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Volume 23, Number 23 • Copyright ©2006 Business Book Review, LLC • All Rights Reserved

The Six Disciplines

of Breakthrough
How to Turn Training and Development into
Business Results

By Calhoun Wick, Roy Pollock, Andrew

Jefferson, and Richard Flanagan

©2006 by John Wiley & Sons

Adapted by permission of Pfeiffer
ISBN-10: 0-7879-8254-7

Reviewed by Jennifer Cuthbertson


Training and development is often viewed as expendable, a department that is nice to have when times are good, but
one that can be lived without, when they are not. Many executives and managers do not see training and development as
contributing directly to the bottom line. Reading The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning by Calhoun Wick,
Roy Pollock, Andrew Jefferson, and Richard Flanagan will turn doubters into believers, and provide instructions for how
to set up a world-class training and development department that will contribute to the bottom line. It should be required
reading for anyone who is building or re-building their training program.

Business Book Review™ Vol. 23, No. 23 • Copyright © 2006 Business Book Review, LLC • All Rights Reserved
The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning Calhoun Wick, Roy Pollock, Andrew Jefferson, and Richard Flanagan


Key Concepts
Delivering high quality, well attended training sessions The Six Disciplines that deliver training and
is not enough to be considered a successful learning and development results:
development department. Wick, Pollock, Jefferson, and 1. Define business outcomes
Flanagan believe there are six key disciplines to setting up • Link program objectives to business needs.
an effective training and development program. They are • Agree on definition of success.
• defining the outcomes in business results;
• Define what participants will do better.
• designing the complete experience;
• delivering for application; 2. Design the complete experience
• driving follow-through; • Include what happens before and after the
• deploying active support; and classroom.
• documenting results. • Redefine the finish line from the end of class
to the generation of results.
The first discipline they describe is defining the
learning outcomes in business results. Training and 3. Deliver for application
development programs that deliver results begin by • Show how content relates to current
defining, in partnership with business leaders, the desired business issues.
training outcomes in business terms. This should not • Give participants time to reflect on how they
be news to company leaders, as most companies invest will apply.
in learning and development to improve their ability to 4. Drive follow through
compete in the global marketplace. • Actively manage the process.
The authors believe, “Business results must be the
• Involve managers.
touchstone for learning and development efforts, the ‘true
• Ensure accountability.
north’ against which programs are designed, implemented
and measured. Any other organizing principle is likely to 5. Deploy active support.
get the initiative off course.” The process of affecting and • Provide ongoing support from facilitators,
measuring results is not easy to accomplish. It requires coaches, and managers.
collaboration between trainers and line leadership. • Provide practical how-to guides to facilitate
An example where this collaboration works is Sony transfer.
Electronics. They use a Talent Management Council, which 6. Document results
is made up of both line and learning leaders to ensure • Collect credible data on the outcomes.
that there is a link between the two. Their result has been • Report results to management and use to
greater strategic alliance, better programs, and deeper market program.
understanding of the value of learning and development.
* * *
Everything else a company does is translated into
dollars and cents and so should training and development. Information about the author and subject:
Training in leadership, ethics, diversity, and so forth, is
commendable, but they must also pay off in lower operating Information about this book and other business titles:
costs, greater productivity, enhanced motivation, and
improved consumer confidence.
Related summaries in the BBR Library:
When the authors talk about training paying off
Built To Learn
in business results, they mean “verifiable outcomes of By: Cliff Purington and Chris Butler
relevance to the business of the organization.” Objectives
The E-Learning Revolution
should be expressed in concrete, measurable terms. For By: Martyn Sloman
example, “as a result of this program subordinates will

Business Book Review™ Vol. 23, No. 23 • Copyright © 2006 Business Book Review, LLC • All Rights Reserved Page 2
The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning Calhoun Wick, Roy Pollock, Andrew Jefferson, and Richard Flanagan

receive more frequent coaching from their supervisors.” development program and had a detailed plan of everything
Honeywell has a sound training and development that would occur in training, but could not answer the
program. They use an ongoing, “Challenging the value of leadership development, six sigma training,
multifaceted approach to ensure or a diversity training is akin to questioning the value of motherhood,
the impact of its training and patriotism, or equality.”
development. They do this
through questions: “How will the company benefit by having
• a management resources review process that is someone attend the program? What will participants
used to identify common needs across the do differently as a consequence of the training that will
corporation and within the specific management improve business results?” This is a common trap.
bands; In fact there are five key training pitfalls that
• learning that is integrated into the strategic companies must avoid:
planning process; 1. Action without analysis: The impetus for any
• a Chief Learning Officer who works with the CEO training program should be a real business need.
and senior management team to support new 2. Confusion between means and ends: Many
initiatives; and training programs report their results through activity
• leaders teaching. statistics, such as the number of people trained and the
number of courses offered, rather than focusing on a
A bad example of a training and development model measure of productivity like completing a task in a shorter
is a corporation who was launching a management period of time.
3. Laudable Intent: Programs such as ethics or
diversity training, which while worthwhile and necessary,
About the Authors may not be effective, but no one will challenge their
Calhoun W. Wick is nationally recognized for his effectiveness.
work on improving the performance of managers 4. No Line Leader Input: Many training programs
and organizations. He is the author of The are still developed solely in the human resources or training
Learning Edge: How Smart Managers and Smart department and have little input from line leaders.
Companies Stay Ahead and numerous articles 5. Training Results Cannot Be Measured: It is
on leadership development and organizational difficult to isolate and quantify training’s contribution;
learning. however, this should not be an excuse for not trying.
Roy V.H. Pollock, DVM, Ph.D is Chief Learning Learning and development programs add value by
Officer of the Fort Hill Company. He has extensive increasing revenue or reducing the cost of producing goods
experience in both line management and strategy and services. To plan effective learning and development,
development at SmithKline Beechum, Pfizer, and start with the desired business outcome and work
IDEXX. backwards. Impact mapping is a powerful tool for
ensuring linkage between learning initiatives and the
Andrew McK. Jefferson, served as the Chief
Executive Officer of Vital Home Services and COO
ultimate goals of business. It can be helpful in guiding the
and General Counsel of AmeriStar Technologies, discussion between line leaders and learning providers.
Inc. He is currently President and COO for the Fort To begin, managers are asked to define the business
Hill Company. needs that will be met if the course is successful. Then
they must determine what participants will do differently
Richard D. Flanagan, Ph. D, is a licensed
or better, and who will see and confirm the changes.
psychologist whose career has focused on
Finally, managers must determine how the results will be
developing ways to help people change behaviors
and improve their lives and relationships.
measured and documented.

Business Book Review™ Vol. 23, No. 23 • Copyright © 2006 Business Book Review, LLC • All Rights Reserved Page 3
The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning Calhoun Wick, Roy Pollock, Andrew Jefferson, and Richard Flanagan

One of the challenges that all training and development name a few. Some of these same factors will also influence
departments face is choosing the right problem to address. whether individuals transfer and apply the knowledge.
Needs change within a company and last year’s training Successful training requires that participants learn and
needs may not be this year’s. Training and development that they transfer that knowledge to their work. Much
needs to be flexible, just like product development, sales, research has shown that what happens before and after
marketing, and all of the company’s other departments. a formal training program is as important, if not more
The authors look at line organizations as customers who important, than what happens in the training itself.
“hire learning and development to do a job.” To do the best Phase one of any training program is the period before
a formal training program. People
“The only competitive advantage the company of the future will
have is its managers’ ability to learn faster than the competition.” come to programs with opinions,
– Arie de Geus biases, and expectations. Trainers and
training developers must pay attention
job possible, learning and development must understand to all of these, because it is common for the opinions that
the circumstances that line managers face as well as their people come in with to become self-fulfilling prophecies.
business needs. This will help target training programs Therefore, in the time before a formal training program,
to opportunities with the greatest potential payback. To participants must understand that it is a quality training
determine what should be targeted, it is necessary to program, and that they will be held accountable for results
1. calculate the value of the opportunity by analyzing following it.
the difference between the value of average and above One of the most effective methods for building up the
average performance; expectations for a training program is through effective
2. estimate the percentage of the performance management support. If employees perceive that training
variance that training can affect and the likely magnitude has strong managerial support, then they will pay attention.
of that impact; and The critical management behaviors for success are
3. use these to project an expected economic value- • allocating funds for the initiative;
added and return on investment from the proposed • modeling behavior consistent with strategy;
program. • strategic plan integration; and
To find these potential targets, it is necessary for • facilitating the education or training.
training and development departments to do some market Getting the right people into the training is also
research. It is likely that many potential customers, probably work that must go on before the formal training program.
more than can be handled, will emerge. The key is to then Learning and development is more effective when it is
analyze the needs and determine which ones are amenable divided into sequential programs with prerequisites. These
to being solved through a training program. prerequisites can be coursework, but should also include
Once training and development has defined the work experiences—such as having led a project team. This
program, the second training discipline is designing the helps ensure that the people in the course can go out and
complete experience. One thing to keep in mind when implement the training, thereby making it a more effective
beginning this step is that learning is not an event. It is a program.
process that takes place over time. That is why the authors Participant preparation for training is also critical.
advocate designing the complete experience—not just a However, do not go overboard. If the preparation is
one day seminar. A successful training and development considered burdensome, then participants will not enter
organization designs and manages what happens before, the training with positive attitudes. When requiring
during, and after the training session. participants to complete pre-work, make sure it is
What an individual takes away from a learning incorporated and used in the training, so that participants
experience is shaped by many things, including prior do not feel as if they wasted their time completing it.
knowledge, life experiences, their belief structure, their Phase two of designing any training experience is
natural learning style, aptitude, and emotional state to the actual course. The authors believe, “There should be

Business Book Review™ Vol. 23, No. 23 • Copyright © 2006 Business Book Review, LLC • All Rights Reserved Page 4
The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning Calhoun Wick, Roy Pollock, Andrew Jefferson, and Richard Flanagan

a golden thread that links every course activity to one Learning and development must have a tracking and
or more of the expected business outcomes.” To design course correction process.. Training developers must
such a course, it is necessary to work backward from the consider
desired outcome by asking a series of if-then questions. If • planned points at which to assess progress and
this is the outcome we are trying to achieve, then what do provide guidance;
employees need to know and do to achieve it? Working • management support;
in this manner ensures that the business objective is the • coaching;
criterion for weighing what to include in a course and what • supporting materials or media; and
to leave out. • critical mass and peer support.
Another important consideration when designing the For each of these five areas, designers should ask several
training program itself is making sure to employ adult questions. How will we ensure our defined outcomes are
learning principles. Be sure to kept in view? How can we involve participants’ managers?
• integrate the before, during and after phase of What other coaching support will help maximize the
training so that it flows seamlessly; value of the program? What materials or online content
• have the support and involvement of respected do participants need to reinforce what they have learned?
managers; How do we ensure that enough people in any unit have been
• address adults’ need to understand why they need trained, so that there is a critical mass of support?
to know what the training covers;
• design teaching methods and activities to stimulate PART II: DELIVERING TRAINING
analysis, synthesis, and empathy; Once training outcomes have been defined and the
• realize that less may be more—do not be tempted program designed, it is time to deliver for application.
to cram every topic into a training program. Corporate learning and development’s job is not just
In order to ensure a transfer of the learning, the end of a imparting knowledge. It is ensuring that the knowledge
training session should not be the
“The bottom line is that learning and development programs must
end of support. A 2002 survey by
have whole-hearted support from the most influential leaders in the
Phillips and Phillips found eleven
organization, before they are launched.”
reasons that learning failed and
seven of these were related to the is put to use. In order for participants to put to use what
environment after the course. The reasons related to post they learn and to generate business results, there are three
course are conditions that must be met.
1. training was regarded as an isolated event; 1. Participants must see the value in applying what
2. participants were not held accountable for they have learned.
results; 2. The participants must know how to apply what
3. there was a failure to prepare the job environment they have learned.
to support transfer; 3. The participants must be given the opportunity to
4. management reinforcement and support was put their knowledge to work.
missing; To help ensure that knowledge gained in a training
5. there was a failure to isolate the effects of course is transferred to the work force, training and
training; development must create a desire to learn. Participants
6. executives lacked commitment and involvement; must know what is in it for them. If they are convinced
and that learning and applying that knowledge will produce
7. there was a failure to provide feedback and use an outcome that they personally value, then they will be
information about results. motivated to learn. Employees are motivated to learn and
use skills and processes, if they make their work easier or

Business Book Review™ Vol. 23, No. 23 • Copyright © 2006 Business Book Review, LLC • All Rights Reserved Page 5
The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning Calhoun Wick, Roy Pollock, Andrew Jefferson, and Richard Flanagan

faster, improve their working environment, and increase •

build competency, alignment, and commitment
their chances for promotion and recognition. around complex corporate strategies, business
The authors attribute motivation to models, and initiatives; and
• ascribed value — the worth an individual places • is a powerful, engaging, dynamic, and effective
on the expected outcome; way to reach executive audiences.
• degree of coupling — personal estimation that the Trainers must also maximize participants’ retention.
desired results are linked to recommended Participants must be able to recall insights and skills before
behavior; and they can adapt them and apply them. Learning and memory
• expectations — extent to which individuals research indicate that humans are best able “to remember
believe that changing will be rewarded with new information when it is associated with or linked to
valued outcomes. existing ideas, patterns, and knowledge already stored in
Those designing and delivering training must make the long-term memory.”
relevance clear to participants. Relevance and motivation Ensuring the transfer of knowledge is crucial to
to learn are closely linked for adult learners. They want to
delivering executive training. Participants must leave a
know why they are being asked to learn something and how training course with clear and committed objectives. They
what they are learning relates to them. Hewlett-Packard must also have the chance to think through what they must
found strong relationships among the rating of the learningdo in order to accomplish their objectives. Most training
experience; the impact on the learner; and the utility of the
programs do not give participants adequate time to set
training. goals and to write action plans. Participants should be given
To make relevance clear to adult learners, trainers enough time to develop a list of the first two or three things
need to be explicit about the business needs that a training
they will need to do in order to use their knowledge.
program is designed to address. During training, use Naturally, those who did not attend a training session
business-relevant examples to illustrate the connections will want to know what happened and will ask participants
questions. This is a great opportunity to
“Transfer and application is not something that happens after
communicate the effectiveness of the
a program; it is an integral part of the program, since it is the
training and the importance of what was
only phase that generates value to justify cost.”
learned. The authors encourage trainers
between the course content and the company’s needs. to give participants a chance to come up
Trainers must provide participants with know-how. with well-thought out answers to these questions. “Well-
Learners need to walk away from training knowing how thought-out answers reinforce the learning, underscore
to apply new information and skills to their work role. the value of the program, and begin the process of
Learning activities need to stimulate thinking and actions application.”
that participants will use during application. For example,
if the objective is improving participants’ ability to analyze
business or personnel situations, then they must practice
their analytical skills during the training.
Using action learning and business simulations are two Driving follow-through is the fourth training discipline,
ways to accomplish this. For both of these methods, there and it ensures that value is created by participants putting
must be time for participants to reflect on lessons learned their knowledge to work. In many learning and development
and to make connections between actions and learning. programs, value is not fully realized because there is no
The advantages to business simulations in training are that follow-through after training. There must be systems in
simulations place to
• increase executive business acumen and financial • hold people accountable for improvement;
literacy; • practice new skills long enough to master them;
• discuss their development with their managers;

Business Book Review™ Vol. 23, No. 23 • Copyright © 2006 Business Book Review, LLC • All Rights Reserved Page 6
The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning Calhoun Wick, Roy Pollock, Andrew Jefferson, and Richard Flanagan

• give participants support to make progress; and is then increasingly important. A comprehensive follow-
• achieve the maximum degree of improvement. through program has seven components.
The authors equate unused training knowledge to 1) An intelligent reminder system: Reminders
manufacturing scrap. “Learning scrap” is training that goes help encourage action and gather input for management
unused and it has a high cost in both direct and indirect decisions. They alert participants, managers, coaches, and
costs of trainers, travel, time, materials, etc. There is also other stakeholders when it is time to update their progress
the lost opportunity cost of having people take training that and plan further actions.
they cannot or will not use. 2) Flexible update engine: Participants can record
To determine how to drive follow-through, it is their progress by answering a series of questions, which
necessary to look at the reasons that people do not follow require them to stop and reflect about how well they have
through. Surprisingly, many participants “The value delivered by a corporate educational program is
attend courses that they are very excited proportional to which new knowledge and skills are applied to
and enthusiastic about and still fail to the work of the organization.”
transfer their learning to their work
situation. There are usually three things that prevent people followed up on their learning.
from follow through and using their training. 3) Feedback/coaching loop: Participants should
The first is environmental. These factors usually have have the chance to select from whom they wish to receive
to with conflicting priorities, time pressures, and lack of input. Any requests for feedback should include links to
support. The second thing is the human factor. This has to participant’s objectives, actions, progress, and challenges.
do with a lack of commitment, a lack of understanding of 4) Online guidance: This should provide context-
the impact, fear, lack of initiative, and resistance to change. sensitive advice for continuing development activities.
The third reason that training often does not transfer is the 5) Shared learning: One powerful contributor to the
follow-through process itself. This is usually due to poor phase after training is creating a community of learners.
goals and a poor plan to execute them, and to a lack of This system should allow participants to see each other’s
accountability, rewards, and consequences. reflections and updates.
In order for learning and development programs to 6) Administrative and security subsystem:
produce meaningful and lasting results, they must work This feature allows designated administrators to set up
with line management to create systems and processes that groups, enroll or delete participants, create teams, manage
are sufficiently compelling to tip the balance in favor of permission levels, etc.
change. The authors have coined the phrase “follow-through 7) Management Information System: Program
management” to describe the necessary processes, systems, designers need to have the capability to review the quality
and activities for maximizing learning transfer and program and distribution of learning transfer goals in order to gauge
impact. In essence, follow-through management is paying the extent to which the course goals have been met and to
attention. The key elements are monitor the quality and quantity of feedback.
• setting the right expectations; The fifth training discipline that is necessary for a
• gathering and analyzing data; quality program is deploying active support. To achieve
• providing reminders and mileposts; the best results it is necessary to strike the right balance
• ensuring accountability; between accountability and support. The best training and
• providing feedback; development programs create an atmosphere that favors
• and delivering consequences. learning transfer by providing both, especially during the
Generally, business education experiences are intense first crucial weeks after a training program.
and of short duration, and pressure is mounting to shorten Preparing the environment may be more important than
the time spent in training in order to minimize the time any thing else when planning how to successfully transfer
employees are away from work. This will further reduce the learning to the workplace. Just as senior management
leverage of formal training. Follow-through management support is important before training, it is also important after

Business Book Review™ Vol. 23, No. 23 • Copyright © 2006 Business Book Review, LLC • All Rights Reserved Page 7
The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning Calhoun Wick, Roy Pollock, Andrew Jefferson, and Richard Flanagan

training. A participant’s manager is the most influential in The final discipline of a breakthrough training
how well a participant transfers their knowledge. Therefore, rogram is documenting results. This is the only way to
they should be the first line of support. prove that a training and development program contributes
The role of instructors and facilitators does not end to the bottom line. Data are needed to justify the investment
when the training is over. They should also help with in training and development, so the measurement and
follow-through and knowledge transfer. Facilitators can be analysis of training investment must be ongoing. After all,
available by e-mail or phone for follow-up questions. Peers it does compete with other business needs and opportunities
are another part of the active support network following for resources.
training. Participants who go to training together should Besides justifying the use of resources, documenting
keep in touch and provide encouragement and share results helps drive continued improvement in learning and
development. By rigorously assessing
“Involving the manager before and after the program ranked, the quality of the current output,
respectively as the first and third most potent transfer learning
implementing ideas for improvement,
measuring the impact, and repeating the
experiences and advice. procedure, effectiveness and efficiency
Another way to deploy support is by having a large are increased. In order to improve there are three questions
number of employees in one area go through the training that must be answered.
simultaneously. This creates an environment where 1) What are we trying to accomplish?
knowledge is easily transferred because of the mutual 2) How will we know?
support and encouragement available. A consequence of 3) What are our options?
sending only a few participants from one work group is Direct evidence of the business impact of learning and
that “the freshly-minted evangelists for the new approach development is rarely as easy as looking at whether sales
are under tremendous pressure to conform to the old way have increased. Often times, companies fall into the trap of
of doing things when they return to work.” measuring activity rather than outcomes, confusing positive
The authors make the comparison between the active reaction with positive results, and adopting learning versus
support received after a training course with the support business perspective.
customers receive post-purchase. The most successful The key to measuring the impact of training and
companies are known for the ongoing high-quality customer development is to pick a critical few parameters that yield
support they provide after a purchase is made. evidence about whether a program is meeting its objectives.
Training and development should consider developing Through observation it is possible to gauge evidence of
user manuals. This does require a new way of thinking. The behavior change. People, such as managers, can observe
trick is making the manual accessible in order to facilitate relevant situations and assess if there has been a change in
its use. An online guide is one obvious solution. To be truly behavior. An employee’s peers may also be in a position
effective it must to observe this.
• Be an integral part of the follow-through process. The economic benefits of learning and development
• Make information available at the place and include new revenue, new business generated; cost
moment it is needed. avoidance; and preventing an accident, regulatory sanction,
• Provide simple, fast, and specific access. or lawsuit. In order to calculate these costs, finance will
• Offer suggestions that are concrete and need to provide training and development with information,
actionable. like the cost of replacing an experienced sales person or the
• Supply information in short, digestible segments fully-loaded hourly rate of a manager.
without being superficial. In order for this documentation to be useful, training
• Continue to evolve, adding company-specific and development must communicate the results. They
knowledge and best practices after each iteration must become marketers for their own program. These
of the program. results should be communicated to whomever learning and
development’s most important customers are, to anyone
Business Book Review™ Vol. 23, No. 23 • Copyright © 2006 Business Book Review, LLC • All Rights Reserved Page 8
The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning Calhoun Wick, Roy Pollock, Andrew Jefferson, and Richard Flanagan

who participated in the evaluation of a training program, Reading Suggestions

and to employees who have not yet participated in the
training. Reading Time 8 hours, 231 Pages in Book
Following these six disciplines will help any company The authors organize the book around their six
develop a breakthrough training and development program. training disciplines, making it very simple to follow
The authors believe that it is important because training the process of setting up a learning and development
and development is an investment, and it can produce department from beginning to end. For managers who
significant returns. are unfamiliar with the six disciplines, it is best to read
the book straight through and not jump from part to part
* * * based on interest.
A chapter-by-chapter summary and a bibliography This book is one that is not meant to be put on the
are provided. shelf after completion. At that point it becomes a manual,
a guide that will provide assistance at each step. There
are worksheets, forms, checklists, and action points that
managers can use to stay on track during the process of
building or re-building a training program. For anyone
Remarks who wants a brief refresher after reading the book, or who
wants to re-evaluate a program later, there is the Coda at
The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning the end. It has an overview of the six disciplines.
by Calhoun Wick, Roy Pollock, Andrew Jefferson, and
Richard Flanagan is a complete training and how-to manual
for setting up, not just an effective, but a breakthrough CONTENTS
training and development program. Luckily, it does not Foreword by Kevin D. Wilde, Vice President, Chief
read like most training manuals. The authors are clear and Learning Office, General Mills, Inc.
concise and include just enough examples to illustrate their Introduction: The Six Disciplines
points. Chapter 1: D1: Define Outcomes in Business Terms
The ideas and suggestions provide great food for Chapter 2: D2: Design the Complete Experience
thought and are flexible enough that they can be fitted to Chapter 3: D3: Deliver for Application
any company and to any program. This book is not just Chapter 4: D4: Drive Follow-Through
for top executives, but will be helpful for managers at any Chapter 5: D5: Deploy Active Support
level who want to better understand how to set up a training Chapter 6: D6: Document Results
program, and how to get more out of a training program. Coda
The authors provide useful information about supporting The Last Word by Marshall Goldsmith
training while it is occurring, as well as before and after
the program.
At the end of each chapter are action points for learning
leaders and for line leaders, which makes this book
extremely helpful for managers who are trying to make
their training programs more effective and more relevant
for line employees. These points will also make a great
checklist for any manager who is reviewing and fine tuning
a training program.

Business Book Review™ Vol. 23, No. 23 • Copyright © 2006 Business Book Review, LLC • All Rights Reserved Page 9
The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning Calhoun Wick, Roy Pollock, Andrew Jefferson, and Richard Flanagan

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