should have our dinner.” The magi, as you know,
were wise men—wonderfully wise men— who brought
Listen! Listen, and I will tell you how it happened. You will
THE TELL-TALE HEART see, you will hear how healthy my mind is.
Edgar Allan Poe It is impossible to say how the idea first entered my head.
There was no reason for what I did. I did not hate the old
man; I even loved him. He had never hurt me. I did not
want his money. I think it was his eye. His eye was like the
eye of a vulture, the eye of one of those terrible birds that
watch and wait while an animal dies, and then fall upon the
dead body and pull it to pieces to eat it. When the old man
looked at me with his vulture eye a cold feeling went up
and down my back; even my blood became cold. And so, I
finally decided I had to kill the old man and close that eye
So you think that I am mad? A madman cannot plan. But
you should have seen me. During all of that week I was as
iT’s TRue! yes, i have been ill, very ill. But why do you say friendly to the old man as I could be, and warm, and loving.
that I have lost control of my mind, why do you say that I Every night about twelve o’clock I slowly opened his door.
am mad? Can you not see that I have full control of my And when the door was opened wide enough I put my hand
mind? Is it not clear that I am not mad? Indeed, the illness in, and then my head. In my hand I held a light covered
only made my mind, my feelings, my senses stronger, more over with a cloth so that no light showed. And I stood there
powerful. My sense of hearing especially became more quietly. Then, carefully, I lifted the cloth, just a little, so
powerful. I could hear sounds I had never heard before. I that a single, thin, small light fell across that eye. For seven
heard sounds from heaven; and I heard sounds from hell! nights I did this, seven long nights, every night at midnight.
Always the eye was closed, so it was impossible for me to was there. He did not see me there. He could not hear me
do the work. For it was not the old man I felt I had to kill; it there. He felt me there. Now he knew that Death was
was the eye, his Evil Eye. standing there.
And every morning I went to his room, and with a warm, Slowly, little by little, I lifted the cloth, until a small, small
friendly voice I asked him how he had slept. He could not light escaped from under it to fall upon — to fall upon that
guess that every night, just at twelve, I looked in at him as vulture eye! It was open — wide, wide open, and my anger
he slept. increased as it looked straight at me. I could not see the old
The eighth night I was more than usually careful as I man’s face. Only that eye, that hard blue eye, and the blood
opened the door. The hands of a clock move more quickly in my body became like ice.
than did my hand. Never before had I felt so strongly my Have I not told you that my hearing had become unusually
own power; I was now sure of success. strong? Now I could hear a quick, low, soft sound, like the
The old man was lying there not dreaming that I was at his sound of a clock heard through a wall. It was the beating of
door. Suddenly he moved in his bed. You may think I the old man’s heart. I tried to stand quietly. But the sound
became afraid. But no. The darkness in his room was thick grew louder. The old man’s fear must have been great
and black. I knew he could not see the opening of the door. indeed. And as the sound grew louder my anger became
I continued to push the door, slowly, softly. I put in my greater and more painful. But it was more than anger. In the
head. I put in my hand, with the covered light. Suddenly the quiet night, in the dark silence of the bedroom my anger
old man sat straight up in bed and cried, “Who’s there??!” became fear — for the heart was beating so loudly that I
I stood quite still. For a whole hour I did not move. Nor did was sure someone must hear. The time had come! I rushed
I hear him again lie down in his bed. He just sat there, into the room, crying, “Die! Die!” The old man gave a loud
listening. Then I heard a sound, a low cry of fear which cry of fear as I fell upon him and held the bedcovers tightly
escaped from the old man. Now I knew that he was sitting over his head. Still his heart was beating; but I smiled as I
up in his bed, filled with fear; I knew that he knew that I felt that success was near. For many minutes that heart
continued to beat; but at last, the beating stopped. The old carefully that no human eye could see that they had been
man was dead. I took away the bed covers and held my ear moved.
over his heart. There was no sound. Yes. He was dead! As I finished this work, I heard that someone was at the
Dead as a stone. His eye would trouble me no more! door. It was now four o’clock in the morning, but still dark.
I had no fear, however, as I went down to open the door.
Three men were at the door, three officers of the police.
One of the neighbors had heard the old man’s cry and had
called the police; these three had come to ask questions and
to search the house.
I asked the policemen to come in. The cry, I said, was my
own, in a dream. The old man, I said, was away; he had
gone to visit a friend in the country. I took them through the
whole house, telling them to search it all, to search well. I
led them finally into the old man’s bedroom. As if playing a
game with them I asked them to sit down and talk for a
My easy, quiet manner made the policemen believe my
So, I am mad, you say? You should have seen how careful story. So, they sat talking with me in a friendly way. But
I was to put the body where no one could find it. First, I cut although I answered them in the same way, I soon wished
off the head, then the arms and the legs. I was careful not to that they would go. My head hurt and there was a strange
let a single drop of blood fall on the floor. I pulled up three sound in my ears. I talked more, and faster. The sound
of the boards that formed the floor, and put the pieces of the became clearer. And still they sat and talked.
body there. Then I put the boards down again, carefully, so
Suddenly I knew that the sound was not in my ears, it was
not just inside my head. At that moment I must have
become quite white. I talked still faster and louder. And the
sound, too, became louder. It was a quick, low, soft sound,
like the sound of a clock heard through a wall, a sound I
knew well. Louder it became, and louder. Why did the men
not go? Louder, louder. I stood up and walked quickly
around the room. I pushed my chair across the floor to
make more noise, to cover that terrible sound. I talked even
louder. And still the men sat and talked, and smiled. Was it
possible that they could not hear??
No! They heard! I was certain of it. They knew! Now it was
they who were playing a game with me. I was suffering
more than I could bear, from their smiles, and from that
sound. Louder, louder, louder! Suddenly I could bear it no
longer. I pointed at the boards and cried, “Yes! Yes, I killed
him. Pull up the boards and you shall see! I killed him. But
why does his heart not stop beating?! Why does it not

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