WOW-Statement Generator v3.39 2

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WOW-Statement Generator

Product Name

WOW-Statement Generator, developed by Viki Pavlič. Feel free to use and share with a reference to the source: This work is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0).
How do you call your product (or service)?

Customer P R OBL EM Pain WOW-Statement Recipes

Customer Label Obstacle A - The one-liner:
How are your customers called? What’s in the way of getting their job done (well)? [Product Name] is a [Product Category] that
[Desired Outcome/Experience].

B - Core first, details second:

[Product Name] is a [Product Category] for
[Customer Label] that want to [JTBD].
Instead of dealing with [Obstacle], our users
can [Desired Outcome/Experience].

Job-To-Be-Done - JTBD Painful Consequence C - Simple problem-solution:

What are they trying to get done? So what - why is the obstacle painful? For [Customer Label] who want to [JTBD]
but struggle with [Obstacle] we’re building
[Product Name]. It’s a [Product Category] that
provides [Desired Outcome/Experience].

D - Casual storyteller:
You know when [Customer Label] want to
[JTBD]? Well, [Obstacle] that’s why

[Painful Consequence].
Product Benefits To solve that we’ve built [Product Name], a
[Product Category]. What makes it special is
[Experience/Secret Sauce]. That way [Desired
Product Category Desired Outcome Outcome].
What is it? What unique desired outcome does it provide?
E - The parasite:
[Product Name] is X for Y.

If needed, besides the ingredients on the left,

add social proof, differentiation, or an
example. Craft your own blends, test with real
audiences, refine and make it shine!
Secret Sauce Experience
How do you do it, what’s the magic behind? How does it work from the customer’s point of view? For step-by-step guides, examples and other
free tools in the series visit:
WOW-Statement Generator
Product Name

WOW-Statement Generator, developed by Viki Pavlič. Feel free to use and share with a reference to the source: This work is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0).
How do you call your product (or service)?

SpaceX Rideshare, Etsy, Google Docs

Customer P R OBL EM Pain WOW-Statement Recipes

Customer Label Obstacle A - The one-liner:
How are your customers called? What’s in the way of getting their job done (well)? [Product Name] is a [Product Category] that
For SpaceX Rideshare: space agencies, telecommunication conventional launching services are very expensive [Desired Outcome/Experience].
companies and researchers finding the right thing can take a lot of time that
B - Core first, details second:
For Etsy: anyone (note: in this case the JTBD below we don’t have [Product Name] is a [Product Category] for
needs to define the segment!) document edits need to continuously be sent back [Customer Label] that want to [JTBD].
For Google Docs: teams and forth Instead of dealing with [Obstacle], our users
can [Desired Outcome/Experience].

Job-To-Be-Done - JTBD Painful Consequence C - Simple problem-solution:

What are they trying to get done? So what - why is the obstacle painful? For [Customer Label] who want to [JTBD]
send small satellites to space crippling R’n’D budgets and forcing long development cycles but struggle with [Obstacle] we’re building
end up buying a ‘meeh’ gift that doesn’t really excite [Product Name]. It’s a [Product Category] that
buy something special like a handmade jewellery, art provides [Desired Outcome/Experience].
or other unique gifting item anyone”
work on the same document from different locations a lot of wasted time and version control issues D - Casual storyteller:
You know when [Customer Label] want to
[JTBD]? Well, [Obstacle] that’s why

[Painful Consequence].
Product Benefits To solve that we’ve built [Product Name], a
[Product Category]. What makes it special is
[Experience/Secret Sauce]. That way [Desired
Product Category Desired Outcome Outcome].
What is it? What unique desired outcome does it provide?
E - The parasite:
small satellite launching service bring satellites to space for one third of the price [Product Name] is X for Y.
global marketplace for hand-crafted gifting items you can quickly find a gift that says, ‘you’re special
browser-based document editor to me!
If needed, besides the ingredients on the left,
documents are done faster with higher quality
add social proof, differentiation, or an
example. Craft your own blends, test with real
audiences, refine and make it shine!
Secret Sauce Experience
How do you do it, what’s the magic behind? How does it work from the customer’s point of view? For step-by-step guides, examples and other
reliable and frequent delivery that gives you goosebumps:) free tools in the series visit:
our rocket boosters land vertically after separation and
can be reused the largest selection of things you can buy directly from
the first and the biggest creators
based on the operational transformation (OT) core multiple remote authors can seamlessly work on the same
document, at the same time!

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