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Initial discussion over Call with client or
family member

To kick things off, we'll have a friendly chat to get to

know you better. This is a chance for you to share your
concerns and provide some basic information.

A preliminary conversation to understand the client's

concerns and gather basic information.
Identify key aspects of the client's condition and the impact
on their daily life.
First consultation for need assessment
with client or family member

In a more detailed session, we'll dive deep into

understanding your specific needs, challenges, and
goals. We'll also explore how OCD might be affecting
your family dynamics.

In-depth consultation to assess the specific needs,

challenges, and goals of the client.
Understand the family dynamics and how OCD affects
interpersonal relationships.
3 Complete the Personality assessment

We'll use multiple comprehensive personality

assessments to gain insights into how you cope with
things and understand any underlying factors
contributing to your OCD.

Administer a comprehensive personality assessment to

gather insights into the client's behavioral patterns, coping
mechanisms, and underlying factors contributing to OCD.
Client Own Written Problem Statement and
Family Input as a Problem Related to OCD

We want to hear directly from you. Share your

challenges in a written statement. We'll also involve
your family to get a fuller picture.

Encourage the client to articulate their challenges in a

written problem statement.
Involve family members to provide additional insights and
perspectives on the impact of OCD.
5 OCD Pattern and Trend Analysis

Together, we'll look at patterns in your thoughts and

behaviors. This helps us understand what triggers your
anxiety and the cycle of obsessions and compulsions.

Analyze the recurring patterns and trends of OCD behavior.

Identify triggers, compulsions, and the cycle of anxiety
associated with specific obsessions.
6 Develop a Customized Therapy Plan

Based on what we've learned, we'll create a plan just

for you. It's like a roadmap focusing on techniques that
have proven effective, tailored to your unique situation.

Tailor a therapy plan based on the assessment, focusing on

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Exposure
Response Prevention (ERP) techniques.
Address individualized needs and challenges identified
during the assessment.
Discussion & Explanation of Therapy Plan
to the Client and Family

We'll sit down and go through the plan with you and
your family. It's important that everyone understands
the approach and why we're doing what we're doing.

Transparent communication with the client and family about

the proposed therapy plan.
Set clear expectations and discuss the rationale behind
each therapeutic approach.
Therapy Preparedness Session and
Foundation Building Course

Before we dive into therapy, we want to make sure

you're prepared. We'll provide some foundational
knowledge and skills to set the stage for recovery.

Prepare the client for therapy by providing foundational

knowledge and skills.
Introduce a structured course over the first couple of days to
lay the groundwork for recovery.
Development of Monitoring and Evaluation

We'll set up a way to track your progress throughout

therapy. This helps us make sure we're on the right
track and adjust if needed.

Establish a framework for ongoing monitoring and

evaluation of therapy progress.
Define key metrics and milestones for assessing the
effectiveness of interventions.
Execution of CBT & ERP Sessions and Other

This is where we put the plan into action. We'll have

sessions that use proven techniques, and if needed,
introduce other approaches to make sure it's effective
for you.

Implement CBT and ERP sessions tailored to the client's

specific needs.
Introduce additional interventions as necessary, considering
the customized nature of the therapy plan.
Family Therapy Sessions with Weekly

OCD can affect relationships, so we'll have regular

sessions involving your family. Their feedback is crucial
in refining our approach.

Conduct regular family therapy sessions to address the

impact of OCD on relationships.
Gather feedback from family members to inform
adjustments to the therapy plan.
12 Progress Monitoring Each Month

Every month, we'll check in on your progress. It's a

chance for us to see how things are going and make
any necessary adjustments to the plan.

Regularly assess the client's progress through monthly

Adjust therapy strategies based on observed advancements
or challenges.
13 Corrective Measures Based on Progress

If we notice any bumps in the road, we're ready to

make adjustments. It's a flexible process to ensure
you're getting the best support possible.

Implement corrective measures if deviations or challenges

arise during the course of therapy.
Adapt the therapy plan to address emerging needs or
refine existing interventions.
14 Midterm Evaluation After 2 Months

Around the two-month mark, we'll have a

comprehensive evaluation. This helps us fine-tune our
strategy for the remainder of the program.

Conduct a comprehensive midterm evaluation to assess

progress against predefined goals.
Refine the therapy plan for the remainder of the program
based on the evaluation.
15 Relapse Management (Aversion Therapy)

We'll work on strategies to prevent any setbacks. Think

of it as building a toolbox of skills to help you maintain
your progress.

Implement relapse prevention strategies, including aversion

therapy, to address potential setbacks.
Equip the client with tools to manage and prevent relapses.
End Term Evaluation and Checking
Recovery Milestones

Towards the end, we'll do a thorough evaluation to

make sure you've achieved the milestones we set out
for you. It's a celebration of your success!

Perform a thorough end-term evaluation to verify the

achievement of recovery milestones.
Ensure that the client has successfully overcome past OCD-
related issues.
Termination of Counseling and Therapy
Sessions After Recovery

As you reach a point of recovery, we'll gradually

conclude our sessions. It's a positive step forward, and
we'll support you through the transition.

Gradually conclude counseling and therapy sessions as the

client achieves a state of recovery.
Provide closure and support during the transition out of the
18 Active Follow-Up Up to 6 Months

Even after recovery, we won't just disappear. We'll stay

in touch for up to six months to make sure you're doing
well and address any lingering concerns.

Continue active follow-up for up to 6 months post-recovery.

Address any residual concerns or provide additional support
as needed.
19 Declaration of Cure State

Once you've had six months of success, we'll proudly

declare you in a state of cure. It's a testament to your
hard work and a major achievement!

Declare the client in a cured state after six successive

months of follow-up without any significant impact from past
OCD-related issues.
Celebrate the client's successful completion of the recovery
"Recovery is not about reaching a
destination; it's a courageous
journey of rediscovering hope
within yourself. In the darkest
moments, hope becomes the beacon
that guides us toward the light of

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