L4 - Urolithiasis 1

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Urinary Tract Stones

Dr. Yasser Al-Hakeem
Learning Objectives (pt 1)
— By the end of this lecture, you should:
— Describe the pathophysiology and risk factors (intrinsic and
extrinsic) for urinary tract stones.
— Classify stones based on their composition.
— Classify stones based on their radio-density.
— List which stones form in (acidic, alkaline) urine.
— Describe the neural pathway by which renal and ureteral
stones cause loin→groin pain.
Clinical Problem
— Your relative, a 35-year-old male, has history of recurrent
renal stones. He is currently asymptomatic. He is asking
— Why do stones occur in the urinary tract?
— Are there any risk factors that I should be aware of?
— Are there any lifestyle advices that you can give me?
— When my stones were symptomatic, I often had pain from
my flank to the genitals, why does pain happen in that way?
!?How do we form stones (calculi) ‫شرح وملخص الساليد البعده‬

like calcium, oxalate,

phosphate, uric acid, cystine

concentration of a substance
is >Ksp but still <Kf

due to the action of stone-

inhibitory substances (like
citrate and magnesium)
How do we form stones (calculi)?!
‫تشبع زائد‬

— The driving force for stone formation is the supersaturation of

urine with stone-promoting substances (like calcium, oxalate,
phosphate, uric acid, cystine).
— We need to understand these terms:
1. Solubility product (Ksp) of a substance: below this concentration
the urine is called undersaturated and no crystals will form.
2. Formation product (Kf) of a substance: above this concentration
the urine is called supersaturated and crystals will form
(nucleation), these crystals will clump together (aggregation) to
form a stone.
3. If the concentration of a substance is >Ksp but still <Kf: the urine is
ْ ‫ُمت َبَِّدُل اال‬

called metastable and no crystals will form due to the action of

stone-inhibitory substances (like citrate and magnesium).
Epidemiology & Risk Factors
— The prevalence of stone disease is ↑ in all western societies.
— In US, the lifetime prevalence is 19% (men) & 9% (women).
— Patients with stones have ↑ risk of recurrence (up to 50%
will form another stone in less than 10 years).


A combination of intrinsic (related to the individual)+
extrinsic (environmental) factors:
Epidemiology & Risk Factors
Intrinsic factors:
— Obesity: ↑ risk due to 2 causes: Rich In Lethogenic Sub 5* /Egts .

1. ↑ urinary secretion of stone-promoting substances like calcium
(Ca), oxalate (Ox), uric acid (UA) + ↓ urinary secretion of stone
Cho date &
5 9..

preventing-substances like citrate.

2. More acidic urine (↓pH) which predispose to uric acid stones. why? ·
— Gender:si
-= s
~ 1.5 more in men, due to 2 possible causes:
. - Els ,

1. Testosterone ↑ oxalate production in the liver.


2. Women secrete more citrate in urine. stone-inhibitory substance

— Genetics:
Caucasians>Asians>Africans (♂).
Certain types of stones like cystine (in children) and calcium
phosphate (in renal tubular acidosis RTA) are inherited.
— Renal Anatomy: PUJO, medullary sponge kidney, horseshoe
kidney: all ↑ risk for stone formation
Epidemiology & Risk Factors
Intrinsic factors (cont’d):
— Diseases: can predispose to specific stone types:
1. Hypercalcemia (e.g. hyperparathyroidism)→ Ca stones.
2. Gout and myeloproliferative disorders→ uric acid stones
3. Intestinal malabsorption (inflammatory bowel diseases,
bypass surgery)→ ↑oxalate absorption→ oxalate stone.
4. UTI due to urease-producing bacteria: Proteus, Providencia
(urease hydrolyzes urea to ammonium and OH-)→ alkaline
urine→ struvite (MAP) stone.
5. Distal renal tubular acidosis (RTA): inability to excrete H+ in
urine → systemic acidosis with paradoxically alkaline
urine→ calcium phosphate stones.
Epidemiology & Risk Factors
Extrinsic factors:
— Climate: peak incidence ~1month after peak summer temperature
due to 2 factors:
1. Dehydration → ↑ urine concentration → ↑ crystallization.
2. Sunlight → ↑vit D synthesis → ↑ Ca in urine (hypercalciuria).

— ↓Water intake: <1200 ml/day→ ↑ stone formation.

— Diet: ↑risk in the following:

q ↑ animal protein due to the following changes in urine:
- ↑ (calcium, uric acid).
- ↓ (pH, citrate).
q ↑ salt: Na → co-transport ↑ Ca excretion in urine.
q ↓ dietary calcium! will increase the risk since less calcium in diet
will cause more oxalate absorption from the bowel.
Epidemiology & Risk Factors
Extrinsic factors (cont’d):
— Drugs: some drugs might promote stone formation, e.g.
1. corticosteroids: ↑ bone resorption → hypercalciuria.
Resorption is the absorption of cells or tissue into the circulatory system,
usually by osteoclasts.

2. Vit D & Ca: ↑ enteric absorption of Ca → hypercalciuria.

3. Vit C: large doses ↑ hepatic production of oxalate.
4. Chemotherapy: breakdown of cells→ hyperuricosuria.
5. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors→ ↑urine pH→ CaPO4 stone.
6. Loop diuretics (furosemide)→hypercalciuria

— Occupation: sedentary work & immobility increase the risk

since both promote bone demineralization→ hypercalciuria.
Classification of stones
Stones can be classified based on:
§ Composition
§ Appearance on plain x-rays (radio-density).
§ Size.
§ Shape.
§ Location (kidney, ureter, bladder).
Classification: composition ‫شرح عن الساليد القادم‬
Classification: composition
— 1. Calcium-containing stones:
(a) calcium oxalate (monhydrate or dihydrate): most
common type, insensitive to urinary pH.
(b) calcium phosphate (apatite ˃ brushite) pure or in
combination with (a), seen in alkaline urine (e.g. RTA)
— 2. Infection stones (struvite or MAP= magnesium-
ammonium-phosphate): due to infection by urea-splitting
bacteria leading to alkaline urine.
— 3. Uric acid: in acidic urine which promote uric acid
— 4. Cystine: in acidic urine, common in children, autosomal
recessive disease →↑ cystine excretion in urine (insoluble).
Classification: composition
Classification: radio-density
— Based on appearance on abdominal plain x-ray (K.U.B)
— Accurate only in ~40% of cases.
— (1) Radio-opaque: due to calcium content:
- calcium oxalate.
- calcium phosphate (most radio-dense, similar to bone)
— (2) Faintly (relatively) radio-opaque:
- cystine: due to sulfur that binds cystine crystals.
- infection stones (MAP)
— (3) Radio-lucent: not visible on x-ray:
- uric acid
- drug stones: rare, due to deposition of insoluble drug
particles in urine, e.g. indinavir (HIV), triamterene
(diuretic), some antibiotics.Radio-lucent
Classification: radio-density

Radio-opaque right lower pole renal stone (calcium oxalate)

Classification: radio-density

infection stone

Faintly radio-opaque left renal stone (cystine)

Classification: size and shape
— Size is measured by mm or cm.
— Shape: renal stone that grow to occupy (the renal
pelvis + one or more calyces) is called a staghorn ‫قرون الغزالن‬
stone (resembles the horns of the male deer)
‫غزالة أيل‬

Bilateral staghorn renal

Clinical features
Depend on:
1.Stone size.
2.Stone location (kidney, ureter, bladder).
3.The presence or absence of obstruction.
4.The presence or absence of infection
N.B. The renal pelvis is capacious, while the ureter is
narrow and can be obstructed easily by a small stone.
Thus, a large unobstructing renal stone may be
asymptomatic or cause mild pain, while a small
obstructing ureteric stone may cause severe pain.
‫كالم وشرح الدكتور آلخر ساليدين ?‪why loin→groin‬‬
General Tips: why loin→groin?
— Pain from the kidney is due to capsule distention
(obstruction or inflammation) travels via (T8-L1) afferent
autonomic nerves to the celiac ganglia (innervate the
stomach causing nausea and vomiting) and then reach the
spinal cord where it is referred to efferent somatic nerves
— L1 segment is the origin of 2 somatic nerves:
1. iliohypogastric: causing referred pain from loin to
suprapubic area
2. ilioinguinal: causing referred pain from loin to groin (testis
in male and labia majora in female).
General Tips: why loin→groin?
— Pain afferents from ureter travel via (T10-L2) afferent autonomic
nerves to the celiac ganglia (innervate the stomach causing
nausea and vomiting) and then the spinal cord where it is
referred to somatic nerves (T10-L2) and is usually described as
(loin to groin) .
— In case of acutely obstructing stone the pain is due to both
(distension of renal capsule + ureteric peristalsis).
— Pain due to chronic or incomplete obstruction (very small stone)
may be less severe or even asymptomatic!
— The site of stone in the ureter (upper, middle, lower) is poorly
correlated with the site and radiation of pain except when the
stone is in the vesico-ureteric junction (VUJ) which will cause
frequency, urgency and pain referred to the tip of the penis.
1- Campbell Walsh Urology, 20th edition.
2- European Association of Urology (EAU) guidelines 2023.
3- Oxford Handbook of Urology, 4th edition.
4- UpToDate website.


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