Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management: Standards of Care in Diabetes-2023

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S158 Diabetes Care Volume 46, Supplement 1, January 2023

10. Cardiovascular Disease and Nuha A. ElSayed, Grazia Aleppo,

Vanita R. Aroda, Raveendhara R. Bannuru,
Risk Management: Standards of Florence M. Brown, Dennis Bruemmer,
Billy S. Collins, Sandeep R. Das,
Care in Diabetes—2023 Marisa E. Hilliard, Diana Isaacs,
Eric L. Johnson, Scott Kahan,
Diabetes Care 2023;46(Suppl. 1):S158–S190 | Kamlesh Khunti, Mikhail Kosiborod,
Jose Leon, Sarah K. Lyons, Mary Lou Perry,

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Priya Prahalad, Richard E. Pratley,

Jane Jeffrie Seley, Robert C. Stanton, and

Robert A. Gabbay, on behalf of the
American Diabetes Association

The American Diabetes Association (ADA) “Standards of Care in Diabetes” in-

cludes the ADA’s current clinical practice recommendations and is intended to
provide the components of diabetes care, general treatment goals and guide-
lines, and tools to evaluate quality of care. Members of the ADA Professional
Practice Committee, a multidisciplinary expert committee, are responsible for up-
dating the Standards of Care annually, or more frequently as warranted. For a de-
tailed description of ADA standards, statements, and reports, as well as the
evidence-grading system for ADA’s clinical practice recommendations and a full
list of Professional Practice Committee members, please refer to Introduction
and Methodology. Readers who wish to comment on the Standards of Care are
invited to do so at

For prevention and management of diabetes complications in children and adoles-

cents, please refer to Section 14, “Children and Adolescents.”

Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD)—defined as coronary heart disease

(CHD), cerebrovascular disease, or peripheral arterial disease presumed to be of ath-
erosclerotic origin—is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality for individuals
with diabetes and results in an estimated $37.3 billion in cardiovascular-related
spending per year associated with diabetes (1). Common conditions coexisting with
type 2 diabetes (e.g., hypertension and dyslipidemia) are clear risk factors for ASCVD,
and diabetes itself confers independent risk. Numerous studies have shown the effi-
cacy of controlling individual cardiovascular risk factors in preventing or slowing
ASCVD in people with diabetes. Furthermore, large benefits are seen when multiple
cardiovascular risk factors are addressed simultaneously. Under the current paradigm
of aggressive risk factor modification in people with diabetes, there is evidence that
measures of 10-year CHD risk among U.S. adults with diabetes have improved signifi- Disclosure information for each author is
available at
cantly over the past decade (2) and that ASCVD morbidity and mortality have de-
This section has received endorsement from the
creased (3,4).
American College of Cardiology.
Heart failure is another major cause of morbidity and mortality from cardiovas-
Suggested citation: ElSayed NA, Aleppo G,
cular disease. Recent studies have found that rates of incident heart failure hospi- Aroda VR, et al., American Diabetes Association.
talization (adjusted for age and sex) were twofold higher in people with diabetes 10. Cardiovascular disease and risk manage-
compared with those without (5,6). People with diabetes may have heart failure ment: Standards of Care in Diabetes—2023.
with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) or with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF). Diabetes Care 2023;46(Suppl. 1):S158–S190
Hypertension is often a precursor of heart failure of either type, and ASCVD can co- © 2022 by the American Diabetes Association.
exist with either type (7), whereas prior myocardial infarction (MI) is often a major Readers may use this article as long as the
work is properly cited, the use is educational
factor in HFrEF. Rates of heart failure hospitalization have been improved in recent
and not for profit, and the work is not altered.
trials including people with type 2 diabetes, most of whom also had ASCVD, with More information is available at https://www.
sodium–glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors (8–11). Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management S159

A recent meta-analysis indicated that and are similar to those for people with such as albuminuria. Although some vari-
SGLT2 inhibitors reduce the risk of heart type 2 diabetes. ability in calibration exists in various sub-
failure hospitalization, cardiovascular mor- As depicted in Fig. 10.1, a comprehen- groups, including by sex, race, and diabetes,
tality, and all-cause mortality in people sive approach to the reduction in risk of the overall risk prediction does not differ
with (secondary prevention) and without diabetes-related complications is recom- in those with or without diabetes (13–16),
(primary prevention) cardiovascular dis- mended. Therapy that includes multiple, validating the use of risk calculators in
ease (12). concurrent evidence-based approaches to people with diabetes. The 10-year risk of
For prevention and management of care will provide complementary reduc- a first ASCVD event should be assessed to
both ASCVD and heart failure, cardio- tion in the risks of microvascular, kidney, better stratify ASCVD risk and help guide
vascular risk factors should be systemat- neurologic, and cardiovascular complica- therapy, as described below.
ically assessed at least annually in all tions. Management of glycemia, blood Recently, risk scores and other cardio-
people with diabetes. These risk factors pressure, and lipids and the incorpora- vascular biomarkers have been devel-
tion of specific therapies with cardiovas- oped for risk stratification of secondary

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include duration of diabetes, obesity/
overweight, hypertension, dyslipidemia, cular and kidney outcomes benefit (as prevention patients (i.e., those who are
smoking, a family history of premature individually appropriate) are considered already high risk because they have
fundamental elements of global risk re- ASCVD) but are not yet in widespread
coronary disease, chronic kidney disease
duction in diabetes. use (17,18). With newer, more expen-
(CKD), and the presence of albuminuria.
sive lipid-lowering therapies now avail-
Modifiable abnormal risk factors should
able, use of these risk assessments may
be treated as described in these guide- THE RISK CALCULATOR
help target these new therapies to “higher
lines. Notably, the majority of evidence The American College of Cardiology/American risk” ASCVD patients in the future.
supporting interventions to reduce car- Heart Association ASCVD risk calculator
diovascular risk in diabetes comes from (Risk Estimator Plus) is generally a useful HYPERTENSION/BLOOD PRESSURE
trials of people with type 2 diabetes. No tool to estimate 10-year risk of a first CONTROL
randomized trials have been specifically ASCVD event (available online at tools.
Hypertension is defined as a systolic
designed to assess the impact of cardio- The
blood pressure $130 mmHg or a dia-
vascular risk reduction strategies in peo- calculator includes diabetes as a risk fac-
stolic blood pressure $80 mmHg (19).
ple with type 1 diabetes. Therefore, the tor, since diabetes itself confers increased
This is in agreement with the defini-
recommendations for cardiovascular risk risk for ASCVD, although it should be ac-
tion of hypertension by the American
factor modification for people with type 1 knowledged that these risk calculators do
College of Cardiology and American
diabetes are extrapolated from data ob- not account for the duration of diabetes Heart Association (19). Hypertension
tained in people with type 2 diabetes or the presence of diabetes complications, is common among people with either
type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Hypertension
is a major risk factor for both ASCVD
and microvascular complications. More-
over, numerous studies have shown that
antihypertensive therapy reduces ASCVD
events, heart failure, and microvascular
complications. Please refer to the Ameri-
can Diabetes Association position state-
ment “Diabetes and Hypertension” for
a detailed review of the epidemiology,
diagnosis, and treatment of hypertension
(20) and recent updated hypertension
guideline recommendations (19,21,22).

Screening and Diagnosis

10.1 Blood pressure should be
measured at every routine
clinical visit. When possible,
individuals found to have ele-
vated blood pressure (systolic
blood pressure 120–129 mmHg
and diastolic <80 mmHg)
should have blood pressure
confirmed using multiple read-
Figure 10.1—Multifactorial approach to reduction in risk of diabetes complications. *Risk re- ings, including measurements
duction interventions to be applied as individually appropriate.
S160 Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management Diabetes Care Volume 46, Supplement 1, January 2023

on a separate day, to diag- targets should be individual- of <130/80 mmHg derives primarily from
nose hypertension. A Hyper- ized through a shared decision- the collective evidence of the following
tension is defined as a systolic making process that addresses randomized controlled trials. The Systolic
blood pressure $130 mmHg cardiovascular risk, potential ad- Blood Pressure Intervention Trial (SPRINT)
or a diastolic blood pressure verse effects of antihypertensive demonstrated that treatment to a target
$80 mmHg based on an medications, and patient prefer- systolic blood pressure of <120 mmHg
average of $2 measurements ences. B decreases cardiovascular event rates
obtained on $2 occasions. A 10.4 People with diabetes and by 25% in high-risk patients, although
Individuals with blood pres- hypertension qualify for anti- people with diabetes were excluded from
sure $180/110 mmHg and hypertensive drug therapy when this trial (33). The recently completed
cardiovascular disease could the blood pressure is persistently Strategy of Blood Pressure Intervention in
be diagnosed with hyperten- elevated $130/80 mmHg. The the Elderly Hypertensive Patients (STEP)
trial included nearly 20% of people with

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sion at a single visit. E on-treatment target blood pres-
10.2 All people with hypertension sure goal is <130/80 mmHg, if diabetes and noted decreased cardiovas-
and diabetes should monitor it can be safely attained. B cular events with treatment of hyper-
their blood pressure at home. A 10.5 In pregnant individuals with dia- tension to a blood pressure target of
betes and chronic hypertension, <130 mmHg (34). While the ACCORD
a blood pressure threshold of (Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in
Blood pressure should be measured at ev- Diabetes) blood pressure trial (ACCORD
ery routine clinical visit by a trained indi- 140/90 mmHg for initiation
or titration of therapy is asso- BP) did not confirm that targeting a sys-
vidual and should follow the guidelines
ciated with better pregnancy tolic blood pressure of <120 mmHg in
established for the general population:
outcomes than reserving treat- people with diabetes results in decreased
measurement in the seated position, with
cardiovascular event rates, the prespeci-
feet on the floor and arm supported at ment for severe hypertension,
heart level, after 5 min of rest. Cuff size with no increase in risk of fied secondary outcome of stroke was re-
should be appropriate for the upper-arm small-for-gestational age birth duced by 41% with intensive treatment
circumference. Elevated values should weight. A There are limited (35). The Action in Diabetes and Vascular
preferably be confirmed on a separate data on the optimal lower Disease: Preterax and Diamicron MR
day; however, in individuals with cardio- limit, but therapy should be Controlled Evaluation (ADVANCE) trial
vascular disease and blood pressure lessened for blood pressure revealed that treatment with perindo-
$180/110 mmHg, it is reasonable to diag- <90/60 mmHg. E A blood pril/indapamide to an achieved systolic
nose hypertension at a single visit (21). pressure target of 110–135/ blood pressure of 135 mmHg signifi-
Postural changes in blood pressure and 85 mmHg is suggested in the cantly decreased cardiovascular event
pulse may be evidence of autonomic neu- interest of reducing the risk rates compared with a placebo treat-
ropathy and therefore require adjustment for accelerated maternal hyper- ment with an achieved blood pressure
of blood pressure targets. Orthostatic tension. A of 140 mmHg (36). Therefore, it is rec-
blood pressure measurements should be ommended that people with diabetes
checked on initial visit and as indicated. who have hypertension should be
Home blood pressure self-monitoring Randomized clinical trials have demon- treated to blood pressure targets of
and 24-h ambulatory blood pressure mon- strated unequivocally that treatment of hy- <130/80 mmHg. Notably, there is an
itoring may provide evidence of white pertension reduces cardiovascular events absence of high-quality data available
coat hypertension, masked hypertension, as well as microvascular complications to guide blood pressure targets in peo-
or other discrepancies between office and (26–32). There has been controversy on ple with type 1 diabetes, but a similar
“true” blood pressure (23,24). In addition the recommendation of a specific blood blood pressure target of <130/80 mmHg
to confirming or refuting a diagnosis of pressure goal in people with diabetes. is recommended in people with type 1
hypertension, home blood pressure assess- The committee recognizes that there has diabetes. As discussed below, treat-
ment may be useful to monitor antihyper- been no randomized controlled trial to ment should be individualized and
tensive treatment. Studies of individuals specifically demonstrate a decreased inci- treatment should not be targeted to
without diabetes found that home meas- dence of cardiovascular events in people <120/80 mmHg, as a mean achieved
urements may better correlate with ASCVD with diabetes by targeting a blood pres- blood pressure of <120/80 mmHg is
risk than office measurements (23,24).
sure <130/80 mmHg. The recommenda- associated with adverse events.
Moreover, home blood pressure monitoring
tion to support a blood pressure goal of
may improve patient medication taking and
<130/80 mmHg in people with diabetes Randomized Controlled Trials of Intensive
thus help reduce cardiovascular risk (25).
is consistent with guidelines from the Versus Standard Blood Pressure Control
American College of Cardiology and SPRINT provides the strongest evidence
Treatment Goals
American Heart Association (20), the In- to support lower blood pressure goals in
Recommendations ternational Society of Hypertension (21), patients at increased cardiovascular risk,
10.3 For people with diabetes and and the European Society of Cardiol- although this trial excluded people with
hypertension, blood pressure ogy (22). The committee’s recommen- diabetes (33). The trial enrolled 9,361 pa-
dation for the blood pressure target tients with a systolic blood pressure of Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management S161

$130 mmHg and increased cardiovascu- hypertension to a systolic blood pres- significantly reduced the risk of stroke by
lar risk and treated to a systolic blood sure target of 110 to <130 mmHg (in- 31% but did not reduce the risk of MI
pressure target of <120 mmHg (in- tensive treatment) or a target of 130 to (38). Another meta-analysis of 19 trials in-
tensive treatment) versus a target of <150 mmHg (34). In this trial, the pri- cluding 44,989 patients showed that a
<140 mmHg (standard treatment). The mary composite outcome of stroke, mean blood pressure of 133/76 mmHg is
primary composite outcome of myocar- acute coronary syndrome, acute decom- associated with a 14% risk reduction for
dial infarction (MI), coronary syndromes, pensated heart failure, coronary revas- major cardiovascular events compared with
stroke, heart failure, or death from cardio- cularization, atrial fibrillation, or death a mean blood pressure of 140/81 mmHg
vascular causes was reduced by 25% in from cardiovascular causes was reduced (32). This benefit was greatest in people
the intensive treatment group. The by 26% in the intensive treatment with diabetes. An analysis of trials includ-
achieved systolic blood pressures in the group. In this trial, 18.9% of patients in ing people with type 2 diabetes and im-
trial were 121 mmHg and 136 mmHg in the intensive treatment arm and 19.4% paired glucose tolerance with achieved
the intensive versus standard treatment in the standard treatment arm had a di- systolic blood pressures of <135 mmHg

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group, respectively. Adverse outcomes, agnosis of type 2 diabetes. Hypotension in the intensive blood pressure treatment
including hypotension, syncope, electro- occurred more frequently in the inten- group and <140 mmHg in the standard
lyte abnormality, and acute kidney injury sive treatment group (3.4%) compared treatment group revealed a 10% reduc-
were more common in the intensive with the standard treatment group tion in all-cause mortality and a 17% re-
treatment arm; risk of adverse outcomes (2.6%), without significant differences duction in stroke (30). More intensive
needs to be weighed against the cardio- in other adverse events, including dizzi- reduction to <130 mmHg was associated
vascular benefit of more intensive blood ness, syncope, or fractures. with a further reduction in stroke but not
pressure lowering. In ADVANCE, 11,140 people with type 2 other cardiovascular events.
ACCORD BP provides the strongest di- diabetes were randomized to receive ei- Several meta-analyses stratified clinical
rect assessment of the benefits and risks ther treatment with fixed combination trials by mean baseline blood pressure or
of intensive blood pressure control in peo- mean blood pressure attained in the in-
perindopril/indapamide or matching pla-
ple with type 2 diabetes (35). In the study, tervention (or intensive treatment) arm.
cebo (36). The primary end point, a com-
a total of 4,733 with type 2 diabetes were Based on these analyses, antihyperten-
posite of cardiovascular death, nonfatal
assigned to intensive therapy (targeting a sive treatment appears to be most bene-
stroke infarction, or worsening renal or
systolic blood pressure <120 mmHg) or ficial when mean baseline blood pressure
diabetic eye disease, was reduced by 9%
standard therapy (targeting a systolic is $140/90 mmHg (19,26,27,29–31).
in the combination treatment. The achieved
blood pressure <140 mmHg). The mean Among trials with lower baseline or at-
systolic blood pressure was 135 mmHg in
achieved systolic blood pressures were tained blood pressure, antihypertensive
the treatment group and 140 mmHg in the
119 mmHg and 133 mmHg in the inten- treatment reduced the risk of stroke, reti-
placebo group.
sive versus standard group, respectively. nopathy, and albuminuria, but effects on
The Hypertension Optimal Treatment
The primary composite outcome of non- other ASCVD outcomes and heart failure
(HOT) trial enrolled 18,790 patients and tar-
fatal MI, nonfatal stroke, or death from were not evident.
cardiovascular causes was not significantly geted diastolic blood pressure <90 mmHg,
reduced in the intensive treatment group. <85 mmHg, or <80 mmHg (37). The car- Individualization of Treatment Targets
The prespecified secondary outcome of diovascular event rates, defined as fatal or Patients and clinicians should engage in
stroke was significantly reduced by 41% in nonfatal MI, fatal and nonfatal strokes, and a shared decision-making process to de-
the intensive treatment group. Adverse all other cardiovascular events, were not termine individual blood pressure tar-
events attributed to blood pressure treat- significantly different between diastolic gets (19). This approach acknowledges
ment, including hypotension, syncope, blood pressure targets (#90 mmHg, that the benefits and risks of intensive
bradycardia, hyperkalemia, and eleva- #85 mmHg, and #80 mmHg), although blood pressure targets are uncertain
tions in serum creatinine occurred more the lowest incidence of cardiovascular and may vary across patients and is con-
frequently in the intensive treatment arm events occurred with an achieved dia- sistent with a patient-focused approach
than in the standard therapy arm (Table stolic blood pressure of 82 mmHg. How- to care that values patient priorities and
10.1). ever, in people with diabetes, there was a health care professional judgment (39).
Of note, the ACCORD BP and SPRINT significant 51% reduction in the treatment Secondary analyses of ACCORD BP and
trials targeted a similar systolic blood group with a target diastolic blood pressure SPRINT suggest that clinical factors can
pressure <120 mmHg, but in contrast to of <80 mmHg compared with a target dia- help determine individuals more likely to
SPRINT, the primary composite cardio- stolic blood pressure of <90 mmHg. benefit and less likely to be harmed by in-
vascular end point was nonsignificantly tensive blood pressure control (40,41).
reduced in ACCORD BP. The results have Meta-analyses of Trials Absolute benefit from blood pressure
been interpreted to be generally consis- To clarify optimal blood pressure targets reduction correlated with absolute base-
tent between both trials, but ACCORD in people with diabetes, multiple meta- line cardiovascular risk in SPRINT and in
BP was viewed as underpowered due to analyses have been performed. One of earlier clinical trials conducted at higher
the composite primary end point being less the largest meta-analyses included 73,913 baseline blood pressure levels (13,41).
sensitive to blood pressure regulation (33). people with diabetes. Compared with a Extrapolation of these studies suggests
The more recent STEP trial assigned less tight blood pressure control, alloca- that people with diabetes may also be
8,511 patients aged 60–80 years with tion to a tighter blood pressure control more likely to benefit from intensive blood
S162 Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management Diabetes Care Volume 46, Supplement 1, January 2023

Table 10.1—Randomized controlled trials of intensive versus standard hypertension treatment strategies
Clinical trial Population Intensive Standard Outcomes
ACCORD BP (35) 4,733 participants with SBP target: SBP target:  No benefit in primary end point:
T2D aged 40–79 <120 mmHg 130–140 mmHg composite of nonfatal MI, nonfatal
years with prior Achieved (mean) Achieved (mean) stroke, and CVD death
evidence of CVD or SBP/DBP: SBP/DBP:  Stroke risk reduced 41% with
multiple 119.3/64.4 mmHg 135/70.5 mmHg intensive control, not sustained
cardiovascular risk through follow-up beyond the
factors period of active treatment
 Adverse events more common in
intensive group, particularly
elevated serum creatinine and
electrolyte abnormalities

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ADVANCE (36) 11,140 participants Intervention: a single- Control: placebo  Intervention reduced risk of primary
with T2D aged pill, fixed-dose Achieved (mean) composite end point of major
$55 years with combination of SBP/DBP: macrovascular and microvascular
prior evidence of perindopril and 141.6/75.2 mmHg events (9%), death from any cause
CVD or multiple indapamide (14%), and death from CVD (18%)
cardiovascular risk Achieved (mean)  6-year observational follow-up
factors SBP/DBP: found reduction in risk of death in
136/73 mmHg intervention group attenuated but
still significant (242)
HOT (37) 18,790 participants, DBP target: DBP target:  In the overall trial, there was no
including 1,501 with #80 mmHg #90 mmHg cardiovascular benefit with more
diabetes Achieved (mean): intensive targets
81.1 mmHg, #80  In the subpopulation with diabetes,
group; 85.2 mmHg, an intensive DBP target was
#90 group associated with a significantly
reduced risk (51%) of CVD events
SPRINT (43) 9,361 participants SBP target: SBP target:  Intensive SBP target lowered risk of
without diabetes <120 mmHg <140 mmHg the primary composite outcome
Achieved (mean): Achieved (mean): 25% (MI, ACS, stroke, heart failure,
121.4 mmHg 136.2 mmHg and death due to CVD)
 Intensive target reduced risk of
death 27%
 Intensive therapy increased risks of
electrolyte abnormalities and AKI
STEP (34) 8,511 participants aged SBP target: SBP target:  Intensive SBP target lowered risk of
60–80 years, <130 mmHg <150 mmHg the primary composite outcome
including 1,627 with Achieved (mean): Achieved (mean): 26% (stroke, ACS [acute MI and
diabetes 127.5 mmHg 135.3 mmHg hospitalization for unstable angina],
acute decompensated heart failure,
coronary revascularization, atrial
fibrillation, or death from
cardiovascular causes)
 Intensive target reduced risk of
cardiovascular death 28%
 Intensive therapy increased risks of

ACCORD BP, Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes Blood Pressure trial; ACS, acute coronary syndrome; ADVANCE, Action in Diabe-
tes and Vascular Disease: Preterax and Diamicron MR Controlled Evaluation; AKI, acute kidney injury; CVD, cardiovascular disease; DBP, dia-
stolic blood pressure; HOT, Hypertension Optimal Treatment trial; MI, myocardial infarction; SBP, systolic blood pressure; SPRINT, Systolic
Blood Pressure Intervention Trial; STEP, Strategy of Blood Pressure Intervention in the Elderly Hypertensive Patients; T2D, type 2 diabetes.

pressure control when they have high ab- Potential adverse effects of antihyper- pressure control (43). In addition, individ-
solute cardiovascular risk. This approach is tensive therapy (e.g., hypotension, syn- uals with orthostatic hypotension, sub-
consistent with guidelines from the Ameri- cope, falls, acute kidney injury, and stantial comorbidity, functional limitations,
can College of Cardiology and Ameri- electrolyte abnormalities) should also or polypharmacy may be at high risk of
can Heart Association, which also advocate be taken into account (33,35,42,43). adverse effects, and some patients may
a blood pressure target of <130/80 mmHg Individuals with older age, CKD, and frailty prefer higher blood pressure targets
for all people, with or without diabetes have been shown to be at higher risk to enhance quality of life. However, in
(20). of adverse effects of intensive blood ACCORD BP, it was found that intensive Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management S163

blood pressure lowering decreased the medically indicated preterm birth at increasing potassium intake,
risk of cardiovascular events irrespective <35 weeks of gestation, placental abrup- moderation of alcohol in-
of baseline diastolic blood pressure in tion, or fetal/neonatal death, occurred in take, and increased physi-
patients who also received standard gly- 30.2% of female participants in the ac- cal activity. A
cemic control (44). Therefore, the pres- tive treatment group vs. 37.0% in the
ence of low diastolic blood pressure is control group (P < 0.001). The mean
not necessarily a contraindication to systolic blood pressure between ran- Lifestyle management is an important
more intensive blood pressure man- domization and delivery was 129.5 mmHg component of hypertension treatment
agement in the context of otherwise in the active treatment group and because it lowers blood pressure, enhan-
standard care. 132.6 mmHg in the control group. ces the effectiveness of some antihyper-
Current evidence supports controlling tensive medications, promotes other
Pregnancy and Antihypertensive Medications blood pressure to 110–135/85 mmHg to aspects of metabolic and vascular health,
There are few randomized controlled trials reduce the risk of accelerated maternal and generally leads to few adverse ef-

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of antihypertensive therapy in pregnant hypertension but also to minimize impair- fects. Lifestyle therapy consists of reduc-
individuals with diabetes. A 2014 Co- ment of fetal growth. During pregnancy, ing excess body weight through caloric
chrane systematic review of antihyperten- treatment with ACE inhibitors, angioten- restriction (see Section 8, “Obesity and
sin receptor blockers (ARBs), and spirono- Weight Management for the Prevention
sive therapy for mild to moderate chronic
lactone are contraindicated as they may and Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes”), at
hypertension that included 49 trials and
cause fetal damage. Special consider-
over 4,700 women did not find any con- least 150 min of moderate-intensity aer-
ation should be taken for individuals obic activity per week (see Section 3,
clusive evidence for or against blood pres-
of childbearing potential, and people “Prevention or Delay of Type 2 Diabetes
sure treatment to reduce the risk of
intending to become pregnant should
preeclampsia for the mother or effects on and Associated Comorbidities”), restricting
switch from an ACE inhibitor/ARB or
perinatal outcomes such as preterm birth, sodium intake (<2,300 mg/day), increasing
spironolactone to an alternative anti-
small-for-gestational-age infants, or fetal consumption of fruits and vegetables (8–10
hypertensive medication approved dur-
death (45). The Control of Hypertension servings per day) and low-fat dairy
ing pregnancy. Antihypertensive drugs
in Pregnancy Study (CHIPS) (46) enrolled products (2–3 servings per day), avoiding
known to be effective and safe in preg-
mostly women with chronic hyperten- excessive alcohol consumption (no more
nancy include methyldopa, labetalol, and
sion. In CHIPS, targeting a diastolic blood than 2 servings per day in men and no
long-acting nifedipine, while hydralzine
pressure of 85 mmHg during pregnancy more than 1 serving per day in women)
may be considered in the acute manage-
was associated with reduced likelihood (52), and increasing activity levels (53)
ment of hypertension in pregnancy or
of developing accelerated maternal hy- (see Section 5, “Facilitating Positive Health
severe preeclampsia (49). Diuretics are
pertension and no demonstrable ad- Behaviors and Well-being to Improve
not recommended for blood pressure
verse outcome for infants compared Health Outcomes”).
control in pregnancy but may be used
with targeting a higher diastolic blood These lifestyle interventions are rea-
during late-stage pregnancy if needed
for volume control (49,50). The American sonable for individuals with diabetes and
pressure. The mean systolic blood pressure
College of Obstetricians and Gynecolo- mildly elevated blood pressure (systolic
achieved in the more intensively treated
gists also recommends that postpartum >120 mmHg or diastolic >80 mmHg)
group was 133.1 ± 0.5 mmHg, and the
individuals with gestational hypertension, and should be initiated along with phar-
mean diastolic blood pressure achieved in
preeclampsia, and superimposed pre- macologic therapy when hypertension is
that group was 85.3 ± 0.3 mmHg. A similar
eclampsia have their blood pressures diagnosed (Fig. 10.2) (53). A lifestyle
approach is supported by the International
observed for 72 h in the hospital and therapy plan should be developed in
Society for the Study of Hypertension in
for 7–10 days postpartum. Long-term collaboration with the patient and
Pregnancy, which specifically recommends
follow-up is recommended for these discussed as part of diabetes man-
use of antihypertensive therapy to main-
individuals as they have increased life- agement. Use of internet or mobile-
tain systolic blood pressure between 110 based digital platforms to reinforce
and 140 mmHg and diastolic blood pres- time cardiovascular risk (51). See Sec-
tion 15, “Management of Diabetes in healthy behaviors may be considered
sure between 80 and 85 mmHg (47). as a component of care, as these in-
The more recent Chronic Hyperten- Pregnancy,” for additional information.
terventions have been found to en-
sion and Pregnancy (CHAP) trial assigned hance the efficacy of medical therapy
pregnant individuals with mild chronic Treatment Strategies
Lifestyle Intervention
for hypertension (54,55).
hypertension to antihypertensive medi-
cations to target a blood pressure goal
Recommendation Pharmacologic Interventions
of <140/90 mmHg (active treatment
10.6 For people with blood pressure
group) or to control treatment, in which
>120/80 mmHg, lifestyle inter- Recommendations
antihypertensive therapy was withheld 10.7 Individuals with confirmed
vention consists of weight loss
unless severe hypertension (systolic pres- office-based blood pressure
when indicated, a Dietary Ap-
sure $160 mmHg or diastolic pressure $130/80 mmHg qualify for
proaches to Stop Hypertension
$105 mmHg) developed (control group) initiation and titration of phar-
(DASH)-style eating pattern in-
(48). The primary outcome, a composite macologic therapy to achieve
cluding reducing sodium and
of preeclampsia with severe features,
S164 Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management Diabetes Care Volume 46, Supplement 1, January 2023

Recommendations for the Treatment of REASSESS

Confirmed Hypertension in People With Diabetes REGULARLY

(3-6 MONTHS)

Initial BP ≥130/80 and

Initial BP ≥160/100 mmHg
<160/100 mmHg

Start one agent Lifestyle management Start two agents

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Albuminuria or CAD* Albuminuria or CAD*

No Yes No Yes

Start one drug: Start Start drug from Start:

 ƒACEi or ARB  ƒ
ACEi or ARB 2 of 3 options: ƒ ACEi or ARB
 ƒCCB***  ƒ ACEi or ARB and
 ƒDiuretic**  ƒ CCB*** ƒ CCB*** or Diuretic**
 ƒ Diuretic**

Assess BP Control and Adverse Effects

Treatment tolerated Not meeting target Adverse effects

and target achieved

Add agent from Consider change to

Continue therapy complementary drug class: alternative medication:
 ƒACEi or ARB  ƒACEi or ARB
 ƒCCB***  ƒCCB***
 ƒDiuretic**  ƒDiuretic**
Not meeting target Adverse
on two agents effects
Assess BP Control and Adverse Effects

Not meeting target or

Treatment tolerated adverse effects using a drug
and target achieved from each of three classes

Continue therapy Consider Addition of Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonist;

Refer to Specialist With Expertise in BP Management

Figure 10.2—Recommendations for the treatment of confirmed hypertension in people with diabetes. *An ACE inhibitor (ACEi) or angiotensin receptor
blocker (ARB) is suggested to treat hypertension for people with coronary artery disease (CAD) or urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio 30–299 mg/g creati-
nine and strongly recommended for individuals with urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio $300 mg/g creatinine. **Thiazide-like diuretic; long-acting agents
shown to reduce cardiovascular events, such as chlorthalidone and indapamide, are preferred. ***Dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker (CCB). BP,
blood pressure. Adapted from de Boer et al. (20).

the recommended blood pres- or a single-pill combination with diabetes. A ACE inhibi-
sure goal of <130/80 mmHg. A of drugs demonstrated to re- tors or angiotensin receptor
10.8 Individuals with confirmed duce cardiovascular events in blockers are recommended
office-based blood pressure people with diabetes. A first-line therapy for hyperten-
$160/100 mmHg should, in 10.9 Treatment for hypertension sion in people with diabetes
addition to lifestyle therapy, should include drug classes and coronary artery disease. A
have prompt initiation and demonstrated to reduce car- 10.10 Multiple-drug therapy is gener-
timely titration of two drugs diovascular events in people ally required to achieve blood Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management S165

pressure targets. However, reduce the risk of progressive kidney dis- among patients with reduced glomerular
combinations of ACE inhibi- ease (20) (Fig. 10.2). In patients receiving filtration who are at increased risk of hy-
tors and angiotensin receptor ACE inhibitor or ARB therapy, continua- perkalemia and AKI (77,78,80).
blockers and combinations of tion of those medications as kidney func-
tion declines to estimated glomerular Resistant Hypertension
ACE inhibitors or angiotensin
receptor blockers with direct filtration rate (eGFR) <30 mL/min/1.73 m2
renin inhibitors should not be may provide cardiovascular benefit with-
10.13 Individuals with hypertension
used. A out significantly increasing the risk of
who are not meeting blood
10.11 An ACE inhibitor or angiotensin end-stage kidney disease (67). In the ab-
sence of albuminuria, risk of progressive pressure targets on three clas-
receptor blocker, at the ses of antihypertensive medi-
maximum tolerated dose in- kidney disease is low, and ACE inhibitors
and ARBs have not been found to afford cations (including a diuretic)
dicated for blood pressure should be considered for min-
superior cardioprotection when compared

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treatment, is the recom- eralocorticoid receptor antago-
mended first-line treatment with thiazide-like diuretics or dihydro-
pyridine calcium channel blockers (68). nist therapy. A
for hypertension in people
with diabetes and urinary b-Blockers are indicated in the setting
albumin-to-creatinine ratio of prior MI, active angina, or HfrEF but Resistant hypertension is defined as
$300 mg/g creatinine A or have not been shown to reduce mortality blood pressure $140/90 mmHg despite
30–299 mg/g creatinine. B If as blood pressure-lowering agents in the a therapeutic strategy that includes ap-
one class is not tolerated, the absence of these conditions (28,69,70). propriate lifestyle management plus a
other should be substituted. B diuretic and two other antihypertensive
Multiple-Drug Therapy. Multiple-drug ther-
10.12 For patients treated with drugs with complementary mechanisms
apy is often required to achieve blood of action at adequate doses. Prior to
an ACE inhibitor, angiotensin
pressure targets (Fig. 10.2), particularly diagnosing resistant hypertension, a
receptor blocker, or diuretic,
in the setting of diabetic kidney disease. number of other conditions should be
serum creatinine/estimated
However, the use of both ACE inhibitors
glomerular filtration rate and excluded, including missed doses of anti-
and ARBs in combination, or the combi- hypertensive medications, white coat hy-
serum potassium levels should
nation of an ACE inhibitor or ARB and a pertension, and secondary hypertension.
be monitored at least annually. B
direct renin inhibitor, is contraindicated In general, barriers to medication taking
given the lack of added ASCVD benefit (such as cost and side effects) should
Initial Number of Antihypertensive Medi- and increased rate of adverse events— be identified and addressed (Fig. 10.2).
cations. Initial treatment for people with namely, hyperkalemia, syncope, and acute Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists,
diabetes depends on the severity of hy- kidney injury (AKI) (71–73). Titration of including spironolactone and eplere-
pertension (Fig. 10.2). Those with blood and/or addition of further blood pressure none, are effective for management of
pressure between 130/80 mmHg and medications should be made in a timely resistant hypertension in people with
160/100 mmHg may begin with a single fashion to overcome therapeutic inertia type 2 diabetes when added to exist-
drug. For patients with blood pressure in achieving blood pressure targets. ing treatment with an ACE inhibitor or
$160/100 mmHg, initial pharmacologic ARB, thiazide-like diuretic, or dihydro-
treatment with two antihypertensive Bedtime Dosing. Although prior analyses pyridine calcium channel blocker (81).
medications is recommended in order to of randomized clinical trials found a ben- In addition, mineralocorticoid receptor
more effectively achieve adequate blood efit to evening versus morning dosing antagonists reduce albuminuria in peo-
pressure control (56–58). Single-pill anti- of antihypertensive medications (74,75), ple with diabetic nephropathy (82–84).
hypertensive combinations may improve these results have not been reproduced However, adding a mineralocorticoid re-
medication taking in some patients (59). in subsequent trials. Therefore, preferen- ceptor antagonist to a regimen including
tial use of antihypertensives at bedtime an ACE inhibitor or ARB may increase
Classes of Antihypertensive Medications. is not recommended (76). the risk for hyperkalemia, emphasizing
Initial treatment for hypertension should the importance of regular monitoring for
include any of the drug classes demon- Hyperkalemia and Acute Kidney Injury. serum creatinine and potassium in these
strated to reduce cardiovascular events Treatment with ACE inhibitors or ARBs patients, and long-term outcome studies
in people with diabetes: ACE inhibitors can cause AKI and hyperkalemia, while are needed to better evaluate the role
(60,61), ARBs (60,61), thiazide-like diu- diuretics can cause AKI and either hypo- of mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists
retics (62), or dihydropyridine calcium kalemia or hyperkalemia (depending on in blood pressure management.
channel blockers (63). In people with dia- mechanism of action) (77,78). Detection
betes and established coronary artery and management of these abnormalities LIPID MANAGEMENT
disease, ACE inhibitors or ARBs are is important because AKI and hyperkale-
Lifestyle Intervention
recommended first-line therapy for mia each increase the risks of cardiovas-
hypertension (64–66). For patients with cular events and death (79). Therefore, Recommendations
albuminuria (urine albumin-to-creatinine serum creatinine and potassium should 10.14 Lifestyle modification focusing
ratio [UACR] $30 mg/g), initial treatment be monitored during treatment with an on weight loss (if indicated);
should include an ACE inhibitor or ARB to ACE inhibitor, ARB, or diuretic, particularly
S166 Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management Diabetes Care Volume 46, Supplement 1, January 2023

application of a Mediterranean 40 years, or more frequently 10.20 For people with diabetes aged
or Dietary Approaches to Stop if indicated. E 40–75 at higher cardiovascular
Hypertension (DASH) eating 10.17 Obtain a lipid profile at initia- risk, including those with one or
pattern; reduction of saturated tion of statins or other lipid- more atherosclerotic cardiovas-
fat and trans fat; increase of di- lowering therapy, 4–12 weeks cular disease risk factors, it is
etary n-3 fatty acids, viscous fi- after initiation or a change in recommended to use high-
ber, and plant stanols/sterols dose, and annually thereafter intensity statin therapy to reduce
intake; and increased physical as it may help to monitor the LDL cholesterol by $50% of
activity should be recom- response to therapy and in- baseline and to target an LDL
mended to improve the lipid form medication taking. E cholesterol goal of <70 mg/dL. B
profile and reduce the risk of 10.21 For people with diabetes aged
developing atherosclerotic car- 40–75 years at higher cardio-
diovascular disease in people In adults with diabetes, it is reasonable

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vascular risk, especially those
with diabetes. A to obtain a lipid profile (total choles- with multiple atherosclerotic
10.15 Intensify lifestyle therapy and op- terol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, cardiovascular disease risk fac-
timize glycemic control for pa- and triglycerides) at the time of diagno- tors and an LDL cholesterol
tients with elevated triglyceride sis, at the initial medical evaluation, and $70 mg/dL, it may be rea-
levels($150mg/dL[1.7mmol/L]) at least every 5 years thereafter in pa- sonable to add ezetimibe or a
and/or low HDL cholesterol tients <40 years of age. In younger peo- PCSK9 inhibitor to maximum
(<40 mg/dL [1.0 mmol/L] for ple with longer duration of disease (such tolerated statin therapy. C
men, <50 mg/dL [1.3 mmol/L] as those with youth-onset type 1 diabe- 10.22 In adults with diabetes aged
for women). C tes), more frequent lipid profiles may be >75 years already on statin
reasonable. A lipid panel should also be therapy, it is reasonable to
obtained immediately before initiating continue statin treatment. B
Lifestyle intervention, including weight statin therapy. Once a patient is taking a
loss in people with overweight or obe- 10.23 In adults with diabetes aged
statin, LDL cholesterol levels should be >75 years, it may be reasonable
sity (when appropriate) (85), increased assessed 4–12 weeks after initiation of
physical activity, and medical nutrition to initiate moderate-intensity
statin therapy, after any change in dose, statin therapy after discussion
therapy, allows some patients to reduce and on an individual basis (e.g., to moni-
ASCVD risk factors. Nutrition interven- of potential benefits and risks. C
tor for medication taking and efficacy). If 10.24 Statin therapy is contraindi-
tion should be tailored according to each LDL cholesterol levels are not responding
patient’s age, pharmacologic treatment, cated in pregnancy. B
in spite of medication taking, clinical
lipid levels, and medical conditions. judgment is recommended to determine
Recommendations should focus on ap- the need for and timing of lipid panels. Secondary Prevention
plication of a Mediterranean (83) or Die- In individual patients, the highly variable
tary Approaches to Stop Hypertension Recommendations
LDL cholesterol–lowering response seen
(DASH) eating pattern, reducing saturated 10.25 For people of all ages with
with statins is poorly understood (88).
and trans fat intake and increasing plant
Clinicians should attempt to find a dose diabetes and atherosclerotic
stanols/sterols, n-3 fatty acids, and viscous cardiovascular disease, high-
or alternative statin that is tolerable if
fiber (such as in oats, legumes, and citrus) intensity statin therapy should
side effects occur. There is evidence for
intake (86,87). Glycemic control may also be added to lifestyle therapy. A
benefit from even extremely low, less
beneficially modify plasma lipid levels,
than daily statin doses (89). 10.26 For people with diabetes and
particularly in patients with very high tri-
atherosclerotic cardiovascular
glycerides and poor glycemic control. See
STATIN TREATMENT disease, treatment with high-
Section 5, “Facilitating Positive Health
Primary Prevention intensity statin therapy is rec-
Behaviors and Well-being to Improve
ommended to target an LDL
Health Outcomes,” for additional nutri-
Recommendations cholesterol reduction of $50%
tion information.
10.18 For people with diabetes aged from baseline and an LDL cho-
40–75 years without atheroscle- lesterol goal of <55 mg/dL.
Ongoing Therapy and Monitoring
With Lipid Panel rotic cardiovascular disease, use Addition of ezetimibe or a
moderate-intensity statin therapy PCSK9 inhibitor with proven
Recommendations in addition to lifestyle therapy. A benefit in this population is
10.16 In adults not taking statins or 10.19 For people with diabetes aged recommended if this goal is
other lipid-lowering therapy, it 20–39 years with additional not achieved on maximum tol-
is reasonable to obtain a lipid atherosclerotic cardiovascular erated statin therapy. B
profile at the time of diabetes disease risk factors, it may be 10.27 For individuals who do not
diagnosis, at an initial medical reasonable to initiate statin tolerate the intended inten-
evaluation, and every 5 years therapy in addition to lifestyle sity, the maximum tolerated
thereafter if under the age of therapy. C statin dose should be used. E Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management S167

The evidence is lower for patients aged

Table 10.2—High-intensity and moderate-intensity statin therapy*
>75 years; relatively few older people
High-intensity statin therapy Moderate-intensity statin therapy
(lowers LDL cholesterol by $50%) (lowers LDL cholesterol by 30–49%)
with diabetes have been enrolled in
primary prevention trials. However, het-
Atorvastatin 40–80 mg Atorvastatin 10–20 mg
erogeneity by age has not been seen in
Rosuvastatin 20–40 mg Rosuvastatin 5–10 mg
Simvastatin 20–40 mg
the relative benefit of lipid-lowering ther-
Pravastatin 40–80 mg apy in trials that included older partici-
Lovastatin 40 mg pants (91,98,99), and because older age
Fluvastatin XL 80 mg confers higher risk, the absolute benefits
Pitavastatin 1–4 mg are actually greater (91,105). Moderate-
*Once-daily dosing. XL, extended release. intensity statin therapy is recommended
in people with diabetes who are $75 years
of age. However, the risk-benefit pro-

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Initiating Statin Therapy Based on Risk (known ASCVD and/or very high LDL file should be routinely evaluated in
People with type 2 diabetes have an in- cholesterol levels), but the overall bene- this population, with downward titra-
creased prevalence of lipid abnormali- fits of statin therapy in people with dia- tion of dose performed as needed. See
ties, contributing to their high risk of betes at moderate or even low risk for Section 13, “Older Adults,” for more de-
ASCVD. Multiple clinical trials have dem- ASCVD are convincing (100,101). The rela- tails on clinical considerations for this
onstrated the beneficial effects of statin tive benefit of lipid-lowering therapy has population.
therapy on ASCVD outcomes in subjects been uniform across most subgroups tested
with and without CHD (90,91). Sub- (91,99), including subgroups that varied Age <40 Years and/or Type 1 Diabetes. Very
group analyses of people with diabetes with respect to age and other risk factors. little clinical trial evidence exists for
in larger trials (92–96) and trials in peo- people with type 2 diabetes under the
ple with diabetes (97,98) showed signifi- Primary Prevention (People Without ASCVD) age of 40 years or for people with type
cant primary and secondary prevention For primary prevention, moderate-dose diabetes of any age. For pediatric rec-
of ASCVD events and CHD death in peo- statin therapy is recommended for those ommendations, see Section 14, “Children
ple with diabetes. Meta-analyses, includ- aged $40 years (93,100,101), although and Adolescents.” In the Heart Protec-
ing data from over 18,000 people with high-intensity therapy should be consid- tion Study (lower age limit 40 years), the
diabetes from 14 randomized trials of ered in the context of additional ASCVD subgroup of 600 people with type 1
statin therapy (mean follow-up 4.3 years), risk factors. The evidence is strong for diabetes had a proportionately similar,
demonstrate a 9% proportional reduction people with diabetes aged 40–75 years, although not statistically significant, re-
in all-cause mortality and 13% reduction an age-group well represented in statin duction in risk to that in people with
in vascular mortality for each 1 mmol/L trials showing benefit. Since cardiovascu- type 2 diabetes (93). Even though the
(39 mg/dL) reduction in LDL cholesterol lar risk is enhanced in people with diabe- data are not definitive, similar statin
(99). The cardiovascular benefit in this tes, as noted above, patients who also treatment approaches should be consid-
large meta-analysis did not depend on have multiple other coronary risk factors ered for people with type 1 or type 2
baseline LDL cholesterol levels and was have increased risk, equivalent to that diabetes, particularly in the presence of
linearly related to the LDL cholesterol re- of those with ASCVD. Therefore, current other cardiovascular risk factors. Pa-
duction without a low threshold beyond guidelines recommend that in people tients <40 years of age have lower risk
which there was no benefit observed (99). with diabetes who are at higher cardio- of developing a cardiovascular event
Accordingly, statins are the drugs of vascular risk, especially those with one or over a 10-year horizon; however, their
choice for LDL cholesterol lowering and more ASCVD risk factors, high-intensity lifetime risk of developing cardiovascu-
cardioprotection. Table 10.2 shows the statin therapy should be prescribed to re- lar disease and suffering an MI, stroke,
two statin dosing intensities that are rec- duce LDL cholesterol by $50% from or cardiovascular death is high. For peo-
ommended for use in clinical practice: baseline and to target an LDL cholesterol ple who are <40 years of age and/or
high-intensity statin therapy will achieve of <70 mg/dL (102–104). Since in clinical have type 1 diabetes with other ASCVD
approximately a $50% reduction in LDL practice it is frequently difficult to ascer- risk factors, it is recommended that the
cholesterol, and moderate-intensity statin tain the baseline LDL cholesterol level patient and health care professional dis-
regimens achieve 30–49% reductions in prior to statin therapy initiation, in those cuss the relative benefits and risks and
LDL cholesterol. Low-dose statin therapy individuals, a focus on an LDL cholesterol consider the use of moderate-intensity
is generally not recommended in people target level of <70 mg/dL rather than statin therapy. Please refer to “Type 1
with diabetes but is sometimes the only the percent reduction in LDL cholesterol Diabetes Mellitus and Cardiovascular
dose of statin that a patient can tolerate. is recommended. In those individuals, it Disease: A Scientific Statement From
For patients who do not tolerate the in- may also be reasonable to add ezetimibe the American Heart Association and
tended intensity of statin, the maximum or proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin American Diabetes Association” (106)
tolerated statin dose should be used. type 9 (PCSK9) inhibitor therapy to maxi- for additional discussion.
As in those without diabetes, abso- mum tolerated statin therapy if needed
lute reductions in ASCVD outcomes (CHD to reduce LDL cholesterol levels by $50% Secondary Prevention (People With ASCVD)
death and nonfatal MI) are greatest and to achieve the recommended LDL Because cardiovascular event rates are
in people with high baseline ASCVD risk cholesterol target of <70 mg/dL (14). increased in people with diabetes and
S168 Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management Diabetes Care Volume 46, Supplement 1, January 2023

established ASCVD, intensive therapy is therapy versus simvastatin alone (105). preference) versus placebo. Evolocumab
indicated and has been shown to be of Individuals were $50 years of age, had reduced LDL cholesterol by 59% from a
benefit in multiple large meta-analyses experienced a recent acute coronary syn- median of 92 to 30 mg/dL in the treat-
and randomized cardiovascular out- drome (ACS) and were treated for an av- ment arm.
comes trials (91,99,105,107,108). High- erage of 6 years. Overall, the addition of During the median follow-up of 2.2 years,
intensity statin therapy is recommended ezetimibe led to a 6.4% relative benefit the composite outcome of cardiovascu-
for all people with diabetes and ASCVD and a 2% absolute reduction in major ad- lar death, MI, stroke, hospitalization for
to target an LDL cholesterol reduction of verse cardiovascular events (atheroscle- angina, or revascularization occurred in
$50% from baseline and an LDL choles- rotic cardiovascular events), with the 11.3% vs. 9.8% of the placebo and evo-
terol goal of <55 mg/dL. Based on the degree of benefit being directly propor- locumab groups, respectively, represent-
evidence discussed below, addition of tional to the change in LDL cholesterol, ing a 15% relative risk reduction (P <
ezetimibe or a PCSK9 inhibitor is recom- which was 70 mg/dL in the statin group 0.001). The combined end point of car-
mended if this goal is not achieved on on average and 54 mg/dL in the combi- diovascular death, MI, or stroke was re-

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maximum tolerated statin therapy. These nation group (105). In those with diabetes duced by 20%, from 7.4 to 5.9% (P <
recommendations are based on the ob- (27% of participants), the combination of 0.001). Evolocumab therapy also signifi-
servation that high-intensity versus mod- moderate-intensity simvastatin (40 mg) cantly reduced all strokes (1.5% vs.
erate-intensity statin therapy reduces and ezetimibe (10 mg) showed a signifi- 1.9%; HR 0.79 [95% CI 0.66–0.95]; P =
cardiovascular event rates in high-risk in- cant reduction of major adverse cardio- 0.01) and ischemic stroke (1.2% vs.
dividuals with established cardiovascular vascular events with an absolute risk 1.6%; HR 0.75 [95% CI 0.62–0.92]; P =
disease in randomized trials (95,107). In reduction of 5% (40% vs. 45% cumula- 0.005) in the total population, with find-
addition, the Cholesterol Treatment Tria- tive incidence at 7 years) and a relative ings being consistent in individuals with
lists’ Collaboration involving 26 statin tri- risk reduction of 14% (hazard ratio [HR] or without a history of ischemic stroke
als, of which 5 compared high-intensity 0.86 [95% CI 0.78–0.94]) over moderate- at baseline (115). Importantly, similar
versus moderate-intensity statins (99), intensity simvastatin (40 mg) alone (109). benefits were seen in a prespecified
showed a 21% reduction in major cardio-
subgroup of people with diabetes, com-
vascular events in people with diabetes Statins and PCSK9 Inhibitors
prising 11,031 patients (40% of the trial)
for every 39 mg/dL of LDL cholesterol Placebo-controlled trials evaluating the
lowering, irrespective of baseline LDL addition of the PCSK9 inhibitors evolo-
In the ODYSSEY OUTCOMES trial (Evalu-
cholesterol or patient characteristics (99). cumab and alirocumab to maximum
ation of Cardiovascular Outcomes After an
However, the best evidence to support tolerated doses of statin therapy in par-
Acute Coronary Syndrome During Treat-
lower LDL cholesterol targets in people ticipants who were at high risk for
ment With Alirocumab), 18,924 patients
with diabetes and established cardiovas- ASCVD demonstrated an average reduc-
(28.8% of whom had diabetes) with recent
cular disease derives from multiple large tion in LDL cholesterol ranging from 36
acute coronary syndrome were random-
randomized trials investigating the bene- to 59%. These agents have been approved
ized to the PCSK9 inhibitor alirocumab or
fits of adding nonstatin agents to statin as adjunctive therapy for individuals with
placebo every 2 weeks in addition to max-
therapy. As discussed in detail below, ASCVD or familial hypercholesterolemia
these include combination treatment who are receiving maximum tolerated imum tolerated statin therapy, with aliro-
with statins and ezetimibe (105,109) or statin therapy but require additional cumab dosing titrated between 75 and
PCSK9 inhibitors (108,110–112). Each trial lowering of LDL cholesterol (113,114). 150 mg to achieve LDL cholesterol levels
found a significant benefit in the reduc- No cardiovascular outcome trials have between 25 and 50 mg/dL (110). Over a
tion of ASCVD events that was directly been performed to assess whether PCSK9 median follow-up of 2.8 years, a compos-
related to the degree of further LDL inhibitor therapy reduces ASCVD event ite primary end point (comprising death
cholesterol lowering. These large trials rates in individuals without established car- from CHD, nonfatal MI, fatal or nonfatal
included a significant number of partici- diovascular disease (primary prevention). ischemic stroke, or unstable angina re-
pants with diabetes and prespecified anal- The effects of PCSK9 inhibition on quiring hospital admission) occurred in
yses on cardiovascular outcomes in people ASCVD outcomes was investigated in 903 patients (9.5%) in the alirocumab
with and without diabetes (109,111,112). the Further Cardiovascular Outcomes group and in 1,052 patients (11.1%) in
The decision to add a nonstatin agent Research With PCSK9 Inhibition in Sub- the placebo group (HR 0.85 [95% CI
should be made following a clinician- jects With Elevated Risk (FOURIER) trial, 0.78–0.93]; P < 0.001). Combination ther-
patient discussion about the net benefit, which enrolled 27,564 individuals with apy with alirocumab plus statin therapy
safety, and cost of combination therapy. prior ASCVD and an additional high-risk resulted in a greater absolute reduction
feature who were receiving their maxi- in the incidence of the primary end point
Combination Therapy for LDL mum tolerated statin therapy (two- in people with diabetes (2.3% [95% CI
Cholesterol Lowering thirds were on high-intensity statin) but 0.4–4.2]) than in those with prediabetes
Statins and Ezetimibe who still had LDL cholesterol $70 mg/dL (1.2% [0.0–2.4]) or normoglycemia (1.2%
The IMProved Reduction of Out- or non-HDL cholesterol $100 mg/dL [–0.3 to 2.7]) (111).
comes: Vytorin Efficacy International Trial (108). Patients were randomized to re- In addition to monoclonal antibodies
(IMPROVE-IT) was a randomized con- ceive subcutaneous injections of evolo- targeting PCSK9, the siRNA inclisiran has
trolled trial in 18,144 patients comparing cumab (either 140 mg every 2 weeks or been developed and has recently become
the addition of ezetimibe to simvastatin 420 mg every month based on patient available in the U.S. In the Inclisiran for Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management S169

Participants With Atherosclerotic Cardio- Treatment of Other Lipoprotein factor (primary prevention cohort) (121).
vascular Disease and Elevated Low-density Fractions or Targets Patients were randomized to icosapent
Lipoprotein Cholesterol (ORION-10) and ethyl 4 g/day (2 g twice daily with food)
Inclisiran for Subjects With ASCVD or versus placebo. The trial met its primary
ASCVD-Risk Equivalents and Elevated 10.28 For individuals with fasting tri- end point, demonstrating a 25% relative
Low-density Lipoprotein Cholesterol glyceride levels $500 mg/dL, risk reduction (P < 0.001) for the primary
(ORION-11) trials (116), individuals with evaluate for secondary causes end point composite of cardiovascular
established cardiovascular disease or of hypertriglyceridemia and death, nonfatal MI, nonfatal stroke, coro-
ASCVD risk equivalent were random- consider medical therapy to re- nary revascularization, or unstable angina.
ized to receive inclisiran or placebo. Incli- duce the risk of pancreatitis. C This reduction in risk was seen in people
siran allows less frequent administration 10.29 In adults with moderate hyper- with or without diabetes at baseline. The
compared with monoclonal antibodies triglyceridemia (fasting or non- composite of cardiovascular death, nonfa-
and was administered on day 1, on fasting triglycerides 175–499 tal MI, or nonfatal stroke was reduced by

Downloaded from by guest on 15 March 2024

day 90, and every 6 months in these mg/dL), clinicians should ad- 26% (P < 0.001). Additional ischemic end
trials. In the ORION-10 trial, 47.5% of dress and treat lifestyle fac- points were significantly lower in the ico-
patients in the inclisiran group and tors (obesity and metabolic sapent ethyl group than in the placebo
42.4% in the placebo group had diabe- syndrome), secondary factors group, including cardiovascular death,
tes; in the ORION-11 trial, 36.5% of (diabetes, chronic liver or kid- which was reduced by 20% (P = 0.03).
patients in the inclisiran group and ney disease and/or nephrotic The proportions of patients experiencing
33.7% in the placebo group had diabe- syndrome, hypothyroidism), adverse events and serious adverse
tes. The coprimary end point of placebo- and medications that raise events were similar between the active
corrected percentage change in LDL triglycerides. C and placebo treatment groups. It should
cholesterol level from baseline to day 10.30 In individuals with atheroscle- be noted that data are lacking with
510 was 52.3% in the ORION-10 trial rotic cardiovascular disease or other n-3 fatty acids, and results of
and 49.9% in the ORION-11 trial. In an other cardiovascular risk fac- the REDUCE-IT trial should not be ex-
exploratory analysis, the prespecified tors on a statin with controlled trapolated to other products (121). As
cardiovascular end point, defined as a LDL cholesterol but elevated an example, the addition of 4 g per day
cardiovascular basket of nonadjudicated triglycerides (135–499 mg/dL), of a carboxylic acid formulation of the
terms, including those classified within n-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid
the addition of icosapent ethyl
cardiac death, and any signs or symp- (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
can be considered to reduce
toms of cardiac arrest, nonfatal MI, or (n-3 carboxylic acid) to statin therapy
cardiovascular risk. A
stroke, occurred in 7.4% of the inclisiran in patients with atherogenic dyslipide-
group and 10.2% of the placebo group mia and high cardiovascular risk, 70%
in the ORION-10 trial and in 7.8% of the Hypertriglyceridemia should be addressed of whom had diabetes, did not reduce
with dietary and lifestyle changes includ- the risk of major adverse cardiovascular
inclisiran group and 10.3% of the pla-
ing weight loss and abstinence from alco- events compared with the inert com-
cebo group in the ORION-11 trial. A car-
hol (120). Severe hypertriglyceridemia parator of corn oil (122).
diovascular outcome trial using inclisiran
in people with established cardiovascular (fasting triglycerides $500 mg/dL and Low levels of HDL cholesterol, often as-
especially >1,000 mg/dL) may warrant sociated with elevated triglyceride levels,
disease is currently ongoing (117).
pharmacologic therapy (fibric acid de- are the most prevalent pattern of dyslipi-
rivatives and/or fish oil) and reduction demia in people with type 2 diabetes.
Statins and Bempedoic Acid
in dietary fat to reduce the risk of acute However, the evidence for the use of
Bempedoic acid is a novel LDL cholesterol–
pancreatitis. Moderate- or high-intensity drugs that target these lipid fractions
lowering agent that is indicated as an
statin therapy should also be used as in- is substantially less robust than that
adjunct to diet and maximum tolerated
dicated to reduce risk of cardiovascular for statin therapy (123). In a large trial
statin therapy for the treatment of adults
events (see statin treatment). In people in people with diabetes, fenofibrate
with heterozygous familial hypercholester-
failed to reduce overall cardiovascular
olemia or established ASCVD who require with moderate hypertriglyceridemia,
outcomes (124).
additional lowering of LDL cholesterol. A lifestyle interventions, treatment of
pooled analysis suggests that bempedoic secondary factors, and avoidance of
Other Combination Therapy
acid therapy lowers LDL cholesterol levels medications that might raise triglycer-
by about 23% compared with placebo ides are recommended. Recommendations
(118). At this time, there are no com- The Reduction of Cardiovascular Events 10.31 Statin plus fibrate combination
pleted trials demonstrating a cardiovas- with Icosapent Ethyl-Intervention Trial therapy has not been shown
cular outcomes benefit to use of this (REDUCE-IT) enrolled 8,179 adults receiv-
to improve atherosclerotic car-
medication; however, this agent may be ing statin therapy with moderately el-
diovascular disease outcomes
considered for patients who cannot use evated triglycerides (135–499 mg/dL,
and is generally not recom-
or tolerate other evidence-based LDL median baseline of 216 mg/dL) who had
mended. A
cholesterol-lowering approaches, or for either established cardiovascular disease
10.32 Statin plus niacin combination
whom those other therapies are inade- (secondary prevention cohort) or diabetes
therapy has not been shown
quately effective (119). plus at least one other cardiovascular risk
S170 Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management Diabetes Care Volume 46, Supplement 1, January 2023

to provide additional cardio- therapy (128). A total of 25,673 individ- several lines of evidence point against
vascular benefit above statin uals with prior vascular disease were this association, as detailed in a 2018
therapy alone, may increase randomized to receive 2 g of extended- European Atherosclerosis Society Consensus
the risk of stroke with addi- release niacin and 40 mg of laropiprant Panel statement (132). First, there are three
tional side effects, and is gen- (an antagonist of the prostaglandin D2 large randomized trials of statin versus pla-
erally not recommended. A receptor DP1 that has been shown to cebo where specific cognitive tests were
improve participation in niacin therapy) performed, and no differences were seen
versus a matching placebo daily and fol- between statin and placebo (133–136). In
Statin and Fibrate Combination Therapy lowed for a median follow-up period of addition, no change in cognitive function
Combination therapy (statin and fibrate) 3.9 years. There was no significant dif- has been reported in studies with the addi-
is associated with an increased risk for ference in the rate of coronary death, tion of ezetimibe (105) or PCSK9 inhibitors
abnormal transaminase levels, myositis, MI, stroke, or coronary revascularization (108,137) to statin therapy, including
with the addition of niacin–laropiprant among patients treated to very low

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and rhabdomyolysis. The risk of rhabdo-
myolysis is more common with higher versus placebo (13.2% vs. 13.7%; rate LDL cholesterol levels. In addition, the
doses of statins and renal insufficiency ratio 0.96; P = 0.29). Niacin–laropi- most recent systematic review of the
and appears to be higher when statins prant was associated with an increased U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s
are combined with gemfibrozil (com- incidence of new-onset diabetes (abso- (FDA’s) postmarketing surveillance data-
pared with fenofibrate) (125). lute excess, 1.3 percentage points; P < bases, randomized controlled trials, and
In the ACCORD study, in people with 0.001) and disturbances in diabetes cohort, case-control, and cross-sectional
management among those with diabe- studies evaluating cognition in patients
type 2 diabetes who were at high risk
tes. In addition, there was an increase in receiving statins found that published
for ASCVD, the combination of fenofi-
serious adverse events associated with data do not reveal an adverse effect of
brate and simvastatin did not reduce the
the gastrointestinal system, musculoskele- statins on cognition (138). Therefore, a
rate of fatal cardiovascular events, non-
tal system, skin, and, unexpectedly, in- concern that statins or other lipid-lowering
fatal MI, or nonfatal stroke compared
fection and bleeding. agents might cause cognitive dysfunction
with simvastatin alone. Prespecified sub-
Therefore, combination therapy with a or dementia is not currently supported
group analyses suggested heterogeneity
statin and niacin is not recommended by evidence and should not deter their
in treatment effects with possible bene-
given the lack of efficacy on major ASCVD use in individuals with diabetes at high
fit for men with both a triglyceride level
outcomes and increased side effects. risk for ASCVD (138).
$204 mg/dL (2.3 mmol/L) and an HDL
cholesterol level #34 mg/dL (0.9 mmol/L)
Diabetes Risk With Statin Use ANTIPLATELET AGENTS
Several studies have reported a mod-
estly increased risk of incident diabetes Recommendations
Statin and Niacin Combination Therapy
with statin use (129,130), which may be 10.33 Use aspirin therapy (75–162
The Atherothrombosis Intervention in
limited to those with diabetes risk fac- mg/day) as a secondary pre-
Metabolic Syndrome With Low HDL/High
tors. An analysis of one of the initial vention strategy in those with
Triglycerides: Impact on Global Health Out-
studies suggested that although statin diabetes and a history of
comes (AIM-HIGH) trial randomized over use was associated with diabetes risk, atherosclerotic cardiovascular
3,000 people (about one-third with diabe- the cardiovascular event rate reduction disease. A
tes) with established ASCVD, LDL choles- with statins far outweighed the risk of 10.34 For individuals with atheroscle-
terol levels <180 mg/dL [4.7 mmol/L], low incident diabetes even for patients at rotic cardiovascular disease and
HDL cholesterol levels (men <40 mg/dL highest risk for diabetes (131). The ab- documented aspirin allergy, clo-
[1.0 mmol/L] and women <50 mg/dL solute risk increase was small (over pidogrel (75 mg/day) should be
[1.3 mmol/L]), and triglyceride levels of 5 years of follow-up, 1.2% of participants used. B
150–400 mg/dL (1.7–4.5 mmol/L) to on placebo developed diabetes and 1.5% 10.35 Dual antiplatelet therapy (with
statin therapy plus extended-release nia- on rosuvastatin developed diabetes) (131). low-dose aspirin and a P2Y12
cin or placebo. The trial was halted early A meta-analysis of 13 randomized statin inhibitor) is reasonable for a
due to lack of efficacy on the primary trials with 91,140 participants showed an year after an acute coronary
ASCVD outcome (first event of the com- odds ratio of 1.09 for a new diagnosis of syndrome and may have bene-
posite of death from CHD, nonfatal MI, is- diabetes, so that (on average) treatment fits beyond this period. A
chemic stroke, hospitalization for an ACS, of 255 patients with statins for 4 years re- 10.36 Long-term treatment with dual
or symptom-driven coronary or cerebral sulted in one additional case of diabetes antiplatelet therapy should be
revascularization) and a possible increase while simultaneously preventing 5.4 vascu- considered for individuals with
in ischemic stroke in those on combina- lar events among those 255 patients (130). prior coronary intervention, high
tion therapy (127). ischemic risk, and low bleeding
The much larger Heart Protection Lipid-Lowering Agents and Cognitive risk to prevent major adverse
Study 2–Treatment of HDL to Reduce Function cardiovascular events. A
the Incidence of Vascular Events (HPS2- Although concerns regarding a potential 10.37 Combination therapy with as-
THRIVE) trial also failed to show a bene- adverse impact of lipid-lowering agents pirin plus low-dose rivaroxaban
fit of adding niacin to background statin on cognitive function have been raised, Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management S171

should be considered for indi- bleeding, or other serious bleeding). factor (family history of premature
viduals with stable coronary During a mean follow-up of 7.4 years, ASCVD, hypertension, dyslipidemia, smok-
and/or peripheral artery dis- there was a significant 12% reduction ing, or CKD/albuminuria) who are not at
ease and low bleeding risk to in the primary efficacy end point (8.5% increased risk of bleeding (e.g., older age,
prevent major adverse limb vs. 9.6%; P = 0.01). In contrast, major anemia, renal disease) (148–151). Nonin-
and cardiovascular events. A bleeding was significantly increased from vasive imaging techniques such as coro-
10.38 Aspirin therapy (75–162 mg/day) 3.2 to 4.1% in the aspirin group (rate ra- nary calcium scoring may potentially help
may be considered as a primary tio 1.29; P = 0.003), with most of the ex- further tailor aspirin therapy, particularly
prevention strategy in those cess being gastrointestinal bleeding and in those at low risk (152,153). For people
with diabetes who are at in- other extracranial bleeding. There were >70 years of age (with or without diabe-
creased cardiovascular risk, af- no significant differences by sex, weight, tes), the balance appears to have greater
ter a comprehensive discussion or duration of diabetes or other baseline risk than benefit (144,146). Thus, for pri-
factors including ASCVD risk score. mary prevention, the use of aspirin needs

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with the patient on the bene-
fits versus the comparable in- Two other large, randomized trials of to be carefully considered and may gener-
creased risk of bleeding. A aspirin for primary prevention, in people ally not be recommended. Aspirin may
without diabetes (ARRIVE [Aspirin to Re- be considered in the context of high car-
duce Risk of Initial Vascular Events]) diovascular risk with low bleeding risk,
Risk Reduction (145) and in the elderly (ASPREE [Aspirin but generally not in older adults. Aspirin
Aspirin has been shown to be effective in Reducing Events in the Elderly]) (146), therapy for primary prevention may be
in reducing cardiovascular morbidity and which included 11% with diabetes, found considered in the context of shared deci-
mortality in high-risk patients with previ- no benefit of aspirin on the primary effi- sion-making, which carefully weighs the
ous MI or stroke (secondary prevention) cacy end point and an increased risk of cardiovascular benefits with the fairly
and is strongly recommended. In pri- bleeding. In ARRIVE, with 12,546 patients comparable increase in risk of bleeding.
mary prevention, however, among pa- over a period of 60 months follow-up, For people with documented ASCVD,
tients with no previous cardiovascular the primary end point occurred in 4.29% use of aspirin for secondary prevention has
events, its net benefit is more contro- vs. 4.48% of patients in the aspirin ver- far greater benefit than risk; for this indica-
versial (129,140). sus placebo groups (HR 0.96 [95% CI tion, aspirin is still recommended (139).
Previous randomized controlled trials 0.81–1.13]; P = 0.60). Gastrointestinal
of aspirin specifically in people with dia- bleeding events (characterized as mild) Aspirin Use in People <50 Years of
betes failed to consistently show a signifi- occurred in 0.97% of patients in the aspi- Age
cant reduction in overall ASCVD end rin group vs. 0.46% in the placebo group Aspirin is not recommended for those
points, raising questions about the effi- (HR 2.11 [95% CI 1.36–3.28]; P = at low risk of ASCVD (such as men and
cacy of aspirin for primary prevention in 0.0007). In ASPREE, including 19,114 in- women aged <50 years with diabetes
people with diabetes, although some sex dividuals, for cardiovascular disease (fatal with no other major ASCVD risk factors)
differences were suggested (141–143). CHD, MI, stroke, or hospitalization for as the low benefit is likely to be out-
The Antithrombotic Trialists’ Collabo- heart failure) after a median of 4.7 years weighed by the risks of bleeding. Clini-
ration published an individual patient– of follow-up, the rates per 1,000 person- cal judgment should be used for those
level meta-analysis (139) of the six large years were 10.7 vs. 11.3 events in aspirin at intermediate risk (younger patients
trials of aspirin for primary prevention vs. placebo groups (HR 0.95 [95% CI with one or more risk factors or older
in the general population. These trials 0.83–1.08]). The rate of major hemor- patients with no risk factors) until fur-
collectively enrolled over 95,000 partici- rhage per 1,000 person-years was 8.6 ther research is available. Patients’ will-
pants, including almost 4,000 with dia- events vs. 6.2 events, respectively (HR ingness to undergo long-term aspirin
betes. Overall, they found that aspirin 1.38 [95% CI 1.18–1.62]; P < 0.001). therapy should also be considered (154).
reduced the risk of serious vascular Thus, aspirin appears to have a modest Aspirin use in patients aged <21 years is
events by 12% (relative risk 0.88 [95% effect on ischemic vascular events, with generally contraindicated due to the asso-
CI 0.82–0.94]). The largest reduction the absolute decrease in events depending ciated risk of Reye syndrome.
was for nonfatal MI, with little effect on on the underlying ASCVD risk. The main ad-
CHD death (relative risk 0.95 [95% CI verse effect is an increased risk of gastroin- Aspirin Dosing
0.78–1.15]) or total stroke. testinal bleeding. The excess risk may be as Average daily dosages used in most clin-
Most recently, the ASCEND (A Study high as 5 per 1,000 per year in real-world ical trials involving people with diabetes
of Cardiovascular Events iN Diabetes) settings. However, for adults with ASCVD ranged from 50 mg to 650 mg but were
trial randomized 15,480 people with di- risk >1% per year, the number of ASCVD mostly in the range of 100–325 mg/day.
abetes but no evident cardiovascular events prevented will be similar to the There is little evidence to support any
disease to aspirin 100 mg daily or pla- number of episodes of bleeding induced, specific dose but using the lowest possi-
cebo (144). The primary efficacy end although these complications do not have ble dose may help to reduce side ef-
point was vascular death, MI, or stroke equal effects on long-term health (147). fects (155). In the ADAPTABLE (Aspirin
or transient ischemic attack. The primary Recommendations for using aspirin as Dosing: A Patient-Centric Trial Assessing
safety outcome was major bleeding (i.e., primary prevention include both men and Benefits and Long-term Effectiveness)
intracranial hemorrhage, sight-threatening women aged $50 years with diabetes trial of individuals with established car-
bleeding in the eye, gastrointestinal and at least one additional major risk diovascular disease, 38% of whom had
S172 Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management Diabetes Care Volume 46, Supplement 1, January 2023

diabetes, there were no significant dif- including intracranial hemorrhage, was with rivaroxaban added to aspirin treatment
ferences in cardiovascular events or ma- noted with dual antiplatelet therapy. in both COMPASS and VOYAGER PAD.
jor bleeding between patients assigned The net clinical benefit (ischemic benefit The risks and benefits of dual antiplate-
to 81 mg and those assigned to 325 mg vs. bleeding risk) was improved with ti- let or antiplatelet plus anticoagulant treat-
of aspirin daily (156). In the U.S., the cagrelor therapy in the large prespeci- ment strategies should be thoroughly
most common low-dose tablet is 81 mg. fied subgroup of patients with history discussed with eligible patients, and
Although platelets from people with di- of percutaneous coronary intervention, shared decision-making should be used
abetes have altered function, it is un- while no net benefit was seen in pa- to determine an individually appropriate
clear what, if any, effect that finding has tients without prior percutaneous coro- treatment approach. This field of cardio-
on the required dose of aspirin for car- nary intervention (165). However, early vascular risk reduction is evolving rapidly,
dioprotective effects in people with dia- aspirin discontinuation compared with as are the definitions of optimal care for
betes. Many alternate pathways for continued dual antiplatelet therapy af- patients with differing types and circum-
platelet activation exist that are inde- ter coronary stenting may reduce the stances of cardiovascular complications.

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pendent of thromboxane A2 and thus are risk of bleeding without a corresponding
not sensitive to the effects of aspirin (157). increase in the risks of mortality and is- CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE
“Aspirin resistance” has been described in chemic events, as shown in a prespeci- Screening
people with diabetes when measured by a fied analysis of people with diabetes
variety of ex vivo and in vitro methods enrolled in the TWILIGHT (Ticagrelor With Recommendations
(platelet aggregometry, measurement of Aspirin or Alone in High-Risk Patients Af- 10.39 In asymptomatic individuals,
thromboxane B2) (158), but other studies ter Coronary Intervention) trial and a re- routine screening for coro-
suggest no impairment in aspirin response cent meta-analysis (166,167). nary artery disease is not rec-
among people with diabetes (159). A trial ommended as it does not
suggested that more frequent dosing regi- improve outcomes as long as
Combination Antiplatelet and
mens of aspirin may reduce platelet reac- Anticoagulation Therapy atherosclerotic cardiovascu-
tivity in individuals with diabetes (160); Combination therapy with aspirin plus lar disease risk factors are
however, these observations alone are in- low dose rivaroxaban may be consid- treated. A
sufficient to empirically recommend that ered for people with stable coronary 10.40 Consider investigations for cor-
higher doses of aspirin be used in this and/or peripheral artery disease to pre- onary artery disease in the
group at this time. Another meta-analysis vent major adverse limb and cardiovas- presence of any of the follow-
raised the hypothesis that low-dose aspi- ing: atypical cardiac symptoms
cular complications. In the COMPASS
rin efficacy is reduced in those weighing (e.g., unexplained dyspnea,
(Cardiovascular Outcomes for People Us-
>70 kg (161); however, the ASCEND trial chest discomfort); signs or
ing Anticoagulation Strategies) trial of
found benefit of low-dose aspirin in those symptoms of associated vas-
27,395 individuals with established coro-
in this weight range, which would thus cular disease including carotid
nary artery disease and/or peripheral
not validate this suggested hypothesis bruits, transient ischemic at-
artery disease, aspirin plus rivaroxaban
(144). It appears that 75–162 mg/day is tack, stroke, claudication, or
2.5 mg twice daily was superior to aspirin
optimal. peripheral arterial disease; or
plus placebo in the reduction of cardio-
vascular ischemic events including major electrocardiogram abnormali-
Indications for P2Y12 Receptor ties (e.g., Q waves). E
Antagonist Use
adverse limb events. The absolute bene-
A P2Y12 receptor antagonist in combina- fits of combination therapy appeared
tion with aspirin is reasonable for at least larger in people with diabetes, who Treatment
1 year in patients following an ACS and comprised 10,341 of the trial partici-
may have benefits beyond this period. Ev- pants (168,169). A similar treatment Recommendations
idence supports use of either ticagrelor or strategy was evaluated in the Vascular 10.41 Among people with type 2
clopidogrel if no percutaneous coronary Outcomes Study of ASA (acetylsalicylic diabetes who have estab-
intervention was performed and clopidog- acid) Along with Rivaroxaban in Endovas- lished atherosclerotic cardio-
rel, ticagrelor, or prasugrel if a percutane- cular or Surgical Limb Revascularization vascular disease or established
ous coronary intervention was performed for Peripheral Artery Disease (VOYAGER kidney disease, a sodium–
(162). In people with diabetes and prior PAD) trial (170), in which 6,564 individu- glucose cotransporter 2 in-
MI (1–3 years before), adding ticagrelor als with peripheral artery disease who hibitor or glucagon-like pep-
to aspirin significantly reduces the risk of had undergone revascularization were ran- tide 1 receptor agonist with
recurrent ischemic events including car- domly assigned to receive rivaroxaban demonstrated cardiovascular
diovascular and CHD death (163). Simi- 2.5 mg twice daily plus aspirin or placebo disease benefit (Table 10.3B
larly, the addition of ticagrelor to aspirin plus aspirin. Rivaroxaban treatment in and Table 10.3C) is recom-
reduced the risk of ischemic cardiovascu- this group of patients was also associ- mended as part of the com-
lar events compared with aspirin alone in ated with a significantly lower incidence of prehensive cardiovascular
people with diabetes and stable coronary ischemic cardiovascular events, including risk reduction and/or glucose-
artery disease (164,165). However, a major adverse limb events. However, an in- lowering regimens. A
higher incidence of major bleeding, creased risk of major bleeding was noted Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management S173

Table 10.3A—Cardiovascular and cardiorenal outcomes trials of available antihyperglycemic medications completed after
the issuance of the FDA 2008 guidelines: DPP-4 inhibitors
SAVOR-TIMI 53 (224) EXAMINE (235) TECOS (226) CARMELINA (193,236) CAROLINA (193,237)
(n = 16,492) (n = 5,380) (n = 14,671) (n = 6,979) (n = 6,042)
Intervention Saxagliptin/placebo Alogliptin/placebo Sitagliptin/placebo Linagliptin/placebo Linagliptin/
Main inclusion Type 2 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes and
criteria history of or ACS within 15–90 preexisting CVD high CV and renal high CV risk
multiple risk days before risk
factors for CVD randomization
A1C inclusion $6.5 6.5–11.0 6.5–8.0 6.5–10.0 6.5–8.5
criteria (%)

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Age (years)† 65.1 61.0 65.4 65.8 64.0
Race (% White) 75.2 72.7 67.9 80.2 73.0
Sex (% male) 66.9 67.9 70.7 62.9 60.0
Diabetes duration 10.3 7.1 11.6 14.7 6.2
Median follow-up 2.1 1.5 3.0 2.2 6.3
Statin use (%) 78 91 80 71.8 64.1
Metformin use (%) 70 66 82 54.8 82.5
Prior CVD/CHF (%) 78/13 100/28 74/18 57/26.8 34.5/4.5
Mean baseline 8.0 8.0 7.2 7.9 7.2
A1C (%)
Mean difference in 0.3‡ 0.3‡ 0.3‡ 0.36‡ 0
A1C between
groups at end of
treatment (%)
Year started/ 2010/2013 2009/2013 2008/2015 2013/2018 2010/2019
Primary outcome§ 3-point MACE 1.00 3-point MACE 0.96 4-point MACE 0.98 3-point MACE 1.02 3-point MACE 0.98
(0.89–1.12) (95% UL #1.16) (0.89–1.08) (0.89–1.17) (0.84–1.14)
Key secondary Expanded MACE 1.02 4-point MACE 0.95 3-point MACE 0.99 Kidney composite 4-point MACE 0.99
outcome§ (0.94–1.11) (95% UL #1.14) (0.89–1.10) (ESRD, sustained (0.86–1.14)
$40% decrease in
eGFR, or renal
death) 1.04
Cardiovascular 1.03 (0.87–1.22) 0.85 (0.66–1.10) 1.03 (0.89–1.19) 0.96 (0.81–1.14) 1.00 (0.81–1.24)
MI§ 0.95 (0.80–1.12) 1.08 (0.88–1.33) 0.95 (0.81–1.11) 1.12 (0.90–1.40) 1.03 (0.82–1.29)
Stroke§ 1.11 (0.88–1.39) 0.91 (0.55–1.50) 0.97 (0.79–1.19) 0.91 (0.67–1.23) 0.86 (0.66–1.12)
HF hospitalization§ 1.27 (1.07–1.51) 1.19 (0.90–1.58) 1.00 (0.83–1.20) 0.90 (0.74–1.08) 1.21 (0.92–1.59)
Unstable angina 1.19 (0.89–1.60) 0.90 (0.60–1.37) 0.90 (0.70–1.16) 0.87 (0.57–1.31) 1.07 (0.74–1.54)
All-cause mortality§ 1.11 (0.96–1.27) 0.88 (0.71–1.09) 1.01 (0.90–1.14) 0.98 (0.84–1.13) 0.91 (0.78–1.06)
Worsening 1.08 (0.88–1.32) — — Kidney composite —
nephropathy§jj (see above)

—, not assessed/reported; ACS, acute coronary syndrome; CHF, congestive heart failure; CV, cardiovascular; CVD, cardiovascular disease;
DPP-4, dipeptidyl peptidase 4; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; ESRD, end-stage renal disease; GLP-1, glucagon-like peptide 1; HF,
heart failure; MACE, major adverse cardiovascular event; MI, myocardial infarction; UL, upper limit. Data from this table was adapted from
Cefalu et al. (238) in the January 2018 issue of Diabetes Care. †Age was reported as means in all trials except EXAMINE, which reported me-
dians; diabetes duration was reported as means in all trials except SAVOR-TIMI 53 and EXAMINE, which reported medians. ‡Significant differ-
ence in A1C between groups (P < 0.05). §Outcomes reported as hazard ratio (95% CI). jjWorsening nephropathy is defined as a doubling of
creatinine level, initiation of dialysis, renal transplantation, or creatinine >6.0 mg/dL (530 mmol/L) in SAVOR-TIMI 53. Worsening nephropathy
was a prespecified exploratory adjudicated outcome in SAVOR-TIMI 53.

Table 10.3B—Cardiovascular and cardiorenal outcomes trials of available antihyperglycemic medications completed after the issuance of the FDA 2008 guidelines: GLP-1
receptor agonists
ELIXA (208) LEADER (203) SUSTAIN-6 (204)* EXSCEL (209) REWIND (207) PIONEER-6 (205)
(n = 6,068) (n = 9,340) (n = 3,297) (n = 14,752) (n = 9,901) (n = 3,183)
Intervention Lixisenatide/placebo Liraglutide/placebo Semaglutide s.c. Exenatide QW/ Dulaglutide/ Semaglutide oral/
injection/placebo placebo placebo placebo
Main inclusion criteria Type 2 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes Type 2 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes and high
history of ACS preexisting CVD, preexisting CVD, with or without prior ASCVD CV risk (age of $50
Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management

(<180 days) CKD, or HF at HF, or CKD at preexisting CVD event or risk years with established
$50 years of age $50 years of age factors for ASCVD CVD or CKD, or age of
or CV risk at $60 or CV risk at $60 $60 years with CV
years of age years of age risk factors only)
A1C inclusion criteria (%) 5.5–11.0 $7.0 $7.0 6.5–10.0 #9.5 None
Age (years)† 60.3 64.3 64.6 62 66.2 66
Race (% White) 75.2 77.5 83.0 75.8 75.7 72.3
Sex (% male) 69.3 64.3 60.7 62 53.7 68.4
Diabetes duration (years)† 9.3 12.8 13.9 12 10.5 14.9
Median follow-up (years) 2.1 3.8 2.1 3.2 5.4 1.3
Statin use (%) 93 72 73 74 66 85.2 (all lipid-lowering)
Metformin use (%) 66 76 73 77 81 77.4
Prior CVD/CHF (%) 100/22 81/18 60/24 73.1/16.2 32/9 84.7/12.2
Mean baseline A1C (%) 7.7 8.7 8.7 8.0 7.4 8.2
Mean difference in A1C 0.3‡^ 0.4‡ 0.7 or 1.0^ 0.53‡^ 0.61‡ 0.7
between groups at end of
treatment (%)
Year started/reported 2010/2015 2010/2016 2013/2016 2010/2017 2011/2019 2017/2019
Primary outcome§ 4-point MACE 1.02 3-point MACE 0.87 3-point MACE 0.74 3-point MACE 0.91 3-point MACE 0.88 3-point MACE 0.79
(0.89–1.17) (0.78–0.97) (0.58–0.95) (0.83–1.00) (0.79–0.99) (0.57–1.11)
Continued o
Diabetes Care Volume 46, Supplement 1, January 2023

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Table 10.3B—Continued
ELIXA (208) LEADER (203) SUSTAIN-6 (204)* EXSCEL (209) REWIND (207) PIONEER-6 (205)
(n = 6,068) (n = 9,340) (n = 3,297) (n = 14,752) (n = 9,901) (n = 3,183)
Key secondary outcome§ Expanded MACE Expanded MACE Expanded MACE Individual Composite Expanded MACE or HF
1.02 (0.90–1.11) 0.88 (0.81–0.96) 0.74 (0.62–0.89) components of microvascular hospitalization 0.82
MACE (see outcome (eye or (0.61–1.10)
below) renal outcome)

0.87 (0.79–0.95)
Cardiovascular death§ 0.98 (0.78–1.22) 0.78 (0.66–0.93) 0.98 (0.65–1.48) 0.88 (0.76–1.02) 0.91 (0.78–1.06) 0.49 (0.27–0.92)
Ml§ 1.03 (0.87–1.22) 0.86 (0.73–1.00) 0.74 (0.51–1.08) 0.97 (0.85–1.10) 0.96 (0.79–1.15) 1.18 (0.73–1.90)
Stroke§ 1.12 (0.79–1.58) 0.86 (0.71–1.06) 0.61 (0.38–0.99) 0.85 (0.70–1.03) 0.76 (0.61–0.95) 0.74 (0.35–1.57)
HF hospitalization§ 0.96 (0.75–1.23) 0.87 (0.73–1.05) 1.11 (0.77–1.61) 0.94 (0.78–1.13) 0.93 (0.77–1.12) 0.86 (0.48–1.55)
Unstable angina hospitalization§ 1.11 (0.47–2.62) 0.98 (0.76–1.26) 0.82 (0.47–1.44) 1.05 (0.94–1.18) 1.14 (0.84–1.54) 1.56 (0.60–4.01)
All-cause mortality§ 0.94 (0.78–1.13) 0.85 (0.74–0.97) 1.05 (0.74–1.50) 0.86 (0.77–0.97) 0.90 (0.80–1.01) 0.51 (0.31–0.84)
Worsening nephropathy§jj — 0.78 (0.67–0.92) 0.64 (0.46–0.88) — 0.85 (0.77–0.93) —

—, not assessed/reported; ACS, acute coronary syndrome; ASCVD, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease; CHF, congestive heart failure; CKD, chronic kidney disease; CV, cardiovascular; CVD, cardiovas-
cular disease; GLP-1, glucagon-like peptide 1; HF, heart failure; MACE, major adverse cardiovascular event; Ml, myocardial infarction. Data from this table was adapted from Cefalu et al. (238) in the
January 2018 issue of Diabetes Care. *Powered to rule out a hazard ratio of 1.8; superiority hypothesis not prespecified. †Age was reported as means in all trials; diabetes duration was reported as
means in all trials except EXSCEL, which reported medians. ‡Significant difference in A1C between groups (P < 0.05). ^AIC change of 0.66% with 0.5 mg and 1.05% with 1 mg dose of semaglutide.
§Outcomes reported as hazard ratio (95% Cl). jjWorsening nephropathy is defined as the new onset of urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio >300 mg/g creatinine or a doubling of the serum creatinine
level and an estimated glomerular filtration rate of <45 mL/min/1.73 m2, the need for continuous renal replacement therapy, or death from renal disease in LEADER and SUSTAIN-6 and as new macro-
albuminuria, a sustained decline in estimated glomerular filtration rate of 30% or more from baseline, or chronic renal replacement therapy in REWIND. Worsening nephropathy was a prespecified ex-
ploratory adjudicated outcome in LEADER, SUSTAIN-6, and REWIND.

lar events. A

cular death. A
hospitalization. A

kidney events. A
Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management

ure with either preserved or

tes and established heart fail-
ure with either preserved or
tes and established heart fail-
sodium–glucose cotransporter
ple risk factors for atheroscle-
of major adverse cardiovascu-
glucagon-like peptide 1 recep-
tiple risk factors for atheroscle-
cardiovascular disease or mul-
of major adverse cardiovascu-
sodium–glucose cotransporter
multiple atherosclerotic car-
and established atheroscle-

reduce risk of worsening

and established atherosclerotic
10.41c In people with type 2 diabetes
and established atherosclerotic
10.41b In people with type 2 diabetes
10.41a In people with type 2 diabetes

lar events and/or heart failure

fit in this patient population

2 inhibitor with proven
adverse cardiovascular and
diovascular disease risk factors,

strated cardiovascular benefit

2 inhibitor with demonstrated
rotic cardiovascular disease,
ommended to reduce the risk
tor agonist with demonstrated
ommended to reduce the risk
2 inhibitor with demonstrated
rotic cardiovascular disease,

is recommended to improve
reduced ejection fraction, a

2 inhibitor with proven bene-

sodium–glucose cotransporter
10.42b In people with type 2 diabe-
heart failure and cardiovas-
ulation is recommended to
reduced ejection fraction, a

benefit in this patient pop-

sodium–glucose cotransporter
10.42a In people with type 2 diabe-
tive reduction in the risk of
may be considered for addi-
tor agonist with demon-
glucagon-like peptide 1 recep-
cardiovascular benefit and a
combined therapy with a
cardiovascular disease or multi-
cardiovascular benefit is rec-
rotic cardiovascular disease, a
cardiovascular benefit is rec-
or diabetic kidney disease, a

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S176 Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management Diabetes Care Volume 46, Supplement 1, January 2023

symptoms, physical limita- testing and are unable to exercise should cardiovascular risk assessment in people
tions, and quality of life. A undergo pharmacologic stress echocardi- with type 2 diabetes (183), their routine
10.43 For people with type 2 diabe- ography or nuclear imaging. use leads to radiation exposure and may
tes and chronic kidney disease result in unnecessary invasive testing such
with albuminuria treated with Screening Asymptomatic Patients as coronary angiography and revasculariza-
maximum tolerated doses of The screening of asymptomatic patients tion procedures. The ultimate balance of
ACE inhibitor or angiotensin with high ASCVD risk is not recom- benefit, cost, and risks of such an ap-
receptor blocker, addition of mended (171), in part because these proach in asymptomatic patients re-
finerenone is recommended high-risk patients should already be re- mains controversial, particularly in the
to improve cardiovascular out- ceiving intensive medical therapy—an modern setting of aggressive ASCVD
comes and reduce the risk of approach that provides benefit similar risk factor control.
chronic kidney disease pro- to invasive revascularization (172,173).
There is also some evidence that silent Lifestyle and Pharmacologic

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gression. A
ischemia may reverse over time, adding Interventions
10.44 In people with known athero-
sclerotic cardiovascular disease, to the controversy concerning aggres- Intensive lifestyle intervention focusing
particularly coronary artery dis- sive screening strategies (174). In pro- on weight loss through decreased calo-
spective studies, coronary artery calcium ric intake and increased physical activity
ease, ACE inhibitor or angioten-
has been established as an independent as performed in the Action for Health in
sin receptor blocker therapy is
predictor of future ASCVD events in peo- Diabetes (Look AHEAD) trial may be
recommended to reduce the
ple with diabetes and is consistently supe- considered for improving glucose con-
risk of cardiovascular events. A
rior to both the UK Prospective Diabetes trol, fitness, and some ASCVD risk fac-
10.45 In people with prior myocardial
tors (184). Patients at increased ASCVD
infarction, b-blockers should Study (UKPDS) risk engine and the Fra-
mingham Risk Score in predicting risk in risk should receive statin, ACE inhibitor,
be continued for 3 years after
this population (175–177). However, a or ARB therapy if the patient has hyper-
the event. B
tension, and possibly aspirin, unless there
10.46 Treatment of individuals with randomized observational trial demon-
are contraindications to a particular drug
heart failure with reduced strated no clinical benefit to routine
class. Clear benefit exists for ACE inhibitor
ejection fraction should screening of asymptomatic people with
or ARB therapy in people with diabetic
include a b-blocker with type 2 diabetes and normal ECGs (178).
kidney disease or hypertension, and these
proven cardiovascular out- Despite abnormal myocardial perfusion
agents are recommended for hypertension
comes benefit, unless oth- imaging in more than one in five pa-
management in people with known
erwise contraindicated. A tients, cardiac outcomes were essentially
ASCVD (particularly coronary artery dis-
10.47 In people with type 2 diabe- equal (and very low) in screened versus
ease) (65,66,185). People with type 2
tes with stable heart failure, unscreened patients. Accordingly, indis-
diabetes and CKD should be considered
metformin may be continued criminate screening is not considered
for treatment with finerenone to reduce
for glucose lowering if esti- cost-effective. Studies have found that a cardiovascular outcomes and the risk of
mated glomerular filtration risk factor-based approach to the initial CKD progression (186–189). b-Blockers
rate remains >30 mL/min/ diagnostic evaluation and subsequent should be used in individuals with active
1.73 m2 but should be avoided follow-up for coronary artery disease angina or HFrEF and for 3 years after Ml
in unstable or hospitalized indi- fails to identify which people with type 2 in those with preserved left ventricular
viduals with heart failure. B diabetes will have silent ischemia on function (190,191).
screening tests (179,180).
Any benefit of newer noninvasive coro- Glucose-Lowering Therapies and
Cardiac Testing nary artery disease screening methods,
Candidates for advanced or invasive car- Cardiovascular Outcomes
such as computed tomography calcium In 2008, the FDA issued a guidance for
diac testing include those with 1) typical scoring and computed tomography angi- industry to perform cardiovascular out-
or atypical cardiac symptoms and 2) an ography, to identify patient subgroups for comes trials for all new medications for
abnormal resting electrocardiogram (ECG). different treatment strategies remains un- the treatment for type 2 diabetes amid
Exercise ECG testing without or with echo- proven in asymptomatic people with dia- concerns of increased cardiovascular
cardiography may be used as the initial betes, though research is ongoing. Since risk (192). Previously approved diabetes
test. In adults with diabetes $40 years asymptomatic people with diabetes with medications were not subject to the
of age, measurement of coronary artery higher coronary disease burden have guidance. Recently published cardiovas-
calcium is also reasonable for cardiovascular more future cardiac events (175,181,182), cular outcomes trials have provided addi-
risk assessment. Pharmacologic stress echo- these additional imaging tests may pro- tional data on cardiovascular and renal
cardiography or nuclear imaging should be vide reasoning for treatment intensifi- outcomes in people with type 2 diabetes
considered in individuals with diabetes in cation and/or guide informed patient with cardiovascular disease or at high
whom resting ECG abnormalities preclude decision-making and willingness for risk for cardiovascular disease (Table
exercise stress testing (e.g., left bundle medication initiation and participation. 10.3A, Table 10.3B, and Table 10.3C).
branch block or ST-T abnormalities). In While coronary artery screening meth- An expanded review of the effects of
addition, individuals who require stress ods, such as calcium scoring, may improve glucose-lowering and other therapies Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management S177

in people with CKD is included in trials, 10,142 participants with type 2 dia- in the canagliflozin and placebo groups, re-
Section 11, “Chronic Kidney Disease betes were randomized to canagliflozin or spectively (HR 10.80 [95% CI 1.39–83.65])
and Risk Management.” placebo and were followed for an average (194).
Cardiovascular outcomes trials of di- 3.6 years. The mean age of patients was The Dapagliflozin Effect on Cardiovas-
peptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP-4) inhibitors 63 years, and 66% had a history of cardio- cular Events-Thrombosis in Myocardial In-
have all, so far, not shown cardiovascular vascular disease. The combined analysis of farction 58 (DECLARE-TIMI 58) trial was
benefits relative to placebo. In addition, the two trials found that canagliflozin sig- another randomized, double-blind trial
the CAROLINA (Cardiovascular Outcome nificantly reduced the composite outcome that assessed the effects of dapagliflozin
Study of Linagliptin Versus Glimepiride in of cardiovascular death, MI, or stroke ver- versus placebo on cardiovascular and
Type 2 Diabetes) study demonstrated sus placebo (occurring in 26.9 vs. 31.5 par- renal outcomes in 17,160 people with
noninferiority between a DPP-4 inhibitor, ticipants per 1,000 patient-years; HR 0.86 type 2 diabetes and established ASCVD
linagliptin, and a sulfonylurea, glimepir- [95% CI 0.75–0.97]). The specific estimates or multiple risk factors for ASCVD (196).
ide, on cardiovascular outcomes despite for canagliflozin versus placebo on the pri- Study participants had a mean age of

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lower rates of hypoglycemia in the lina- mary composite cardiovascular outcome 64 years, with 40% of study partici-
gliptin treatment group (193). However, were HR 0.88 (95% CI 0.75–1.03) for the pants having established ASCVD at
results from other new agents have pro- CANVAS trial and 0.82 (0.66–1.01) for baseline—a characteristic of this trial
vided a mix of results. CANVAS-R, with no heterogeneity found that differs from other large cardiovascu-
between trials. Of note, there was an in- lar trials where a majority of participants
SGLT2 Inhibitor Trials creased risk of lower-limb amputation had established cardiovascular disease.
The Bl 10773 (Empagliflozin) Cardio- with canagliflozin (6.3 vs. 3.4 participants DECLARE-TIMI 58 met the prespecified
vascular Outcome Event Trial in Type 2 per 1,000 patient-years; HR 1.97 [95% CI criteria for noninferiority to placebo
Diabetes Mellitus Patients (EMPA-REG 1.41–2.75]) (9). Second, the Canagliflozin with respect to major adverse cardio-
OUTCOME) was a randomized, double- and Renal Events in Diabetes with Es- vascular events but did not show a
blind trial that assessed the effect of tablished Nephropathy Clinical Evaluation lower rate of major adverse cardiovas-
empagliflozin, an SGLT2 inhibitor, versus (CREDENCE) trial randomized 4,401 people cular events when compared with pla-
placebo on cardiovascular outcomes in with type 2 diabetes and chronic diabetes- cebo (8.8% in the dapagliflozin group
7,020 people with type 2 diabetes and ex- related kidney disease (UACR >300 mg/g and 9.4% in the placebo group; HR 0.93
isting cardiovascular disease. Study partic- and eGFR 30 to <90 mL/min/1.73 m2) to [95% CI 0.84–1.03]; P = 0.17). A lower
ipants had a mean age of 63 years, 57% canagliflozin 100 mg daily or placebo rate of cardiovascular death or hospitali-
had diabetes for more than 10 years, and (194). The primary outcome was a com- zation for heart failure was noted (4.9%
99% had established cardiovascular dis- posite of end-stage kidney disease, dou- vs. 5.8%; HR 0.83 [95% CI 0.73–0.95];
ease. EMPA-REG OUTCOME showed that bling of serum creatinine, or death from P = 0.005), which reflected a lower rate
over a median follow-up of 3.1 years, renal or cardiovascular causes. The trial of hospitalization for heart failure (HR
treatment reduced the composite out- was stopped early due to conclusive 0.73 [95% CI 0.61–0.88]). No difference
come of MI, stroke, and cardiovascular evidence of efficacy identified during a was seen in cardiovascular death be-
death by 14% (absolute rate 10.5% vs. prespecified interim analysis with no tween groups.
12.1% in the placebo group, HR in the em- unexpected safety signals. The risk of In the Dapagliflozin and Prevention of
pagliflozin group 0.86 [95% CI 0.74–0.99]; the primary composite outcome was Adverse Outcomes in Chronic Kidney Dis-
P = 0.04 for superiority) and cardiovascular 30% lower with canagliflozin treatment ease (DAPA-CKD) trial (197), 4,304 indi-
death by 38% (absolute rate 3.7% vs. when compared with placebo (HR 0.70 viduals with CKD (UACR 200–5,000 mg/g
5.9%, HR 0.62 [95% CI 0.49–0.77]; P < [95% CI 0.59–0.82]). Moreover, it re- and eGFR 25–75 mL/min/1.73 m2), with
0.001) (8). duced the prespecified end point of or without diabetes, were randomized
Two large outcomes trials of the SGLT2 end-stage kidney disease alone by 32% to dapagliflozin 10 mg daily or placebo.
inhibitor canagliflozin have been con- (HR 0.68 [95% CI 0.54–0.86]). Canagliflo- The primary outcome was a composite
ducted that separately assessed 1) the zin was additionally found to have a of sustained decline in eGFR of at least
cardiovascular effects of treatment in pa- lower risk of the composite of cardio- 50%, end-stage kidney disease, or death
tients at high risk for major adverse car- vascular death, MI, or stroke (HR 0.80 from renal or cardiovascular causes. Over
diovascular events (9) and 2) the impact [95% CI 0.67–0.95]), as well as lower a median follow-up period of 2.4 years, a
of canagliflozin therapy on cardiorenal risk of hospitalizations for heart failure primary outcome event occurred in 9.2%
outcomes in people with diabetes-related (HR 0.61 [95% CI 0.47–0.80]) and of the of participants in the dapagliflozin group
CKD (194). First, the Canagliflozin Cardio- composite of cardiovascular death or and 14.5% of those in the placebo group.
vascular Assessment Study (CANVAS) Pro- hospitalization for heart failure (HR 0.69 The risk of the primary composite out-
gram integrated data from two trials. The [95% CI 0.57–0.83]). In terms of safety, come was significantly lower with dapa-
CANVAS trial that started in 2009 was no significant increase in lower-limb am- gliflozin therapy compared with placebo
partially unblinded prior to completion putations, fractures, acute kidney injury, (HR 0.61 [95% CI 0.51–0.72]), as were the
because of the need to file interim car- or hyperkalemia was noted for canagli- risks for a renal composite outcome of
diovascular outcomes data for regulatory flozin relative to placebo in CREDENCE. sustained decline in eGFR of at least 50%,
approval of the drug (195). Thereafter, the An increased risk for diabetic ketoacido- endstage kidney disease, or death from
post approval CANVAS-Renal (CANVAS-R) sis was noted, however, with 2.2 and renal causes (HR 0.56 [95% CI 0.45–0.68]),
trial was started in 2014. Combining both 0.2 events per 1,000 patient-years noted and a composite of cardiovascular death

Table 10.3C—Cardiovascular and cardiorenal outcomes trials of available antihyperglycemic medications completed after the issuance of the FDA 2008 guidelines: SGLT2
EMPA-REG CANVAS DECLARE-TIMI 58 (197,239) DAPA-HF (11) (200) (189,241) DELIVER (199)
OUTCOME (8) Program (9) (196) CREDENCE (194) (n = 4,304; 2,906 VERTIS CV (201,240) (n = 4,744; 1,983 (n = 3,730; 1,856 (n = 5,988; 2,938 with (n = 6,263; 2,807
(n = 7,020) (n = 10,142) (n = 17,160) (n = 4,401) with diabetes) (n = 8,246) with diabetes) with diabetes) diabetes) with diabetes)

Intervention Empagliflozin/placebo Canagliflozin/placebo Dapagliflozin/placebo Canagliflozin/placebo Dapagliflozin/placebo Ertugliflozin/placebo Dapagliflozin/placebo Empagliflozin/placebo* Empagliflozin/placebo Dapagliflozin/placebo

Main inclusion Type 2 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes Albuminuric kidney Type 2 diabetes and NYHA class II, III, or NYHA class II, III, or NYHA class II, III, or IV NYHA class II, III, or IV
criteria preexisting CVD preexisting CVD at established ASCVD and albuminuric disease, with or ASCVD IV heart failure IV heart failure heart failure and an heart failure and an
$30 years of age or multiple risk kidney disease without diabetes and an ejection and an ejection ejection fraction ejection fraction
or $2 CV risk factors for ASCVD fraction #40%, fraction #40%, >40% >40% with or
Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management

factors at $50 with or without with or without without diabetes

years of age diabetes diabetes

A1C inclusion 7.0–10.0 7.0–10.5 $6.5 6.5–12 — 7.0–10.5 — — — —

criteria (%)

Age (years)† 63.1 63.3 64.0 63 61.8 64.4 66 67.2, 66.5 71.8, 71.9 71.7

Race (% White) 72.4 78.3 79.6 66.6 53.2 87.8 70.3 71.1, 69.8 76.3, 75.4 71.2

Sex (% male) 71.5 64.2 62.6 66.1 66.9 70 76.6 76.5, 75.6 55.4, 55.3 56.1

Diabetes duration 57% >10 13.5 11.0 15.8 12.9


Median follow-up 3.1 3.6 4.2 2.6 2.4 3.5 1.5 1.3 2.2 2.3

Statin use (%) 77 75 75 (statin or 69 64.9 — — — 68.1, 68.8 —

ezetimibe use)

Metformin use (%) 74 77 82 57.8 29 51.2% (of people — — —

with diabetes)

Prior CVD/CHF (%) 99/10 65.6/14.4 40/10 50.4/14.8 37.4/10.9 99.9/23.1 100% with CHF 100% with CHF 100% with CHF 100% with CHF

Mean baseline 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.3 7.1% (7.8% in those 8.2 — — — 6.6
A1C (%) with diabetes)

Mean difference in 0.3^ 0.58‡ 0.43‡ 0.31 — 0.48 to 0.5 — — — —

A1C between
groups at end of
treatment (%)

Year started/reported 2010/2015 2009/2017 2013/2018 2017/2019 2017/2020 2013/2020 2017/2019 2017/2020 2017/2020 2018/2022

Continued on p. S179
Diabetes Care Volume 46, Supplement 1, January 2023

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Table 10.3C—Continued
EMPA-REG CANVAS DECLARE-TIMI 58 (197,239) DAPA-HF (11) (200) (189,241) DELIVER (199)
OUTCOME (8) Program (9) (196) CREDENCE (194) (n = 4,304; 2,906 VERTIS CV (201,240) (n = 4,744; 1,983 (n = 3,730; 1,856 (n = 5,988; 2,938 with (n = 6,263; 2,807
(n = 7,020) (n = 10,142) (n = 17,160) (n = 4,401) with diabetes) (n = 8,246) with diabetes) with diabetes) diabetes) with diabetes)
Primary outcome§ 3-point MACE 0.86 3-point MACE 0.86 3-point MACE 0.93 ESRD, doubling of $50% decline in 3-point MACE 0.97 Worsening heart CV death or HF CV death or HF Worsening HF or CV
(0.74–0.99) (0.75–0.97) (0.84–1.03) creatinine, or eGFR, ESKD, or (0.85–1.11) failure or death hospitalization hospitalization 0.79 death 0.82

CV death or HF death from renal death from renal from CV causes 0.75 (0.65–0.86) (0.69–0.90) (0.73–0.92)
hospitalization or CV cause 0.70 or CV cause 0.61 0.74 (0.65–0.85)
0.83 (0.73–0.95) (0.59–0.82) (0.51–0.72) Results did not differ
by diabetes status

Key secondary 4-point MACE 0.89 All-cause and CV Death from any cause CV death or HF $50% decline in CV death or HF CV death or HF Total HF All HF hospitalizations Total number
outcome§ (0.78–1.01) mortality (see 0.93 (0.82–1.04) hospitalization eGFR, ESKD, or hospitalization hospitalization hospitalizations (first and recurrent) worsening HF and
below) Renal composite 0.69 (0.57–0.83) death from renal 0.88 (0.75–1.03) 0.75 (0.65–0.85) 0.70 (0.58–0.85) 0.73 (0.61–0.88) CV deaths 0.77
($40% decrease in 3-point MACE 0.80 cause 0.56 CV death 0.92 Mean slope of Rate of decline in eGFR (0.67–0.89)
eGFR rate to <60 (0.67–0.95) (0.45–0.68) (0.77–1.11) change in eGFR (1.25 vs. 2.62 Change in KCCQ TSS
mL/min/1.73 m2, CV death or HF Renal death, renal 1.73 (1.10–2.37) mL/min/1.73 m2; at month 8 1.11
new ESRD, or hospitalization replacement P < 0.001) (1.03–1.21)
death from renal 0.71 (0.55–0.92) therapy, or Mean change in
or CV causes 0.76 Death from any doubling of KCCQ TSS 2.4
(0.67–0.87) cause 0.69 creatinine 0.81 (1.5–3.4)
(0.53–0.88) (0.63–1.04) All-cause mortality
0.94 (0.83–1.07)

Cardiovascular death§ 0.62 (0.49–0.77) 0.87 (0.72–1.06) 0.98 (0.82–1.17) 0.78 (0.61–1.00) 0.81 (0.58–1.12) 0.92 (0.77–1.11) 0.82 (0.69–0.98) 0.92 (0.75–1.12) 0.91 (0.76–1.09) 0.88 (0.74–1.05)

MI§ 0.87 (0.70–1.09) 0.89 (0.73–1.09) 0.89 (0.77–1.01) — — 1.04 (0.86–1.26) — — — —

Stroke§ 1.18 (0.89–1.56) 87 (0.69–1.09) 1.01 (0.84–1.21) — — 1.06 (0.82–1.37) — — — —

HF hospitalization§ 0.65 (0.50–0.85) 67 (0.52–0.87) 0.73 (0.61–0.88) 0.61 (0.47–0.80) — 0.70 (0.54–0.90) 0.70 (0.59–0.83) 0.69 (0.59–0.81) 0.73 (0.61–0.88) 0.77 (0.67–0.89)

Unstable angina 0.99 (0.74–1.34) — — — — — — — — —


All-cause mortality§ 0.68 (0.57–0.82) 87 (0.74–1.01) 0.93 (0.82–1.04) 0.83 (0.68–1.02) 0.69 (0.53–0.88) 0.93 (0.80–1.08) 0.83 (0.71–0.97) 0.92 (0.77–1.10) 1.00 (0.87–1.15) 0.94 (0.83–1.07)

Worsening 0.61 (0.53–0.70) 0.60 (0.47–0.77) 0.53 (0.43–0.66) (See primary (See primary (See secondary 0.71 (0.44–1.16) Composite renal Composite renal —
nephropathy§jj outcome) outcome) outcomes) outcome 0.50 outcome** 0.95
(0.32–0.77) (0.73–1.24)

—, not assessed/reported; CHF, congestive heart failure; CV, cardiovascular; CVD, cardiovascular disease; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; ESRD, end-stage renal disease; HF, heart failure;
KCCQ TSS, Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire Total Symptom Score; MACE, major adverse cardiovascular event; Ml, myocardial infarction; SGLT2, sodium–glucose cotransporter 2; NYFIA, New
York Fleart Association. Data from this table was adapted from Cefalu et al. (238) in the January 2018 issue of Diabetes Care. *Baseline characteristics for EMPEROR-Reduced displayed as empagliflozin,
placebo. †Age was reported as means in all trials; diabetes duration was reported as means in all trials except EMPA-REG OUTCOME, which reported as percentage of population with diabetes duration
>10 years, and DECLARE-TIMI 58, which reported median. ‡Significant difference in A1C between groups (P < 0.05). ^AIC change of 0.30 in EMPA-REG OUTCOME is based on pooled results for both
doses (i.e., 0.24% for 10 mg and 0.36% for 25 mg of empagliflozin). §Outcomes reported as hazard ratio (95% Cl). jjDefinitions of worsening nephropathy differed between trials. **Composite outcome
in EMPEROR-Preserved: time to first occurrence of chronic dialysis, renal transplantation; sustained reduction of $40% in eGFR, sustained eGFR <15 mL/min/1.73 m2 for individuals with baseline eGFR
$30 mL/min/1.73 m2.
Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management

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S180 Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management Diabetes Care Volume 46, Supplement 1, January 2023

or hospitalization for heart failure (HR Sotagliflozin, an SGLT1 and SGLT2 in- people with type 2 diabetes at high risk
0.71 [95% CI 0.55–0.92]). The effects of hibitor not currently approved by the for cardiovascular disease or with cardio-
dapagliflozin therapy were similar in FDA in the U.S., lowers glucose via de- vascular disease (203). Study participants
individuals with and without type 2 layed glucose absorption in the gut in had a mean age of 64 years and a mean
diabetes. addition to increasing urinary glucose duration of diabetes of nearly 13 years.
Results of the Dapagliflozin and Pre- excretion and has been evaluated in the Over 80% of study participants had estab-
vention of Adverse Outcomes in Heart Effect of Sotagliflozin on Cardiovascular lished cardiovascular disease. After a
Failure (DAPA-HF) trial, the Empagliflozin and Renal Events in Patients With median follow-up of 3.8 years, LEADER
Outcome Trial in Patients With Chronic Type 2 Diabetes and Moderate Renal Im- showed that the primary composite out-
Heart Failure and a Reduced Ejection pairment Who Are at Cardiovascular Risk come (MI, stroke, or cardiovascular death)
Fraction (EMPEROR-Reduced), Empagli- (SCORED) trial (202). A total of 10,584 occurred in fewer participants in the
flozin Outcome Trial in Patients With people with type 2 diabetes, CKD, and ad- treatment group (13.0%) when com-
Chronic Heart Failure With Preserved ditional cardiovascular risk were enrolled pared with the placebo group (14.9%)

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Ejection Fraction (EMPEROR-Preserved), in SCORED and randomized to sotagliflo- (HR 0.87 [95% CI 0.78–0.97]; P < 0.001
Effects of Dapagliflozin on Biomarkers, zin 200 mg once daily (uptitrated to for noninferiority; P = 0.01 for superior-
Symptoms and Functional Status in Pa- 400 mg once daily if tolerated) or pla- ity). Deaths from cardiovascular causes
tients With PRESERVED Ejection Frac- cebo. SCORED ended early due to a lack were significantly reduced in the liraglu-
tion Heart Failure (PRESERVED-HF), and of funding; thus, changes to the prespe- tide group (4.7%) compared with the
Dapagliflozin Evaluation to Improve the cified primary end points were made placebo group (6.0%) (HR 0.78 [95% CI
Lives of Patients with Preserved Ejection prior to unblinding to accommodate a 0.66–0.93]; P = 0.007) (203).
Fraction Heart Failure (DELIVER), which lower than anticipated number of end Results from a moderate-sized trial of
assessed the effects of dapagliflozin and point events. The primary end point of another GLP-1 receptor agonist, semaglu-
empagliflozin in individuals with estab- the trial was the total number of deaths tide, were consistent with the LEADER
lished heart failure (11,189,198,199,200), from cardiovascular causes, hospitaliza- trial (204). Semaglutide is a once-weekly
are described below in GLUCOSE-LOWERING tions for heart failure, and urgent visits for GLP-1 receptor agonist approved by the
THERAPIES AND HEART FAILURE. heart failure. After a median of 16 months
FDA for the treatment of type 2 diabetes.
The Evaluation of Ertugliflozin Efficacy of follow-up, the rate of primary end point
The Trial to Evaluate Cardiovascular and
and Safety Cardiovascular Outcomes Trial events was reduced with sotagliflozin (5.6
Other Long-term Outcomes With Sema-
(VERTIS CV) (201) was a randomized, dou- events per 100 patient-years in the sota-
glutide in Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes
ble-blind trial that established the effects gliflozin group and 7.5 events per 100
(SUSTAIN-6) was the initial randomized
of ertugliflozin versus placebo on cardio- patient-years in the placebo group [HR
trial powered to test noninferiority of
vascular outcomes in 8,246 people with 0.74 (95% CI 0.63–0.88); P < 0.001]).
semaglutide for the purpose of regulatory
type 2 diabetes and established ASCVD. Sotagliflozin also reduced the risk of the
approval (204). In this study, 3,297 people
Participants were assigned to the addition secondary end point of total number of
with type 2 diabetes were randomized to
of 5 mg or 15 mg of ertugliflozin or to hospitalizations for heart failure and ur-
receive once-weekly semaglutide (0.5 mg
placebo once daily to background stan- gent visits for heart failure (3.5% in the
dard care. Study participants had a mean sotagliflozin group and 5.1% in the pla- or 1.0 mg) or placebo for 2 years. The pri-
age of 64.4 years and a mean duration cebo group; HR 0.67 [95% CI 0.55–0.82]; mary outcome (the first occurrence of
of diabetes of 13 years at baseline and P < 0.001) but not the secondary end cardiovascular death, nonfatal MI, or
were followed for a median of 3.0 years. point of deaths from cardiovascular causes. nonfatal stroke) occurred in 108 patients
VERTIS CV met the prespecified criteria No significant between-group differences (6.6%) in the semaglutide group vs.
for noninferiority of ertugliflozin to pla- were found for the outcome of all-cause 146 patients (8.9%) in the placebo group
cebo with respect to the primary out- mortality or for a composite renal out- (HR 0.74 [95% CI 0.58–0.95]; P < 0.001).
come of major adverse cardiovascular come comprising the first occurrence of More patients discontinued treatment in
events (11.9% in the pooled ertugliflozin long-term dialysis, renal transplantation, the semaglutide group because of ad-
group and 11.9% in the placebo group; or a sustained reduction in eGFR. In gen- verse events, mainly gastrointestinal. The
HR 0.97 [95% CI 0.85–1.11]; P < 0.001). eral, the adverse effects of sotagliflozin cardiovascular effects of the oral formu-
Ertugliflozin was not superior to placebo were similar to those seen with use of lation of semaglutide compared with pla-
for the key secondary outcomes of death SGLT2 inhibitors, but they also included cebo have been assessed in Peptide
from cardiovascular causes or hospitali- an increased rate of diarrhea potentially Innovation for Early Diabetes Treatment
zation for heart failure; death from car- related to the inhibition of SGLT1. (PIONEER) 6, a preapproval trial designed
diovascular causes; or the composite of to rule out an unacceptable increase in
death from renal causes, renal replace- GLP-1 Receptor Agonist Trials cardiovascular risk (205). In this trial of
ment therapy, or doubling of the serum The Liraglutide Effect and Action in Diabe- 3,183 people with type 2 diabetes and
creatinine level. The HR for a secondary tes: Evaluation of Cardiovascular Outcome high cardiovascular risk followed for a
outcome of hospitalization for heart fail- Results (LEADER) trial was a randomized, median of 15.9 months, oral semaglutide
ure (ertugliflozin vs. placebo) was 0.70 double-blind trial that assessed the effect was noninferior to placebo for the pri-
[95% CI 0.54–0.90], consistent with find- of liraglutide, a glucagon-like peptide 1 mary composite outcome of cardiovascu-
ings from other SGLT2 inhibitor cardio- (GLP-1) receptor agonist, versus placebo lar death, nonfatal MI, or nonfatal stroke
vascular outcomes trials. on cardiovascular outcomes in 9,340 (HR 0.79 [95% CI 0.57–1.11]; P < 0.001 Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management S181

for noninferiority) (205). The cardiovascu- outcome of cardiovascular death, MI, diabetes and established ASCVD (210,211).
lar effects of this formulation of sema- stroke, or hospitalization for unstable SGLT2 inhibitors also reduce risk of heart
glutide will be further tested in a large, angina occurred in 406 patients (13.4%) failure hospitalization and progression of
longer-term outcomes trial. in the lixisenatide group vs. 399 (13.2%) kidney disease in people with established
The Harmony Outcomes trial random- in the placebo group (HR 1.2 [95% CI ASCVD, multiple risk factors for ASCVD, or
ized 9,463 people with type 2 diabetes 0.89–1.17]), which demonstrated the albuminuric kidney disease (212,213). In
and cardiovascular disease to once-weekly noninferiority of lixisenatide to placebo people with type 2 diabetes and estab-
subcutaneous albiglutide or matching pla- (P < 0.001) but did not show superior- lished ASCVD, multiple ASCVD risk factors,
cebo, in addition to their standard care ity (P = 0.81). or diabetic kidney disease, an SGLT2 inhibi-
(206). Over a median duration of 1.6 The Exenatide Study of Cardiovascular tor with demonstrated cardiovascular ben-
years, the GLP-1 receptor agonist reduced Event Lowering (EXSCEL) trial also reported efit is recommended to reduce the risk of
the risk of cardiovascular death, MI, or results with the once-weekly GLP-1 recep- major adverse cardiovascular events and/
stroke to an incidence rate of 4.6 events tor agonist extended-release exenatide or heart failure hospitalization. In people

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per 100 person-years in the albiglutide and found that major adverse cardiovas- with type 2 diabetes and established
group vs. 5.9 events in the placebo group cular events were numerically lower ASCVD or multiple risk factors for ASCVD,
(HR ratio 0.78, P = 0.0006 for superiority) with use of extended-release exenatide a glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonist
(206). This agent is not currently available compared with placebo, although this with demonstrated cardiovascular benefit
for clinical use. difference was not statistically significant is recommended to reduce the risk of ma-
The Researching Cardiovascular Events (209). A total of 14,752 people with type 2 jor adverse cardiovascular events. For
With a Weekly Incretin in Diabetes diabetes (of whom 10,782 [73.1%] had many patients, use of either an SGLT2
(REWIND) trial was a randomized, previous cardiovascular disease) were ran- inhibitor or a GLP-1 receptor agonist to
double-blind, placebo-controlled trial that domized to receive extended-release exe- reduce cardiovascular risk is appropri-
assessed the effect of the once-weekly natide 2 mg or placebo and followed for ate. Emerging data suggest that use of
GLP-1 receptor agonist dulaglutide versus a median of 3.2 years. The primary end both classes of drugs will provide an addi-
placebo on major adverse cardiovascular point of cardiovascular death, MI, or tive cardiovascular and kidney outcomes
events in 9,990 people with type 2 dia- stroke occurred in 839 patients (11.4%; benefit; thus, combination therapy with
betes at risk for cardiovascular events or 3.7 events per 100 person-years) in the an SGLT2 inhibitor and a GLP-1 receptor
with a history of cardiovascular disease exenatide group and in 905 patients agonist may be considered to provide the
(207). Study participants had a mean age (12.2%; 4.0 events per 100 person-years) complementary outcomes benefits asso-
of 66 years and a mean duration of dia- in the placebo group (HR 0.91 [95% CI ciated with these classes of medication.
betes of 10 years. Approximately 32% 0.83–1.00]; P < 0.001 for noninferiority), Evidence to support such an approach
of participants had history of atheroscle- but exenatide was not superior to pla- includes findings from AMPLITUDE-O
rotic cardiovascular events at baseline. Af- cebo with respect to the primary end (Effect of Efpeglenatide on Cardiovas-
ter a median follow-up of 5.4 years, the point (P = 0.06 for superiority). However, cular Outcomes), an outcomes trial of
primary composite outcome of nonfatal all-cause mortality was lower in the exena- people with type 2 diabetes and ei-
MI, nonfatal stroke, or death from cardio- tide group (HR 0.86 [95% CI 0.77–0.97]). ther cardiovascular or kidney disease
vascular causes occurred in 12.0% and The incidence of acute pancreatitis, pancre- plus at least one other risk factor ran-
13.4% of participants in the dulaglutide atic cancer, medullary thyroid carcinoma, domized to the investigational GLP-1
and placebo treatment groups, respec- and serious adverse events did not differ receptor agonist efpeglenatide or pla-
tively (HR 0.88 [95% CI 0.79–0.99]; P = significantly between the two groups. cebo (214). Randomization was stratified
0.026). These findings equated to inci- In summary, there are now numerous by current or potential use of SGLT2 inhib-
dence rates of 2.4 and 2.7 events per large randomized controlled trials re- itor therapy, a class ultimately used by
100 person-years, respectively. The re- porting statistically significant reduc- >15% of the trial participants. Over a me-
sults were consistent across the sub- tions in cardiovascular events for three dian follow-up of 1.8 years, efpeglenatide
groups of patients with and without of the FDA-approved SGLT2 inhibitors therapy reduced the risk of incident major
history of CV events. Allcause mortality did (empagliflozin, canagliflozin, dapagliflo- adverse cardiovascular events by 27% and
not differ between groups (P = 0.067). zin, with lesser benefits seen with ertu- of a composite renal outcome event by
The Evaluation of Lixisenatide in Acute gliflozin) and four FDA-approved GLP-1 32%. Importantly, the effects of efpeglena-
Coronary Syndrome (ELIXA) trial studied receptor agonists (liraglutide, albiglutide tide did not vary by use of SGLT2 inhibi-
the once-daily GLP-1 receptor agonist lixi- [although that agent was removed from tors, suggesting that the beneficial effects
senatide on cardiovascular outcomes in the market for business reasons], sema- of the GLP-1 receptor agonist were inde-
people with type 2 diabetes who had had glutide [lower risk of cardiovascular events pendent of those provided by SGLT2
a recent acute coronary event (208). A in a moderate-sized clinical trial but one inhibitor therapy (215). Efpeglenatide
total of 6,068 people with type 2 diabe- not powered as a cardiovascular outcomes is currently not approved by the FDA
tes with a recent hospitalization for MI trial], and dulaglutide). Meta-analyses of for use in the U.S.
or unstable angina within the previous the trials reported to date suggest that
180 days were randomized to receive GLP-1 receptor agonists and SGLT2 inhibi- Glucose-Lowering Therapies and Heart Failure
lixisenatide or placebo in addition to tors reduce risk of atherosclerotic major As many as 50% of people with type 2
standard care and were followed for adverse cardiovascular events to a com- diabetes may develop heart failure
a median of 2.1 years. The primary parable degree in people with type 2 (216). These conditions, which are each
S182 Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management Diabetes Care Volume 46, Supplement 1, January 2023

associated with increased morbidity and agonists lixisenatide, liraglutide, sema- placebo on a primary composite outcome
mortality, commonly coincide, and inde- glutide, exenatide once-weekly, albi- of cardiovascular death or hospitalization
pendently contribute to adverse out- glutide, or dulaglutide compared with for worsening heart failure in a population
comes (217). Strategies to mitigate these placebo (Table 10.3B) (203,204,207–209). of 3,730 patients with NYHA class II, III, or
risks are needed, and the heart failure- Reduced incidence of heart failure IV heart failure and an ejection fraction of
related risks and benefits of glucose- has been observed with the use of 40% or less (200). At baseline, 49.8% of
lowering medications should be considered SGLT2 inhibitors (8,194,196). In EMPA- participants had a history of diabetes.
carefully when determining a regimen of REG OUTCOME, the addition of empagli- Over a median follow-up of 16 months,
care for people with diabetes and either flozin to standard care led to a signifi- those in the empagliflozin-treated group
established heart failure or high risk for cant 35% reduction in hospitalization for had a reduced risk of the primary outcome
the development of heart failure. heart failure compared with placebo (8). (HR 0.75 [95% CI 0.65–0.86]; P < 0.001)
Data on the effects of glucose-lowering Although the majority of patients in the and fewer total hospitalizations for heart
agents on heart failure outcomes have study did not have heart failure at base- failure (HR 0.70 [95% CI 0.58–0.85]; P <

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demonstrated that thiazolidinediones line, this benefit was consistent in pa- 0.001). The effect of empagliflozin on the
have a strong and consistent relation- tients with and without a history of primary outcome was consistent irrespec-
ship with increased risk of heart failure heart failure (10). Similarly, in CANVAS tive of diabetes diagnosis at baseline. The
(218–220). Therefore, thiazolidinedione and DECLARE-TIMI 58, there were 33% risk of a prespecified renal composite out-
use should be avoided in people with and 27% reductions in hospitalization for come (chronic dialysis, renal transplantation,
symptomatic heart failure. Restrictions heart failure, respectively, with SGLT2 in- or a sustained reduction in eGFR) was
to use of metformin in people with hibitor use versus placebo (9,196). Addi- lower in the empagliflozin group than in
medically treated heart failure were re- tional data from the CREDENCE trial with the placebo group (1.6% in the empagli-
moved by the FDA in 2006 (221). Obser- canagliflozin showed a 39% reduction in flozin group vs. 3.1% in the placebo
vational studies of people with type 2 hospitalization for heart failure, and 31% group; HR 0.50 [95% CI 0.32–0.77]).
diabetes and heart failure suggest that reduction in the composite of cardiovas- EMPEROR-Preserved, a randomized
metformin users have better outcomes cular death or hospitalization for heart double-blinded placebo-controlled trial of
than individuals treated with other anti- failure, in a diabetic kidney disease popu- 5,988 adults with NYHA functional class
hyperglycemic agents (222); however, lation with albuminuria (UACR >300 to I–IV chronic HFpEF (left ventricular ejec-
no randomized trial of metformin ther- 5,000 mg/g) (194). These combined findings tion fraction >40%), evaluated the effi-
apy has been conducted in people with from four large outcomes trials of three dif- cacy of empagliflozin 10 mg daily versus
heart failure. Metformin may be used ferent SGLT2 inhibitors are highly consistent placebo on top of standard of care on
for the management of hyperglycemia and clearly indicate robust benefits of the primary outcome of composite car-
in people with stable heart failure as SGLT2 inhibitors in the prevention of heart diovascular death or hospitalization for
long as kidney function remains within failure hospitalizations. The EMPA-REG heart failure (189). Approximately 50% of
the recommended range for use (223). OUTCOME, CANVAS, DECLARE-TIMI 58, subjects had type 2 diabetes at baseline.
Recent studies examining the rela- and CREDENCE trials suggested, but did Over a median of 26.2 months, there was
tionship between DPP-4 inhibitors and not prove, that SGLT2 inhibitors would be a 21% reduction (HR 0.79 [95% CI
heart failure have had mixed results. beneficial in the treatment of people with 0.69–0.90]; P < 0.001) of the primary
The Saxagliptin Assessment of Vascular established heart failure. More recently, outcome. The effects of empagliflozin
Outcomes Recorded in Patients with Di- the placebo-controlled DAPA-HF trial eval- were consistent in people with or with-
abetes Mellitus – Thrombolysis in Myo- uated the effects of dapagliflozin on the out diabetes (189).
cardial Infarction 53 (SAVOR-TIMI 53) primary outcome of a composite of wors- In the DELIVER trial, 6,263 individuals
study showed that patients treated with ening heart failure or cardiovascular death with heart failure and an ejection frac-
the DPP-4 inhibitor saxagliptin were in patients with New York Heart Associa- tion >40% were randomized to receive
more likely to be hospitalized for heart tion (NYHA) class II, III, or IV heart failure either dapagliflozin or placebo (199). The
failure than those given placebo (3.5% and an ejection fraction of 40% or less. Of primary outcome of a composite of wors-
vs. 2.8%, respectively) (224). However, the 4,744 trial participants, 45% had a his- ening heart failure, defined as hospitaliza-
three other cardiovascular outcomes tri- tory of type 2 diabetes. Over a median of tion or urgent visit for heart failure, or
als—Examination of Cardiovascular Out- 18.2 months, the group assigned to dapa- cardiovascular death was reduced by 18%
comes with Alogliptin versus Standard gliflozin treatment had a lower risk of the in patients treated with dapagliflozin com-
of Care (EXAMINE) (225), Trial Evaluating primary outcome (HR 0.74 [95% CI pared with placebo (HR 0.82 [95% CI
Cardiovascular Outcomes with Sitagliptin 0.65–0.85]), lower risk of first worsening 0.73–0.92]; P < 0.001). Approximately 44%
(TECOS) (226), and the Cardiovascular and heart failure event (HR 0.70 [95% CI of patients randomized to either dapagli-
Renal Microvascular Outcome Study With 0.59–0.83]), and lower risk of cardiovascu- flozin or placebo had type 2 diabetes,
Linagliptin (CARMELINA) (193)—did not lar death (HR 0.82 [95% CI 0.69–0.98]) and results were consistent regardless
find a significant increase in risk of heart compared with placebo. The effect of da- of the presence of type 2 diabetes.
failure hospitalization with DPP-4 inhibitor pagliflozin on the primary outcome was A large recent meta-analysis (227) in-
use compared with placebo. No increased consistent regardless of the presence or cluding data from EMPEROR-Reduced,
risk of heart failure hospitalization has absence of type 2 diabetes (11). EMPEROR-Preserved, DAPA-HF, DELIVER,
been identified in the cardiovascular EMPEROR-Reduced assessed the effects and Effect of Sotagliflozin on Cardiovascu-
outcomes trials of the GLP-1 receptor of empagliflozin 10 mg once daily versus lar Events in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management S183

Post Worsening Heart Failure (SOLOIST- vs. 3.4%) and severe hypoglycemia of worsening heart failure and cardiovas-
WHF) included 21,947 patients and dem- (1.5% vs. 0.3%) were more common cular death. In addition, an SGLT2 inhibitor
onstrated reduced risk for the composite with sotagliflozin than with placebo. The is recommended in this patient population
of cardiovascular death or hospitalization trial was originally also intended to to improve symptoms, physical limitations,
for heart failure, cardiovascular death, first evaluate the effects of SGLT inhibition and quality of life. The benefits seen in
hospitalization for heart failure, and all- in people with HFpEF, and ultimately no this patient population likely represent a
cause mortality. The findings on the stud- evidence of heterogeneity of treatment class effect, and they appear unrelated to
ied end points were consistent in both tri- effect by ejection fraction was noted. glucose lowering given comparable out-
als of heart failure with mildly reduced or However, the relatively small percent- comes in people with heart failure with
preserved ejection fraction and in all five age of such patients enrolled (only 21% and without diabetes.
trials combined. Collectively, these studies of participants had ejection fraction
indicate that SGLT2 inhibitors reduce the >50%) and the early termination of the Finerenone in People With Type 2 Diabetes
risk for heart failure hospitalization and trial limited the ability to determine the and Chronic Kidney Disease

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cardiovascular death in a wide range of effects of sotagliflozin in HFpEF specifically. As discussed in detail in Section 11, “Chronic
people with heart failure. In addition to the hospitalization and Kidney Disease and Risk Management,” peo-
Additional data are accumulating regard- mortality benefit in people with heart fail- ple with diabetes are at an increased risk
ing the effects of SGLT inhibition in people ure, several recent analyses have ad- for CKD, which increases cardiovascular
hospitalized for acute decompensated heart dressed whether SGLT2 inhibitor treatment risk (232). Finerenone, a selective non-
failure and in people with heart failure and improves clinical stability and functional steroidal mineralocorticoid antagonist,
HFpEF. As an example, the investigational status in individuals with heart failure. In has been shown in the Finerenone in
SGLT1 and SGLT2 inhibitor sotagliflozin 3,730 patients with NYHA class II–IV heart Reducing Kidney Failure and Disease
has also been studied in the SOLOIST- failure with an ejection fraction of #40%, Progression in Diabetic Kidney Disease
WHF trial (228). In SOLOIST-WHF, 1,222 treatment with empagliflozin reduced the (FIDELIO-DKD) trial to improve CKD
people with type 2 diabetes who were re- combined risk of death, hospitalization for outcomes in people with type 2 diabetes
cently hospitalized for worsening heart heart failure, or an emergent/urgent heart with stage 3 or 4 CKD and severe albumin-
failure were randomized to sotagliflozin failure visit requiring intravenous treatment uria (233). In the Finerenone in Reducing
200 mg once daily (with uptitration to and reduced the total number of hospital- Cardiovascular Mortality and Morbidity in
400 mg once daily if tolerated) or placebo izations for heart failure requiring intensive Diabetic Kidney Disease (FIGARO-DKD) trial,
either before or within 3 days after hospi- care, a vasopressor or positive inotropic 7,437 patients with UACR 30–300 mg/g
tal discharge. Patients were eligible if hos- drug, or mechanical or surgical intervention and eGFR 25–90 mL/min/1.73 m2 or
pitalized for signs and symptoms of heart (229). In addition, patients treated with UACR 300–5,000 and eGFR $60 mL/min/
failure (including elevated natriuretic pep- empagliflozin were more likely to experi- 1.73 m2 on maximum dose of renin-
tide levels) requiring treatment with intra- ence an improvement in NYHA functional angiotensin system blockade were ran-
venous diuretic therapy. Exclusion criteria class (229). In people hospitalized for acute domized to receive finerenone or placebo
included end-stage heart failure or recent de novo or decompensated chronic heart (186). The HR of the primary outcome of
acute coronary syndrome or intervention, failure, initiation of empagliflozin treatment cardiovascular death, nonfatal MI, nonfatal
or an eGFR <30 mL/min/1.73 m2). Pa- during hospitalization reduced the primary stroke, or hospitalization from heart failure
tients were required to be clinically stable outcome of a composite of death from was reduced by 13% in patients treated
prior to randomization, defined as no use any cause, number of heart failure events with finerenone. A prespecified subgroup
of supplemental oxygen, a systolic blood and time to first heart failure event, or a analysis from FIGARO-DKD further revealed
pressure $100 mmHg, and no need 5-point or greater difference in change that in patients without symptomatic HFrEF,
for intravenous inotropic or vasodilator from baseline in the Kansas City Cardiomy- finerenone reduces the risk for new-onset
therapy other than nitrates. Similar to opathy Questionnaire Total Symptom Score heart failure and improves heart failure
SCORED, SOLOIST-WHF ended early due (230). Furthermore, PRESERVED-HF, a mul- outcomes in people with type 2 diabetes
to a lack of funding, resulting in a ticenter study (26 sites in the U.S.) showed and CKD (187). Finally, in the pooled analy-
change to the prespecified primary end that dapagliflozin treatment leads to signifi- sis of 13,026 people with type 2 diabetes
point prior to unblinding to accommo- cant improvement in both symptoms and and CKD from both FIDELIO-DKD and
date a lower than anticipated number physical limitation, as well as objective FIGARO-DKD, the HRs for the composite of
of end point events. At a median measures of exercise function in people cardiovascular death, nonfatal MI, nonfatal
follow-up of 9 months, the rate of with chronic HFpEF, regardless of diabetes stroke, or hospitalization for heart failure
primary end point events (the total status (198). Finally, canagliflozin improved as well as a composite of kidney failure, a
number of cardiovascular deaths and heart failure symptoms assessed using sustained $57% decrease in eGFR from
hospitalizations and urgent visits for the Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Ques- baseline over $4 weeks, or renal death
heart failure) was lower in the sotagli- tionnaire Total Symptom Score, irrespec- were 0.86 and 0.77, respectively (188).
flozin group than in the placebo group tive of left ventricular ejection fraction or These collective studies indicate that finere-
(51.0 vs. 76.3; HR 0.67 [95% CI the presence of diabetes (231). Therefore, none improves cardiovascular and renal
0.52–0.85]; P < 0.001). No significant in people with type 2 diabetes and estab- outcomes in people with type 2 diabetes.
between-group differences were found lished HFpEF or HFrEF, an SGLT2 inhibitor Therefore, in people with type 2 diabe-
in the rates of cardiovascular death or with proven benefit in this patient popu- tes and CKD with albuminuria treated
all-cause mortality. Both diarrhea (6.1% lation is recommended to reduce the risk with maximum tolerated doses of ACE
S184 Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management Diabetes Care Volume 46, Supplement 1, January 2023

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Figure 10.3—Approach to risk reduction with SGLT2 inhibitor or GLP-1 receptor agonist therapy in conjunction with other traditional, guideline-based
preventive medical therapies for blood pressure, lipids, and glycemia and antiplatelet therapy. Reprinted with permission from Das et al. (234).

inhibitor or ARB, addition of finernone College of Cardiology “2020 Expert Con- individuals with more long-standing dia-
should be considered to improve car- sensus Decision Pathway on Novel betes may be more challenging, particu-
diovascular outcomes and reduce the Therapies for Cardiovascular Risk Re- larly if patients are using an already
risk of CKD progression. duction in Patients With Type 2 Dia- complex glucose-lowering regimen. In
betes” (234). Figure 10.3, reproduced such patients, SGLT2 inhibitor or GLP-1
Clinical Approach from that decision pathway, outlines receptor agonist therapy may need to
As has been carefully outlined in Fig. 9.3 the approach to risk reduction with replace some or all of their existing med-
in the preceding Section 9, “Pharmacologic SGLT2 inhibitor or GLP-1 receptor ago- ications to minimize risks of hypoglyce-
Approaches to Glycemic Treatment,” peo- nist therapy in conjunction with other mia and adverse side effects, and
ple with type 2 diabetes with or at high traditional, guideline-based preventive potentially to minimize medication
risk for ASCVD, heart failure, or CKD medical therapies for blood pressure, costs. Close collaboration between pri-
should be treated with a cardioprotective lipids, and glycemia and antiplatelet mary and specialty care professionals
SGLT2 inhibitor and/or GLP-1 receptor ago- therapy. can help to facilitate these transitions in
nist as part of the comprehensive ap- Adoption of these agents should be clinical care and, in turn, improve out-
proach to cardiovascular and kidney risk reasonably straightforward in people with comes for highrisk people with type 2
reduction. Importantly, these agents established cardiovascular or kidney dis- diabetes.
should be included in the regimen of care ease who are later diagnosed with dia-
irrespective of the need for additional betes, as the cardioprotective agents can References
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