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DONALD (45 min. talk)

1. Intro:
Michael Donald is the founder and CEO of ImageNPay, an app that
promotes innovative digital pay. He was also Board Director at VISA, chief
commercial officer at Bank of America, Senior Director at American Express
and has worked with IKEA, Apple and Lloyd’s Bank. He has strong expertise
in strategy and innovation. The idea for ImageNPay came after knowing that
great part of money use was done through cash spending and physical card
use, especially with the small transactions. Therefore, this led to thinking
about a solution that would increase digital card payment and also reduce
carbon emissions of plastic credit cards. The ImageNPay app allows you to
personalize your digital wallet with images.

2. Brief intro of KGM and attendants to the call

3. Event info and availabilities:

• He prefers a physical event.
• He is available in February almost every day with some exeptions.
Open to discuss any dates.

4. Opportunities and ideas shared for the event:

• Michael believes in the importance of sustainability. A talk about this
would raise awareness in young generations, as he believes they have
great influence and willpower. He has also talked about digital
responsibility and how to promote it globally. There is need for
sustainable investment.
• He wants to create a program that connects every country along the
equator, on the basis of education.
• Talk about his activities on looking forward to innovative future:
• Possible talk about Metaverse, NFTs…

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