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Amador Ortiz Yael

Mecánica Industrial
4to semestre
Turno vespert5ino
Mtra. Oliva Nieto Hernández

The Black holes


A black hole is a finite region of space described in Einstein's equations, whose interior has a
concentration of mass high enough to generate a gravitational field such that, except for a
certain type of quantum processes, no particle or radiation - not even light - can escape from it
(in 2021 light reflections were observed in the farthest part of a black hole). Black holes may
be able to emit a type of radiation, Hawking radiation, conjectured by Stephen Hawking in the
1970s. The radiation emitted by black holes such as Cygnus X-1 does not come from the black
hole itself but from its acreción disc.

The gravity of a black hole, or "curvature of space-time", causes a singularity enveloped by a

closed surface, called the horizon of events. This is predicted by the equations of Einstein's
field. The event horizon separates the region of the black hole from the rest of the universe,
and once inside it, no type of particle, whether material or electromagnetic, can come out, not
even the photons. This curvature is studied by general relativity, which predicted the existence
of black holes and was its first indication. In the 1970s, Stephen Hawking, Ellis and Penrose
demonstrated several important theorems about the occurrence and geometry of black holes.
Previously, in 1963, Roy Kerr had demonstrated that in a four-dimensional space-time all black
holes had to have a quasi-spheric geometry determined by three parameters: their mass M,
their total electric charge e and their angular momentum L.

It is conjectured that in the center of most galaxies, including the Milky Way, there are
supermassive black holes.

On February 11, 2016, the LIGO, Virgo and GEO600 collaborations announced the first
detection of gravitational waves, produced by the fusion of two black holes to about 410
million parsecs, megaparsecs or Mpc, that is, about 1337 million light-years, mega-light-years
or Evil of the Earth. The observations demonstrated the existence of a binary system of black
holes of stellar mass and the first observation of a fusion of two black holes of a binary system.
Previously, the existence of black holes was supported by astronomical observations indirectly,
through the emission of X-rays by binary stars and active galaxies.

The gravity of a black hole can attract the gas that is around it, which swirls and heats at
temperatures of up to 12,000 °C, that is, 2000 times higher than that of the surface of the Sun.

On April 10, 2019, the international consortium Horizon Telescope of Events presented the first
image ever captured of a supermassive black hole located in the center of the galaxy M87.

The black holes is a región of space in whitch the attraction of gravity is so strong that nothing
can escape. It´s a hole in the sense that things can fall, but not get out of it. It´s ¨black¨ in the
sence that not even the light can escape

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