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Introduction By Chris Hopper (@chrishopper2) &
Valor Maps (@mrvalorisalive)

These dozen adventures can be run with just the 5th Edition SRD, and are designed for brief grab and go evenings
or strung together in a campaign running from 1st to 6th level. The central city, surrounding towns, and larger
area are left to your imagination a patch that can be attached to any canvas.

Maps are generously provided by Valor Maps and can also be purchased with dynamic lighting and much more at
the Roll20 Marketplace. Interior images from and original art by Chris Hopper.


Murder at the Scriptorium.................................................2
Chaos in the Armory.....................,.....................................4
Raeger & Graeger's One Night Band Stand.........................9
The Warehouse Job...........................................................13
Blinkbracket's Blunder.....................................................15
Mornbrew's Hideout.......................................................18
The Acrid Pit...................................................................20
The Steam Hive...............................................................23
Higwalde's Tomb............................................................26
Three Daughters' Falls....................................................29

Vault of the Dark Archivist..............................................33
The Unity Day Attack........................................................36
Open Gaming License.......................................................39

Murder at the Scriptorium By Chris Hopper (@chrishopper2) &
Valor Maps (@mrvalorisalive)
An adventure for 5th edition. Recommended for 3-6 level 1 characters.

A murder mystery at the scriptorium. Social DMs may

wish to expand the first act, giving each scribe or
guardsman a little extra detail to provide. The scribes
use this office to copy ancient works for a nearby
monastery. The works are mundane prayers and hymns,
appreciated by the locals but regarded as too pedestrian

by the local clergy.

Objectives 1

When one of the scribes is found dead, an innocent peer
is arrested. Find the real culprit before another scribe is

Setup putting up of sizable security for transport, and the

If this adventure takes place in the characters’ home- nerve-wracking transition itself. All so we can preserve
town, they may be recruited by the watch to help. Skip an echo of what’s been learned.”
to “The Scribes” below. Otherwise, they’ll be stopped

on the streets by a group of 4 town watchmen (guards)
and asked to follow them to speak to the captain.

The watch leads the party to a small office with narrow

“Any book may someday be the last remaining copy.”

Traian doesn’t know why Cynric was in the storeroom

after hours. All their work is mundane prayer books and
windows. “Scriptorium” shines in brass gothic letters hymns, the work “the priests up the road are too holy to
above the door. Six scribes wait in a line outside while deal with.”
the constable and his men search inside. The characters
are added to the line and requested to wait while each The other scribes all wear simple tunics with sleeves
suspect is questioned. that button back at the elbow:
• Horlan Silverkin, a young bright-eyed scribe with a
If the players attempt to interfere, they will have to polite demeanor.
• Grace Targaxe, a 20-something woman who walks

fight the four guards outside, plus the captain (band

captain, Investigation +2) and his bandit constables. with a cane.
Additional guards may be called with a whistle or • Adoneros Miller, a large-chested man that looks
retreating watchman. more at home at a smithy than a scriptorium.
• Matrim Arcath, a narrow-eyed, nervous teen.
The nearest of the scribes, a rusty-skinned tiefling
named Orin Incustrife, explains that a scribe named They will all speak fondly of their coworker, and know
Cynric was found dead in the office this morning. no reason anyone would want to kill her. Grace is

The chief scribe shushes him, but the characters can particularly defensive of Orin.
persuade either scribe to share more with a DC 12

The Arrest
Charisma (Persuasion) check.

1. The Scribes If the PCs do nothing to interfere, the watch will arrest
Orin (“the half-demon”) and Traian will beg them to
The chief scribe, Traian Dragonsbane (“a family help clear the tiefling’s name. All the scribes agree Orin
name”), is a middle-aged bureaucrat who doesn’t look is no murderer, and will try to pursuade the characters
to have gotten enough sleep. He discovered the dead if Traian cannot. Traian doesn’t have much to offer, but
scribe, Cynric, when he arrived at work this morning. can pay a small sum of 25 gp to find the true culprit
He’s upset not just at the loss of his scribe, but the (and return Orin to work). If they agree, he’ll send the
disruption of their important work, and says things like: scribes home and loiter around to help the characters
“Copying this knowledge involves months of negotiation
with distant lords for the loan of these books; the

Murder at the Scriptorium By Chris Hopper (@chrishopper2) &
Valor Maps (@mrvalorisalive)

2. Storage 5
The watch didn’t bother to clean up the large pool of
blood seeping around packing crates in the back corner, 4
nor the bloodspray across the shipping materials and
barrels. A quick look around the room shows that much
of what’s stored here is the leftovers of scribing: barrels
of quills and tips, discarded jars of ink waiting to be

refilled, stacks of parchment, rolls of vellum, and more.
A DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) or a DC 14 Intelligence
(Investigation) check reveals that while most of the
inkwells are empty, a discarded one in the corner is

crusted with blood (see the “Cynric’s Deal” sidebar).
6 2
3. Narrow Hallway
The imp from area 2 will use the corner at the end of
this narrow hallway to score a cheap hit on characters
either entering or exiting.

4. Desks Cynric’s Deal

The desks each contain high quality calligraphy tools
along with the segments of texts the particular scribe is
copying. The works are non-magical prose and poetry.
Cynric, tired of the scribes’ life, secretly took up an
independent study of more valuable texts. With some
extracurricular research and a little outside help, he learned
all he needed to craft a summoning scroll for a warlock’s
pact. Or so he thought.
At first glance, Cynric’s desk is identical to the others.
A successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) or DC 12 In reality, he got it terribly, terribly wrong. An imp was
summoned instead, and when Cynric tried to banish it, the
Intelligence (Investigation) check will reveal that his imp struck back. Now the imp is hiding in the shadows, still
inkpot, and writing nibs are missing from his desk. bound to this place by Cynric’s drying blood.

5. Reading Room The imp’s main goal is to avoid leaving the primate material

plane. If there’s a warlock in the party, he’ll offer to teach

Completed manuscripts are examined here before the ritual necessary to become his familiar. If the characters
shipping around the world. Scrolls slot carefully into seem interested, he’ll trade them secrets in exchange for
their help breaking the binding (Persuasion +4, Deception
small wooden shelves, while larger volumes are held in
place by big brass bookends. The watch used this room
to question the members of the scriptorium, so no one If he can’t pursuade them, he’ll give them a chase by
seems eager to re-enter. shapeshifting, becoming invisible, and using full advantage
of the many books, tables, desks, and papers to hide (Stealth

+5) while trying to sting them one at a time.

6. Traian’s Office
Traian’s office holds several impressively bound
volumes and many tomes of matching leather journals.
Traian’s recordkeeping is second-to-none and his
Concluding the Adventure
business over the years reflects that. The imp will If shown the inkpot or other evidence, the watch
attempt to corner a single character in Traian’s office will free Orin with a series of apologies. Traian is
for combat. If Traian makes his way there unattended, a bit of a town gossip, and can offer leads on any
the imp may persuade him to finish the ritual his other adventures nearby. If you’d like to extend this
student started. adventure, the imp may tell the players about the secret
Vault of the Dark Archivist. The imp may also escape to
serve the dark archivist or Celeste (from Mornbrew’s

Chaos in the Armory By Chris Hopper (@chrishopper2) &
Valor Maps (@mrvalorisalive)
An adventure for 5th ed. Recommended for 4-6 level 1 characters.

A series of thefts has the local constabulary nervous,

but it’s far too high profile for the town watch to start
poking around. Use your particular skills to quietly find 6
out what’s going on without giving the town nobles
some new reason to gossip about the local watch.

This may be used as a followup adventure to Murder
at the Scriptorium. Like that adventure, this content be
easily scaled for players of all ages.

Andril’s is a social adventure in four to five scenes,
leading to a confrontation and chase. Characters will 1
interview a number of suspects before giving chase and 2
facing action. It’s the perfect chance for DMs to add an
extra dash of local lore into the characters’ home base
or introduce a recurring ally. If used as a followup to
Murder at the Scriptorium, it gives characters a chance

to become directly involved with the local authorities,
or to uncover new secrets about them.

Getting Started

The Setup
The watch captain believes the thief is still collecting
items, and that they may be caught in Andril’s armory.
The captain of the watch has called the characters He’s coordinated with Andril Steelpike for you to enter
to discretely investigate a series of thefts in a local as apprentices. Andril’s mastersmiths are largely
artisans shop. This is a particularly sensitive matter, dwarven, but apprentices are known to come from
since the artisan in question is Andril’s Anvil, providers across the realms to learn from these renowned
of the royal armory, and that of the town watch itself. If experts.
word were to get out that someone had the means and

materials to duplicate watch uniforms, the civic trust Andril’s expecting you, but his staff has not been
would be in danger. informed of anything other than an untimely group
of apprentices. There’s a number of people that may
What We Know open up about things they were unwilling to describe
to the watch. Interview everyone you can, and most
Several mundane weapons have gone missing from importantly, watch out for anything unusual.
the workshop and vendor stall. This in and of itself

is hardly unusual, there’s plenty of quick hands when

operating a street venue. What’s concerning is that the
only ones missing are of a special new experimental
Welcome to Andril’s Anvil
steel, which is supposedly stronger than any regular Andril’s Anvil is a city-block-sized slab of a building in
blade. These items shouldn’t have even been in the stall. two-stories of shale and granite. The many chimneys
smoke constantly and the clatter of work inside echoes
Also missing are Andril’s personal notes on the day and night. The couryard houses an open air market
alchemical processes involved in the creation of this where apprenctice and common work is sold to anyone.
steel. A talented smith could reproduce it, perhaps even Private clients are admitted into the carpeted display
improve on it, threatening our edge on the battlefield hall on the south wing for more specialized purchasing.
and the street.

There are several methods Andril uses that mark a 1. Courtyard Stand
watchman’s breastplate as distinct and official, not to The courtyard stand is lined with a selection of
mention the seal itself. If these were replicated, the weapons and simple armor for sale. Mostly the work of
thief could move about the city with impunity.

Chaos in the Armory By Chris Hopper (@chrishopper2) &
Valor Maps (@mrvalorisalive)

2. Display Lobby
Interviewing Suspects Castiel Silvershine greets you at the door, gloved hands
Characters with high passive Insight may know when a
character is lying, but persuading or intimidating a reluctant
pressed firmly on the doorface, and seems to appraise
individual into telling the truth is always an additional your value the moment you enter the foyer. This plush
challenge. These characters may sometimes react favorably if lobby is an appointment-only portion of Andril’s, after
another skill (like fighting prowess or a similar background) all.
is leveraged, and roleplay is always the most valuable skill!

Castiel is a half-elf with a sharp face, long shining
hair, and an impatient attitude. Conversation will
the apprentices, this selection appears to be nothing out not be forthcoming unless the characters initiate it.
of the ordinary. The craftmanship is good, but the items Castiel is quite proud to talk about the history of the

are the kinds of things you can purchase at any forge. Armory, which has been here for almost two centuries.
Castiel’s family has been here three generations. The
It is manned by Chi Blamerough, a red-haired dwarf craftsmanship has only improved over those years, as
with an easy (and frequent) laugh. Chi wears a dwarven evidenced by these excellent specimens.
holy symbol around a heavy chain, and is friendly
and approachable. Perceptive characters will notice Castiel knows there’s been petty thefts lately,
old combat scars on his knuckles and arms with a “perhaps a dip in quality of the apprentice pool.”
successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check.
Perceptive characters (DC 10 passive Investigation)
Before coming to work for Andril a few years ago, Chi will notice the cases have been moved around the room

was an adventurer. He’s an accomplished veteran, but
is glad to be growing his first gray hairs in the shade of
a tent rather than racing through crumbling ruins.
lately; imprints of the old configuration are still in the
plush carpet. A quick DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation)
check will conclude that the evenly-spaced cases have
been recently re-arranged as if there’s one less case.
If questioned, Chi doesn’t know anything about
the recent thefts. Running a public stall means the Castiel will deflect if asked about this: “It’s a sales floor.
occasional sticky-fingered passerby, but these are a We reconfigure based on the wares.”
common fixture of any city. There’s a reason he’s the
one in the stall. This is a lie, which a successful DC10 Wisdom (Insight)
check will detect.
Chi claims to know no reason any guard materials
In fact, the missing case has been relocated for

would end up out in his tent, but a passive Insight of

12 or higher may catch this lie. If pressed or persuaded repairs since being broken into last week. This may be
with a DC 10 Charisma (Persuasion or Intimidation) rattled out of Castil with a successful DC 10 Charisma
check, he’ll reveal that certain ex-employees have, in (Intimidate or Persuasion) check. Characters can
the past, slipped valueable items into the inventory inspect the case while meeting with Andril in area 4.
for fences to buy out from under Chi’s nose. He’s
embarrassed to admit that this has happened on his If pressed, either through successful roleplay or a DC 12
watch before, but none recently that he can recall. Until Charisma (Intimidate or Persuasion) check, Castiel may

this recent series of events, he believed Andril had reveal that the black market trade of Andril-worked
rooted out any would-be smugglers. armors has been a problem over the years. Castiel is
personally maintaining responsibility for the floor as
The courtyard shows the typical comings and goings a matter of familial pride and responsibility, but it’s
of many people. A handful of crates press against exhausting.
the walls, waiting to be hauled in through the big
double-doors to the forge. A successful Intelligence A success of 14 or more on a Charisma (Intimidate or
(Investigation) or Wisdom (Perception) check reveals Persuasion) check will also reveal that Castiel had the
that a particularly athletic climber could reach the case removed because of the way it had been broken.
second story windows by carefully climbing the crates. The arcane locks weren’t just punched through or
broken, they were dispelled.
Making this climb is a DC 14 Dexterity (Acrobatics)
check and reveals that the second story windows are Castiel doesn’t know where Andril keeps his notebooks.

Chaos in the Armory By Chris Hopper (@chrishopper2) &
Valor Maps (@mrvalorisalive)

3. Forge Hall As forgemaster, Udo has worked with Andril for nearly
This long room features six gigantic forges, each with a century. She has a good working relationship with
their own anvil and quench buckets. Long tables have him, and appreciates his skill as a metalurgist. There
several works in progress, some alongside chalk and are still skills she lacks, and still things only he will do.
slate or parchment notes. A well-muscled apprentice As such, Andril’s secrets are his alone. His private notes

sweats over a large billows while Forgemaster Udo are always on his person, and since losing them last
Earthphoenix works a blade. week he’s been an absolute disaster.

Characters entering this area may be given an optional Udo has nothing to hide from the characters. She
DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) check to spot a shadowy is absolutely loyal to Andril Silverpike and will not

figure moving around at the top of the north stairwell. tolerate any less than the same from her apprentices.
Jump straight to Confrontation if they pursue!
If they’re going to be staying, there’s beds in the back.
Forgemaster Udo Earthphoenix is unusually tall for a These are purely optional, of course, but you may find
dwarf. She wears the requisite leathers and keeps her the forge warm during the cold winter. Or your weak
coal-black hair tightly braided in a tall, intricate bun arms and legs may be too tired for the walk after a good
that encircles her head like a crown. When characters 12 hours at the fire. Pernell can show them.
first arrive, Castiel will hurry them through this busy
area to Andril’s desk at the back, but if they pause to Pernell’s only been here a few weeks, but heard some

speak to Udo she’ll acknowledge them with as few
words as possible while continuing to work. Castiel will
go to fetch Andril or just tell them to hurry along to the
boss at their convenience.
strange noises late at night. He’d attributed it to being
new and nervous. It’s a large building, lots of places for
things to hide. Surely it’s just rats.

4. Andril’s Desk
A successful DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) or Knowledge
(Arcana) check will notice an unusual purple spark If the characters spent a while talking to Udo, Andril
to Udo’s strokes. The steel has unusually arcane will approach the party to introduce himself. Andril
alterations within it. The weapon itself isn’t magical, is an old dwarf, but not yet elderly. His steel gray
but the steel it’s made of seems to be? A character with mane and steel gray eyes seem to drop the ambient
a martial or craftsman’s background may make this temperature by a degree. He’s dressed practically, in
check at advantage. a tunic crumbled from being recently under a leather

apron. He greets you briefly, thanks Udo or Castiel, and

Udo can only hear out her left ear. As such, she tends hurries you back to his desk.
to maintain more than average eye contact as she
reads the speaker’s lips. If the characters bring up the As he sits, his hand instictively goes to his hip to move
missing items or past interns, she quenches the sword a weapon that hasn’t hung there for centuries. He sighs,
with a hiss of steam, then gives them her undivided settles in, and thanks you for coming.

He jumps straight to the point. His journal’s written

She is aware of the unique properties of Andril’s steel. in his private cypher, never off his person, but has
Its distict alchemical make up is what makes it supple, vanished. Other irregularities are concerning, but that
rather than splintering, and gives it the signature ebony book contains trade secrets that cannot fall into the
sheen. hands of anyone outside these walls.

She has nothing ill to say about the current apprentices. He believes it must have been a pickpocket or magical
Andril’s reduced their numbers lately, taking on more of intervention. He noticed it was gone at the end of the
the work himself. Shari Redstream and Pernell DeGary day-before-yesterday’s busy shift, and immediately
are both reliable and punctual. contacted the watch. It was in the intervening hours
that he came to realize what else was missing. He’s
She remembers a couple of apprentices from a few interviewed everyone himself, but trust his staff
years ago, Fate Stonesworn and Neville Nyctereutes. explicitly. Still, if they haven’t spoken with Udo or
They were ambitious, smart, and did not last long under Castiel, maybe they’d be more forthcoming with peers.
the discliplined dwarven workday. She wouldn’t be
surprised if they were involved.

Chaos in the Armory By Chris Hopper (@chrishopper2) &
Valor Maps (@mrvalorisalive)

Andril is worried, and it’s an uncomfortable feeling for

the confident dwarf. He’s also concerned about what
other secrets may fall into the wrong hands. Characters
who examine his desk with a successful Intelligence
(Arcana or Nature) check or that cast detect magic may
notice that a black stone on his desk is commonly used

as an arcane focus.
If asked, Andril will claim to have a small arcane
talent, but never to have used it outside the occasional
cantrip. A successful DC 12 Wisdom (Insight) check

will detect this lie. With a DC 10 Charisma (Persuasion)
or DC 12 Charisma (Intimidation) check he’ll admit to
some dabbling in the ancient alchemical studies of his
forebears. It will take a success of 16 or greater for him
to admit that his process is actually magical.

The case from the display hall (area 2) is behind

Andril’s desk as well. Characters examining it with a
successful Intelligence (Investigation) check will see

that the protective runes have burned off the silver-
edged lining, as if they’d been subject to dispel magic.
Whoever did this was also talented in the arcane, and
air, as if held by invisible warriors (flying sword). A
pair of flying battleaxes attack the characters as they
enter (treat as flying swords as well, for a total of 4 in
the room). Pernell is desperately fighting them off with
Developments a mace and chair (held like a shield) and Andril will
rush to his aid.
While the characters are putting the last pieces
together, either during the conversation with Andril if
This room’s ceiling opens to the second story, where
they moved through the adventure in order, or during
overstock products are kept stacked to the rafters. An
a conversation with Udo or Castiel if not, read or
agile character can scramble up the stacked boxes and
paraphrase the following:

crates with a successful DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics)

The clang of steel on steel echoes from the stock room
down the hall, followed by a startled scream. Andril
Arcane spellcasters may realize, either through roleplay
leaps into action and is halfway down the hall before you
or by succeeding at a DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check,
even have time to gather your wits.
that animate weapon requires the concentration of a
nearby caster. Characters capable of casting detect
5. Stockroom magic will find the culprit in the rafters, clad in black.

Adril will burst through the door with typical dwarven The sorcerous thief is using the sword as a distraction
efficiency. Inside, a pair of swords are suspended in the so they can slip away. A successful DC 10 Wisdom
(Perception) check, taken at disadvantage unless the
character has darkvision, will also spot the figure. If
Magic? So What? spotted, they’ll dash into the upstairs gloom.
Andril has no real reason to be embarrassed about his

6. Quarters
arcane talents. Plenty of dwarves craft with layers of
magical fortifications. Unfortunately, he’s spent more than
a century staking his claim on the scientific prowess of his
creation. His dark steel alloy is the envy far and wide of There’s nothing of note in these spartan bunks,
people of science who hope to better understand the natural, however, if you need an extra scene Parnell may lead
nonmagical process of armorsmithing. Learning that it’s “just
another enchantment,” dwarven or otherwise, would ruin his
them to settle in here before going back out to the stock
reputation as an honest businessman. room and falling pray to the attack in the description

Chaos in the Armory By Chris Hopper (@chrishopper2) &
Valor Maps (@mrvalorisalive)

7. Overstock
Characters may reach the overstock room either by
climbing the stairwells in area 3 or scrambling up the
Sorcerous Thief
Medium humaniod (human), chaotic neutral
stockroom boxes in area 5. Either way, when pursued to
Armor Class: 13
this level, the mysterious figure in the rafters or lurking
Hit Points: 55 (10d8 + 10)

in the shadows will make a hasty exit out the northmost Speed: 30 ft.
window (8).

8. Confrontation on the Roof 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (0) 10 (0) 16 (+3)

Skills Deception +5, Stealth +5
Unless captured sooner, the figure makes a dash for
Senses passive Perception 10
a makeshift walkway crossing from the second story Languages Common, Elven
window to the neighboring roof. Challenge 2 (700 XP)

In the daylight, the characters will notice this slight Animate (1/day). As an action, the thief may animate 4 objects
figure moves with unnatural grace. to come to it’s aid. These objects remains animated until
dispelled, destroyed, or the thief uses this ability again.

The fleeing figure will do their best to evade the party, Arcane Recovery. During a short rest the sorcerous thief can

but confrontation is inevitable. The sorcerous thief is
a former student of Udo, but not one of the ones she
listed. This student is far older, preserved by arcane
knowledge and a stubborn will to learn.
recover one spell slot of any level.

Spellcasting. The sorcerer is a 4th level spellcaster. Its

spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with
spell attacks. It has the following sorcerer spells prepared:
They were hired by a mysterious figure to discover the Cantrips (at will): flame bolt, mage hand, message, minor
secrets of Andril’s alchemy. Their benefactor believed it illusion, mending
to be arcane in nature, but had no idea the extent Andril 1st level (4 slots): disguise self, expeditious retreat, jump
had gone to hide that fact. 2nd level (2 slots): invisibility, shatter

The thief is still carrying Andril’s notes. They’d slipped Actions

back in to try to find the cypher key in Andril’s desk,
Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range

and were searching upstairs for older notes to use in

20/60 ft., one creature. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage.
decrypting it.
The sorcerous thief is a thief, but not a murderer. It is unlikely

Concluding the Adventure

to try and kill the characters unless that’s its only way out.
While invisible, the thief can still be potentially heard or
If the sorcerous thief survives the encounter, they’ll
tip the characters off to a number of leads. Their

benefactor may be the dark archivist from Vault of the

Dark Archivist or the boss from the warehouse job.
Alternatively, neighboring nation states may have hired
them to find out more.

If the sorcerous thief does not survive, Andril’s notes

are recovered and his secret is safe, though perhaps not
from his employees. Characters may help recover the
rest of the items from the thief’s employers, introducing
them to a much wider network of corporate intrigue.

Raeger & Graeger’s By Chris Hopper (@chrishopper2) &
Valor Maps (@mrvalorisalive)

One Night Band Stand An adventure for 5th ed.

Recommended for 2 or more level 1 characters.

Some favors you just don’t get to skip out on. An

innkeeper from the character’s past (someone they’ve
saved, somewhere they’ve lodged, maybe just a friend) 4
needs a favor. The Baron’s Ball is fast approaching and 5
musicians have traveled from far and wide to audition.
Most bards are delightful, but in groups they’re also

exponential trouble. And there’s just too many bards at
the poor Broken Drum for barkeeps Raeger and Graeger
to handle. Help them keep the peace, just for a night,
and you’ll be well paid for your trouble.

Synopsis 1
This can take place in the same setting as Murder at the
Scriptorium and Chaos at the Armory, either before or
after those events. If the characters have an established
reputation with the town watch, they could be sent by 3
the watch captain as a personal favor instead.

Like both Murder at the Scriptorium and Chaos at the
Armory, this makes a great starting adventure. After all,
so many good stories start one night at the inn.
room. It’s currently packed to standing room only. Even
though it’s only early evening, the wood stage has a trio
of halflings playing a merry stringed tune to a crowd of
Getting Started clapping, yapping patrons.
You spot Raeger (or maybe that’s Greager?) working the
The Broken Drum is in a decent part of town, right bar.
off a pleasant palazzio and near fine eateries and
performance halls. It’s known to be the place for up and He waves the characters over frantically and hands
coming singers, so when the annual Baron’s Ball comes everyone an armload of beers, gesturing broadly to
around it books up for the year. different directions of the room. Each character must

make a DC 10 Dexterity (acrobatics) check to navigate

Twin halfling brothers Raeger and Graeger manage the the busy room without spilling the frothy brews.
day-to-day operations for owner Azura Karninov, but
with all the extra boarders it’s an all hands on deck this If all characters succeed, he’ll divvy up tips when they
evening. Either through a personal connection to one of return (a few coppers each, plus a couple of silvers) and
them or via a favor to the watch captain, the characters pour one for each of them before going to get Azura.
have been sent to lend a hand on this, the busiest night

of the year. If they don’t take the beers, or if one of them fails the
dexterity check, he’ll stomp off to find Azura, then
spend the rest of the evening shooting the characters
1. Entryway dirty looks across the room.
The Broken Drum’s courtyard features a dozen or so old
drum shells, now happily sprouting seasonal herbs and
vegetables. The big double-doors are thrown open to the
Azura Karninov
cool fall air and the sound of music drifts from inside. Azura Karninov is a simple tavern keeper. Something
The welcome desk just has a small welcome note in a half she’ll tell you at every opportunity while trying to keep
dozen languages. her softly pointed ears hidden under her long raven
hair and her well honed knife safely at her back. She’s
a half-elf, no stranger to magic or adventurers, and not
2. Common Area interested in talking about her past. Her bronze skin
The spacious common area features a long table for seems to catch and keep a little more light than the
10 and a dozen four-tops scattered around the well-let tavern’s windows and candles cast.

Raeger & Graeger’s By Chris Hopper (@chrishopper2) &
Valor Maps (@mrvalorisalive)

One Night Band Stand

“As you can see, we’re overbooked. Bards, right? Just As Graeger continues preparing food and drink,
help me keep them from burning the place down for the characters may make a DC 10 Wisdom (Perception)
next ten hours. They should be gone by morning.” or Intelligence (Nature) check to notice the dianthus
flowers he’s adding to the steaming teapot have been
If the characters ask what’s going on, she relates again swapped with nightshade!

that the Baron’s Ball is coming and everyone here wants
to audition to play at it. The ball is a city-wide affair, If no one succeeds, he’ll provide one of them a steaming
so the festivities range from the formal ball itself to the hot sample. Roll a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or
street parades and the harvest festival outside of town. take 3 (1d6) poison damage and become Poisoned for
Everyone’s got a part, if they want to play it. 24 hours. Poisoned characters repeat the Constitution

saving throw every 4 hours, taking an additional 3
Characters willing to help her for the night will earn 25 (1d6) poison damage until successful or until the poison
gold each, plus tips. This can be negotiated to 50 with a is treated.
DC 14 Charisma (Persuasion) check.
If Gregor is made aware of the poison, he’ll swear
about the bards and throw the whole pot out the open
Getting To Work window, then send characters down the street to get the
proper flowers (blue-fringed dianthus) from the florist.
These areas may be played in any order, and by any

combination of characters. Large parties will be split
up by Azura to different tasks (strong people to the
kitchen, friendly ones to the tavern, everyone else to
the bar), but small groups may do each in turn.
3A. The Florist
While picking up the dianthus (blue fringed, not violet)
the characters may notice that despite the hour there’s
a number of performers loitering around the fountain
3. Kitchen square. The town watch is doing their best to appear
casual while keeping a close eye.
As you enter the kitchen, Graeger (or is that Raegar?)
waves without turning from the large cookfire. The wall- A thief (spy) at the nearby money changer may be
sized stone cooktop features cast iron stoves left and spotted swiping a few coins with a successful DC 14
right of the open fire, a hanging stewpot that bubbles Wisdom (perception) check. The quick-footed gnome
over with broth, and a prep area filled with fresh fish will vanish into the crowd if the characters’ don’t act

from the market. fast. If stopped, the money lender will reward you an
additional 20 gp each.
“Hold this” he says, handing you a large iron rod. As
soon as you have a grip, he pivots the huge iron stewpot MAP 2: THE FLORIST
from the swinging bracket over the fire onto the rod.

Make a DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check to keep from


dropping the gigantic cast iron stewpot. If there’s two

characters to hold the rod between, roll with advantage.

If the characters succeed at this sudden turn of events,

Gregor nods approval and quickly dishes them to a
dozen bowls for the hungry patrons. If they fail, he’ll
pop off a quick prestidigitation to clean it up, sigh, and
volunteer them to start helping with the next recipe.

Gramma’s Recipe 3A
If characters want to help, they may make a signature dish
with a DC 14 Intelligence (History) or Wisdom (Survival)
check, or a DC 10 Wisdom check with cooking utensils. The
kitchen’s well stocked with pickled meats, sausages, and
plenty of herbs and spices.

Raeger & Graeger’s By Chris Hopper (@chrishopper2) &
Valor Maps (@mrvalorisalive)

One Night Band Stand

4. The Slip of a Note
As the day turns to night you get used to the rhythm of
table, table, bar; table, table, bar. The patrons’ names
become Purple-Hat-Pickled-Carrot, Surly-Steamed-
Venison, Half-Baked-Baked-Trout, and Allergic-To-

Mushrooms in your mind, instead of whatever it was
they introduced themselves as while you were trying to
remember the other 5 tasks.

Azura attends to some of the regulars while the party

works. A DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check will spot
her slip a note to the drink of a golden-haired man in
studded leathers, who then slips out the door.

If confronted in advance, the blonde bandit will brush

off the characters. The note’s just a description from
“the boss” on someone that needs to “not be in shape to
perform tomorrow.” The bandit’s not keen to cross his
employer, but can be persuaded with a DC 10 Charisma

(Intimidation or Persuasion) check.

The note describes a young woman, red of hair and

clothes, short, skilled in song and dance. Characters
can make a Wisdom (Perception) check to spot her
Each performer gets 3 songs, judged by the crowd.
Characters make three DC 15 Charisma (Performance)
check or three DC 15 Dexterity checks with an
in the crowd or ask around with a DC 10 Charisma instrument of their choice.
(Persuasion) check.
After each, read or paraphrase the following based on
Millifred Loondancer (Milli) is a flirty alto with a the result:
weakness for rich ales and richer patrons. If the If the character passes all 3 rolls, a benefactor will
characters seek her out she’ll laugh them off and discreetly offer to sponsor their performance at the
explain that it’s been a quiet night if someone hasn’t Baron’s Ball.

tried at least once. If they press, she’ll accept their

protection for the evening. It’s a dangerous town.
<5 The booing and jeering starts before you
If characters don’t notice the man leave, they may get finish, and by the end fruit and fists are flying.
a second chance to hear the scuffle out back. If they Not only have you been chased offstage,
slip out there, the golden-haired man (bandit) and two you’ve performed so badly a fight broke out as
thugs will be in a scuffle with Milli. The bard (spy, with people tried to rush the stage to make you stop
Performance +5) seems to be holding her own with a playing.

pair of curved short swords. 5 - 10 You finish your song to a scattering of polite,
but disinterested claps. Raeger hops on the bar
If the characters confront Azura about passing the and spins his hand in a “keep going” sign of
note, she’ll be only mildly shocked at it’s contents. The encouragement.
note was left by a regular, she’ll see if she can spot him
again. Sometimes these nobles, they have interests in 10-20 You hear surprised murmors from the crowd
preserving their favorites, regardless of who gets hurt and are greeted with a round of applause.
in the process. Keep playing!
> 20 People are on their feet. Tables are shoved
back for dancing. Someone’s found a
5. Solo Act tambourine or other appropriate accopanying
If characters would like to try their hand at earning instrument. When the performance is over the
the baron’s favor, they can take their turn at stage. whole room erupts in cheers.

Raeger & Graeger’s By Chris Hopper (@chrishopper2) &
Valor Maps (@mrvalorisalive)

One Night Band Stand

6. Mischief Upstairs
The cloaks are as varied as the downstairs occupants.
Do I know you? Bards at the Broken Drum
One appears covered with a tar-like substance,
Belten Elijer, Lightfoot halfling. Beltan is an accomplished
presumably to keep the rain off. Quite a few are of minstrel and illusionist. His spectaculars are known far and
cheap wool or spun cotton. Several silk jackets and wide, and he happily weaves a tale of triumph.

cloaks also adorn the racks. One appears to shift and
change colors in the light, and another delivers a small Luna Stonesworn, dwarven chantress. That’s chantress, as in,
one who chants. Very renowned in dwarven lands. She speaks
static jolt (1 electric damage) when you touch it. loudly and slowly, as if worried you can’t understand what
she’s saying. She’s enthusiastic about the assembly of music
The room locks are all easy to pick with a DC 5 and will gladly discuss any matters related to song-smithing.

Dexterity check using thieves tools.
Willam and Coco. This human and his dog appear to have
just walked in from the nearby farms. The dog mostly sits and
Characters poking around the rooms find a number of listens while William plays a flat-bellied 12-string lute.
musical instruments, 8d6 gold, and many, many scraps
of paper with jotted songs like “Midnight Kobold” and Ella Wheaten, Skald. Ella’s cold white skin and cold gray eyes
“My Old Lich Heart.” They also run a chance to find are quickly warmed by her sweet voice. She excitedly tells
trouble. tales of long away adventures, accompanying them with hand
drum, tabor, and wrist-bells. She seems completely untouched
by the autumn chill, and enjoys a good laugh at the local
As they’re exploring, roll 1d6. On a 1, they run into styles.

a mechanical dragon (pseudodragon, without the
Limited Telepathy ability) set to guard someone’s
belongings. On a 2, they run into a room occupied by a
pair (or more) of bards who are quite upset at having
their privacy disturbed.
Zexez, goblin percussionist. One arm wrapped in a hand-
drawn dragon tattoo. Absolutely wicked sense of timing.
Speaks very excitedly between greasy bites of fish.
Concluding the Adventure
There’s plenty more mischief to get into at a crowded
tavern. A particularly terrible performance or series of
missteps could cause a raucus bar fight.

Several other bards could find more clever ways to

eliminate the competition. Or characters may find
themselves challenged to a series of drinking games
(DC 8 Constitution saving throw, +1d4 per drink).

Regardless, as the sun rises, characters should have no

doubt that they earned their keep.

The Warehouse Job By Chris Hopper (@chrishopper2) &
Valor Maps (@mrvalorisalive)
An adventure for 5th ed. Recommended for 4-6 level 3 characters.

Sometimes an opportunity is just too good to pass

up. The characters’ benefactor or other powerful ally
has learned that a corrupt official has been spreading
contraband through the local marketplace. A banker,
funds in hand, as well as the contraband itself, are all
present in this warehouse. It’s up to the party to catch
2 1

them in the act and confiscate the goods before they’re
spread across the city!


The characters’ employer should be a trusted source:
a friend in the watch, a wealthy patron, or a former
adventurer they’ve come to for help in the past. Using
cutting edge investigative techniques, they’ve cornered
the banker and local crime boss in the deal. Unknown
to the characters, their employer has also decided to
clean up the loose end of this band of adventurers and
remove the evidence in the crossfire. The party and

their targets will have to fend off assassins and thugs in
a maze of warehouse storage!

The contraband is presented as weaponry and gear, but

can just as easily be any illegal substance appropriate
is jammed, not locked, but can be shoved open with a
to the setting. DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check. Continue to “Forced

Gaining Access
The massive warehouse sprawls across three city blocks
Forced Entry
near the docks. A pair of scouts keep to the shadows If the characters forced open the steel door, or are
around the wide double doors (area 1 on map 1) and detected by the downstairs thugs by any other means,

more pairs wander nearby alleys looking for anyone they’ll shout to alert the others, then take cover behind
suspicious, but a row of windows on the second story the nearby crates to fire on the party with crossbows
look like a promising entryway. as long as possible. They will continue shouting until
the other scouts join the fight. A pair of scouts will
There’s a number of ways characters could gain emerge from nearby alleyways on the second round,
access to the warehouse. Charming, deceiving, or and another pair on the fourth. Inside, the six thugs
overpowering the guards directly is an option. Bold will rush to extract the boss and banker from the

characters may consider a leap from the neighboring warehouse via whichever entrance the players did not
building’s roof with a DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics) enter through.
check, but failure will result in 1d6 points of falling
damage and alert the scouts. Pick up successful entry, Four apparent thugs (spy) emerging from the alleyway
either through coercion or stealth, in the Undetected will not engage with the characters, but instead pursue
Entry section. the boss and banker. These are actually hired spies,
intent on completing their mission to eliminate the
Characters who search the area and avoid the scouts boss and banker before they escape. Players may notice
will find a steel door hidden on the reverse of the something amiss with a successful DC 10 Wisdom
building (area 2 on map 1). Spotting the door in the (Perception) or DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) check.
dark requires a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception)
or DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation) check. It is
blocked by a pile of boxes and crates which will have Undetected Entry
to be cleared to access the lock. Moving the junk will If the characters successfully gain access without
take several nail-biting seconds (1d8 rounds, -1 round drawing attention, they’ll be able to hear the sounds
for each character helping clear the way). The door

The Warehouse Job By Chris Hopper (@chrishopper2) &
Valor Maps (@mrvalorisalive)

of gambling coming from the northwest corner. The boss sees as a potential future threat.
ground floor is filled with maze-like stacks of materials,
some as high as 12 feet, and a wooden walkway circles Initially, the spies pose as additional guards rushing
the open the second story, assessible by moveable in from the alley. When the fight breaks out, they’ll
wooden ladders. If they entered through the window, call the boss to them for protection. If the players have
the hubbub will be faint and they’ll remain undetected maintained an upper hand the entire fight, they’ll
so long as they’re on that floor. If they’ve slipped instead enter from an opposite entrance and avoid them
through the ground floor doors, they may make DC 10 at all costs.

Dexterity (Stealth) checks to not draw the immediate
attention of the gambling gangsters.

The boss (bandit captain) and the banker (noble)

Concluding the Adventure

are in the back office (area 2) behind the loud room If the boss survives, they may help the characters see
of 6 gambling thugs (area 1). If the thugs (two of their employer in a new light. If not, the characters at
the banker’s hired hands, the rest the boss’s) become least have a new reason to question their employer’s
aware of the characters, they’ll shout an alarm then tactics. The power vacuum left by removing the boss
engage immediately. Characters entering the room will may drive any surviving guards or allies to start
be forced into the open, using the table and walls for new avenues of distribution. The fences distributing
cover. Characters caught in the main warehouse area contraband will likewise be at risk and looking for new
will be fired upon by crossbows as long as possible, sources, opening up new avenues of investigation for
while using the door and nearby crates as cover. the characters to pursue.

Upon hearing the alarm, the boss will wait a round,
poke out to see how the fight is going, then either join
or flee based on the character’s status. The banker will
stick close to the boss at all costs, but avoid all combat.
Warehouse Enemies
The Double-Cross This adventure can easily be adjusted by adding more enemies
to either side. For a higher level party, change the bandit
Two spies from the employer have also been sent to captain to a veteran and the one of the spies to an assassin.
eliminate the boss and capture the banker. Their goal
is to clean up any evidence of the entire endeavor, The boss’s forces: 2 scouts outside, the crime boss (bandit
captain), banker (noble), and 6 thugs (patroling outside)
and shut down the smuggling ring quickly and
efficiently, sending the message to any other would-

Double cross forces: 4 spies posed as additional patrols

be underground plots that such deceipt is dealt with
ruthlessly. The characters are a loose end which the



Blinkbracket’s Blunder By Chris Hopper (@chrishopper2) &
Valor Maps (@mrvalorisalive)
An adventure for 5th ed. Recommended for 4-6 level 3 characters.

A gnomish professor has gone missing, and it’s up to the

characters to find him.

Getting Started

Blinkbracket Nimbledigit Digplenty, Gnomish alchemist,
hasn’t shown up for work for days. He teaches medicine
at the local priests’ academy; a position of some
prestige, and his alchemical skills are second-to-none.

It’s probably nothing, but given the magical nature of
the missing person, the constabulary would rather pay
adventurers than risk the guard getting involved. They
can provide the address both of his place of work and
1 5
Scaling the Adventure
Since the main encounter is at the closing, you can swap

out the ghost for a specter for levels 1-2. To scale up
for levels 4-6, add will-o’-wisps, oozes, or additional
specters as other spirits released by the ritual.
“He’d been working on reagents lately. Trying to bottle
alternatives for people who aren’t always followed by
the divine presence. Claimed all magic could be bottled,
The Academy eventually. Personally, I think some things shouldn’t be
stored in a jar.”
Blinkbracket’s employer is attached to the local
None of Blinkbrackets’ students know anything
religious sector, and most of the staff are Acolytes
about the disappearance. A few have run errands for
or Commoners. The headmistress, an elven cleric,
him around town, delivering potions and the like.
will describe Blickbracket as “a bit of an anamoly.
Apparently the little gnome had quite the side-hustle.
Colleagues will have less friendly terms:

“Nuisance, maverick, hazard to the safety of all those

around him” Blinkbracket’s Home
Blinkbracket lives in a converted, windowless
“Just enough of a glimmer of insight to dazzle the warehouse on the edge of a residential district. The
students with more than enough mischief to exasperate Neighbors are glad he’s sealed up; generally the fumes
the staff.”

from the chimney and roof are enough.

“Truly a brilliant mind, harnessed by all the wrong
arcane influences.” 1. Secure Entrance
The characters may search his sparse office, but the The front door, if it could be considered such, is
neighboring sage will save them the trouble: reinforced steel. Picking the complex lock is a DC 15
“None of his notes will be here. Hated the human-centric Dexterity ability check using thieves’ tools or a DC 18
design of the university, would always work at home, Strength (Athletics) check to force down. There’s no
show up here, then leave as quickly as possible.” trap and the lock is sturdy, so characters may make
multiple attempts, though after a few minutes a
His neighbor, Merlshaw Alvatter, is a mid-sixties human curious city guard may show up. Characters who were
with wispy gray hair like a halo around his bald head. recruited by the guard can show him their credentials
He wears simple robes and a belt with several pouches, and gain advantage as he aids them (“don’t make me
and has a bit of arcane ability himself. If questioned regret this”).
further he’ll tell the characters:

Blinkbracket’s Blunder By Chris Hopper (@chrishopper2) &
Valor Maps (@mrvalorisalive)

Inside, Blinkbracket’s gnome-sized furnishings are The shelf on the wall holds more than a decade in
darkwood antiques and warm colors. They make a careful, annually annotated fiscal records. Characters
stark contrast against the gray stone walls, floors, and searching the crates may find numerous examples
heavy steel door in the middle of the room. Small- of common potions labeled and ready for shipping.
sized characters would find the space cavernous, and Additionally, the unlabeled reagents may grant one of
Blinkbracket’s made use of that space to combine his the effects in the random potions table.
comforts and curios with enough room for an entire
out-of-home business.
4. Bedroom

2. Living Room Blinkbracket’s bedroom has a warm hearth, on which
a mortar and pestle rest alongside several gnomish
The furniture here is comfortable and the alchemical gadgets. His desk here contains some simple notes

lantern throws bright light across the area. In addition about groceries and other items, along with a diary that
to the leather-bound volumes on the shelves (histories logs each day’s events in whimsical tales. The last entry
and fiction), brass and stone knick-knacks give the area is five days old, and just says “time to go.”
a comfortable, welcoming appearance.
Alongside the shelf are a number of other journals,
The steel door upstairs (area 5) dominates the center dating back the last 15 or so years. Characters
of the room, with shipping containers and packaging examining the journals with a DC 10 Intelligence check
overflowing from behind it. may notice a series of notes counting each day down
from 60, then again the 60 before that, and so on for

3. Prep Area several more iterations.

Blinkbracket makes quite the business out of dealing in
alchemical reagents, potions, and supplies. This area is
littered with shipping containers in all stages of prep,
The bed is large and comfortable and a locked chest
in the east corner contains his clothing and mundane
belongings. It can be opened with a DC 10 Dexterity
along with notes of both orders and payments. His check using thieves’ tools, but doing so will awaken the
work has gone far and wide, to individuals, schools, and rug of smothering guarding it.
clergy of all stripes.
d20 Color Smell Effect
1 pink blood removes any poison, but causes 1d4 poison damage

2 metallic gray lavender +2 to Dexterity checks until next rest, causes rashes for days
3 pale green white wine Intelligence checks taken at a disadvantage for 1d20 minutes
4 translucent white pepper +2 to Strength checks for 1d4 rounds, -4 dexterity
5 glowing yellow sage and incense resistance to necrotic damage for 2d4 rounds
6 chocolate brown lilacs and restores one first level spell slot, but any spell-based attacks
gooseberries made at a disadvantage until next long rest

7 purple and oily fish resistance to lightning damage

8 pink and thick alcohol +1 to Constitution saving throws, -1 to Strength saving throws
9 black, with solid bits soil Intelligence checks taken at advantage, so long as the subject is
of soil and leaves in direct sunlight
10 light blue parsnips or onion advantage on any single saving throw before next long rest
11 orange, gasous fruit and spices reduces drinker, as the enlarge/reduce spell, for 1 minute
12 burgundy meat and seasalt +1 to the first attack roll made in the next 1d20 minutes.
13 gold vanilla the next saving throw is taken at disadvantage
14 pale yellow and fizzy chemical permanently ages drinker 2d10 years (DC 10 Con save for half)
15 black garbage enlarges drinker, as in the enlarge/reduce spell, for 1 minute
16 clear lead paint invisibility for 1d20 minutes
17-20 deep green bitter greens no effect (other than a healthy breakfast)

Blinkbracket’s Blunder By Chris Hopper (@chrishopper2) &
Valor Maps (@mrvalorisalive)

5. Secure Door
The door upstairs is made of sturdy iron, reinforced
at the hinges and handle. Picking the locked stairwell
door requires a DC 14 Dexterity check while using
thieves tools. Forcing it open requires a DC 18 Strength

(Athletics) check.

6. The Laboratory

The smells reach you as soon as the door opens. Incense,
rot, and burning chemicals. A faint yellow haze drifts 6
around the open rafters. Vats, bowls, and tubs (some
stone, some iron, some ceramic) are on every available
surface. Most remarkable, though, is the amalgam of
flesh and bone bolted to the central table. It is in the
shape of a man, but much larger. The golem’s broad
shoulders are muscled like those of a bull and its head,
hands, and feet seem small in comparison to the great

bulk. It lies face-down on the table, seemingly limp, but
still cuffed hand and foot with irons. When you come in
it starts to struggle, emitting low panicked sounds.

Blinkbracket made a terrible mistake during his ritual MAP 2: BLINKBRACKET’S UPSTAIRS
and instead of infusing the creature with elemental life
force, he trapped his own. Worse, the necromantic tome 12 Target takes 2d6 necrotic damage
he was using burned up and manifested the guardian of 13 Emits a bright flash of light (disadvantage on all
the ancient book. The ghost released by the tome will attacks that round unless target has blindfight)
begin by attempting to scare the characters away with
it’s fright ability. It has the appearance of a horrible, 14 Heal target 1d6 damage
ancient wizard. 15 Acid splash in 10’ area, 4d8 damage, DC 15

Dexterity saving throw for half.

During combat, it may hurl alchemical solutions around 16-20 no effect
the room. Each time it does so, roll on the following If the golem is released, it will pull Blinkbracket’s body
table to determine what effect (if any) is had on the out from under the table and attempt to guide the
characters. All effects are instant. characters through recreating the ritual.
d20 Effect
1 Disadvantage to next strength check or save
Concluding the Adventure

2 Target gains resistance to fire

3 Target gains resistance to electricity Blinkbracket’s stuck in the golem unless powerful
magic intervenes. If the characters have a way to aid
4 Mist form (as the spell) them, he’ll be eternally greatful and provide them with
5 Stone: paralyzed condition for 1 round, but a lifetime supply of alchemical assitance. If not, he’ll
immune to all forms of damage work to recover the ability to write, and eventually gain
6 +5 strength bonus on next attack enough control to return to alchemy in his new body.
The notes upstairs, if compared to those downstairs,
7 Target takes 2d6 fire damage
detail several previous attempts. He’d been furious at
8 DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or confused the clerics of the school and hoped to prove alchemy a
condition until end of next turn superior solution to disease. He turned to necromancy
9 Target takes 2d6 poison damage to create the ultimate test subject once he was banned
from the hospital.
10 Target takes 2d6 acid damage
As a golem, he has no interest in returning to work, but
11 Barkskin (AC 16) vs next attack he’s not inheritly evil, and may prove a powerful ally.

By Chris Hopper (@chrishopper2) &
Valor Maps (@mrvalorisalive)
An adventure for 5th ed. Recommended for 4-6 level 4 characters.

The Mornbrew brothers, local troublemakers since a

young age, have increased their criminal activity since
coming under the influence of a mysterious stranger
named Celene. She’s led the brothers and their friends
from the occasional bar fight to outright banditry at the
local river ford, but what trouble are they preparing for



Confront or infiltrate the Mornbrew hideout and
discover what the brothers are brewing up with their
mysterious new ally.

Entering the Area 1

Characters approaching the hideout on foot may find
themselves outgunned. A single ballista faces each
direction, and the gang will patiently launch large bolts

(+6 to attack), dealing 19 (3d6+9) piercing. Additional
defenders may use the bolt holes (3/4 cover) and spare
crates (1/2 cover) to protect themselves while firing
crossbow bolts at the characters.
Celene will offer cover fire from fire bolt and poison
spray before resorting to more destructive spells if the Hedge Sorcerer
Medium humaniod (human), chaotic neutral
characters get past the ballista. Neither Celene nor the
brothers will pursue any attackers, choosing instead to
Armor Class: 12
bide their time and take shifts watching all directions. Hit Points: 39 (6d8+12)
Speed: 30 ft.

1. Hidden Entrance STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA

A DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) check or DC 14 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (0) 10 (0) 18 (+4)
Intelligence (Investigation) check will reveal a brush-
covered cave on the eastern bank. The natural cave Skills Deception +6, Stealth +4
appears shallow and flooded, but a tight squeeze Senses passive Perception 10
through the bend at the back will reveal a much larger Languages Common, Elven
Challenge 3 (700 XP)

system of caverns.
Spellcasting. The sorcerer is a 6th level spellcaster. Its

2. Smuggler’s Caves spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 14, +6 to

hit with spell attacks. It has the following sorcerer spells
The gang uses these caves to smuggle goods from
the river, and occasionally dump things they’d rather Cantrips (at will): fire bolt, mage hand, message, poison spray,
forget in dark corners. Swarms of rats roam the caves, shocking grasp
picking at trash thrown from above. Anything of value 1st level (4 slots): expeditious retreat, disguise self
is hoisted into the hideout via the trap door in area 6. 2nd level (3 slots): gust of wind, shatter
3rd level (3 slots): blink, lightning bolt, water breathing

3. The Mornbrew Hideout Interior Actions

Previously a storehouse and distillery, the Mornbrew Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range
hideout has been recently renovated with new interior 20/60 ft., one creature. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
walls (the ballista boxes, below) and exterior bolt holes.

By Chris Hopper (@chrishopper2) &
Valor Maps (@mrvalorisalive)

The Mornbrew Gang

The gang consists of Celene Dohka, a hedge sorcerer, brothers
Eovard and Eamoste Mornbrew, human bandit captains and
their friends. For an easy fight, their only other ally is “Non”,
a lanky older bandit. Otherwise, add two thugs, Lavlam and

All but a few barrels have been emptied and thrown
outside, granting half-cover to any of the gang hiding
from characters’ approach.

The gang maintains a tight watch out the ballista-box
windows, but other members are often reclining in the MAP 2: HIDEOUT CAVE
rough cots or gambling. Celene spends much of her time
studing maps and notes across the central table.

Searching the area will turn up several pounds of exotic 4 6 7

spices (25 gp), a handful of coins (13 gp, 17 cp), and
several barrels of trade goods worth up to 20 gp.
4, 5 Ballista Boxes
By far the most expensive part of Celene’s investment,
these ballista have been carefully installed to protect
against waterborne attackers. The indoor ballista are
swivel mounted and can fire in a 45 degree cone out the
hideout windows. Any of the gang can man a ballista.
The assembly and height grant advantage to any attacks
on the river within that cone.


8. The Goods

The ladder from area 3 leads to a trap door in the floor

of the hideout. Typically, this door is latched shut,
Celene’s true treasure is stashed under a false bottom
requiring a DC 14 Strength (Athletics) check to bash
on the fish and nut barrels. Finding them will require a
upwards. Members of the gang open it occasionally to
DC15 Intelligence (Investigation) check. Bits of amber,
toss refuse below.
diamond, and obsidian, along with other precious gems
lie carefully packed into compartments underneath fish
7. Trapped Chest and nuts (worth a total of 500 gp).

Alongside the trap door is a locked chest. A character Celene has been stealing from local merchants to stash
who studies the chest carefully before trying to open away the spellcasting components. The brothers, if
it spots the trap with a successful DC 14 Intelligence questioned, knew nothing about her purpose, only that
(Investigation) check. Disarming the trap requires a DC the bounty was for “something big.”
12 Dexterity check with thieves’ tools. Simply opening
the chest’s lock is a DC 10 Dexterity check with thieves’
tools. Wrapping up the Adventure
Celene’s true motives may be linked to the Vault of
If triggered, the trap shoots a poisoned needle from the
the Dark Archivist or other future adventures. She’s
keyhole. The creature attempting to disarm the chest
not evil, so her motives may link to taking down the
must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or take 9
Dark Sorcerer, or winning him over. The Mornbrews
(2d8) poison damage. The chest is empty other than a
or Non may make future allies as well, should an
few copper coins (7 cp). Celene uses this as bait, to keep
understanding be reached.
an eye on the trustworthiness of her companions.

The Acrid Pit By Chris Hopper (@chrishopper2) &
Valor Maps (@mrvalorisalive)
An adventure for 5th edition. Recommended for 4-6 level 3 characters.

An unusual mining operation is disrupting life for the

nearby town. The cool, refreshing spring water of the
local wells has been replaced by a tepid warm liquid
that makes the weak fall ill. At night, the earth trembles
from the work. What’s happening in the acrid pit?

Getting Started
Characters can enter this encounter through a number
of avenues. They could be 1

• Hired by the local town to find out what’s tainted
their well water.
• Passing through and feel the earth shake deep in the
• Recruited by the owning company to investigate
reports of magical tampering with the gem mine’s
natural formations (conjured or artificial gems are
useless for spellcasting and bad for business).

1. The Work Camp

The circle of log cabins at the edge of the pit look
freshly built. The smell of roasting meat and rises from
the largest building, and a pile of coals smolders in the

middle of a circle of logs. A couple of bored looking 1 “The work’s dried up since the new alchemist arrived.
mules are tied to a post on the northmost corner. A DC The company can’t argue with his methods, but we’re
10 Wisdom (Animal Handling) check discerns the mules just here to move rocks and lately not much of that.
are well cared for, but haven’t been working lately. Whatever’s going on down there, we’re not getting paid
for it much longer.”
2 “The spring running through the mines throws up some
1. Mess Hall kind of toxic dust. It’ll kill anyone crazy enough to go

down there in no time. Safer to drink and wait for the

A haze of smoke hangs over a handful of grim-faced company to fix it or scrap us.”
miners. The building resembles a small church: the 3 “They sent an actual alchemist. The real-deal, lead to
foyer opens to common seating, which is partitioned gold alchemy. Or in his case, coal to diamonds, rubies,
and emeralds. Everything he touches turns to riches.
off from a planning area by a low rail. Behind the rail
Forget digging, I’m drinking to my obsolesce.”
a topographic map, studded with pins and thoroughly
4 “Some ancient evil is under that river. The darkness
marked, dominates the far wall. Characters taking down there stirs with a ghastly curse.”
a closer look will notice the sketched path of an

5 “Sometimes the ground shakes at night, like a terrible

underground spring. creature stomping out in the woods, or maybe deep
below us.”
No one here is eager to speak to the characters, but 6 “The foreman’s hoarding all the riches for herself.”
if the characters successfully persuade them, either
through good roleplay or a DC 10 Charisma (Persuasion)
check, they’ll concede to the usual bits of gossip. Roll
1d6 or choose from options in the rumors table. from the underground stream are profitable, but hardly
If players ask around for who’s in charge, they’ll be
greeted by tired looking half-elf with matted hair. “Garnets, rubies, sapphires and emeralds. Are they of
Foreman Xavia Weaver isn’t interested in hearing why great worth? Certainly! But any mineral or gemstone
they’re here. She’s sending her earnings, her books that forms as a result of geologic processes can be
are in order, so who cares what methods are being found in stream beds. Quartz and beryl litter the ditches
employed? If pressed, she’ll share this information. nearby. Is it so hard a leap to understand that the
She’ll also be quick to inform the PCs that the yields further we trace this miraculous flow, the better yield it

The Acrid Pit By Chris Hopper (@chrishopper2) &
Valor Maps (@mrvalorisalive)

She’s going to do her best to get rid of the characters,

but if intimidated or persuaded with a DC 13 Charisma
(Persuasion) check she’ll allow them to look around
the site and stay however long they feel is necessary.
The PCs have advantage on the check if they arrived on 4
behalf of the company.

Above all, Xavia will dissuade characters from

disturbing the alchemist. His work is delicate and
dangerous! This is all Xavien knows about the
alchemist’s work. She deals in results, and in breaking 4 4
up fights, not in the specifics of scientific processes.

3. The Alchemist’s Cabin
The alchemist’s cabin is bolted shut. A sharp alkaline 5
smell surrounds it, and a DC 14 Intelligence (History)
or DC 12 Intelligence check with alchemist’s tools
will recognize the smell of metallurgy and smelting
processes. If the players continue to bang on the door,
an irritated voice will shout “go away!”

The alchemist is a gnome and won’t provide his name
(“Alchemist is fine, or Doctor if you prefer”). He shouts
any conversation through the door unless the players
force it or confront him when he leaves at night (see
below). The door can be shoved open with a DC 12
Strength (Athletics) check.

Inside, the room is filled with specimen jars, crates,

2 4
and containers. Notes and notebooks are meticulously
organized across gnome-height shelfs, and arithmetic MAP 2: THE PIT
slates contain complex formulae. A DC 14 Intelligence
(Investigation or Arcana) check will recognize these as 5. The Pit

runes and symbols of binding, not alchemy. The pit is coated in the same slime as the ladders, a
thin yellow mold that makes the stone floor slick. It’s
The alchemist does his real work at night, using thickest around the running water, where it gives off
his stone of elemental control to summon an earth noxious fumes. Anyone in the pit must make a DC 10
elemental to do the hard work. If the players observe Constitution saving throw every 10 minutes to keep
him from a distance, they’ll notice the elemental from suffering a Nauseated status by the effects of the
moving around below overnight. The alchemist has fumes. Within 30 feet of the underground stream this

not noticed the gradual corruption taking hold of the increases to a DC 15. The corrupted earthdelver (see
elemental. Each night he makes an increasingly difficult below) is immune to this vapor.
concentration attempt to maintain control of the
creature, and disrupting him may well make this the Any character who succeeds at a DC 14 Intelligence
night it fails. (Nature) check will identify the water as runoff from an
underground hot spring. The acidic water contains high
4. Dangerous Descent mineral content and has formed huge quartz deposits,
while also transporting rubies, sapphires, and diamonds
The ladders leading down to the pit mine are slick with from deep below the surface. It is hot, but not quite
a moldy yellow ichor. Characters descending into the pit scalding, to the touch. Characters spending more than 1
by any of the ladders must succeed at a DC 10 Dexterity minute in the water take (3) 1d6 fire damage from the
(Acrobatics) check to avoid falling 40 feet to the ground heat.
below and take 14 (4d6) falling damage.
The alchemist, upon discovering this spring, has used
elementals to sift through the basin. He has trenched

The Acrid Pit By Chris Hopper (@chrishopper2) &
Valor Maps (@mrvalorisalive)

out the surrounding area, redirecting the flow of water

to more easily gather the bounty. However, he has not
taken into account what else might be bubbling up from
below. The earthdelver elemental falls under the sway Corrupted Earthdelver
Large elemental, neutral
of an arcane ooze from deep beneath the surface.
Armor Class: 15 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points: 168 (16d10+80)
The corrupted earthdelver that breaks free from the Speed: 30 ft., burrow 30 ft.
stone’s control struggles to remove intruders from the

pit however possible. It will fight them, drown them,
or use it’s acid breath from around dark corners. If the
characters injure it too greatly it will immerse itself in 20 (+5) 8 (-1) 20 (+5) 5 (-3) 10 (+0) 5 (-3)
the hot spring, where it regenerates 7 (2d6) hit points Vulnerabilities thunder

per round it is completely submerged. Damage Resistance bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from
nonmagical attacks
Damage Immunities poison, acid, fire

Concluding the Adventure Condition Immunities exhaustion, paralyzed, petrified,

poisoned, unconscious
Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft., passive
The “right” thing to do would be to confinscate this
Perception 10
gem and warn the miners of the dangerous fumes. Less Languages Terran
scrupulous characters may convince the alchemist to Challenge 8 (2,300 XP)
part with a little weath in exchange for turning a blind
eye. If they’re attempting to save the town water, they Corrosive Form. A creature that touches the elemental or hits

can persuade the alchemist to devise a purification
system. Or if they’re just passing through, maybe they’ll
go on their way once the out of control elemental
is subdued. More curious adventurers (or dungeon
masters interested in a longer story) may discover
it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes takes 7
(2d6) acid damage. Any nonmagical weapon made of metal
or wood that hits the elemental is coated in a corrosive ooze.
After dealing damage, the weapon takes a permanent and
cumulative -1 penalty to damage rolls. If its penalty drops to
-5, the weapon is destroyed. Nonmagical ammunition made
of metal or wood that hits the ooze is destroyed after dealing
the origins of the corruption with The Steam Hive damage. The ooze can eat through 2-inch-thick, nonmagical
adventure. wood or metal in 1 round.
Earth Glide. The elemental can burrow through nonmagical,
unworked earth and stone. While doing so, the elemental
doesn’t disturb the material it moves through.
Fire Aborption. Whenever the elemental is subjected to fire
damage, it take no damage and instead regains a number of hit
points equal to the fire damage dealt.

Siege Monster. The elemental deals double damage to objects

and structures.

Multiattack. The elemental makes two slam attacks.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage plus 7 (2d6) acid

Acid Spray (Recharge 5–6). The elemental sprays yellow bile
in a 30-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line
must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, the
creature takes 14 (4d6) acid damage.

The Steam Hive By Chris Hopper (@chrishopper2) &
Valor Maps (@mrvalorisalive)
An adventure for 5th edition. Recommended for 4-6 level 4 characters.

The mining company’s alchemist has devised an

innovative new mining technique. For weeks, his
impervious earth elementals have been hollowing away
at a gem-rich underground stream. But in their digging,
they’ve awakened something living much deeper
underground. An earthquake has uncovered an unusual

hive of creatures.

The hot spring running through the pit is tainted by
an old god, powered by the primordial ooze far older
than the modern pantheon. The work of the earthdelver
brought this corruption into the aquifer, but it wasn’t
until recently that it began seeping into the creatures
themselves. Jellies and oozes are bubbling up while
mephits summoned by a much larger creature dwelling
in the aquifer below attack both the creatures and the
humans they believe to be responsible. 4 1
Piecing this together may take some investigation from
the characters around both the dangerous hot spring
and the surrounding mines. Sprinkling in sightings of
combat or mephits working to reroute the water during MAP 1: THE WORK CAMP AND PIT
the tunnels section is a great way to drop a hint along
the way.
1. Dangerous Descent
The ladders descending into the pit mine are slick with
Getting Started a moldy yellow ichor. Characters descending into the pit
by any of the ladders must succeed at a DC 10 Dexterity
If you’re running this with The Acrid Pit, the (Acrobatics) check to avoid falling 40 feet to the ground

earthquakes may begin during the fight with the below, taking 14 (4d6) falling damage.
corrupted earthdelver or during a confrontation with
the alchemist.
2. Hot Spring
Otherwise, characters may happen on the area as the
The spring gives off noxious fumes and boils with
hive opens up under their feet with a hiss of steam,
intense heat. Anyone in the pit must make a DC 10
follow tremors heard throughout the night, or be
Constitution saving throw every 10 minutes to keep
recruited by a nearby village to uncover what’s tainted

from being poisoned by the effects of the fumes.

the local water.
From the bridge, and anywhere within 15 feet of the
underground stream, this increases to a DC 14. Any

The Work Camp creature falling in the water takes 7 (2d6) fire damage
from the steaming water for each round a creature
The small circle of buildings on the southwest corner of remains in it.
the pit is secured for the night when the tremors start.
See The Acrid Pit for more about the residents of the Characters examining the hot spring closely may
work camp. notice small wisps of dark liquid, or displacement and
movement at unnatural angles. An Intelligence (Arcana
The entire group of miners has holed up inside the mess or Nature) check can identify these as an unnatural
hall, hunkered under tables or drinking to the end of presence, described in The Synopsis.
the world. If not dealt with at the conclusion of the last
adventure, the alchemist is among them. The size and flow rate of the hot spring are too great
for a single purify food and water spell to cleanse the
intrusion. However, a few casters working in tandem

The Steam Hive By Chris Hopper (@chrishopper2) &
Valor Maps (@mrvalorisalive)

might cover an area for a time. Dispel magic has no dealing 22 (4d10) thunder damage each.
effect (as the corruption is already present, not an
ongoing effect). Hallow and forbiddance spells will
prevent the taint from entering the area. The Tunnels
The tunnels appear dug, rather than engineered, and
3. Walkway are formed from rough hewn circles approximately 8
feet in diameter. No light sources are available past the

This walkway is slick with mold and splintered from
the recent seismic activity. A single medium-sized open pit. Characters who push deeper into the mine
humanoid of average weight can cross the slick surface have a chance of encountering a number of recently-
with a DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check, but if two released foes. For every minute passed, roll 1d20 and
or more players try to cross at the same time it will consult the following chart:

splinter with a deafening crack, requiring a DC 14
Dexterity saving throw to keep from falling into the 1 A gelatinous cube
scalding spring below. Characters who fail this saving 2 A gray ooze
throw can make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw to catch
themselves on the edge before falling into the water. 3 A steam elemental (use air elemental)
See area 2 for more information on falling in the water. 4 1d4 steam mephits
5 Steaming vent - a blast of pressurized steam
4. Boardwalk shoots out from a crack in the floor. Characters
in a 5 foot radius must make a DC 14 Dexterity

This quickly-placed board can be crossed with a DC
14 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. See area 2 for more
information on falling in the water.

Rising Pressure
saving throw or take 7 (2d6) fire damage from
the scalding, pressurized steam. Additionally,
everyone in the area must make a DC 10
Constitution saving throw to keep from being
blinded by the toxic fumes for 1 minute.
6 Earthquake - characters in a 10 foot radius
make a DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or
A character may make a successful DC 14 Intelligence
fall prone. Additionally, characters must make
(Investigation) or Wisdom (Perception) check to notice
a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or take 7 (2d6)
the thickening haze. The sound of cracking stone echos
bludgeoning damage from falling rubble, or
somewhere down the dark caverns. Steam vents hiss
half damage with a successful save. Prone
and echo in the depths. Wheezing laughter echoes from
characters have disadvantage on the save.

a half dozen openings as steam mephits come flying out

of the caverns. Over a dozen (at least 2 per character, 7 Cave in! - A DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) or
scaled up or down based on player level) will pour out DC 16 Intelligence (Investigation) check will
within the first round. Pairs will attack each character notice the weakening ceiling early enough to
immediately, while at least one will head for each avoid the cave-in. Characters with backgrounds
ladder. They will use their first combat action to knock related to underground life, engineering, or
down the ladders, trapping the characters in the pit. stonemasonry, like dwarves or drow, make the
check with advantage. Characters caught in

Climbing the walls is doable, but difficult. A DC 10 a cave-in must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving
Wisdom (Perception or Survival) or Int (Nature) will throw or take 14 (4d6) points of crushing
discern that the climb will require a DC 18 Dexterity damage and fall prone under the rubble. A
(Acrobatics) or Strength (Athletics), at disadvantage for successful saving throw halves the damage and
characters wearing heavy armor or carrying a heavy allows regular movement (though the debris
load. Characters without armor or who leave their makes this difficult terrain). Characters who
packs have advantage on the check. made their save can clear the rock and debris
up to 4 times their heavy load. A five-foot
Characters may return to the surface for help after the square contains approximately 2000 lbs of
initial surprise attack. The mining crew doesn’t have rubble. Characters who are trapped by the fall
nearly the explosives necessary to collapse the entire may make a DC 18 Strength (Athletics) check
mine, and the alchemist could only create things that to free themselves.
would react at a small scale. If they can find the source 8-20 Safe passage
of the infestation further in the tunnels, the crew will
provide them with 1d4+4 dynamite tubes capable of

The Steam Hive By Chris Hopper (@chrishopper2) &
Valor Maps (@mrvalorisalive)

5. Mephit Lair
All paths eventually lead to the
mephit lair, a gaping hole into a
much deeper cavern. The hole is
lined with the same yellow mold
as around the stream, and a warm
humid air can be felt at its lip.

Every round the players are in this
room, there’s a 25% chance more
steam mephits emerge from their

lair. Roll 1d4 and summon 1d4 steam
mephits from inside the opening on
a result of 1.

Players can collapse the domed 4

ceiling of this room by dealing
100 points of damage to a
concentrated area. A successful
Intelligence (Investigation) check
(advantage to dwarves and those
with underground backgrounds)
may reduce that to 60 points of
damage. If they choose to explore
the hole further, it opens to a vast
underground aquifer which the
diverted stream above must have
once fed. An ochre jelly clings
to the underside of the hole, and
will attack the first character to MAP 2: THE TUNNELS

The floor may collapse under the

Concluding the Adventure

same amount of damage, dropping If the players collapse the hole the steam mephits will have to spend a
the entire room and everyone within significant amount of time finding a new way through the old aquifer
it hundreds of feet to the aquifer channels. In the meantime, the company will close the mine and send more
below. While this fall is certainly manpower to collapse it completely.
fatal, a DC 14 Dexterity saving
throw may grab a crumbling ledge If the players fail to seal the mephit lair, the little creatures will eventually
or outcropping. overrun the mining camp, destroy all signs of people’s presence, and close

off the open pit to the best of their ability. Villagers will certainly have
A characters falling into the future run-ins with the steam mephits, but only if they venture too close to
aquifer take 20d6 falling damage the lair.
on impact and 3d10 acid damage
when submerged in the water, and Rerouting, blocking, or diverting the hot spring’s southern flow will keep it
an additional 3d10 damage for each from draining to the aquifer below. The mephits may work to this goal once
round they stay submerged in the the characters are no longer seen as an immediate threat. Characters doing
acidic, steaming waters. so (or attempting to clease the water through magical means) will save the
town’s water supply temporarily, but will have to seek the upstream source
of the corruption.

Higwalde’s Tomb By Chris Hopper (@chrishopper2) &
Valor Maps (@mrvalorisalive)
An adventure for 5th edition. Recommended for 4-6 level 5 characters.

A recently excavated cavern has revealed an entrance

into an ancient tomb. This particular ruin appears on
no known maps, and the few writings found within are
ancient. The foul stench of death permeates the area,
and no explorers have dared enter since the tomb was

2 3
Clear out the tomb so excavation can continue.

Entering the Area 5
The frightened workers will tell you nobody’s been
there for months, since the initial discovery of the
tomb. Asking around the town will reveal that the few
brave souls who attempted to investigate further never MAP 1: MINE ENTRANCE

1. Entrance e
The excavation site shows all the signs of a fast exit.
Scattered tools rest where they were dropped, a number
3. Chasm Leap
A rock outcropping forms a narrow crossing for brave
adventurers. Leaping the chasm is a DC 10 Strength
(Athletics) check. Characters who fail may make a DC 12
of parchment rubbings and charcoal pens remain in Dexterity saving throw to catch themselves on the far
place. Water drips from the limestone ceiling into over- ledge.
flowing buckets, originally placed to keep the carefully
roped off sites from flooding.
4. Ettercap Lair
Characters who succeed at a DC 15 Intelligence A family of 3 ettercaps have taken up residence at the
(History) check may glean from the notes that the runic end of the hall. Observant characters will notice the

script is an ancient warning against intrusion from an fine webs with a successful DC 13 Wisdom (Perception)
old kingdom not known to this area. check. Characters entering this area will be ambushed
by a web attack at a choke point in the corridor. The
2. Dangerous Crossing ettercaps defend their lair, but will use spider climb to
escape and if gravely injured.
The wooden bridge placed by the excavation team
looks to have succumbed to the damp, moist air. Inside the lair is the corpse of one of the excavators.

Characters will find it slick with mold and creaking Nearby are a hooded lantern, notebook with a rough
threateningly. A single medium-sized humanoid of map and some hand-written notes about the area,
average weight can cross the slick surface with a DC and 1d10 silver coins. Studying the map will warn
10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check, but if two or more characters of the ooze in area 5 as well as “poison gas”
players try to cross at the same time it will splinter eminating from the hallway (described in area 7).
with a deafening crack, requiring a DC 15 Dexterity
saving throw to leap back from or risk plummeting
down the chasm. Characters who fail this saving throw 5. Ambush
may take an additional DC 12 Dexterity saving throw to Two black puddings seep into the narrow cracks east
catch themselves on the ledge as the bridge plummets and west of the corridor, lashing out at anything that
to the depths. Characters who fail both will take 20d6 crosses. The narrow opening grant them half cover
bludgeoning damage from falling. against any slashing or bludgeoning attacks.

Higwalde’s Tomb By Chris Hopper (@chrishopper2) &
Valor Maps (@mrvalorisalive)




The Tomb
e 8. Guardian’s Tomb
The air gets unnaturally cold as the characters continue Inside, 2 ghouls and 2 ghasts are hiding behind the
down the passage. marble columns to ambush anyone that enters the
area. A DC 12 Wisdom (perception) check will hear the
shuffling movements.
6. Tight Squeeze
The tomb is made of ancient marble, assembled without
This dark, cramped crawlspace is barely 3 feet tall. It any obvious entrance or exit. Characters examining

is filled with quivering cobwebs covered with spiders. the tombs with an Intelligence (Religion) check can
The crawlspace recedes off into the darkness. Halflings determine the following based on their result:
and dwarves can easily navigate this space at normal
speed; larger characters will have to squeeze through 10 The diety honored is not evil.
with a DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. Characters 14 This area is dedicated to a neutral-aligned god of
in heavy armor have disadvantage on the check. warding and protection, flooded in the past.
Characters squeezing through the space also have a
18 It was sealed away intentionally, with undead

chance to anger the spiders living there. Roll a d6. guardians sworn to protect the place as an
On a 1, the character is bitten and must make a DC 10 honorific right.
Constitution saving throw or take 1d4 poison damage
and be poisoned for 1 hour. 22 The ghouls should not have been ghoulish,
they’ve been corrupted by an outside evil.

7. Stench of Death A successful DC 14 Intelligence (Arcana) or DC 12

Wisdom (Religion) check will also determine that a
The smell of the open tomb will reach the characters as corrupting force not native to the area flooded the tomb
they proceed down the hall. It becomes so strong that in the recent past.
characters within 60 feet (approximately this location
on the map) must make a succesful DC10 Constitution Each ghoul and ghast contains a wraithstone.
saving throw to keep from being poisoned by the foul
stench eminating from the ghouls in the open tomb

Higwalde’s Tomb By Chris Hopper (@chrishopper2) &
Valor Maps (@mrvalorisalive)

9. Trapped Corridor great warrior-priest, corrupted by power, interred here

to prevent from becoming king for all time.
This long hall is checkered with tiles. Once, each tile
triggered a distinct trap, but the years have taken their
toll. For every 20 feet the characters travel, roll 1d10
and consult the chart below:
Scaling Notes
For lower-level characters
• area 4: replace the ettercaps with 1 ettercap

1-4 No trap triggered
• area 5: replace the black puddings with grey oozes
5 The tile wobbles and coughs up dust, requiring • area 8: replace the ghouls and ghasts in area 8 with
a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw to keep from skeletons
losing your balance • area 9: treat 7-10 as trap failures

6 Guillotine Blade: DC 10 Intelligence • area 10: replace Higwalde’s wraith with a mummy
(Investigation) check to find, DC 10 Dexterity and 2 specters.
check with thieves’ tools to disable; +7 to hit
against one target, 2d10 slashing damage For a higher level challenge
7 Arrow Trap: DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) • area 4: add 4 giant spiders who come from the
check to find, DC 12 (Dexterity) check with chasm
thieves’ tools to disable; +5 to hit against one • area 5: double the number of monsters
target, 1d10 piercing damage • area 8: replace with 4 vampire spawns
• area 9: roll for traps every 10 feet
8 Electrified Floortile: DC 14 Intelligence • area 10: replace Higwalde’s wraith with a vampire

(Investigation) check to find, DC 14 Dexterity
check with thieves’ tools to disable; affects
all targets within a 10 ft. square area, DC 16
Dexterity saving throw or take 2d10 lightning
Concluding The Adventure
Higwalde’s crown and ring are magic items, described
below. Players will also find valuable non-magical gems
9 Guillotine Blade: DC 16 Intelligence and jewelry piled into the tomb totalling around 800
(Investigation) check to find, DC 14 Dexterity gp. Each column in the tomb contains a wraithstone.
check with thieves’ tools to disable; +10 to hit
against one target, 4d10 slashing damage
10 Thunderstone Mine: DC 18 Intelligence
Higwalde’s Crown
(Investigation) check to find, DC 16 Dexterity Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
check with thieves’ tools to disable; affects all Higwalde’s crown contains the knowledge of the

targets within 20 ft., DC 16 Dexterity saving ancients. You may consult the ancient memories stored
throw or take 2d10 thunder damage and become within for advantage on any Intelligence (History) or
deafened for 1d4 rounds Intelligence (Arcana) checks up to three times per day.

10. Higwalde’s Tomb Higwalde’s Ring

The trapped corridor ends at a raised dias. Shallow, Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

foul water pools around the corners of the room and Higwalde’s ring bears the ancient seal of his line.
drips down the columns and fresco’d walls. The half- Once per day, you gain advantage on any Charisma
destroyed heroic scenes seem to struggle to hold back (Intimidate) check.
the collapsing press of stone and earth.
Higwalde is a wraith, cursed in death and kept here
Wondrous item, uncommon
only by the will of the guardians in the front part of the
These black gems radiate necromantic energy. You
tomb. He will rise from his corpse as the character’s
may hurl a gem at any point you can see within 60
wet footfalls echo in the room. If the characters fight
feet. All creatures in a 30 foot radius must make a DC
Higwalde, 4 specters will emerge from the columns to
14 Wisdom saving throw or take 4d6 necrotic damage,
join the fight.
and half as much damage on a successful one. This
consumes the stone. Spellcasters may use these as
Characters examining the tomb may make a DC 16
an arcane focus to add 1d6 necrotic damage to any
Intelligence (History) check to decipher the runes
damage-dealing spell. When doing so, roll 1d6. The
carved around the raised dias. They tell the story of a
stone is consumed on a result of 2 or lower.

Three Daughters’ Falls By Chris Hopper (@chrishopper2) &
Valor Maps (@mrvalorisalive)
An adventure for 5th edition. Recommended for 4-6 level 5 characters.

The nearby village knew of the Falls of Valine long a complementary draught and access to the falls
before the mining company came into town. They themselves. Charismatic characters may negotiate this
warned the mining company to keep far from the down to half the cost with a successful DC 15 Charisma
cursed falls. When the picks and carts came rolling in (Persuasion or Intimidation) check. Merrick recruits
anyway, no local help was found willing to enter such a players with a sample of the draught or a sweet sales
cursed place. pitch before leading them up a winding path to the

mine entrance.
The miners found riches beyond their wildest dreams.
Even more miraculous, the waters themselves were Two thugs are stationed outside at all times “to protect
a magical treasure! The mining company swore to our investment.”
keep this secret while they worked, but old Jaeme got

to drinking at the tavern and, well, one thing led to As soon as the group enters the cave, Merrick tells them
another. the Legend of the Three Daughters.

Merrick Saeven, former miner, saw an opportunity in

the rising rumours. He’s hired some extra help to found Legend of the Three Daughters
a new venture. Access to the mine is tightly controlled, “Once, this cave was the home of a local shrine. The village
but for a few gold you can have a sip. honored and respected the ancient gods that lived here, but
never crossed the cave’s mouth.
The mining crew is still actively working at the lower
“Three curious sisters, forbidden by their wise mother from

nightmares started.

levels, but they too come up to enjoy the benefits of the
magical draft. Everything was going great, until the
approaching, chose to find out what was really inside. One
morning when mother had gone to town, the youngest sister
crept into the cave to find out for herself what the gods might
look like.
“When she didn’t come back, the second sister went to search
that afternoon. And when that sister didn’t come home, the
third sister went to search that night.
The Three Daughters’ Falls has long been home to a
night hag, who for years sated herself on the occasional “The wise mother came home to find all her daughters
curious teen from the village below. With the miners’ missing and knew what they had done. She rushed up to the
falls to find them. She tore through the offerings and kicked
greed she saw a new opportunity. After feasting on a the shrine into the deep pit in a fury, because all she saw in
few, she’s roped in the help of Merrick to draw fresh the caves were the streams of tears from her three children.

victims in exchange for riches. Those drinking from the

draught become the targets of her scrying, and thus her For the rest of her days she followed the streams, further and
further into the vast caverns, calling their names, long since
next victims!
lost to time, never reaching any of them. Some say she’s still
here, searching in vain for her three lost daughters.”
An oni, sent to keep an eye on Merrick, has become
jealous and fearful that he’s going to expose the hag, so
when the adventurers show up, it takes up arms against
them and Merrick both.
1. Entryway

The entryway shows this is clearly still an active mine.

Setup Wide stairs descend further into the depths, and the
wooden doors to rooms A-D are bolted shut. If the
Characters afflicted with a particular condition or in characters come in with Merrick, he’ll hurry them
need of healing may hear of the miraculous waters from quickly along to the next area, past unmarked barrels
a nearby city or tavern. Or players passing through and crates. A dwarf wearing chainmail sits at a guard
the small town may hear the rumors firsthand, from a station sharpening a well-crafted glaive.
group of miners or locals.
The dwarf is Elben Mineshadow, and he leads the

The Tour
volunteer guard. He was a soldier long before he was a
miner, and some skills never rust. In reality, this is the
oni Akuran, using his shapeshift ability to keep an eye
The easiest way into the mine is through the daily on both Merrick and the party.
tours. Each tour costs a mere 2 gp, which includes

Three Daughters’ Falls By Chris Hopper (@chrishopper2) &
Valor Maps (@mrvalorisalive)




If the characters sneak or break into this area at night,
Akuran will attack with cone of cold from the darkness,
are made with advantage in this area.
then use the falls to his advantage as described in area “Aqua Vitae!” Merrick says while scooping his hand into
2. the running water. He doesn’t slow his pace as he leads
the party to open double-doors, barred and banded with
• Room A contains oil lanterns, honing stones, rope, iron.
piton, and other materials for the miners work.
• Room B contains approximately two dozen barrels of Any character casting detect magic on the water
the ‘miracle water’ stored away for future sales. will detect a faint aura from the nearby water. It’s
• Room C holds mining tools and larger equipment. a complex, old magic that seems watered down and

• Room D is Merrick’s private office. widely dispersed, but contains schools of evocation,
divination, and transmutation.
The chests in room D contain 1000 gp (in one), a
collection of filled glass bottles (in another), and a
handful of papers, including the deed to the mine. All 3. Tasting Room
chests are locked with basic locks, which a thief may “Watch your step. Remember, this is an active mine”
open with a DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools.

Merrick says as he leads you through the open steel-

2. Three Daughters’ Falls barred doors, down a hallway lined with more closed
The floor slopes and gives way to an open cavern. to
the north, a steep path leads to hasty wooden bridges “This is where the off-duty crew sleeps, works, lives.
across two falls, while ahead a running stream is We’re a humble bunch, us miners. Just a bed and a place
crossed by a third bridge before plummeting down the to eat, and, in this case, drink!”
same crevasse.
Merrick’s made this pitch a dozen times before and his
The depths the falls plummet to seems unfathomable. happily leading you past more barrels that you could
Any stone thrown down cannot be heard over the rest of take home, for the right price. The bunkrooms are
the noise. empty, the miners are all at work or down in the mines.

The roar of falling water echos so loudly that characters Merrick sleeps on the double-bed in the north west
have to shout to be heard. Dexterity (Stealth) checks chamber, when he’s here. The unlocked chest in the

Three Daughters’ Falls By Chris Hopper (@chrishopper2) &
Valor Maps (@mrvalorisalive)

contains a few clothes and little of note.

The mess hall is spread with bread and small snacks,

pitchers of ale brewed with the water prepared in
pitchers. Merrick will invite the party to relax and
pass around snacks while people drink their fill
of ale brewed with the miracle water, interjecting
occasionally to upsell or answer questions.

Players drinking the ale gain 1d4 temporary hit
points. They should also make a DC 14 Wisdom saving
throw at disadvantage to detect scrying cast on them

immediately by the night hag.

Once the players have settled in for a few minutes:

The dwarf you saw at the entryway rushes in, flanked

by six miners. “Sorry boss, there’s been another...” he
pauses when he notices the party, and drops his voice.
“another incident. You’d better come with us.”

The oni pretending to be Elben believes the money-

making scheme has gone too far, and is putting the
entire operation at risk when adventurers start passing
through. He’s going to eliminate the party before word
gets any further, then remove Merrick as well.
He’ll try to persuade Merrick to leave the party with
the miners “just for a little while.” If no one objects, the
miners will attack the party as soon as Merrick has left MAP 2: THE TASTING ROOM
the room. Merrick’s paid them handsomely to remove They’ll attack Merrick, either detaining or killing him in
these outsiders before word gets out any further. As short order. In the confusion, Akuran casts invisibility
Merrick leaves, he will lock the PCs in the room. on himself and moves deeper into the mine to take his

true form.
The players can force the door open with a DC 18
Strength (Athletics) check or a DC 16 Dexterity check If the players intervene to save Merrick or avenge him,
with a set of thieves’ tools. the oni gladly fights them as well. Besides invisibility
and darkness, he’ll use his 10 foot reach and fly speed
Akuran will shove Merrick off the cliff as soon as to fight players while hovering out of reach. Players
they’re outside and alone. thrown down the crevasse may make a DC 10 Dexterity
saving throw to grab the edge before plummeting

The players may see this as an opportunity to sneak off further (and taking 4d6 falling damage) but are treated
on their own, but Akuran is hoping to use it as a chance as prone for the purposes of combat until they’re able
to wear them down. After disposing of Merrick, he’ll to climb up back up with a DC 16 Strength (Athletics) or
circle back and try to use the closed quarters to his Dexterity (Acrobatics) check.
advantage with darkness and cone of cold.
The oni masquerading as Elben will take full advantage
If the characters insist on staying with Merrick, Akuran of the full map, evading characters and escaping to
won’t risk making them suspicious. regenerate. If the players are too overwhelming, he will
escape deeper into the tunnels using gaseous form.
Once out of the tasting room, Akuran lets Merrick lead
the party out while his men take up the rear. He hangs
back “to close up the gates” and casts darkness centered
on Merrick as he pretends to fumble with the locks. 4. The Mourning Mother
If the players save Merrick, he’ll gladly repay them for
Akuran’s minions (4 thugs) understand the signal. their efforts, but let slip that “She’s not going to like

Three Daughters’ Falls By Chris Hopper (@chrishopper2) &
Valor Maps (@mrvalorisalive)

this.” He’ll share the whole story of his

deal with the night hag, concluding with
an offer to the PCs to “take whatever
they want to forget this place ever 4

Less scrupulous players may walk away

with 1000 gold and a scattering of gems

(worth another 500 gp) in a 50 lb chest,
plus a barrel of the “healing water” if
they want it.

If the players wish to hunt down the
night hag, though, they’ll find they have
an uphill battle. Anyone who drank the 1 2
ale is already being scryed by the night
hag. She would have began haunting
their dreams next long rest, but since
Merrick’s blown her cover she’ll resort
to more direct means. She won’t dare
attack them alone, especially if they’ve
already defeated Akuran, but she may
make their life more difficult.
There’s a number of ways to resolve the
night hag encounter. For a direct fight,
she may be waiting for the characters in
area 4. If so, she’ll offer them a bargain
of her own; a wealthy mine with profits MAP 3: THE FALLS AND HAG’S LAIR.
to spare, or a magic item she’d be
willing to barter.

Concluding the Adventure


For a longer adventure, characters may find themselves pursuing the night hag into the Ethereal Plane (if they
have a means of accessing it), or seeking help from someone who can lift the curse before their days are up and
their souls become hers. For the hag’s part, she’ll delight in either the oni or Merrick’s demise. She planted the
idea in Merrick’s head to bring more people into her grip, and has used the “healing” waters to scout enough meals
that she won’t feel bound to this place.

If characters leave with a barrel of the healing water, it can be used along with an herbalism kit to create 1d4
healing potions a day. These potions must be created within a week of extracting the water, or it loses it’s essence.

Any creature drinking one of these healing potions may be scryed upon by the night hag if she is still in the prime
material plane.

It’s also possible to introduce the sisters as hags working to purify the waters, rather than poison them. Use the
green hag as a template for powerful, neutral adversaries to the night hag, and introduce them when all hope
seems lost.

Vault of the Dark Archivist By Chris Hopper (@chrishopper2) &
Valor Maps (@mrvalorisalive)
An adventure for 5th edition. Recommended for at least 3 characters level 5-6.

Retrieve the goal from the Dark
Archivist’s Vault. The goal can be a
powerful tome, a secret map, or an
artifact of extreme power, whatever

fits your campaign.
4 4a

The Vault

2 1
The Goal is kept inside a locked
inside the upstairs study. All doors
are physically locked, and the only 5
windows are arrow slits in the
second story. Apprentices of the dark 6
archivist, as well as a handful of
mercenaries, move in and out of the
imposing stone building on a regular
schedule. 4b
At night, 2 armed mercenaries

in addition to the two stations e

(knights) patrol the interior grounds

described below. Each is armed with

sword and hand crossbows, and they
carry whistles to alert one another
during a crisis. Any whistle-blasts will MAP 1: VAULT INTERIOR
also call 1d4+1 city guards.
from the second story. If the characters broke in at
night, a DC 14 Dexterity (Stealth) check is required to
1. Main Entrance move silently against the wall and avoid detection by
The exterior door is protected by the alarm spell. These anyone in the second story study. By day, this check is

are refreshed by the apprentices so that they are active made at disadvantage.
during the night hours only. During the day the door
is manned by a single mercenary (knight) who first
identifies them, then removes the large crossbar to
4. Corridors
swing open the double door. The second corridor is identical to the entry corridor,
except the wooden doors on the north and south
faces of the central tower. These doors (4a, 4b on the
2. Entry Corridor

map) are etched with a rune of dread, a magical trap

The austerity of this place is palpable. The stone walls triggered when a character approaches within 5 feet
are roughly hewn. The floors are smooth from decades of the door. A successful DC 14 Intelligence (Arcana)
of footfalls, but otherwise unadorned. Oil lanterns cast check identifies the rune, which can be disabled with
flickering light from wrought iron hangers. The front a DC 18 Intelligence (Arcana) check or dispel magic.
entrance doubles as shipping and receiving, with oddly- Triggering the trap affects all targets within 10 feet
labeled crates stacked in the corners. Searching these with the fear spell (DC 14 Wisdom saving throw).
reveals minor antiquities and museum-level items of
varied rarity and value.
5. Vault Entrance
These heavy bronze doors are inlaid with figures
3. East Courtyard harnessing the elements. A successful DC 10 Wisdom
The courtyard is overgrown and littered outside the (Insight) or DC 12 Intelligence (Investigate) check will
well-worn path. You get the uncomfortable sensation reveal one of the figures is missing an outstretched
of being watched through the arrow slits gaping down hand. The mercenaries, apprentices, and dark archivist

Vault of the Dark Archivist By Chris Hopper (@chrishopper2) &
Valor Maps (@mrvalorisalive)

have cast copies of this hand which, when placed on

the waiting wrist and pulled downwards, unlatches
the large bronze doors with a loud thud. Triggering the
mechanism without the key requires a DC 16 Dexterity
check using thieves’ tools.
6., 7. Minor Vault

Each of the vault chests has an odd, round lock with
a horizontal slot. A DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation)
check will recognize the shape and size matches the
outstretched hand from the bronze door at the vault 10 8

entrance. Each chest is keyed to a specific apprenctice’s
key and contains warm robes, studying materials, 1d4
gold coins, and a random scroll. The wrong key will
trigger one of the following traps (choose or roll 1d4
on the “Apprentice Traps” table). Each trap is a DC 12
Intelligence to detect and DC 10 Dexterity to disable
using thieves tools.

Apprentice Traps

or take 2d10 poison damage
Poison gas. Everyone within 10 feet must
succeed at a DC 13 Constitution saving throw

Evil aura. Good aligned characters touching


10. The Archivist’s Study

this chest must succeed at a DC 13 Wisdom
The dark archivist’s office is brightly lit by two
saving throw or take 2d10 psychic damage.
continual flame lanterns. He conducts private tutoring
3 Thunderstone hinge. The character opening here for his promising students, and privately studies
the chest must succeed at a DC 13 Reflex from time to time, but generally frequents the vault less
saving throw or take 2d10 sonic damage and than his apprentices. The desk contains some religious
be deafened for 1d4 rounds. notes and a logbook detailing antiquities collected from
4 Ice dart. The trap makes a +8 ranged attack around the world.

against character opening the chest, dealing

2d10 cold damage if successful. The northmost chest is a trap. The lock requires a DC
15 Dexterity check with thieves’ tools to open. Doing so
releases a poison gas trap: DC 14 Intelligence to detect,
8. Arrow Slits DC 10 Dexterity check with thieves’ tools to disable.
Triggering this trap affects all characters within a
The upstairs doors are kept closed, but not locked. 30 foot area, who must make a DC 14 Constitution

Mercenaries or apprentices aware of players moving saving throw or take 4d10 poison damage and become
around the courtyard may fire down from this position poisoned for 10 minutes.
or use the chairs and desks to barricade the doors until
help arrives. The southmost chest is locked with a simple lock
(DC 10 dexterity check to open) and opens to reveal
9. Reading Nooks another, much more complicated device. An eight-
digit combination lock, each face cast on large
Upstairs, the foyer contains two small reading nooks bronze wheels, takes up the surface. This lock is also
frequented by the the dark archivist’s apprentices (cult warded with a glyph of warding. A DC 14 Intelligence
fanatics). Generally, only a single fanatic studies in the (Investigation) check is necessary to detect the glyph.
vault at once, but additional apprentices may be added Triggering it causes a silent alarm that is keyed to
to increase difficulty. alert the dark archivist if a combination is attempted
without first dismissing the glyph using the proper
keyword. the keyword and the combination are both
known only to the dark archivist.

Vault of the Dark Archivist By Chris Hopper (@chrishopper2) &
Valor Maps (@mrvalorisalive)

Both the northmost and southmost chests are bolted to

the floor with large cast iron braces.
Dark Archivist
Medium humaniod (human), lawful evil

Social Interactions
Armor Class: 13 (studded leather)
Hit Points: 64 (10d8+20)
Speed: 30 ft.
Charming an apprentice or mercenary may be the ticket

through the front door. If so, any of these sample NPCs STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
may be persuaded.
10 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 17 (+3)
Ella Chaucer (cult fanatic) is the fifth daughter of a Saving Throws Wis +6, Cha +5

minor noble. She has short, wavy brown hair and brown Skills Persuasion +5, Religion +3, Arcana +3
eyes that catch a reddish hue in the right light. She is Senses passive Perception 14
talkative, but disengaged, and will lose her temper at Languages Common, Draconic, and Infernal
the slightest provocation. Challenge 4 (1,000 XP)

Devotion. The archivist has advantage on saving throws

Ethryn OathSooth (cult fanatic) is a 48 year old woman against being charmed or frightened.
with short, curly hair. She is darkly tanned and tall, and
spends much of her time out at sea. She has a violent Spellcasting. The Dark Archivist is a 5th level spellcaster. Its
streak masked by her cool demeanor, and is married to spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with
spell attacks). It has the following spells prepared:
her boatswain.

Olar Runeleiren (cult fanatic) is a tall, dark-haired
half-elf. He wears fashionable clothes and a sharp
goatee, and is a compulsive gambler. When not
studying, he’s surrounded by friends at the local tavern.
The Dark Archivist has the following spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): guidance, light, sacred flame, thaumaturgy
1st level (4 slots): alarm, command, inflict wounds, sanctuary,
shield of faith
2nd level (3 slots): hold person, silence, spiritual weapon
3rd level (2 slots): bestow curse, dispel magic
Merrick Serpentwind (cult fanatic) is a long-armed Actions
human with a shaven head. He’s surly and glad to Staff. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
loudly complain about his job to anyone who will listen, creature. Hit: 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage.
preferably over a pint. He’s terrified of Thrukurd and Dark Whispers. Ranged Spell Attack: +6 to hit, reach 30 ft.,
the Dark Archivist, and ultimately a coward in most one creature. Hit: 20 (3d10 + 4) psychic damage.
situations where he lacks a clear upperhand.

Thrukurd Forgemaul (veteran) is an old dwarf, the Balthazar is an example of a dark archivist that may
head of the Black Dog Mercenaries for Balthazar’s expand into an ongoing villain for your campaign.
estate. An Ex-soldier, he only drinks on his nights
off (every third) and occassionally gambles at a local Balthazar Merdot (dark archivist). Human, male, 48.
tavern. He suffers fools lightly, and would not normally Balthazar inherited his family’s merchant business
work for an employer like this, but is earning triple a and turned it into a successful acquisitions endeavor,
specializing in the unusual and arcane. He has few

normal wage (which has highly raised his suspicions

about the job). Thrukurd needs the money for his rapidy friends, who find him amusing, but disengaged in the
approaching retirement. regular aspects of society life. He has never married,
and has no lovers.

Concluding the Adventure He has no vices, and seems to be a rather boring

person. In reality, he craves power and has a bloodlust
The dark archivist makes a great link to future that he is barely able to contain. Ex-traveling
campaign hooks. They may be a fence for an important companions have vanished mysteriously, presumably
item, harboring a secret power, or the source of a murdered in the wildest reaches. These murders have
particular malady. This vault may not even contain been quietly covered up by Balthazar himself, who has
whatever they truly archive, only serving as the front paid hefty bribes to the necessary parties.
for apprentices and nosey adventurers. If you’ve run
Murder at the Scriptorium, the escaped imp could seek
refuge here.

The Unity Day Attack By Chris Hopper (@chrishopper2) &
Valor Maps (@mrvalorisalive)
An adventure for 5th ed. Recommended for 4-6 level 6 characters.

It’s dedication day for a new civic pantheon. The gods of 1. Sogugh skullbinder is a seven foot tall half-orc
dwarves, men, and elves are honored at this monument with soft green skin and a head shaved on one side. He
built to show the unity of all residents in the city. But is a devout Nature worshiper with the following spells:
an evil cult attacks the ceremony with a coordinated cantrips (at will): guidance, druidcraft
assault on the new pantheon and the surrounding area. 1st level (4 slots): animal friendship, goodberry, speak
with animals

Scaling the Adventure
2nd level (3 slots): barkskin, spike growth
3rd level (2 slots): plant growth, wind wall

This adventure can scale down to level 4-5 simply by

empowering the watch or other NPCs to take down 2. Gregory Commonbrook is a half-elven worshipper

the chimera on the run, and making more use of the of knowledge. He has a quiet professionalism, with an
pantheon priests’ abilities as described below. even temper and a grace to his movements. History +4

For characters up to level 10, or those well-equipped 3. Dirsanz Frostmail Dirsanz Frostmail is a fervant
with a bevvy of magic items, trap both the chimera worshipper of the Forge. His skin is pockmarked from
in the pantheon with 4 cult fanatics, and use the years of close work in the fires, and his muscular
archmage template instead of mage. frame shows his present expertise. He wields a magical
hammer that deals 13 (2d8+4) damage per attack.

Getting Started
The temple courtyard is packed with people excited to
welcome this new era of cooperation. The town mayor
makes a brief speech and people are let roam as the
4. Althalos Casbow is a ruddy, round man with a
short read beard and cropped red hair. He is bolsterous
and loud. He worships the divine embodiment of
protection, and has the following spells: mending,
protection from evil, protection from energy.
festivities start up. Inside, the priests from the various
faiths are greeting curious urbanites and politely
ignoring each other. Each has a decorated niche, with 5. Catrain Twor serves the goddess of Magic. She
prayer candles for all suspended in a central pool. is tall and athletic, with raven black hair and robes
interwoven with stars. She is self-confident and
The following priests are inside the temple: shrewd. She swaps spirit guardians for magic circle, and
has Arcana +4.



2 3 4 5

8 7

The Unity Day Attack By Chris Hopper (@chrishopper2) &
Valor Maps (@mrvalorisalive)

6. Benevolence chaucer is a curly haired human who

is barely 5 feet tall. She speaks in a steady, sincere voice
that conveys a history of wisdom. She’s a priest of the
god of hearth and home and swaps out guiding bolt for
goodberry. Once per day she may grant Blessed Rest:
Any ally who requires a short or long rest regains an

extra 1d6 hit points if it spends an Hit Dice to regain hit
points at the end of that rest.

7. Elromior Aeraagamae is a tall, pacifist elf with

long silver hair. He worships Life and joy above all, and
may use an action to Preserve Life: heal up to 42 (6d6)
hit points split between up to 6 characters.

8. Peronell Duskstone is a golden-eyed gnome who

squints in the sunlight and worships a secretive god of
the underworld. She wears practical leathers and sticks
to the shadows, and may cast Invisibility in addition to
her regular spells.

There’s plenty of role playing opportunities in the
temple. Prayer candles may be purchased for a silver
piece and set to float in the central pool. Speeches may
be made or heard. Outside, flowers and god-specific
fanatics. He and his followers etched a teleportation
circle into the roof as part of a coordinated attack. He’s
here to gloat, not fight, so he’ll use misty step at first
offerings are also available for purchase. opportunity to escape into the crowded streets, where
he’ll continue causing havoc so long as he’s not under
As the characters progress through the area, allow pursuit (see Chasing the Mad Mage). His fanatics will
characters a chance to make a DC 15 Intelligence remain and continue fighting.
(Arcana) or DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check to notice
a sour-faced man with chalk dust on his robe’s sleeves The priests in the church are not unprepared. They’ll
and hem. He looks towards the ceiling when... take on the chimera with spiritual weapon, guiding

bolt, and spirit guardians, along with each of their

unique special abilities.
The Attack
There’s a sudden explosion from above. All characters
in the room must make a DC 10 dexterity saving throw
The Other Chimera
or take 2d6 damage from flying debris. The altars in the Outside, a second chimera has destroyed much of the
far left and right aren’t as lucky, they’re crushed under carnival and is breathing fire across the fleeing crowds.

the rubble.
If attacked, it will flee northwards using its flight speed
The ceiling and a rain of dust falls. From somewhere in to stay ahead and causing destruction along the way.
the crowd a man starts shouting, and as the onlookers Pursuing the chimera provides a number of optional
clear you see three crimson-robed figures. One of them challenges. Include any of the following as your
shouts “You, who welcome all gods, behold! behold your characters chase the chimera through the city:
unholy conjoining of faiths!”
The chimera’s claws rake tile roofs, causing a rain
From the cloud of dust and blinding light a silhouette of rubble which will deal 3d6 damage to any nearby
of three heads appears. A chimera descends through the character that fails a DC 15 dexterity saving throw.
open hole to attack the crowd. Outside, you hear screams
and crashes as something large moves through the Smaller buildings may collapse under its weight or after
gathered stands. severe damage, dealing 8d6 damage to anyone inside
(saving throw for half).
The robed man is a mage accompanied by 2 cult

The Unity Day Attack By Chris Hopper (@chrishopper2) &
Valor Maps (@mrvalorisalive)

3 gnolls break free of an upended guard wagon and

show down with their captors in the middle of the


The ground rumbles ahead. You hear the splintering
of wood, then the beating of hooves and snorting of
beasts. The stables walls were battered down; dozens of
panicking horses are heading your way!

The stampede functions as a twenty-foot swarm with
180 hit points and an AC 10. Characters may attempt an
attack to deflect an oncoming beasts, but it’s taken at a
disadvantage due to the surrounding chaos. Characters
who are in a stampede-occupied square must make a DC
14 Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6+4 bludgeoning
damage and fall prone until the stampede passes or
until they succeed at a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) or
Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to regain their footing.

Chasing the Mad Mage e

The mage and his apprentices hurry through the crowd,
shoving and threatening their way, making amble use
of magic to cause small fires, explosions, and topple
obstacles in their wake.

Players may be challenged to rescue injured people by

removing them from rubble with a successful DC 10
Strength (Athletics) check, or using a DC 10 Charisma
(Intimidation) check to clear the path ahead.

If he spots the players, he’ll use flight to attempt to

distance himself in the opposite direction. He’ll only
fight if cornered, using whatever terrain advantage he
can find.

The mage carries several diamonds and sapphires for


use in spells, totalling over 1100 gp in value, and a

potion of remove paralysis (left over from transporting
the chimera).

Concluding the Adventure

If you want to introduce a recurring villain, the mage
could quite easily vanish into the crowd in a much more
subtle way, or simply teleport off after making his
proclamation. The town can be the same one visited in
several other adventures in this series, using this as a
centerpiece for the kick off of a broader plot for mid-
level characters!

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