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Outdoor Lighting Report

Group ()

Alaa Mahmoud Abbas 20P7903

Shadwa Hossam 20P3073
Yara Ahmed 20P2352
Mariette George 20P5092
Eyad Osama 20P6037

Table Of content

1.0 Introduction:..........................................................................................................................4
1.1 History of outdoor lighting:......................................................................................................4
1.2 Consideration of outdoor lighting:...........................................................................................5
2.0 Importance of outdoor lighting:..............................................................7
3.0 Standards to light a university……..…………………………………………... 11
3.1 Functions……….…………………………………………………………………………. 11
3.2 Principles…………………………………………………………………………………..
4.0 Integration of light with architecture elements:……………………………….12
5.0 Case Studies:……………………………………………………………………..13
6.0 Site Analysis:……………………………………………………………………..
7.0 Façade analysis :……………………………………………………………..
8.0 Mood board:……………………………………………………………..
9.0 Analysis of outdoor lighting in the site:…………………………………..
10.0 Recommendation:……………………………………………………………….

List Of Figures
Figure 1: Open GIS......................................................................................................................................................................7
Figure 2: Insert Files....................................................................................................................................................................7
Figure 3:Open Attribute table......................................................................................................................................................7
Figure 4: Find & Replace............................................................................................................................................................8
Figure 5: Replace " Null " to "0".................................................................................................................................................8
Figure 6:Open Fields to hide.......................................................................................................................................................8
Figure 7: Select by attributes to choose Residential buildings....................................................................................................8
Figure 8: Add new feature class..................................................................................................................................................8
Figure 9: Load data in the new feature........................................................................................................................................9
Figure 10: Residential Buildings.................................................................................................................................................9
Figure 11: Convert Features to points.........................................................................................................................................9
Figure 12: Kernel density dd.......................................................................................................................................................9
Figure 13Reclasify dd..................................................................................................................................................................9
Figure 14: Intersect of roads......................................................................................................................................................10
Figure 15: Kernel density id......................................................................................................................................................10
Figure 16: Reclassify id.............................................................................................................................................................10
Figure 17: Convert features to points l.u.d................................................................................................................................10
Figure 18: Kernel density L.U.D...............................................................................................................................................10
Figure 19: Reclassify l.u.d.........................................................................................................................................................11
Figure 20: Walkability index.....................................................................................................................................................11

1.0 Introduction:
1.1 History of outdoor lighting:
The history of outdoor lighting traces back to ancient civilizations, where the earliest forms
consisted of torches, bonfires, and primitive oil lamps used primarily for navigation and security.
Ancient Egyptians utilized torches to light pathways and temples, while ancient Greeks and Romans
employed oil lamps to illuminate streets and public spaces. The evolution of outdoor lighting
progressed with the development of candles in the Middle Ages, followed by gas lamps in the 19th
century, which revolutionized urban illumination. The advent of electricity in the late 19th century
further transformed outdoor lighting, paving the way for widespread adoption of electric streetlights
and decorative fixtures. Throughout the 20th century, advancements in lighting technology, such as
fluorescent and later LED lighting, enhanced energy efficiency and expanded design possibilities.
Today, outdoor lighting has become an integral aspect of urban planning, landscape design, and
architecture, serving not only functional purposes but also contributing to the aesthetic appeal and
ambiance of outdoor environments.
1.2 Consideration of outdoor lighting:
Designing the best lighting system for your unique architecture requires you to consider
five key elements.

1. Quality of light: Not all light sources deliver the same quality of illumination. LED bulbs will
provide a different quality of light than halogens, and lower-quality LED lights won’t perform as
well as high-quality LED bulbs. You must evaluate the color rendering, light temperature and other
aspects of the lighting source so that you can confidently select the type of light source that delivers
the quality, clarity and color you desire.
2. The efficiency of equipment: The completion of your lighting project is only the beginning.
Maintenance is necessary for all machinery, but you should invest in a lighting system that won’t
show its signs of age for a long time. This is where efficiency comes in. By choosing bulbs,
equipment and fixtures that have high-efficiency, long-lasting features, you’ll have a system that
provides reliable, high-quality light for years.
3. Lighting control: You need a reasonable degree of control over every system that you install in
your facility, including your lighting systems. The latest technologies allow you to manipulate these
fixtures and setting in a variety of versatile ways. You can adjust light temperatures, colors and
positioning easily. If you’re implementing this system with a desire to modify the lights frequently,
you should consider a system that allows you to control each luminaire individually.
4. Overall aesthetic: Of course, enhancing your building’s aesthetic is the primary reason for investing
in architectural lighting. Be mindful that you need to use lighting temperatures and colors that will
complement the areas you’re featuring. This involves taking into consideration the texture of the
surface, the color scheme of the area and the appropriateness of the light on the object. You want to
illuminate a facade or feature tastefully in a way that doesn’t seem out of place with its
5. Cost: As with any investment, remember that there’s a difference between “cheap” and
“affordable.” You want to invest in an architectural lighting system that will fulfill your needs for
years to come. Investing in low-quality equipment or attempting a DIY installation will increase
your probability of requiring replacement and repair costs year after year. Choose a lighting team
that will deliver reliable equipment and service while sticking within the limits of your budget.

2.0 Importance of outdoor lighting:

Outdoor lighting plays a pivotal role in enhancing both the functionality and ambiance of outdoor
spaces. Its importance extends across various domains, from residential neighborhoods to bustling
urban centers. Primarily, outdoor lighting significantly contributes to safety and security,
illuminating pathways, driveways, and entrances to prevent accidents and deter potential intruders.
Beyond safety concerns, thoughtfully designed outdoor lighting can transform mundane landscapes
into captivating environments, accentuating architectural features and landscaping elements.
Moreover, outdoor lighting extends the usable hours of outdoor spaces, allowing for extended
enjoyment of patios, gardens, and recreational areas well into the evening. Whether illuminating a
residential backyard or a public park, the strategic placement and design of outdoor lighting not only
enhance visibility but also evoke a sense of comfort, warmth, and security for individuals traversing
through or inhabiting these spaces.
3.0 Standards to light a university:
3.1 Safety Standards:
Lighting should provide adequate illumination to ensure the safety of students, faculty, and visitors
traversing outdoor pathways, parking lots, and common areas. Lighting levels should comply with
local safety standards and guidelines, such as those set by the Illuminating Engineering Society of
North America (IESNA) or local building codes.
3.2 Accessibility Standards:
Outdoor lighting should meet accessibility standards to accommodate individuals with disabilities.
This includes ensuring even illumination along pathways, ramps, and entrances, as well as
minimizing glare and shadows that could hinder visibility for those with visual impairments.
3.3 Security Requirements:
Lighting design should incorporate features to enhance campus security, such as illuminating
building entrances, emergency call boxes, and dark corners. Motion sensors, surveillance cameras,
and smart lighting controls may also be integrated to deter crime and improve response times.
3.4 Dark Sky Compliance:
To minimize light pollution and preserve the natural environment, outdoor lighting fixtures should
comply with dark sky regulations. This involves using full cut-off fixtures, shielded luminaires, and
directional lighting to reduce light spillage and glare into the night sky.
3.5 Energy Efficiency:
Universities should prioritize energy-efficient lighting solutions to reduce operating costs and
environmental impact. This includes selecting LED fixtures, employing lighting controls such as
timers and sensors, and optimizing lighting layouts to minimize unnecessary energy consumption.
3.6 Aesthetic Considerations:
Outdoor lighting should enhance the aesthetic appeal of university campuses while respecting the
architectural integrity of buildings and landscapes. Lighting design should complement the campus's
design theme, highlight key features, and create a welcoming atmosphere for students, faculty, and
3.7 Maintenance and Durability:
Lighting fixtures should be durable and easy to maintain to ensure long-term reliability and
performance. Consideration should be given to factors such as fixture lifespan, accessibility for
maintenance, and resistance to environmental conditions such as weather and vandalism.
3.8 Compliance with Local Regulations:
Ensure that outdoor lighting installations comply with all relevant local regulations, building codes,
and zoning ordinances. This may include obtaining permits, adhering to height and setback
requirements, and addressing any environmental or historical preservation concerns.

4.0 Integration of light with architecture elements:

4.1 Accent lighting:
Accent lighting, a sophisticated technique in facade lighting, involves deliberately using
illumination to accentuate and showcase specific architectural elements, features, or design details
of a building’s exterior. Unlike general lighting, which provides overall illumination, accent
lighting serves a more artistic purpose by drawing attention to focal points, adding depth, and
creating visual interest.

4.2 Wall Washing:

Wall washing is a versatile lighting technique that embraces the entirety of vertical surfaces,
enriching our visual experience by enhancing textures, revealing subtleties, and fostering a
harmonious ambiance in architectural and urban settings.

4.3 Grazing:
In these historical and modern instances, grazing lighting is a powerful architectural enhancement
and storytelling tool. It transcends the conventional understanding of illumination by transforming
buildings into dynamic, evocative, and visually captivating works of art. This lighting technique
fosters a profound appreciation of architectural heritage while pushing the boundaries of
contemporary design.

4.4 Silhouetting:
The silhouetting technique is a testament to the transformative power of light. It reduces subjects to their
essential forms, creating bold and captivating outlines that draw the viewer’s gaze. When applied to

artistic and minimalist architectural designs, silhouetting adds depth, drama, and a touch of magic to the
built environment, enhancing our appreciation of the interplay between architecture and light.

4.5 Shadow play:

Shadow play in facade lighting transcends traditional illumination. It introduces an element of
storytelling, cultural resonance, and artistic expression to architecture. By manipulating light and shadow
to add depth and dimension, architects and designers breathe vitality into their designs, engaging viewers
in a dynamic and ever-evolving visual narrative. This technique enriches the built environment, fostering
a deeper connection between people and the architectural spaces they inhabit.

4.6 Interactive façade:

Interactive lighting represents a groundbreaking frontier in facade illumination and architectural design.
It converges technology and creativity to transform static buildings into dynamic, engaging structures
that respond to the presence and actions of viewers. This innovative approach to lighting goes beyond
mere aesthetics, offering an active medium for architectural storytelling, public engagement, and
immersive experiences.

5.0 Case studies:

5.1 Standford University:

5.1.1 Lighting fixtures used:

Architectural Lighting: - Floodlights. – Spotlights

Pathway Lighting: - Bollard Lights.

5.1.1 Analysis:

- Highlights Architectural Features: Floodlights and spotlights are used to show the unique architectural
elements of buildings, enhancing their visual appeal and creating focal points.
- Integrates with Natural Surroundings: The lighting design seamlessly integrates with the natural landscape
of Stanford's campus, providing illumination that complements the surrounding environment.
- Enhances Safety and Security: Pathway lighting with bollard lights ensures safe movement for pedestrians
while also contributing to campus security.

5.2 Princeton University:

5.2.1 Introduction:
Chartered in 1746, Princeton is the fourth-oldest college in the United States. In 2008, the venerable
institution adopted a comprehensive sustainability plan. Realizing that lighting offered considerable scope
for reducing energy use and carbon emissions, and recognizing solid-state lighting’s potential, the school
installed its first LED exterior lighting system that same year, hoping to learn more about the technology
and further its development.
5.2.2 History:
In 2008, Princeton completed its first LED exterior lighting project: replacing seven high-pressure sodium
(HPS) luminaires with LED luminaires along a pedestrian walkway that runs alongside a major campus
roadway and connects perimeter parking areas with the central campus and several athletic fields. The
upgrade reduced the wattage and energy use by more than 60%, saving about 2500 kWh annually.

5.0 References:

 Ahmad_2022_IOP_Conf._Ser.__Earth_Environ._Sci._1051_012015.pdf
 Alyasari_2020_IOP_Conf._Ser.__Mater._Sci._Eng._671_012126.pdf

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