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IDENTITY CARD NO. : 960729-12-5966

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E-MAIL : nrsmahkm00@oum.edu.my

Table of Contents
Question 1 3

Profile of key informant 3

Qualitative Data Analysis 4

i) Strategies used to maintain a positive school climate. 4

ii) Strategies used to improve a negative school climate. 7

Key Findings and Conclusion 9

Question 2 10

Depth of reflection/ characteristics 10

Examples and evidence 11

Conclusion 12

References 13

Appendix 16

Interview Transcripts 16
Part I

Profile of key informant

An excellent and effective school needs a line of administrators of caliber and led by a
competent headmaster. In this context, the leadership style of a principal is indeed very
important to ensure that his school is always in a positive climate and a commendable
performance. Good leadership in schools is defined as enabling and encouraging broad
school expertise to achieve good student progress. the following are the three key informants
in an interview with three leaders from three different secondary schools. This interview
focused on the collection of qualitative data from the three leaders of this school, namely Mr.
Hassan, Mr. Azri, and Mr. Abdul Aziz (not his real name). Encik Hassan is the principal who
has served at SMK Muhibbah (not the real school name), while Encik Azri is a principal at
SMK Sungai Manila (not the real school name) and subsequently Encik Abdul Aziz is the
principal at SMK Libaran (not actual school name). All three of them are almost 3-5 years as
a principal of the school and they have also faced many obstacles during their leadership
tenure. Therefore, for future leaders and educators, understanding the benchmarks for good
leaders in schools is crucial. In addition, they must also understand how they can ensure it
can drive change in the long run. efficient schools; leaders always focus on management
skills and educational expertise to focus their efforts. Part of their leadership skills also
includes keeping abreast of the latest technological developments and trends so that the
benefits can be reaped.

Therefore, a positive climate must exist in a school. This is because many studies
have shown that there is a close correlation between school climate and student success. If the
climate is good, teachers and students will be more motivated and at the same time, teaching
and learning activities will go well. Effective leaders always encourage continuous
professional learning, and they will always focus on specific strategies. Teachers are prepared
to participate in this interview. They are willing to share their experiences and opinions as
they have served in education for more than 3-5 years. We interviewed them in their spare
time to avoid teaching disruption.
Qualitative Data Analysis

The climate and personality of school life are referred to as the school atmosphere.
Based on patterns of how students, parents, and school staff perceive school life, school
climate reflects organizational structures, norms, objectives, and values. It also represents
how people interact with one another. The state or atmosphere of the school is calm and
comfortable, suitable for the teaching and learning process, and considered to have a school
climate effective. who were pioneers in climate studies schools say that the school climate
reflects one’s personality the individual himself and how the teacher strives to reach the stage
the climate organization of the school concerned. Next, school climate is the social and
cultural conditions of the school that influence the behavior of the people in it. Given the
school climate factor also helps create an effective, then there are some effective strategies to
maintain a positive school climate and the strategies used to improve a negative school

i). Strategies used to maintain a positive school climate.

Efficient leadership also requires interpersonal skills as leaders are required to work
with their parents, staff, and students to get constant feedback in schools and find
opportunities to innovate themselves. The school leaders must have a solid grasp of one of
the best operational practices, and they must possess the aptitude to ensure continuous
development. Encik Hassan once said;

“The key to inspiring a great learning environment for teachers and kids in schools is
excellent leadership. Leaders at all levels may help with this by developing the best
abilities needed by students.”

Generally, the principals of schools are the school leaders, and they have the
responsibility for running the schools. The role of principals is to create a safe learning
environment for students, and they set the performance goals for both teacher and students.
The principals always supervise the teachers, and they always tend to keep track of the
performance of teachers and students. Principals also do thorough research, and they always
monitor the growth of schools and the rate of progress in schools. Principals also research,
and they always acquire new materials to improve the experience of both teachers and
students. The principals also set up the budgets of the schools, and they also monitor whether
the school logistics and infrastructure are good or not. Apart from all these, the principals are
required to follow other steps so that the school environment can be made meaningful. These
steps are:

Creation of meaningful involvement of parents: Generating clear and open

communication with parents can play a key role in removing the misunderstandings which
are always seen between teachers and parents. Hence, the involvement of parents in the
culture of schools also provides feedback for programs schools. Therefore, the principals had
to go beyond parent-teacher meetings and organize workshops where parents always discuss
study skills and workshops. Therefore, the involvement of parents in school activities also
helps foster the feelings between the parents and schools. Moreover, the development of
educational programs for children can also help in improving the schooling of children and
building a more positive atmosphere in schools.

Celebrating good behavior and personal achievement: Complimenting the kids

can also make them feel that they are being cared for. The principals and staff play a key role
in this aspect of the school culture. One of the best ways to ensure positive reinforcement is
to set clear goals for several compliments for every member they had to give during the
week. The staff must be encouraged to give specific compliments which highlight what every
individual student has done well.

Focus on building values and establishing school norms: The principals must
ensure that the laws of classrooms and schools must be clear and it must be very well
regulated. Meanwhile, this does not indicate that the schools must create rules and regulations
for every possible situation. Hence, the school will create a cultural norm that primarily
focuses on building and establishing laws for every situation possible. This also helps the
kids learn what they must or must not and what they must or must not do. For example, the
principal must set up clear rules that chewing gums in class is strictly prohibited as it is
disrespectful to teachers.

Set up consistent discipline: Whenever the rules are not being followed, then the
level of discipline must be administered. Meanwhile, the broadening range of discipline can
also help to encourage a good environmental culture. Hence, if a student has done anything
wrong, then giving him detention or calling his parents is wrong. However, providing any
task which helps to correct the wrong task is going to help the student to recognize what he
must have done in place. Therefore, the teachers of the schools must be encouraged to
internalize the tactful arts of classroom management. It is also extremely essential to the
discipline being presented consistently all over the world. This also plays a key role in
removing all the feelings of mistrust from the minds of students.

Model the behaviors you want to view in schools: Every change must begin from
the top, and hence this indicates that students are required to interact with teachers regularly.
Hence, the principal is required to be an example of what they want to see in the schools.

Engage students in a way that benefits them: Meanwhile, students when they are in
school they are learning more than just secular interaction. They had also developed their
social skills in order, and they just learned they must learn how to become a successful adult.
One of the best procedures for engaging any students is by developing all these types of
skills. Therefore, the principals must ensure that throughout the day, teachers encourage the
activities, which help to boost the qualities of students and it also builds up their character

Create traditions and rituals which are fun for students: The school year, as well
as the school day, must be punctuated with time for fun. This also helps the students to
engage with each other positively and build good morale in the school. The principals must
also focus on using technology within the classroom to ensure supplement learning and
introduce positive rituals for the students. Creation of appropriate time to have appropriate
breaks and provides the students with relaxation between the periods of learning. This also
helps them to be more relaxed when they visit classrooms.

Encourage learning in classrooms: The teachers must be encouraged to try new

methods of teaching. The principal is required to set up regular meetings to discuss new
research and ensure the adoption of new technology. This meeting is going to help the
teaching staff to adopt and brainstorm new ideas in the process of building the new school's
culture. One of the most popular methods of teaching Mathis is video games. This has even
displayed concentration, level of interest, and enjoyment of materials among students.

Professional development for teachers: Generally, in school, it appears that students

are the only learners. However, in reality, the teachers are also required to keep pace with
technological advancement, so they are also required to learn. Based on Thomas, Crosby &
Vanderhaar (2019) stated;
“The principals must also be aware that the school teachers what the school teachers
feel and think about their work. Hence, the organization must set up mechanisms of
feedback to ensure that principals get all the feedback regardings the teachings of
teachers and the understanding of students.”

Maintaining a good environment in schools: The degree of freedom and simulation

as well as novelty enables students to enjoy any sort of flexible seating in classrooms. Hence,
principals must ensure that they adapt flexible seating in the classroom to improve the
capability of students to learn.

Keeping tabs on the culture of schools: The principal must take note of every
activity that is happening in schools, and they are required to take note of every activity.

“The procedure of improving the culture of the school also includes taking every
detail, including the results as well as improvements of schools. The principals must
set aside every school month to reinforce every aspect. Hence, in the end, the
principal must take time to listen to the feedback from both teachers and students.”
Toropova, Myrberg& Johansson (2021)

Therefore, it is quite sure that building a positive environment is going to take a huge
time, and it is not one daily process. Therefore, changing the attitudes of staff and students
overnight is not going to be an easy task for principals of any school, and hence this is going
to require much time.

ii). Strategies used to improve a negative school climate.

A school's culture evolves over many years as a result of everyone in the school
community sharing common experiences, ideologies, and customs. A culture may be
advantageous by fostering a feeling of community, fostering collaboration, and rewarding
individual and group accomplishments to provide a welcoming and trustworthy
environment where kids can learn and grow. A healthy culture fosters a secure
atmosphere where everyone watches out for one another. On the other end of the scale, a
negative school climate encourages animosity and mistrust. Members of the school
community are forced to prioritize self-preservation at the expense of safety, learning,
and progress due to this hostile atmosphere.
According to the Climate Center concept, school administrators must find,
develop, and support policies and procedures that support not just academic knowledge
but also emotional, social, civic, and ethical intelligence. To do this, policies must be
consistently applied and understood by the whole community. School leaders may alter
the school culture to one that welcomes learning, cooperation, and growth while
minimizing threats to student and staff safety and well-being by creating these rules and
putting these mechanisms into place.

“Several factors have a drastic impact on the climate of schools, and these include
factors such as the absence of resources and a community rife with social
tensions. Several direct superintendents and building administrations began their
careers in the classrooms, where they can interact daily with fellow teachers and
students. Gubbel et al.(2018)”

There exist a few steps to improve the climate of the schools, and these steps are as

Recognizing the staff and students' psychological needs: In the theory of self-
determination, humans are always self-motivated if their basic needs are always being met,
and people always try to become their best possible selves. These needs are very important as
the physical needs for shelter and food, and this includes a sense of belonging and a sense of
autonomy. The teacher might feel that they cannot reach their students, and students believe
they are born without necessity. Therefore, when the psychological needs are not being met,
then the school community always feels discouraged from performing their work sincerely.
Staff and teacher members generally do not advertise their feelings as well as frustrations.
Therefore, the principals must recognize the psychological needs of their staff, and they must
try their best to meet these needs.

Set up rewards for good behavior and negative consequences for bad behavior:
Life outside the school is an uneven playing field. Students always tend to enter the
classrooms with different levels of emotional skills. Hence, it is quite clear that the
inappropriate behavior of one student can damage the learning environment for all students.
Therefore, the students must learn what is being expected from them, and they must learn the
social norms of the school community.
Seeking to heal other than punishing: It is almost impossible for any teacher to
teach and let students learn in an atmosphere of fear. Gubbels, Put & Assink (2019)
pointed out that;

“During the past two decades, schools had adopted the program bullying to prevent
bullying in schools as this menace had come to the heels of string. Most efficient and
effective is the model of discipline schools must determine their requirements of
students, and they must adapt the program to meet the demands of students.”

Assign mentors: Every student in schools always requires an advocate, and parents
have always been feeding this role. However, teachers and school councilors can also play a
pivotal role in providing good support to the school environment. Based on Kosciw et al.

“The principal must ensure a mentor program with any member of the school
faculty, which can build trust, open communications, and relationships. The
principals of schools must also ensure checks related to period wellness between
mentees and mentors which can help in recognizing the issues before they shape
up into a big problem for the school.”

Reaching out to the maximum community: Social hubs, as well as schools, are the
social hub of the community which they usually serve. Therefore any failure to build good
family-school partnerships can be a great disconnection for students. Hence, the schools must
ensure that they instill a good sense of social spirit in the students so that after growing up,
they can be successful human beings.

Recognizing issues too early: The principals must keep track of every activity
happening in the schools, and they must act very early. Issues such as an abrupt decrease
in attendance of students, maximum problems in the behavior of students, and a drop in
performance related to academics must be noted as early as possible and must be
addressed early. Therefore, the principals must ensure the creation of a trusted
environment in the schools so that the students can easily trust the staff members.
Therefore, once students trust all the staff, they can easily talk with the staff and share
their problems with them.
Adopting user-friendly systems: Keeping track of the school community and
individual students is a herculean task for any principal.

“Therefore face to face check-ins might not elicit the actual responses. Darling &
Harvey (2018) opined that, however, technology could play a key role in
implementing a user-friendly system in schools. The students are now always
being connected in hyper-connected environments, and these have been made
possible by mobile technology.”

Students always tend to respond much better to any online survey as compared to any
offline survey. Hence, online check-in programs such as the pulse of students enable the
schools to capture ness data at any point in time.

Providing support for well being of students: Principals can never assure any
positive environment in schools if the environment is not safe. Augustine et al. (2018) opined
that chronic stress also restricts the ability of students to connect with their students and these.

Key Findings and Conclusion

The key findings for the interviews have highlighted the following. Based on my
observations and data collection from them it can be concluded that they are highly respected,
competent and caliber principals to make their school an effective educational institution.
Positive educational climates benefit the personnel by improving work satisfaction and
reducing stress and burnout. Positive school climates are linked to better conduct and
academic performance for children. Despite these encouraging results, high school context
issues make it challenging to apply effective approaches to enhance the school environment.
From the findings of the interview transcripts, it can be analyzed that maintaining a
positive environment in the school is very important. Because without maintaining a good
environment, no school can ensure effective teaching. Therefore, the principal is required to
record these changes to act effectively in the future. Meanwhile, head teachers also need to
ensure that the psychological needs of staff are met so that they are fully satisfied and always
committed to the organization. This is because, being a leader at the school level, either as a
principal is not as easy as one might think. admirable personal qualities along with some
leadership traits need to be present and mastered at an excellent and high level so that the
goals, vision, and mission of the school, and community can be achieved. Realizing an
effective and characteristic school, with a positive climate is unlikely to be achieved by mere
wishful thinking.
Lastly, leadership style is important to provide guidance and direction to school
people. Leadership styles such as transformational leadership can help schools realize the
goals of academic success and curriculum development excellence. Therefore, we must
understand the concept well or explode inefficient leadership styles. Finally, all school people
must understand the concept of effectiveness and excellence as a whole as well as shed all
commitment with high spirits to create an excellent school.


Depth of reflection/ characteristics

In general, Leadership during these modern times is demanding and complex. The
issue of a school's quality is strongly tied to its management or leadership style, internal
organizational traits, and the character, temperament, or personality that forms its foundation.
Juhaeni et al. (2021) stated that challenges generally encompass the national vision and create
new educational goals for the education system at different levels. Strategic management has
also helped schools diversify their education in schools. Therefore, strategic leadership is
closely related to the vision of an organization. Jewitt, Baxter & Floyd (2021) argue that
school vision is a very important part of strategic leadership. Therefore, without a vision and
mission, there will be no striving towards a common and specific goal. Thus, the principle of
the leader must have a good vision to adopt a strategic management style. Meanwhile, these
three principals have also ensured that there is good communication between several
departments in the school so that their ideas can flow effectively.
However, the strategic leaders as well as leadership not only focus on the element of
vision or mission only but also consists on several other factors. Ismail (2018), has stated that
a head teacher who has strategic leadership characteristics should take into account
environmental factors that impact the achievement of students and their school, such as
teacher teaching factors Hence, strategic management is an extremely powerful tool to reform
the whole school. Strategic leaders also clearly understand the reform which is extremely
important for schools to achieve and how these reforms can be achieved from where the
schools must start. Aithal (2018) pointed out that strategic leadership also ensures a special
focus on the development of serial facilities and formal policies which provide incentives and
guidance for reform. Moreover, due to the adoption of a strategic style of
management, school headmasters can develop system capability, and they can also make
their school capable of scaling up the reform with quality. Lastly, as the leader of the school,
It is hoped to ensure the commitment of every member of the school, especially teachers in
implementing each program of activities planned.

Examples and evidence

The relationship between the strategic leadership of principals is closely related to
school performance, especially student performance. Various leadership courses have been
given to principals to ensure that these groups can translate their efforts in a planned manner
and producsproduceive schools. Recently in schools, the management system has been very
popular, and as a result, the education system has deteriorated badly. The behavior of teachers
and staff is more severe and rude, and therefore students are very afraid to voice their
problems. Alexopulos (2019) argues that, however, teachers are also not given appropriate
salaries, therefore good teachers always leave school. However, recently the principal at the
previous SMK Sungai Manila school retired, and the headmaster at the new school which is
Encik Azri has adopted a strategic management style, and therefore the principal has changed
the school. The same goes for the principal from SMK Libaran and SMK Muhibbah who
always ensure that the school environment is in order.
Meanwhile, the principal has also issued strict rules as well as consequences to
anyone who does not follow the rules properly. It is clear from the data that teachers' and
principals' actions have a big impact on how kids are educated. The efficiency of teaching
and learning in schools is highly influenced by teacher conduct, as is well known. Students
will be able to develop in a way that is balanced in terms of their psychological, emotional,
and intellectual development by taking awareness of their immediate environment and
fundamental requirements. The degree to which they are better equipped upon entering the
school to handle the socio-emotional components of education with the issue of great
communication skills.
Teachers take on a significant leadership role in this management approach. The
principal's (teacher's) job is to enforce rules. There were no conversations between teachers
and pupils. Nagawa (2000) claims that an authoritarian teacher, although being aware of how
society is developing, does not make use of the intellect of others since his knowledge is
constrained and hence shared. He continued by saying that dictatorial headmasters do not
value differing viewpoints such principals will display good behavior.

We can conclude that it is important for the principals to facilitate a suitable style in
the management of the system school. In particular, the transformational leadership style is
utilized by schools here. Moreover, we can see that the operation of the school varies
according to the leadership style adopted by the principal. Although the previous principal the
of school gives in influent the management style of the school, however, the situation
changes as members the of school adapt to the situation after some time.
Any organization can flourish by developing of right strategies and hiring the right
people, and creating a good culture for the organization. Hence, from the discussion, it is
quite clear that there exists no winning strategy without strategic management. Strategic
managers always persuade other people to take up steps, follow footsteps and achieve their
goals. Meanwhile, schools which have minimum strategic leaders are less likely to succeed
than a school that has several strategic leaders.


Interview Transcripts

Interviewer: Nurassima
Interviewee: Encik Hassan (Not the real name)
Nurassima How is a rewarding system will help to create a good culture in schools?
En. Hassan I think the reward system can play a key role in ensuring that the student
behaves approximately in school. Meanwhile, the behavior system is also
going to ensure maximum attendance in class, and hence this is also going to
ensure a good positive environment for studying. Whenever students know
that there exist rewards, they are going to give their best in their studies as they
know that if they score the highest marks in any subject, they are going to
receive a prize. Hence, if the reward system exists in the school, there always
seems to be a healthy competition within schools which is beneficial both for
the students and for the schools.
Nurassima What do you feel is the best way to instill discipline in the classroom?

En. Hassan I think discipline is the pillar of success for any school. The reason behind this
is that there is strict discipline in the schools, and classroom management is
extremely easy to manage. One of the best ways to ensure discipline in schools
is to organize and plan any rhythm in class and let the students know what is
being expected from them. Meanwhile, the class teacher of every class must
also make it clear what the expected behavior and what is unexpected behavior
This is going to let the students know the difference between them, and hence
they will behave as per the accepted behavior. Meanwhile, good discipline and
habits also result in good marks in the exam.

Nurassima Is the behavior of the staff important for students?

En. Hassan The adults working in schools are generally teaching staff and support staff.
Hence, to maintain a good environment in class, the teacher has to ensure that
the environment is friendly. A friendly environment is of utmost importance so
that students clear their doubts without any fear. Meanwhile, most of the time,
due to some family problem, students always remain depressed, and hence
they are unable to focus on their studies. At that time, if they are free with the
teaching or any working staff, then they will be freely able to ask their staff
regarding their family problem, and hence the staff can solve the problem.
Nurassima Are punishment and fear enough to make a student study?
En. Hassan Punishments are one of the top tools which are being used by both teachers
and parents to ensure that the student learns. One of the primary goals of
punishment is to ensure that fear is being invoked inside the student and that
students do not repeat the same behavior. In school, the teacher tends to punish
the students so that the mistake is not repeated. Meanwhile, the student also
receives punishments in case he did not do the homework or has failed any
exam. During the time of punishment, students trends to think that he has not
done right, and he always feels ashamed that he has been punished in front of
the whole class.

Interviewer: Nurassima
Interviewee: En. Azri (Not the real name)
Nurassima What are the ways by which you can create the strategies for planning to be a
teacher in our school?
En. Azri From my point of view, the aspect of planning is one of the important factors
of effective teaching, which is also important for the learning of the student.
To make a better plan, I would like to boost the performance of the student
along with their achievement by understanding why I am teaching the subject
and how I should create a plan to present in front of the students every day. I
must plan enough that it lasts the entire school day or the class period. For
planning, I must be confident in whatever I am conducting and also read all
the chapters before assigning them to the students.
Nurassima What are the ways by which you will be establishing the objectives of being a
teacher for the students?
En. Azri I would create a specific action plan for creating each of the objectives. I
would like to make measurable and clear goals that can be visualized by a
student to accomplish them. The identification of the quantity of knowledge is
important for achieving the objective; hence I would like to make sure that the
objective includes all the aspects of the learning environment. The objectives
will be monitored that can be done conducting workshops and other
instructional designs.
Nurassima What are the ways by which you will be able to formulate the vision
En. Azri I would try to have the children develop their physical and cognitive skills that
are important for their succession. By being a teacher, I will be helping the
students by inspiring and motivating them to develop their ground of self-
confidence, which is also helpful for them to succeed throughout their learning
processes. I would prefer the students to encourage their great in my so
ongoing active learning sessions by further preparing them with the
communication and social skills the day will require in the following stages of
their lives.
Nurassima According to you, what is the important reason for planning as a teacher?
En. Azri One of the important reasons for planning to be a teacher is that it makes sure
that the students understand the lessons in a meaningful way. Being a teacher,
it is important to set the objectives and goals that will decide what to teach and
how to teach by evaluating the recipients.
Nurassima According to you, what planning skills must a teacher inhibit among
En. Azri The important plan skills of a teacher include delegating tasks, creating
schedules, managing time, managing projects, meeting and creating the due
dates, solving problems, and communicating the expectations and needs.

Nurassima What do you know about educational planning?

En. Azri Application of systematic analysis towards the process of development of

education by caring for the objective of making education and the process of
learning much more efficient and effective can be referred to as educational
planning. According to me, educational planning is necessary for
understanding the needs and objectives of the students along with society.

Interviewer: Nurassima
Interviewee: Encik Abdul Aziz
Nurassima What steps will you take as a school leader to motivate the staff of your
En. Abdul From my point of view, I will try to recognize the psychological needs of the
Aziz staff. To make a better plan, I will also try to recognize the issues of
demotivation of the teachers. I will talk with the teachers and even encourage
them to reward each other for good works performed by the teachers for the
students and other teachers.
Nurassima This is a good answer, I believe, so the next question is, how will you involve
the students in the decision-making process?
En. Abdul I think to improve a school climate, students need to get solved in the
Aziz decision-making process. It needs to be mostly done in classrooms as I believe
that is the only place for the students to express themselves. But coming to
your questions, I think that setting up an activity I assume that it can help
teachers to include students in decision-making.
Nurassima Okay, it is; I believe it to be correct because it will help the students to learn
more and decide on their own. Now coming to the next question, do you think
that it will be reliable to include students in the decision-making process and
En. Abdul I can acknowledge that including students in the decision-making process will
Aziz be beneficial. This is because I feel that it will help them to become more
critical. It can also increase their engagement and, most importantly, will
encourage them to grow.
Nurassima What is the most effective policy to implement perfect discipline in schools?
En. Abdul I think one of the most effective ways of installing good discipline in schools
Aziz is by installing CCTV cameras on all premises of schools. The reason behind
this is once students know that there exist CCTV cameras and they know that
they are being closely monitored and watched. They are going to behave
responsibly. I also strongly feel that CCTV must be installed in every
classroom so that the behavior of students can also be cracked inside
classrooms. Meanwhile, few students always tend to chew gums in the middle
of class, and few students even eat tiffin when they are teachers inside
classrooms. Moreover, not only on students, but CCTV is also going to ensure
that teaching staff, as well as other personnel in the schools, also behaves
responsibly towards students. The reason behind this is a few times this has
also happened that teachers also misbehave with innocent students and
humiliates them in front of whole classes. Hence installation of CCTV
cameras is going to ensure that the activities of teachers can also be tracked
and they do their duty with responsibility. Hence, these are also the reason I
think that the installation of CCTV is going to solve all the problems of
indiscipline in schools.


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Part II





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