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Environmental Science

Third Quarter
Performance Task
Activity: Environmental Advocacy Campaign

Create a video presentation

proposing solutions to a
given topic.
• Must be original footage or student-created animation or both.
• Be at least 2 minutes to a maximum of 3 minutes in length (including
the credits)
• Accurately use, scientific, technological and engineering concepts in
presenting the solutions
• Properly acknowledged all sources (music, images, and other
• Be engaging, creative and have a strong narrative
• Target the public as the audience.
The video must contain the following:
•Project title, Introduction of learners (names, grade
and section, Envi-Sci teacher, school)
• Details on the actual problems that exist in the
community based on the topics
•Plan of action that may be done on local or global
scale to address the given topic
•Detail the key features of the proposed solution
•Challenges to resolve to effectively implement the
proposed solutions
Categories/ Topics:

A. Air Pollution
B. Water Pollution
C. Land Pollution
D. Climate change impacts
E. Disaster Preparedness and Management
Week 1 and 2: Planning, Researching,
Scriptwriting, Checking
Week 3 and 4: Script Editing and Recording
Week 5 and 6: Video Editing and Submission
Week 7: Video presentation

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