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Persecution for reasons

gender and asylum

Geneva Convention and the protection 7. Those seeking asylum have the right to a free
1Who refugee?
is a person 2La given to people who have fears 4To persecution
anyone whobased
sufferson gender it is interpreter and legal assistance. Both the advisor
important to know: The legal representative and the interpreter should have
The 1951 Geneva Convention relating to the Status of specific training in gender and asylum issues and be from
founded on being persecuted for reasons of
Refugees defines a refugee as a person who is outside his 1. She must not be returned to her country of origin, same sex as the applicant, if the applicant so wishes.
or her country of origin due to well-founded fear of being nor to any other where her life or safety could be endangered. 8. Female applicants should be given the opportunity
persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality , Although persecution based on gender is not specifically cited its integrity. of asylum from being interviewed separately from
membership in a specific social group or in the Convention as one of the reasons that could give rise
2. Many refugees, even more so in the case of women their families, by interviewers of the same sex with
political opinion and cannot or does not want to avail itself of the to the recognition of the condition
and children, have serious difficulties leaving specialized training in gender issues.

© Edu Compte
protection of said country. refugee according to the aforementioned definition, it must
from their countries with the required documentation 9. The strong threats to which some women who suffer
The most important guarantee included in the Convention be interpreted from a gender perspective in accordance
(passport, visa) and often have no choice but to travel persecution for reasons
1951 is “non-refoulement,” which means that no one will be able with the spirit and purpose of said Convention, whose
without documents or with false documentation gender-such as trafficking victims- could
be returned to your country or any other place where your life objective is to ensure the protection of people who
and/or resort to trafficking networks or become victims cause people not to explain the true reasons for their
or their freedom could be in danger for any of the reasons cannot count on the protection of their country of origin.
of human trafficking networks. fear and to tell different ones in
mentioned above. Women can be persecuted for the same reasons 3Didbe
you know they could
refugees...?(3) your asylum application.
3. Among foreigners arriving in the country, it is essential
That men. But it must be taken into account that many
• People who fear suffering genital mutilation. to detect the presence of people as soon as possible 10. In dealing with asylum seekers, and especially
Women suffer persecution, for example, in the form of sexual
who may need the protection of asylum and very
© UNHCR/F. Pagetti
violence or serious discrimination that may be related to • Women persecuted for refusing to abide by repressive with women and minors, it must be taken into account
social norms, values or customs or suffering serious especially that of women and minors susceptible to both the possible traumatic experiences experienced
gender, that is, that is directed against them for
discrimination due to their status as women. having suffered persecution for reasons of gender. —which are not easily counted— and the factors
being women and for what this represents socially.
Both men and women can apply for asylum • People who fear being victims of crimes 4. It is equally important to record your data, putting cultural or religious such as age and socio-educational
honor or those related to dowry. their cases to the knowledge of the competent level. Sometimes several interviews are necessary
for gender reasons, although the majority of applications
• People who, due to their sexual orientation, are exposed authorities and the organizations and institutions specialized in to establish a certain trust and have as complete a
are usually submitted by women(2).
to attacks and generalized or serious discrimination. asylum seekers and refugees, in order to facilitate story as possible.
The persecution may come from the authorities in your country
the most appropriate psycho-social and legal advice. 11. In some cultures, the fact of having been a victim
of origin or non-state agents such as the family or other • Women or girls who are subject to forced marriage
members of society. I'm the precocious one.
5. When faced with a person who could be a refugee or of sexual abuse is such a stigma
asylum seeker, you should NEVER contact the that many women will hide it so as not to be rejected
• People who have been victims of trafficking for the purposes of
exploitation. consular authorities of your country or other states that and marginalized for life by the members of
(1) The Fourth United Nations World Conference on
Women, held in Beijing in 1995, defined gender They could not inform their country of origin or their own community.
• Victims of sexual violence carried out within the framework of
pointing out that “it refers to the relationships their own family members, unless she so states. Of what 12. To evaluate these cases it is essential to know well
between women and men based on socially defined roles that are armed conflicts, such as sexual slavery and forced
assigned to one or another sex”, completing said Failure to do so could jeopardize the safety of that the situation in the country of origin, such as, for
prostitution, forced sterilization and pregnancy.
definition in the sense that “the term 'gender' has evolved, person or his family. example, the condition of women, homosexual people
differentiating itself from the word 'sex' to express that • Women who suffer domestic or family violence. • Women
“The reality of the situation and the roles 6. Refugees – especially if and other groups before the law, their rights,
who suffer forced family planning.
of women and men are social constructions subject to change.” are minors— they are unaware that their experience and the the social and cultural customs and the legal and
(2) Without discriminatory intent, the terminology that has been circumstances experienced in your country of origin could practical consequences of their transgression, the
used in this document is mainly in (3) However, not all people who have suffered any be the reason for the special protection that guarantees existence of harmful traditional practices, the real
feminine, understanding that the vast of these experiences may be recognized as refugees,
majority of the population referred since, among other aspects, it is required that the authorities of their asylum, particularly when it comes to persecution protection available to them and the risk they may
to are women and girls. country does not want or cannot give them protection against such acts. based on gender. run if they return to that country.
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Many women suffer For more information, contact:
UNHCR cares for some 20 million people ,
persecution directed against them for the very ACNUR/UNHCR,
between refugees and internally displaced persons, although it is estimated
There are about 50 million in the world. 80% of the United Nations Refugee Agency
fact of being women and for what this
The refugee population is made up of women and children. Avda. General Perón, 32, 2º. 28020 Madrid
represents socially. Tel.: 91 556 35 03 / 36 49
Nearly 1.2 million boys and girls •
are victims of trafficking annually.

80% of the people trafficked annually are women Spanish Commission for
and girls. Refugee Assistance (CEAR)
C/ Noviciado, 5. 28015 Madrid

© Colitis
More than 300,000 minors have been Tel.: 91 555 06 98/29 08 •
forcibly recruited in armed conflicts and about half
The term “gender”
are girls who, for the most part, are also used as sexual Catholic Commission Association
Protective measures taken
it has evolved, slaves.
Spanish Migration Agency (ACCEM)
C/ Luis Velez de Guevara, 2nd, 2nd . 28012 Madrid
In 1994 the United Nations created the position of Rapporteur Female Genital Mutilation affects 3 million
Tel.: 91 532 74 78 / 9
differentiating from the Special on violence against women. of girls annually in 28 countries in Africa, Asia and •
the Middle East.
word “sex” for UNHCR has developed guidelines on
International Committee
gender-based persecution as orientation One in three women in the world has been beaten,
of Rescue Spain (RESCATE)
express that reality legal protection to those who work on asylum issues, as well as mistreated or forced to have sexual relations. C/ Luchana, 36, 4º D. 28010 Madrid
guides on the protection of refugee women, Tel.: 91 447 28 72 / 91 447 29 60
of the situation and roles Between 15 and 44 years of age, the same occurs •
including prevention against sexual violence.
number of deaths of women from acts of violence than from
of the woman and the man cancer. International Amnesty
The European Union Directive on the Definition of a
C/ Fernando VI, 8, 1º . 28004 Madrid
They are social constructions Refugee expressly includes the possibility for states to Germany, Australia, Canada, the United States, Tel.: 902 119 133
recognize acts of persecution. France, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and

subject to change acts of physical or psychological violence, including Spain are among the growing number of countries that have
sexual violence, making express reference, within the possible granted refugee status on the basis of gender-based Women's Link Worldwide
C/ Zurbarán, 18, 2º. 28010 Madrid
reasons for persecution, to the orientation persecution. Tel.: 91 185 19 04
sexual and sex.

The United Nations Committee on the Elimination of

Among foreigners arriving in the HOPE Project
Discrimination against Women, in its report Postal Box 50,905. 28080 Madrid
on Spain of 2004, urges our country to grant full Tel.: 91 386 06 43 / 607 542 515
country, it is essential to detect
protection, under the 1951 Geneva Convention relating to


the presence of the Status of Refugees, to women victims of trafficking.

Funded by:
Sexual violence has been explicitly included
of people who could as a war crime and crime against humanity in the Secretary of state
of Immigration and
statutes of the special courts established by the MINISTRY

United Nations to investigate crimes committed in OF WORK General Directorate

need the protection of asylum. AND SOCIAL AFFAIRS of Integration
of Immigrants
the former Yugoslavia and in Rwanda, as well as in the

International Criminal Court.


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