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1 A curve has equation y = x2 + .


dy d2 y
(i) Write down expressions for and 2 . [3]
dx dx

(ii) Find the coordinates of the stationary point on the curve and determine its nature. [4]

2 The equation of a curve is y = (2x − 3)3 − 6x.

dy d2 y
(i) Express and 2 in terms of x . [3]
dx dx

(ii) Find the x-coordinates of the two stationary points and determine the nature of each stationary
point. [5]
© UCLES 2007 9709/01/O/N/07

3 The equation of a curve C is y = 2x2 − 8x + 9 and the equation of a line L is x + y = 3.

(i) Find the x-coordinates of the points of intersection of L and C . [4]

(ii) Show that one of these points is also the stationary point of C . [3]
© UCLES 2008 9709/01/M/J/08



y = x 3 – 6x 2 + 9x


The diagram shows the curve y = x3 − 6x2 + 9x for x ≥ 0. The curve has a maximum point at A and a
minimum point on the x-axis at B. The normal to the curve at C (2, 2) meets the normal to the curve
at B at the point D.

(i) Find the coordinates of A and B . [3]

(ii) Find the equation of the normal to the curve at C . [3]

5 The equation of a curve is y = x4 + 4x + 9.

(i) Find the coordinates of the stationary point on the curve and determine its nature. [4]

(ii) Find the area of the region enclosed by the curve, the x-axis and the lines x = 0 and x = 1. [3]


The equation of a curve is y =

6 .
(i) Find an expression for and determine, with a reason, whether the curve has any stationary
points. [3]


7 A curve has equation y = + x.

dy d2 y
(i) Find and 2 . [2]
dx dx
(ii) Find the coordinates of the maximum point A and the minimum point B on the curve. [5]

8 The equation of a curve is y = (8x − x2 ). Find
(i) an expression for , and the coordinates of the stationary point on the curve, [4]

A curve y = f (x) has a stationary point at P (3, −10). It is given that f ′ (x) = 2x2 + kx − 12, where k is
a constant.

(i) Show that k = −2 and hence find the x-coordinate of the other stationary point, Q. [4]

(ii) Find f ′′ (x) and determine the nature of each of the stationary points P and Q. [2]

10 It is given that a curve has equation y = f (x), where f (x) = x − 2x + x.

3 2

(i) Find the set of values of x for which the gradient of the curve is less than 5. [4]

(ii) Find the values of f (x) at the two stationary points on the curve and determine the nature of each
stationary point. [5]
11 A curve has equation y = 2x + 1
. Verify that the curve has a stationary point at x = 2 and
(x − 1)2
determine its nature. [5]

12 A curve is such that

dy 3
= 2(3x + 4) 2 − 6x − 8.

d2 y
(i) Find . [2]
(ii) Verify that the curve has a stationary point when x = − 1 and determine its nature. [2]

1 − 12
13 A curve has equation y = f x and is such that f ′ x = 3x 2 + 3x − 10.
(i) By using the substitution u = x 2 , or otherwise, find the values of x for which the curve y = f x
has stationary points. [4]

(ii) Find f ′′ x and hence, or otherwise, determine the nature of each stationary point. [3]


14 A curve has equation y = + x, where k is a positive constant. Find, in terms of k, the values of
x for which the curve has stationary points and determine the nature of each stationary point. [8]

15 In the expansion of 2 + ax6 , the coefficient of x2 is equal to the coefficient of x3 . Find the value of
the non-zero constant a . [4]
© UCLES 2014 9709/13/O/N/14

16 The equation of a curve is y = x3 + px2 , where p is a positive constant.

(i) Show that the origin is a stationary point on the curve and find the coordinates of the other
stationary point in terms of p. [4]

(ii) Find the nature of each of the stationary points. [3]

Another curve has equation y = x3 + px2 + px.

(iii) Find the set of values of p for which this curve has no stationary points. [3]
17 A curve has equation y = + 2x.

dy d2 y
(i) Find and 2 . [3]
dx dx

(ii) Find the coordinates of the stationary points and state, with a reason, the nature of each stationary
point. [5]

18 In the expansion of x + 2k7 , where k is a non-zero constant, the coefficients of x4 and x5 are equal.
Find the value of k . [4]

19 The function f is defined by f x = 2x + x + 1−2 for x > −1.

(i) Find f ′ x and f ′′ x and hence verify that the function f has a minimum value at x = 0. [4]

A − 12 , 3 y = 2x + x + 1−2

B 1, 2 41 


The points A − 12 , 3 and B 1, 2 41  lie on the curve y = 2x + x + 1−2 , as shown in the diagram.

(ii) Find the distance AB. [2]

(iii) Find, showing all necessary working, the area of the shaded region. [6]

20 A curve has equation y = 8x + 2x − 1− .1 Find the values of x at which the curve has a stationary
point and determine the nature of each stationary point, justifying your answers. [7]

1 9
21 The point P 3, 5 lies on the curve y = − .
x−1 x−5
(i) Find the x-coordinate of the point where the normal to the curve at P intersects the x-axis. [5]

(ii) Find the x-coordinate of each of the stationary points on the curve and determine the nature of
each stationary point, justifying your answers. [6]


22 A curve has equation y = kx − 3−1 + kx − 3, where k is a non-zero constant.

(i) Find the x-coordinates of the stationary points in terms of k

stationary point, justifying your answers. [7]

23 The function f is defined for x ≥ 0 by f x = 4x + 1 2 .

(i) Find f ′ x and f ′′ x . [3]

The first, second and third terms of a geometric progression are respectively f 2, f ′ 2 and kf ′′ 2.

(ii) Find the value of the constant k. [5]


24 The equation of a curve is y = 8 x − 2x.

(i) Find the coordinates of the stationary point of the curve. [3]
(ii) Find an expression for d 2y and hence, or otherwise, determine the nature of the stationary point.
(iii) Find the values of x at which the line y = 6 meets the curve. [3]

(iv) State the set of values of k for which the line y = k does not meet the curve. [1]

25 Points A and B lie on the curve y = x2 − 4x + 7. Point A has coordinates 4, 7 and B is the stationary
point of the curve. The equation of a line L is y = mx − 2, where m is a constant.

(i) In the case where L passes through the mid-point of AB, find the value of m . [4]
(ii) Find the set of values of m for which L does not meet the curve. [4]

26 A curve is such that = −x2 + 5x − 4.

(i) Find the x-coordinate of each of the stationary points of the curve. [2]

d2 y
(ii) Obtain an expression for and hence or otherwise find the nature of each of the stationary
points. [3]
27 (i) Find the term independent of x in the expansion of − 3x . [2]

(ii) Find the value of a for which there is no term independent of x in the expansion of
@ A6
1 + ax2  − 3x . [3]

A curve has equation y = 12 x2 − 4x 2 + 8x.


(i) Find the x -coordinates of the stationary points. [5]

d2 y
(ii) Find . [1]
(iii) Find, showing all necessary working, the nature of each stationary point. [2]


29 The curve with equation y = x3 − 2x2 + 5x passes through the origin.

(i) Show that the curve has no stationary points. [3]



y = x + 12 + x + 1−1


O 1

The diagram shows part of the curve y = x + 12 + x + 1−1 and the line x = 1. The point A is the
minimum point on the curve.

(i) Show that the x-coordinate of A satisfies the equation 2 x + 13 = 1 and find the exact value of
d2 y
at A. [5]
31 A curve has equation y = 2x − 1−1 + 2x.

dy d2 y
(i) Find and 2 . [3]
dx dx

(ii) Find the x-coordinates of the stationary points and, showing all necessary working, determine
the nature of each stationary point. [4]


32 The equation of a curve is y = x3 + x2 − 8x + 7. The curve has no stationary points in the interval
a < x < b. Find the least possible value of a and the greatest possible value of b. [4]


33 The equation of a curve is y = 3 − 2x3 + 24x.

dy d2 y
(a) Find expressions for and . 2 [4]
dx dx
(b) Find the coordinates of each of the stationary points on the curve. [3]

(c) Determine the nature of each stationary point. [2]


34 The equation of a curve is y = 54x − 2x − 73 .

dy d2 y
(a) Find and 2. [4]
dx dx
(b) Find the coordinates of each of the stationary points on the curve. [3]

(c) Determine the nature of each of the stationary points. [2]


The equation of a curve is y = 2x + 1 + for x > − 12 .

2x + 1

dy d2 y
(a) Find and 2 . [3]
dx dx
(b) Find the coordinates of the stationary point and determine the nature of the stationary point. [5]
36 The function f is defined by f x = x2 + + 2 for x > 0.

(a) Given that the curve with equation y = f x has a stationary point when x = 2, find k . [3]

(b) Determine the nature of the stationary point. [2]

(c) Given that this is the only stationary point of the curve, find the range of f. [2]


37 The equation of a curve is y = 3x + 1 − 4 3x + 1 2 for x > − 13 .
dy d2 y
(a) Find and 2 . [3]
dx dx

(b) Find the coordinates of the stationary point of the curve and determine its nature. [4]


38 A curve has equation y = ax 2 − 2x, where x > 0 and a is a constant. The curve has a stationary point
at the point P, which has x-coordinate 9.
Find the y-coordinate of P
. [5]

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