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2019 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things and Intelligence System (IoTaIS)

Smart Parking Area Management System for the

Disabled using IoT and Mobile Application
Rifqi Muhammad Fikri Mintae Hwang
Dept. of Eco-Friendly Offshore Plant FEED Engineering Dept. of Information and Communication Engineering
Changwon National University Changwon National University
Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do South Korea Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do South Korea

Abstract—There are a lot of cases of non-disabled drivers In this context, one of the challenges of a modern urban
regularly using spaces for people with disability. They often get environment is to provide the high demand of the population
away with it too unless an authority happens to check while their which is the demand for the parking spaces. For example,
vehicle is parked there. This project presents a reserve-based when the area is in rush hour and the traffic is at its peak,
parking system in securing the parking spaces for the disabled. almost all parking spaces are already occupied. Due to the
In this proposed system a special parking area for disabled will high demand for parking spaces, some people tend to use the
be introduced using current technology such as the internet of parking space for a disabled person when the normal parking
things (IoT), and mobile application as a Smart City concept spaces are full. There are also cases when the violators park in
initiatives. By using the reservation system and alarm system,
the disabled parking spaces just because it's near the entrance,
violation of disabled parking system can be avoided. In order to
and they can avoid walking. Not only non-disabled car drivers
separate normal people and disabled people, we use
identification method by using NFC tag reader. After the that violate but even motorcyclist also take granted of the
successful identification process, the user can make a spaces to park their motorcycle easily. It becomes a norm to
reservation and choose the disabled parking space with their the community, and if no further action or solution were taken,
mobile application. The system also uses an alarm system to the violators will always take the disabled rights. Even though
warn the non-disabled person who wants to park in the disabled the current infrastructure provides accessibility to disabled
parking spot. The implementation of the system, expected to people, it lacks the ability to manage and distinguish between
simplify the operations of parking systems, as well as improve authorized users and offenders. Even in some cases, there are
the quality of life of the disabled person. violators who purposely have fake documents displayed on
the windscreen to get the benefit of the disabled rights.
Keywords: Internet of Things, Smart City, Reservation-based Moreover, for the authorities to monitor the parking spaces are
Parking Management, Mobile Application, Alarm. quite challenging. To detect illegal parkers cannot be
recognized easily, which made this a continuous problem for
I. INTRODUCTION the disabled to face every day if there is no solution provided
In the last couple of decades, urban cities are expanding to them.
due to the growth of population and business activities. In
conjunction with the rise of the population, one of the This project was developed to make a reservation-based
challenges of a modern urban environment is to apply the parking system, focusing to aid the disabled for more
information and communication technology (ICT) to improve convenient parking and easy access to the building. Since
the population quality of life. Nowadays most of our daily most of the parking space for the disabled already located near
activities have been helped by various kind of technology. As the entrance or exit of places such as shopping mall, hospitals,
time goes on technology has become simpler but still reliable colleges, etc. Therefore, the project will utilize the available
to use upon. Internet of Things (IoT) technology is a novel parking spaces with minimum change to the infrastructure. In
approach of connecting things or objects and thus transmitting this paper, we design and implement the prototype of a Smart
information between various entities of the physical world or Parking System for Disabled People. Thus, the main function
to the control centers where this information can be of the system is parking space reservation based on the real-
interpreted. IoT has been poised as the next evolution of time information and securing parking spaces for people with
internet promising to change our lives by involving seamless disability via Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications.
access to people and devices in a ubiquitous way leading to a Note that the person with a disability here could be the driver
smart world [1]. Furthermore, by enabling easy access and or the passenger. With a reservation-based system and also
interaction with a wide variety of devices, the IoT will foster alarm system, the violation of disabled parking slot can be
the development of a number of applications that make use of reduced. Therefore, the disabled can retrieve parking
the potentially enormous amount and variety of data generated information and reserve their desired vacant spaces via the
by such objects to provide new services to citizens, internet conveniently. In order to separate the normal people
companies, and public administrations [2]. The application of and the disabled people, we take advantage of the disabled id
the IoT paradigm to an urban context is of particular interest, card. By using the identification method like NFC tag reader,
as it responds to the strong push of many national the mobile application will scan the NFC tag on the disabled
governments to adopt ICT solutions in the management of id card and then give the user permission to reserve and use
public affairs, thus realizing the so-called Smart City concept the disabled parking spaces. The unauthorized person that
[3]. goes near the disabled parking slot will get warned by the
alarm system so they will not park there and move on. The
proposed system introducing the usage of IoT and mobile

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2019 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things and Intelligence System (IoTaIS)

application techniques, the system aims to improve the quality detection system, distinguish cars that park in DPP spaces
of life of the users. In conclusion, the developed prototype with and without permission, make a caution to the car without
would simulate the situation in protecting the parking spaces DPP. Moreover, the proposed car detection system will be
for disabled people. effective if more than two systems out of the proposed car
detection systems are used to avoiding car parking without
This paper is organized as follows. In section II, the related permission. It is also found that a considerable combination of
research on the disabled parking system as well as IoT more than two methods proposed here would be useful and
technologies is introduced. In section III, the detailed effective to avoid the car parking without DPP permission.
architecture of the proposed system is presented. In section IV,
the implementation of the prototype and challenges that the A Reservation-based Smart Parking System (RSPS) [9] is
system might face in a developing country’s real environment a parking management system that allows drivers to
are described. Finally, section V presents the concluding effectively find and reserve vacant parking spaces. The
remarks. management system determines the parking prices, and also
broadcasting real-time parking availability information to
II. RELATED RESEARCH users. By periodically update the parking status from the
Study on Internet of Things states it as a paradigm that is sensor networks, the reservation service is affected by the
rapidly gaining ground around in the scenario of modern change of physical parking status. The drivers are allowed to
communication. The idea is to bring together various things access this cyber-physical system with their personal mobile
around us which through unique addressing schemes, will be devices The experiment results show that the proposed
able to interact with each other[4]. The main idea of an IoT reservation-based parking policy has the potential to simplify
system is to create a smarter way of life using computing tasks the operations of parking systems, as well as reduce traffic
instead of everyday mechanical tasks. congestion caused by parking searching.
Locomotive alarm and parking system [5] discussed how SIMON is a demonstration project aiming to use ICT
the system monitors the locomotive using infrared technology. services to promote the independent living and societal
The main function of the system is to automatically park and participation of mobility-impaired people in the context of on-
gives an alarm to avoiding accidents between locomotives. street public parking areas and multiple transport modes [10].
SmartEye was developed using infrared technology to Being the application targeted towards the mobility-impaired
monitor the parking spaces, and the sensors are put on the road end-users, special care has been taken to make the application
and then the information about the parking is sent to the accessible to users with different impairments. As requested
content management, known as SmartRep that collects the by the users of the focus group, the application does not
data about parking spaces. The system also comes with an contain tutorials but instead features a consistent contextual
application for the user to search for empty parking spaces in help screen that can be brought up at any point in time through
the area. the main menu
Another study developed the DisAssist System [6]. The The proposed system is different from all the compared
system was developed to assist the disabled in finding their research as mentioned earlier. The main function of the system
parking spots, at the real-time condition and also enable is to protect the disabled people rights for parking spaces, by
authentication of the users to exactly park at the reserved using a reservation-based system with database and mobile
spots. DisAssist System role the parking management system application. We also use low-cost technologies such as NFC
with the usage of M2M technology that eases the findings of tag reader to authenticate the disabled people and alarm
the disabled parking spaces. Furthermore, with the system with Arduino and sensors to secure the disabled
authentication system that enables the deserved users to park parking slot from the violators.
at their spaces, the system can be monitored by the authority
and further action can be taken to those who violated the rules III. BASIC ARCHITECTURE OF THE PROPOSED SYSTEM
and regulations. A. Feature of the system
A study on design and development of disabled parking Before practical implementation of the system, all the
system for the smart city [7] discussed how technology can be necessary requirements are needed to be considered. Table 1
applied to preserve disabled parking rights. Instead of relying shows the configuration and the main function for the
on law enforcement, the system can do monitoring, and give requirements of the system.
alarm itself whenever violations have occurred. The research
use computer vision system and RFID tag reader to scan the TABLE I. BASIC FEATURE OF THE SYSTEM
OKU Sticker(a term for a person with a disability) and use
Requirements Details
alarm technology to warn the violators. Whenever the
violators go into the disabled parking spaces, the alarm will Warn the non-disabled person
Alarm System that goes to the disabled
sound to warn the violators and then there will be a high parking slot.
possibility that the violators will move on to the other parking
Providing the user with an
spaces. application for a parking
Cheap and effective system for parking avoidance of the reservation.
Mobile Application,
car without permission at disabled parking permit (DPP) NFC Tag Reader Differentiate type of user, if
spaces [8] discussed about the usage of multiple methods for the user is a disabled person,
the system will do
detection of car in the DPP space using ultrasound sensors, authentication.
near-infrared (NIR) cameras, RFID writer and reader with IC Maintaining database for the
card, IC chip and IC tag as well as ETC system and GPS Server
receiver. The system consists of 3 main functions, car

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2019 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things and Intelligence System (IoTaIS)


Research and implementation of various parking systems As the system mainly has two main features namely,
are currently present at large, aiming to resolve various social parking reservation and user verification, cellular network
issues within the communities. The architecture of this system like LTE will be used to serve the M2M communication.
holds similarity in features and performance with any other When the data from a user application or any station sent to
system, but lightweight technology and cost-effectiveness will the webserver, the data is analyzed and then the web server
make it feasible for many countries. Therefore, the will approve or disapproved the data. Accordingly, the
architecture of this system can be shown as fig.1 database running in the server side is also updated by the data
from the user application. In the mobile application, the user
has the ability to interact with the system to reserve the
desired parking slot. The only mandatory action is the
disabled user verification as it enables the system to approve
the appropriate usage of the disabled parking slot. Upon the
departure of the parking area user have to end the reservation
in order to update the available parking slot database, and also
turn back on the alarm system. Then, the parking slot is ready
to be used by the next users. The basic configuration of the
proposed system is shown in Fig. 2 below

Fig 1. Basic architecture of the parking system.

With this system, we aim to provide a user-friendly

platform that can verify the disabled people, and allows the
disabled people to find available parking spaces. As the
architecture is presented in the Fig.1, the system contains
communication between the device, server, and the hardware
system. The database on the server is present to manages both
the user information data as well as parking spaces data. A
mobile phone-based application is used to connect to the
server by using the internet. The process starts whenever the Fig 2. Basic configuration of the parking system.
user login to the application, and then make a reservation for The whole proposed system mainly consists of 3 sub-
a parking slot with the mobile application. There are two types system sections, namely, server, mobile application, and
of client, normal people, and disabled people. In Fig.1 we can hardware system. Each of these sections is developed with a
see how each client interacts with the system. If the user is different setup. A detailed explanation of the system is given
disabled people, authentication method will be required. Upon
successful authentication and login, the user will be able to
choose the available parking slot only for disabled people. A. Server System
After choosing the parking slot, the user can park at the Databases of the system will be maintained in the server
designated location. Furthermore, the mobile application will along with a periodic backup system. A web server like
send a request to the server to update the available parking slot
XAMPP(Cross-Platform, Apache, MariaDB, PHP, and Perl)
database and send a request to turn off the alarm system so the
user can park conveniently. On the contrary, if normal users will be used to maintain the system databases. There are two
want to occupy the disabled parking slots, they will be warned main databases in this system, user information database, and
by the alarm system. Finally, when the user is going to leave parking slot database. When the user registers to the
the parking area, the mobile application will update the application, the data of the user will be uploaded to the user
available parking slot and then the alarm system will be turned information database. Afterward, when the user wants to
back on. make a reservation, the user has to login to the application,
and the application will check if the user information is
In conclusion, the system will take the advantages of the already registered in the database. After successful login user
existing communication infrastructure to exchange data can choose the parking slot, and then the application will send
between various components of the system. Therefore, M2M
the chosen parking slot number to the parking slot database
communication serves a crucial role in order to receive the
to update the database. Last, when the user is leaving the
data from the various sensors and transmitting it to the server.
The transmission of the data will be transmitted through the parking area, the user has to end the reservation with the app.
existing cellular network in mobile devices. Next, the app will send a request to update the database,
removing the user in the parking slot database. Therefore, the
server must be able to maintain the information at a real-time.

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2019 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things and Intelligence System (IoTaIS)

B. Mobile Application System

The application for this system is developed in Android
Studio integrated development environment. The flowchart
of the mobile application system can be shown as Fig. 3.

Fig 5. Illustration of the normal member user interface.

Then in the parking space interface, the chosen parking

slot will be marked, so nobody besides the user can take the
parking slot. Last, when the user is leaving the parking area,
the user has to end the reservation. By ending the reservation,
the parking slot database will be updated, and so does the
available parking space interface.

C. Hardware System
Fig 3. Flowchart of the mobile application system. The hardware system consists of an Arduino connected to
various ultra-sonic sensors along with, wifi shield, and
First, when users want to make a reservation, they have to
buzzers as the alarm. This hardware system will be installed
login to the application. If the user is disabled people, the user
in every disabled parking slot. Thus, the purpose of the
has to prove their identification by reading the NFC tag in
hardware system is to protect the disabled parking slot by
which containing a user identification code or just simply
warning the non-legitimate users. If the non-disabled users
input their disabled user id number. The application will do
park their car in the disabled parking slot, the ultrasonic
validation of the user identification code, and if the user is
sensor will detect an object, so the buzzer will make a sound
valid, then the application will show the available parking
to warn the non-disabled user. The visualization of the cases
space interface. Furthermore, the user can choose the desired
of the normal member is shown in the Fig.6.
parking slot and after choosing the parking slot, the parking
slot database will be updated. The illustration of the user
interface can be shown as Fig.4 and 5.

Fig 6. Visualization of the alarm system for normal member cases.

However, when the disabled user reserved the vacant

Fig 4. Illustration of the blue-badge member user interface. disabled parking slot, the mobile application will send a
request to the Arduino to turn off the ultrasonic sensor, so he
or she can park in the desired parking slot conveniently. The

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2019 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things and Intelligence System (IoTaIS)

visualization of the cases of the disabled member is shown in their benefit or stole the personal data of the user. Data
the Fig.7. security in developing countries are low, the system needs to
develop a data encryption program to prevent the threat from
the intruders.
In this paper, we design and implement a prototype of the
Smart Parking Area Management System for Disabled
People as a conceptual guideline of how technology can be
applied to preserve disabled rights, specifically regarding
parking rights. In this system, we implement a parking
reservation policy in order to secure the parking space for the
disabled. The proposed system is an example of how mobile
application and IoT technologies can be applied to Smart City
concept, and have a positive impact on society and quality of
life, especially for the disabled people. In future work, we
will devise different policies to encourage users to adhere to
the rules of the system increasing its reliability and
functionality especially in terms of user verification and
reservation enforcement.

Fig 7. Visualization of the alarm system for disabled member cases. REFERENCES
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