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Importance of mastering the English language

English is a global language spoken by over 1.5 billion people around the world,
making it one of the most widely spoken languages today. One of the unique qualities of
English is its variety, with different dialects and accents found in different regions and
communities. This diversity in English can be seen in the various forms of the language, such
as British English, American English, Australian English, and many others.

The importance of understanding the varieties of English lies in the ability to

communicate effectively with people from different backgrounds and cultures. By being
aware of the differences in vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and cultural references,
individuals can better navigate linguistic diversity and build stronger connections with others.
Additionally, knowledge of different varieties of English can also enhance one's language skills
and broaden their understanding of the language as a whole.
In this work, we conducted a survey to gather information on respondents’ knowledge
on “Englishes”. The younger respondent was 6 years-old and the older respondent was 70
Apart from this, we asked if they knew a word with the same significance in different
varieties of english. The answers were:

1. Soccer and football

2. Biscuits and cookies
3. Library and bookhouse
4. Suitcase and luggage
5. Motorway and highway
6. Colour and color

Looking at the results we can see:

❖ When we asked them if they knew how many varieties of English exist most of them
said yes but didn't say how many exactly. This means people aren’t informed about
this subject, otherwise they could’ve given examples of some Englishes apart from
British and American.
❖ The people who were questioned said that American English is the most spoken in the
world, but British English has a lot of speakers too.
❖ Most of the answers that we received when asking about the variety of English we
should learn at school were British English, and a minor said American, which means
this minor doesn’t agree with the type of English teached at school.
❖ When talking about words and differences between British English and American
English, some people felt confident with this question. They answered clearly and had
a lot of options to tell us.

- Having said this, we can conclude after the analysis of this inquiry that a big
part of the people are familiar when talking in English, but they aren’t much
interested in the diverse varieties that English can be spoken.
Now we have done a research about this subject to know more about it and to
become more knowledgeable:

Approximately 20% of the world's population speaks English, with around 400
million people speaking it natively and an additional 1.5 billion who speak it as their
second or foreign language. North American English has the most native speakers of any
English dialect family. But British standards are used in most of the world outside of
North America.

The most commonly spoken varieties of English include British English, American
English, Australian English, Ugandan English, New Zealand English and South African
English. These varieties exhibit unique accents, vocabulary, and cultural influences that
distinguish them from each other. British English is spoken in the United Kingdom,
American English in the United States, Australian English in Australia, Ugandan English
in Uganda, New Zealand English in New Zealand and South African English in South
Africa. Each of these varieties has its own distinct characteristics shaped by historical and
cultural factors.

When it comes to spoken difference, time and distance are the biggest factors. It
isn't uncommon for pronunciation changes to emerge, causing variations on even regional
or municipal levels. This is especially true when two native-speaking populations are
exposed to some languages more often than others.

In terms of speech, the differences between American and British English actually
took place after the first settlers arrived in America. These groups of people spoke using
what was called rhotic speech, where the ‘r’ sounds of words are pronounced. Meanwhile,
the higher classes in the UK wanted to distinguish the way they spoke from the common
masses by softening their pronunciation of the ‘r’ sounds. Since the elite even back then
were considered the standard for being fashionable, other people began to copy their
speech, until it eventually became the common way of speaking in the south of England.

While there may be certain differences between British and American English, the
key takeaway is that the two have more similarities. Accidentally using one instead of
the others will not automatically lead to miscommunication. Americans and Brits can
usually communicate with each other without too much difficulty, so don’t be too hard
on yourself if you are unable to memorise the nuances of both languages.
Students should generally learn the variety of English that is most commonly
spoken and understood in their region or the variety that is considered the standard form of
the language. This will typically be the variety of English used in mainstream media,
literature, and formal contexts. However, it can also be beneficial for students to be exposed
to different varieties of English, such as British English, American English, Australian
English, etc., in order to develop a more diverse understanding of the language. Ultimately,
the variety of English that students should learn at school will depend on the specific needs
and goals of the students, as well as the linguistic context in which they are learning.
Additionally, exposure to various dialects and accents can promote linguistic diversity and
cultural understanding. So, there isn’t a correct type of English we should learn at school.
Students only need to communicate efficiently. This involves good pronunciation, emphasis
and intonation.

But what’s the importance of English in today’s globalised world?

Mastering the English language is incredibly important in today's world and for the
future for several reasons:

1. Global communication: English is considered the world's lingua franca, meaning it is the
most widely spoken language in the world and is used as a common language for
communication between people from different countries and cultures. This is particularly
important in a globalised world where businesses, organisations, and individuals often need to
communicate with people from different linguistic backgrounds.

2. Access to information: A significant amount of information on the internet, in books, and

in other forms of media is available in English. By mastering the English language,
individuals can access a wealth of information and knowledge, allowing them to stay
informed and educated on a wide range of topics.

3. Education and employment opportunities: Proficiency in English is often a requirement

for higher education, job opportunities, and career advancement, particularly in fields such as
business, technology, and academia. Without a strong command of the English language,
individuals may limit their opportunities for education and career advancement.
4. Cultural exchange: English is the language of many of the world's most influential cultural
products, such as literature, music, film, and television. By mastering the English language,
individuals can engage with and appreciate a wider range of cultural expressions from around
the world.

5. Personal development: Learning a new language, such as English, can be a rewarding and
enriching experience that can help individuals develop cognitive skills, improve their
communication abilities, and enhance their cultural awareness and understanding.

Overall, mastering the English language is essential for individuals who wish to
succeed and thrive in a globalised world, as it opens up a wide range of opportunities for
communication, education, employment, and personal growth.

Work done by Antónia Silva

José Silva
José Carriço
Laura Silva
Manuel Silva

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