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Roll No . .................... .... ... . Total No.

of Pages : 7

Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 100

Note:- {i) Each question or part thereof shall begin on a

fresh page.
(ii) Your answers should be precise and coherent.

1. Attempt any three of the following: 30
i) Discuss economic backwardness as a major challenge
of Indian democracy. Can democracy and development
go together?
ii) Give a brief account of Sachar Committee Report and
initiatives taken in pursuance of the Sachar Committee
iii) What should be the role of media to project 'mass real-
ity' in place of 'illusion of reality'?
iv) Concept of single line administration in Jammu and
v) Explain the fallowing terms:
a) Dissolution of the house.
b) Prorogation of the house.
c) Adjournment of the house.
vi) Land reforms in Jammu and Kashmir and its impact
on ruler economy.

GDB-15771 1 Contd.
2. Explain any five of the following: 25
i) Commonwealth Games 2010.
ii) Contribution of horticulture in Jammu and Kashmir ec-
iii) Knowledge Commission of India.
iv) National Youth Policy,2003.
v) New seven wonders of the world.
vi) Rama Sethu.
vii) Crips Mission.
viii) Scope for eco-tourism in Jammu and Kashmir with
its likely impact on environment.

3. Short answer question: answer any five: 15

i) How do astronauts walk in space?
ii) Why is Japan called as the Land of Rising Sun?
iii) What do the three strips and the plough in the state fla-
g of Jammu and Kashmir cannote?
iv) What is the objective of money laundering act?
v) Why do hairs grey?
vi) Why is India considered as subcontinent?
vii) What is rainwater harvesting?
viii) Why is Jammu and Kashmir called Switzerland of As-

GDB-1571 2 Contd.
4. Answer all the following questions. Each question carr-
ies 1.5 marks. 30
i) Who was the first writer to be awarded the Sahitya Aka-
demi Award in English?
ii} In 1953, which leader was succeeded by Bakshi Ghul-
am Mohammad as prime minister of Jammu and Kas-
iii) In 1977, who became the first person to address the
United Nations General Assembly in Hindi?
iv) In a certain code CAMRL is written as XPOGT and RAB-
BITS as YPUULFZ. How can AIRMAIL be written in that
v) Who invented computer laptop?
a) Sinclair
b) Adam Osborne
c) Arthur Wynna
d) None of the above
vi) Which is the highest motorable pass/road in J&K?
a) Fatu La
b) Khardung La
c) Zooji La
d) Panzi La

GDB-15771 3 Contd.
vii) International Rice Research Institute is situated in:
a) Philippines
b) Indonesia
c) Malaysia
d) India
viii) Which of the following offices has not been provided
by Indian Constitution?
a) Deputy Chairman, Rajya Sabha
b) Deputy Speaker, Lok Sabha
c) Deputy Speaker, Legislative Assembly
d) Deputy Prime Minister
ix) Himalayas are:
a) Young Fold Mountains
b) Residual Mountains
c) Volcanic Mountains
d) Block Mountains
x) Who wrote Humayunnama?
a) Abul Fazal
b) Faizi
c) Gulbadan Begum
d) Badaoni

GDB-15771 4 Contd.
xi) How many times are an hour hand and minute hand of
a clock at right angles during their motion from 1:00
p.m. to 10:00 p.m.?
xii) A person has four coins each of different denominati-
ons. What is the number of different sums of money
the persons can form using one or more coins at a ti-
b) 15
c) 12
d) 11
xiii) Six persons A, B, C, D, E and Fare standing in a row.
C and D are standing close to each other alongside E.
Bis standing beside A only. A is fourth from F. Who
are standing on the extremes?
a) A and F
b) Band D
c) Band F
d) None of these
xiv) Milk : Butter, in the same way:
a) Banana : Fruit
b) Juice : Health
c) Wood : Paper
d) Chilli : Spices

GDB-15771 5 Contd.
xv) What will come in place of?
a) 45
c) 49
d) 46
xvi) What should come next in the series:
a) d
b) a
C) C
d) b
xvii) Pick out the odd one:
a) Ambush
b) Defend
c) Raid
d) Attack
xviii) By how much is 415th of 1150 less than 516th of
a) 120
b) 140
c) 125
d) 115

GDB-15771 6 Contd.
xix) MP is related to NQ in the same way as BE is related
a) CF
b) CG
c) DG
d) [)F
xx) Mustard is related to seed in same way as carrot is
related to:
a) Fruit
b) Flower
c) Root
d) Steam
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GDB-1sn1 7 2200
Roll No. ........................... . Total No. of Pages: 3

Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100
Note :- (i) Each question or part thereof shall begin on a
fresh page.
(ii) Your answers should be precise and coherent.
1. Write an essay on any one of the following: 30
(a) Preserving our National Monuments,
(b) The case for or against Reservation of Job's for
(c) Unity in Diversity,
(d) Side-effects of Computerisation,
(e) Morality and Indian Cinema.

2. Attempt a precis of the passage given below, in your

own words, in about on~third of its length, and also
add a suitable title: 25

Professional diplomacy is not, as a rule, liable to impres-

sion. An Ambassador in writing; the representations whi-
ch he hereafter makes to the foreign government or eith-
er embedded in a carefully drafted Note or conveyed in a
personal interview; in the latter event, he is careful imm~
diately on his return to record the course of that interview
in a dispatch to his own government.
It is customary, moreover, when an ambassador has to
make, to a foreign government, a communication of sp~

GDB-15770 1 Contd.
cial importance that he should bring with him a short syn-
opsis or aide-memorire of what he is instructed to say. He
may read this out to the form minister and he may also le-
ave a copy behind. Conversely, when an ambassadorr rece-
ives from a foreign minister some vitally important oral
communication, it is a wise precaution on his part to sub-
mit to the latter his version of the conversation before re-
porting it officially to his own government. Failure to take
this precaution has led to regrettable incidents in the past
. Although the professional diplomat is seldom guilty of
what I have called intellectual inaccuracy, his temptation
to what I have called "moral inaccuracy" is persistent and

This moral inaccuracy takes several forms. The experien-

ced diplomatist is well aware that human action are at the
mercy of chance occurrences and that prophecy is ailways
dangerous. He thus tempted to avoid all predictions. He
prefers to hedge. The "heads I win, tell you lose" type of
dispatch may, it is true, enable an ambassador, after the
event, to claim a presence by recalling his previous refer-
ence either to tails or to heads; yet it is not a deep benefit
either to his government are to his own reputation. All too
often, diplomatists are so afraid of being accused of lack
of judgement that they avoid experiencing any judgement
at all.

3. Expand and illustrate the idea contained in any one of

the following in about 100 words: 15
(a) Empty vessels make much noise,
(b) Slow and steady wins the race,
(c) Procrastination is the thief of time.

GDB-15770 2 Contd.
4. Write a letter to a friend, giving details of a railway acci-
Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper complaining
about inadvocate supply of municipal water in your loc-
ality. 20

5. Use any five of the following words into separate sent-

ences each, first as a noun and then as a verb: 1o
bag; fan; move; drop; limp; rebel.

GDB-15770 3 2200
Roll No............................ .
Total No. of Pages 1
General Economics
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100
Note :-(i) Each question or part thereof shall begin on a fresh page.
(ii) Your answers should be precise and coherent.
(iii) Attempt any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal
1. Define 'demand' and 'elasticity of demand'. Explain with
suitable examples, the different types of elasticity of
2. Distinguish between returns to scale and returns to var-
iable input. Also explain the law of diminishing returns.
3. State and explain the characteristics of perfect compet-
ition. How does a perfectly competitive firm determine
the price and output to maximise its profit?
4. What are the motives of demand for money according
to Keynes? Discuss Keynesian theory of interest.
5. What do you understand by Social Welfare? Examine
A.C. Pigou's contribution to Welfare economics.
6. What is the meaning of economic development? Highl-
ight the role of social institutions in economic develop-
7. Discuss the interrelation between economic growth
and population growth in the context of developing
8. Why did India resort to economic planning? Discuss the
main achievements and failures of economic planning
in India.
GDB-15772 2200
Roll No.............•.....•........... Total No. of Pages : 2

l (ADS)l
Tune: Three Hours] [Maximwn Marks : 100
Note :- (i) Each question or part thereof shall begin on a fresh page.
(ri) Your answers should be precise and coherent.
(rii) Attempt FIVE questions in all, selecting at least TWO
questions from each part.

1. Distinguish between primary data and secondary data and discuss
the methods of collecting primary data.
2. What do you mean by central tendency ? Enumerate its various
measures and compute the size of Mean and Median for the
follo\ving data:
Marks No. of Students
0 - 20 15
20 - 40 12
40 - 60 13
60 - 80 06
80 - 100 05
3. What is meant by theoretical distributions? State and explain the
properties of a Normal Distribution.

GDB-15773 Contd.
4. State the meaning and importance of correlation and compute Lhe
degree of correlation from I.he following data by any methO<! you
X 27 23 24 18 12 10
Y 10 30 25 12 18 13
5. Explain with the help of suitable examples the techniques of
(i) stratified sampling and (ii) systematic sampling.
6. What are index nwnbers ? Use imaginary data to prove bow
Fishers' method satisfies both the Time Reversal and Factor Reversal
7. What do you understand by Trend of a time series ? How do we
1neasure it? Fit a straight line trend Lo the folJowing data by any
1nethod you krnow :
Year: 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Production I JOO 1300 1400 1500 1600
&. Distinguish bet\veen interpolation and extrapolation and state the
various methods of interpolation giving exainples.

GDB-1Sn3 2200
Roll No............................. Total No. of Pages : 2

l (ADS)l
Time: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 100
Note :- (i) Each question or part thereof shall begin on a fresh page.
(ii) Your answers should be precise and coherent.
(iii) Attempt any FIVE questions . Question No. 1 is
compulsory. All questions carry equal marks.
1. (a) Explain existence, uniqueness and stability of equilibrium.
(b) List out forces of equilibrium of a firm in an industry and forces
of equilibrium of an industry in perfect competition. What is
the relationship between two pairs of forces ? 5,5
2. (a) Differentiate between indifferencecUIVe approach and revealed
preference approach towards demand analysis of consumer
goods, by essential features. 10
(b) Explain the concept of consumer surplus and its significance.
3. Discuss price determination in the situation of monopolistic
competition. 20
4. What are chief characteristics of public utilities? Discuss the basic
principles adopted in pricing its service. 10, 10
5. Discuss the Euler's theorem, its assumptions and implications.
6. Discuss any one theory of macroeconomic distribution. 20

GDB-15776 Contd.
7. (a) ExplainKuznet'scurve. 10
(b) Show the relationship between profits and economic progress.
8. How is Keynesian theory of employment different from Classical
theory of employment ? How does it matter fro1n po,licy angle ?
9. List out basic instruments of (a) Fiscal Policy and (b) M onetary
Policy. When should each of these instruments be e1nployed and
why? 5,5,10
J0. Write s hort notes on any two of the following :
(a) Pareto cond itions of opti1nality
(b) Essential elen1ents of classical welfare economics
(c) Essential elements of neoclassical welfare econo111ics
(d) Kaldor, Hicks and Scitovsky compensation principles.
10, l 0

GDB-15776 700
Roll No............................ . Total No. of Pages: 2

l (ADS)l
Tune : Three Hours] [Maxin1um Marks : 100
Note :- (i) Each question or part thereof shall begin on a fresh page.
(ii) Your answers should be precise and coherent.
(iii) Attempt any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal
I. What are the main indicators of econon1ic growth ? ls growth
measurable? G ive reasons in support of your answer. I 0, I0
2. "An input-output table provides a descriptive set of social accounts,
recording purchases by and sales from, the different sectors of the
economy distinguished." Explain. 20
3. Why are under-developed countries fac ing the proble1n of 'vicious
circle of poverty' ? How can they break this vicious circle ?
4. ls population growth an obstacle to development or a facilitator of
growth ? Use historical and theoretical arguments in support of your
answer. 20
5. Discuss the main arguments advanced by economists for and against
planning. 10,10
6. Describe the n1ain problems that are faced by planners to realise
the major objectives of planning in a mixed economy. 20
7. Explain why there is divergence between private and social costs
and benefits. Discuss its relevance in the context of planning.

GDB- 15777 Contd.

8. Describe the major objectives of planning iu India Why has inclusive
growth not been achieved in India ? 15,5
9. Discuss the nature of economic reforms that have been introduced
in India to boost industrial development. 20
10. Evaluate tbe role of public enterprises in India in the context of
achieving growth with social justice. 20


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