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Dear Reader,

Welcome to my Multigenre Project! For this project, I chose article 12 of the human
rights articles, which states, no one has the right to intrude in your private life or interfere with
your home and family without a good reason. No one has the right to attack your good name
without reason. I chose this topic because it speaks to me that no one should ever intrude in your
house without permission, be violent because of your race, or hurt you for no reason. This is an
important topic because it will spread awareness of the daily discrimination some people face. I
was not aware of the day to day violence in our world that sprouts for no reason. I used to think it
was self-defense, but after researching, I found that a lot of people hurt others for simply the way
they look or for no reason at all. This is why I researched, created a children’s book, watercolor
painting, and a podcast to help people get insight on how to stop this violence.

For my research questions, I searched on the database “Gale in Context: Global Issues”
using very specific topics. This helped my results be clearer and straight to the point. My first
search was, “Violence about race”. This gave me articles about racism in the past and present.
This is when I decided to do a children’s book about Rosa Parks, to help spread to kids the theme
of kindness and equality. I also searched “Intruding in a house without a warrant”. This brought
me to many news stories about the police force and intruders entering without asking. These
results were very useful while creating my artifacts, especially my watercolor painting. I used the
stories to sprout ideas for what I could paint. For my third artifact, I searched, “Hurting someone
for no reason”. This pulled articles about daily violence in our world. I used this information on
my podcast to spread awareness about what our planet goes through and why we should put a
stop to it. Overall, using the “Gale in Context: Global Issues” database brought me to exactly
what I needed to learn about the factors of article 12 in the human rights articles. I hope I
successfully used these articles to create an amazing and thorough project for you to enjoy.

Doing this project taught me how to put a stop to violence that happens because of race or
for no reason. I was informed that lots of people are violent for all the wrong reasons, and I
should never do something like that. While researching, I learned I am very uninformed about the
daily violence in our world. This project made a difference to me because I was shown what our
world is really like, and I hope this spreads awareness to you. I want you to learn and grow from
my Multigenre Project and help prevent intruders, racists, and violence from ever affecting you
or someone you know. I wish my children's book, watercolor painting, and podcast taught you
what really happens to our world and how to prevent further violence. I hope you enjoy!


Carson Godwin

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