Marvel RPG - Gamebook 2 - Captain America

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MARVEL SUPER HEROES™ STATS CARD ROCKET’S RED GLARE NAME: CAPTAIN AMERICA® SECRET IDENTITY: Steve Rogers ABILITY POINTS: Fighting: Agility: Strength: Endurance: Reason: Intuition: Psyche: Shield: ome ONAaANRODAWO —t ca KARMA POINTS: HEALTH POINTS: 28 ROCKET’S RED GLARE BY KATE NOVAK Cover by Jet But Pencils by Ala Inking by Fat Reading “To my dearest Jef, who leaves is "What ifs” just ying around ROCKET'S RED GLARE. Copyright 128s Marval Comes Group, a dviten'ot Cadence inure Corporation. AilFights Reserve. ‘aan ponte neni cng alte Soaateneresomvanoronaeeenan FACE FRONT, TRUE BELIEVERS! In this new role-playing gamebook, you are the shield-wielding Captain America ashe encoun ters one of the most slippery, and deadly. erimi- nals of the Marvel Universe, Based on the popular MARVEL SUPER HEROES Role-Playing Game from TSR, In MARVEL SUPER HEROES Adventure Gam ‘books require only a single standard, six-sided dle; a pen or pencil; a moderate suppiy of luck ‘and, most of all, your own personal skill in mak: {ing decisions as you play the game. If dice are not available, you can consult page twelve for a sim: ple alternative requiring only pencil and paper. MARVEL SUPER HEROES Adventure Game- books have been designed to read easily, without complicated rules to slow down the story. Once you finish reading the rules that follow. you Should seldom find it necessary to refer back to ‘them. Your choices are clearly stated at each choice polnt, with occasicnal reminders of adal- tional options you have available. Your adventure reads like a book, plays lke a game, and offers thrill a minute—with YOU as your favorite MARVEL SUPER HERO! YOUR CHARACTER Your real name's Steve Rogers. Born during the Depression, you were a fal youth too weak (© bedccepted into the U.S. army when World Wart broke out. But patriot even ten, You volun- teered fo test a Super Soldier formulafor the gov- Ernment. Thougi never duplicated since, the Experiment was successful in your case. and your fouy became as physially perfect as a human veer your transfrmati given spe “Alter your transformation, you were given spe- cad Wading in the mental and phyeteal skis fequlred-of a twentiethcentury warrior. You, Captain America, became America’s most eflec- five spectal operative during the war defending ffeeddin at every opportunity, tnt in the final days ofthe war, you were accidentally frozen ina state ofsuspended animation. ‘Awakened decades later by another accident of faje, you found yourselfin a America very difer tent ifom the one you lft but still nation of ree nd independent people, and You determined that wan, as ever, your jo to keep America that Tr this adventure, you will discover a diabolical plot that threatens your land's iberty and it wil Be up to you, Captain America, to stop It PLAYING THEGAME * ‘The MARVEL SUPER HEROES portrayed in this series of books have certain powerful abilities far beyond those of the average human being. AS Captain America, your special abilities, which vill allow you to aitempt feats a normal person wouldn't even consider, are listed on the femov- able MARVEL SUPER HEROES Stats Card located at the front of this book. The Stats Card ists everything you need to keep track of in order to play the game in this book. At the same time, It doubles as a handy bookmark. SCORING Playing the game requires that you keep track of three things—Skill points, Karma points, and Health points—on the Super Hero Stats Card located at the front of this book. An explana- ton of each of these follows, CaN HEALTH POINTS: ‘Health points represent your general health or life strength. If you are injured or become ill, you lose some of these points, If you lose all of Your Healtn points, you will fali unconscious and Possibly even die. At any rate, if your Health Points drop to zero or less, your adventure ioover. 7 naar uy ppamon tf your Heath points by spending Karma, which raster Wri bes tte par SR laa an A Es gna ee a cr ae ‘amon nay pet eka ede sity ema tera teeta eos Comets Sa Jove Karma, There is no limit fo the number of tin. pacino Heuane mnarane eben eatin bette wee elas Hare "mu yr enn en arma ees Once you commit yourself to spending | a oc rigeicmen tacts ae Kem sasopade aa 8 {you need to make your dle ol sucessful, pro viding you have enough Karma poise oP Iryou decide to spend Karma on yo. ene but fal the rol because you dat ees = Karma points to spend of because you chases ‘oapend that much Karma, youstilose est nal 2 Karma points Karma may also be spent to regain lost re points whenever you reach a choice point i¢att Story, untese the textapeciicaly states other For every Karma point yeu decide to pena a tanner, increase vou? (tal Health score 9 Point. Be sure to subtract the same number Sort Your Karma total. Health points may not be cor ‘erted to Karma points, Captain America begins ths adventure with a total of 12 Karma points ABILITY POINTS. Ability points determine how easy or difficult At 's for you to perform certain actions, called FEATS. Whenever you are asked to attempt a particular type of FEAT, consult the ability called. for on your MARVEL SUPER HEROES Stars Card, roll one die, and ade the result of the die rll to your Ability score. The text will indicate what ‘you should do next, according to what your total was. The abilities used in this gamebook are described below, FIGHTING determines how good you are in ‘armed and unarmed combat. You have had exten- sive combat training and are, therefore, better able than most people to defend yourself and oth- AGILITY is a measure of your coordination. The ‘Super-Soldier serum has made you more agile than any Olympic athlete. The combination of your talent and training make you better able han most to dodge away from danger, catch things hurled toward you, or leap exceptional dis- tance: STRENGTH determines how much damage you inflict when you hit something. It also tells how ‘much weight you are able to lift. Although you do hot possess superhuman powers. you are excep- tionally strong for a human, so you must be care~ ful not to hit people so hard that you cause extensive physical damage or death. ENDURANCE is a measure of how long you can ‘exert yourself physically without resting or when Injured. Consequently, tt also determines how well you can stand up to punishment, how long you can hold your breath, and how well you are Able to resist the effects of trauma or poison. REASON reflects how well you can solve prob- Iems. You have had a good education and consid: rable training, 60 your reasoning skillsare above average. 10 INTUITION gauges how well you observe with your sensesandare able toact on that knowledge. Your experiences have made you an acute observer of your surroundings, and your strong, ‘moral intuition often alerts you when something is not as it should be. PSYCHE 1g based on your willpower and inner strength. A high psyche score will make you resistant to magic and mind control. Your psyche is above average for a human being, SHIELD Is a special skill belonging just to you. You carry a shield made of a unique adamaniium and vibranium alloy. If you are behind it, it will absorb tremendous damage and keep you from getting hurt, Because of the practice you have had, you generally throw it with uncanny accu. -y and are able to hit opponents with Ito knock them off balance or disable them. You are often able to catch your shield on the rebound. M1 PLAYING WITHOUT DICE jould you ever wish to play the adventure when dlec are anavallales Were sa simple au Silat thet requires only penell and paper. Sim- ply write the numbers 1 through 6 on separate Zips of paper and mix them up in a container. When a'FEAT rolls called for. draw one of the Sips, note the qumber, and place the slip back in the container. Each draw represents one rol ofa aie. ‘You, as Captain America, are now ready to face the dangers threatening your country by the ROCKETS RED GLAl “Torn to page 19 to begin your adventure. Good tuck, and good choteest 12 AAs you walk across the plush carpeting in the 1 hallways of the Avengers Mansion, you fecl more snx- tous than ever hit the stra, The Avengers meting seemed to drag on today, possily because you were 96 ager forittoadjourn, yet asalong-time member ofthe ‘Avengers, you realize the Importance of these meet Ings, Due in part to fs organized nature, ncloding is regular meetings, the band of superheroes known a the Avengers has gained oficial recognition by the US {overnmentand many intermaional agencies, and also {Enjoys a positive publfe reputation ‘All you can think about tofay, though, 1s prowling ‘ew York Cty for possible dangers tothe cfizens You have sworn to protect. ft's Berna slow week for rime, you reflect. 1 shouldn't be disappointed, but | cant Shake tits feting that tia onty thecal before the Storm. wonder SHIELD hs any tnformation about What's brewing in the underworld? In your battles against super foes, you and other ‘Avengers have worked mam tes with the govern ‘ment organization called SHIELD (Supreme Headquar fers ‘International “Espionage. Law-enforcement Division, SHIELD'satector,ormer U.S. Army colonel Nick Fury, is one of your closest ends if don¢ carn upanything moreinterestingby tonighIlgiveNicka cal you decide. “Just as you reach the mansion’ Fith Avenue exit, you hear a votce call out bebiad you, “Cap! Walt just Ininute would you, please?™ ‘As you turn, yousee the slim fgure of Janet Van Dayne, alias the Wasp. heading toward you Unrough the foyer The Wasp. ana founding membre the Avene. 5 anata woman oe taken ight Shes eso your friend, so you summon sup erough patience to loten cordlaly to what she has to sey “The team hasn't had a’ bance to practice much with our starspangled member recently she says With a smile as she knocks teasingly on the sic rapped toYour back “Twas hoping to interest you tn ‘ound of mixed doubles with amer Cope Marve, 13 and me" "You pause uncertainly. Mixed doubles isnot as innoc- ‘uous as it sounds. Its Jan's name for one of the more Challenging and competitive combat simulations Abveloped for the Avengers to practice teamwork. “You know i's extremely important to exercise with your team, but you have trouble shaking the feeling hat outside the security of the Avengers Mansion, something requiring your attention is happening. "'you decide to deeline the Wasps offer and scek the soufce of your concern now, turn to 192. i'you want to ‘accept the Wasp's challenge. turn to 182, 2 Though you are curious to know what HYDRA is planning todo with tanksin Philadelphia, the informa Ton Agent Bronder has discovered is (00 valuable to ‘Heke You must get it 0 Nick Pury immediately. Rope- Tully, your escape will also disrupt HYDRAs mission, Wwhaicver itis." We're going to leave while the odds are {With use you whisper, "Wait for my signal” Tm addition tothe other four new HYDRA recruits on the minibus with you. theres a driver and a guard. Having watched the other four recruits during train Ing, you fee sure you and the SHIELD agents can take ‘heal out easily, but the guard and the driver are Unknown quantities, "You wait long enough for the van to move several rlles from HYDRAe. secret base. Finally, rumbl Folses under the bus' tires, and series of stops an ‘Starter indicate to you thatthe bus must be approach. Inga toll booth. Sipping your shield out from the back of your shirt, you signal silently to Bronder and Hoff {ian to take care of Your fellow HYDRA recruits, ‘Swily. you approach the curtain that separates the front of the bus from the Fear. Hoffman and Bronder ach knock out one of the unsuspecting hired thugs. ‘he remaining two raise an alarm almost immediately. “What's going on?” one shouts “Guard the other cries. 14 ‘The moment the guard pokes his head through the cuftan, you make & grab for hi. To hang on te hie, oumstmakcaSuengi FEAT y rolling ede and éding the result to your Stength ability tthe ta Sorkess turnto 138; it sb or more, move on to BL, buy ahd wren cts am, aarti him, His whip misses the SHIELD agent, te 3 Ce es tom, Agent Bronder flips a switch on her Nitro-buster and (56 Bota panne Si a's SSA putt ok Ata coma ea als el as einen Signer ee hana Sane ener an hana See eee ae od pa a oe ce Bp mene tal Maca eeperin ving a a ‘you ask Hoffman. “ See sas ypa gam wide band st with large ental mee SET ana wong Ss Toe ns get yo a roe ee roman oe son forthe ng ows fora more a ‘then disappears. Proceed to 147. and 15 4 irrstay near Blacklash and the rocket, Nitro won't ‘dare unleash his explosive power for ear of damaging them, you figure. Although Blacklash has retreated from ike battle, cradling his injured arm, you decide he ‘Could still be dangerous, £0 you put the rocket directly between yourself and Nitro. "The elderly villain doesn't act in quite the manner you'd expected, however. He punches a fist at you around the circumference of the missile. You dodge t easily, But Nitro explodes the fst. Your cars ring from the force of the explosion and the rocket wobbles ‘momentarily before settling stl again. “Nou idiot” Blacklash Yells at bis partner, "You'll destroy the rocket!” Tanoring him, Niro tres to kick you from around the edie of the rocket, His exploding foot unbalances the Tocket again, and it ips toward him. ‘Lunging backward, you use your shield for cover as ‘meron asthe ground, but te mise remains “Now it'll never work?!” Blacklash screams at Nitro. ‘Theother villain scowls, “T've had enough of this stu pld scheme!” he shouts. He blows himself up, not both- Ering to move farther away from Blacklash. You, fortunately. are farther away from the explosion, but {you must subtract 5 Health points from your total. "A dense mist that must be Nitro's gaseous form drifts swifly across the bay. You turn to question Backlash, ‘Buta peculiar hum fils your ears and he starts to glow mysteriously. To late, you realize he has also escaped, ‘using Viper's teleporter. “tum to 21 5 vou whip your shield not at Blacklash but at the ‘yall rcochete witha cracking sound and slams into the drugesotted super villain, Blacklash crashes into the table you are strapped to, and you grab hold of tis shirt wits your bound hand. 'k ull blow to the back of his head with your 16 sadietenoorte mane teeptin 4b unfasten the keychatn at Seriotts belt and open Seiten cance Soe ene Beer en net encore EES ett ean “No, way. You're the one who's crazy.” he answers. ene : St at hs way Bain Tearing nya and T'm taking you with me: Now, should Pat eoehs So ay leh ST pr" a an mee et, Me he ‘ereated you while I washelscely eeapeee one, Inte oa sin wie yee Be TPE ny i Yo ae Do Fo aidetienbalaeaseed eee ne Sec ceaeteree resp Eibssteneeena yeaa: telnaters ‘ety ere crn at spa saa te See nee ee angen viapoeafonsea pete tevhics martin ee, a you manage to sneak through the maze of Vipers Terinoltie singh NE eee ae eh youere cee RH oe fat owe yous SIRE geen te ating Seo yo Speed warms tam set Pag a the stron ene, teas eae longs the iiighty Avengers, vt ua VOry SPO Se een oe tnth whee you place a eall to someone You toow wi hr met ee 17 cated to discover the whereabouts of the Viper—ick Fup the iector of SHIELD. inch" Pury oputers. "Did you say you're at Vi pera secret base? “Gn'tep of actully. With Blackash, He's been working her, though right now he's discovering the Srorothis ways” "Ziay right where you are. have the restona de rector pick you up. Shei be therein five mutes OF ‘Shelloe looking fra new job nine regional directors Job seems petty secure whhin teee mutes a heliopter and nthe mide Une stret an the pilot ave yout. “Hurry, please Store get a Uekes fran llega anding and blocking ate" the woman save ‘Withun another tne: minotes the helicopter has tanded back on topot the US. Stel balding, and you escatedInacomortbic office Biaekash sae a+ Shreeratea, "Tc hellopter plot, Syvia Chanser. turns out also tobe the egal SHIELD decetor “Colonel Pury or {ers were te make you comfortable and to pick your tung atthe sume times: Director Chansler ays. Quickly. you outline the events ofthe previous eve nip nclading your capture and subsequent escape "E fonel Puy sald was et yous om everything. ‘pstart nth Viper sol these rockets rom the gover ‘Rent iat month and weve been trying to Wack her Trersince. She's been sling them tallsors of weed Groupe” tcrorst, some of them, but mest are hardly Sinatyou would destre a extremist Viper manages Tocomince them that they need fist tke capability Agate whomever migh Be thelr polal poste oF come fom adiferem eine group, or Jon womever they hold a grudge against, es quite Beer Trou inaty of tese rockets dd Viper ge” you tn- "Six hundred” “My lord! She could start a wart” you gesp, Director Chansier nods. “That's what she's trying (0 18 do, we suspect, but so far we've managed to keep tt tinder wraps. Iwentyo of the rockets have already ben used and should the general public find out we Could have a panic on our Lana “don ty give te blcenough red you ‘Maybe not. SHIELD may reconsider the news black ite ean just get those ocket back fom Viper" ce, And wha are you dng about 1m wali forthe cavalry “Theewtiny? ane “We dont keep a large asta here n Pittsburgh as snes doinNew Yok Capa We ve wager Cle ry and soe af hs erack troops to get here, Ths should arrive within the hour Gare to accompany te {ole airport? oa and ar standing ese Director Chander when Nick Pury comes though the gate Wil two young aides. a Cie "Cap, you never cease to emaze met” is Furys frst comment. Then he adgn“Fhesare he speciafeicers in charge of recovering the ocets~Ken fiofinan and {aura Bronder Director Chansler what te satus?" vive ole uns aatened lange mou taunside si Just waiting for your people tan them ‘more fully.” Chansler replies. ce “Fine. ‘There are ity four of them walling on the Plane!" Fury tls her, all seasoned agent “Grea. Agent Lam wl see fo thes the woman sey mooning one of ales take charge etsonnel wattingon the army jet cre You Mobile UnitOne myscis Tu texas “Tum to 180. 19 6 sou taunch yourseif feet frst at the HYDRA agent. Startled by your speed, he bas tine fo am hs le at but nol time enough to get out of your Way. 9° you connect with hs Seay ns ii oes of He got ‘me, pou realize as your boey shudders with pain, Sub- ttacd 3 from your Health polis. “Can aford to succumb tothe pain, you ell yours 1 have to say conscious long enough fo protect these people: TI'your Health points have fallen to 0 or less, your adventure ends here. you have 1 to 8 Health points, ‘You must make an Endurance FEAT by rolling one die and adding the zesult to your Endurance. ifthe totals Bor less, tum to 78. iit s9 or more, Zo to 207. Ifyou hhave 6 or more Heaith points, turn to 153. 7 The blow you'd intended for the HYDRA com- inander misses. He didn't get where he 1s today by beings poor lighter, He dodges your swingandifires his ‘weapon in your direction. Sirus subtract rom your Healt points, ab bullet grazes your side, your Health is O or less your Ruventure ends here fyou areal in satisfactory con sition, turn to 37 8 As you reach your hand into the glowing red bas- Ket. ahot prickly feeling eras up Your skin. You with- {raw yourhand immediately and remove your glove to discover that your skin is lushed, as though you had just pulled ft out of scorching water. “Suatthen Captain Marve eas out, "“Spectl Delivery. (capi and tosses your shieldin your direction. Unfortu hnately, because of your stinging band, you flub the ‘catch and your shelé spins out of reach Beside you, the Sub-Mariner reaches his hand into his team’s basket, then pulls back tn « hurry just as You cid, With a sna‘), he Atlantean angrily shakes Small re flecks of something off his fingers. 20 Anxiously you turn your stentlon away from your competion and back to Captain Marvel as she pro censor foreach you ape bana Sh ote {ood job 0 far of evading the force felds generated {hore hovertny spheres and fang on other energy forms to pase through metal shields at drop from the celling, Now, tough @ weapon set n'a turet inthe telng tracking her with asic form of energy bea “Tum to 298. Most ofthe heat has dissipated from the bombed. 9 cout wreckage, ofthe Staten sland olfice btlding, You Sethe pole offer guarding the sitet you may ok “Sure, Cap. Gas company turned ofthe line, Footing could be treecherous, though. Watch yourself” “There isa section of the wreckage where even the ground floor has caved in revealing some ofthe base. Tent beneath. Sliding earehlly down Into the hole, You inspeet the only undamaged section of Freedoa Flights ex-headquarters “The basement is a concrete room, bare but for the wreckage, and smaller than jou would have expected Considering the sizeof the bulding. ‘Make a Keason FEAT by rolling one dle and adding the result to your Reason abit the totals 4 or ease moveon to 107. lit is or nore, tara 0 72, "Search for his keys:" you order the siteL> 10 ‘ you cross the room swilly and close the doors silently. Agent Bronder comes up fo youa minute later, clasping a heavily laden key chain and a parking card _Ctacling open tne dor. you check o make nue the ‘corridor is empty. Then. grabbing the keys and Bron dder'shand, you dash across te hallto the elevator. The {ew-second walt for the doorsto slide open seems inter- ‘inably long. Finally the elevator arrives, You slip @ round key into the slot by the parking garage button 21 and turn. ‘Bronder examines the other keys on the ring. “We're looking for a Cadillac” she says. pieking out the igal- {Yon and door keys for that model car." New. too. dsay, {rom the lack of wear on te keys. “sthose numbers slould correspond to his parking space,” you add, pointing toa series of digs along the Bottom ofthe parking car. "You and Bronder meet to surprised HYDRA agents, ‘when the elevator doors leading to the underground parking lot open, The two of you make short work of Phem, though, and as you suspected, the number on the parking tag leads you to the exact slot where the HYDRA agent you met earlier parks his new, white Cadillae bi tkpow bad guyseoulddsve white care Bron ler mutters. “flurry and get tn. And buckle up.” you order. unlocking the passenger door. "Youslipin behind the wheel and fasten your seatbelt. ‘Trying to avold suspicion, you drive cautiously up to the mechanical exit gate and insert the parking card. "The gate rises and you drive out into the open. For the fist time, you have a Took at the entire HYDRA eceret base from the outside Itisa large indus- tal par elated ffom the ouste by surrounding farm fields. "There are armed guards posted at the gate.” Bron der guips, peering at the dimly Il outer gate. “Yes, Weill have to charge t Stay down.” You run the Cadillac through the chals-link fence. ‘The guards, apparently accustomed only to keeping ‘people out are too startled to react immediately. They {don't fire until you have passed them. You hear some of the bullets tit the car, and the back windshield cracks Into a spiderweb pattern. hat wasn't too bad Bronder says, sitting up. ‘Dowal” you shout, aghast at what lies in the road ahead of you. Across your lane sits an armored tank with @ gun mounted on a turret, and the gun Is 22 taming n your direction iain Aig FEAT by oling ne de and ang se resultto your Agility ality ane trae loos ne s910 188. iffeis tor more umtoBts ep ae abi ey este eprint AD erm I Yo Ft oui ake Fernebesomine sas sees So Fee eth hence op wean tek here capeaea ge anthers sg enh gl lip mre REE e ecco Pee em ue rons ang anaes ee Gey en endian xia jaa ANT es ln ta ator, SED enero rr ams coi ob, HELD ater ot eretataae acne areal es 23 than th director of SHIELD himself, ick Fury. long: line frend and sssocate- Gap Nick says, shaking your hand, “you never cease o amaze me How did youdo It “finda Up from Constietor Unat something would happen here tonight you explain, “though he ‘wouldn't say now he Knew" “Excuse me, ala young woman n a SHIELD un form says, tapping Fury on the shoulder. “Hyatt; Songer?” ir looks pretty skkapparenty some, ant nausea drug Viper gave him i wearing of Agent Ht an wants how we can send hn to the howpltal, $Since he's in no condition to tli” SAinat about Blacklash= Fury ak. : “We eat keep him quet" she says grinning. “e's already sonirmed a To of what we suspected. “Synat ist you suspected?” you ak Fury ome on? The SHIELD aeetor invites you to fo tow, “wou can sten and lew Blacklssi sis at a table talde SHIELD's mabe traler office. He ls flanked by two armed security Ages, though fe fs now quite harmese, having beet ‘tapped of his armored costume and weaponry. “ArPagent seed across fom Blacklash aes to ave Fury his cae ie “Gaps Fury says pointing to the man who Jus up "this Special Agent Ken Hoffman. Oh, and tists BE partner'Fury itceates the young woman Who qucstoned himeatier="Laura Bronder They ve been ‘Eordinating the hunt for Viper ever sine she hjacked {ftocket shipment trom Uncle Sam last month” "harm to 201. 12. the three of you help bring Commander Wright to conscouanesst quesden his. Agen Bonde ad ‘Agent Hotinan take's seat on liner side of hm, and youett facing him. "Tur to 74. eee eee oe eS os Matra ond rts gto meu 13 sempre sicbetrey tere acer ase aes sedges cena os eae al aes oe anne aes STON Ri ia ai tn Seeigihad roa yee Ha nae SUS PAS age ae ih Aa roe sna gions TG ble he pak ean med oe ole gos ow aly aa eae ae bash ert ou serrate Gee Aen ey at Se scone mon tas wih on Cp Fe yout IDE Spe: yr kane yuan conten SL ay gn “a ys tno, onc vf gE, sou now, we eu in tri cee Poe hin Ban uae there ray fom ee BA rhe ce Be Goat we Seg gemes i etuy e Sern prea aon te an Pe ig sme ngs mart on oy seu Sn at ‘Turn to 198, Lele 25 14 aster punching up the appropriate street map on the van’ omputereontied navigation spay and locating the Curtis Supply Warehouse, you start up vans engine. Pleased with the convenience and ano: hnymity of your mebile headquarters. you head toward the Holland Tunnel, hstening toa Glenn Miller reeord- Ing on your tape deck rar destination tama out to be a moder facility alongside Newark Bay. The well warehouse Yards Surrounded by # high chainlink fence, but from the ‘an you can see no other seu defenses. ‘Using the periscope in the back of the van so you won't be secn, you keep an axiovs watch over the warehouse and fs surroundings. Noone passes you on foot, and motorized trafic on the road is very Lt. ‘Aew minutes before midnight, you sneak out of the bck of the van, intent on having @ closer look. Know Ang that one of the tools tthe Viper's disposal isa ma ter tansmitter, you realize she could transport herself thd any of her henchmen inside beyond the locked fete without being detected. She could already be in {fete Swill, you cross the street and climb over the fence, determined to have a closer look at the ware house. ‘Being careful to keep low. you cross the warehouse yard and peer around the sige of the building. Oa the Toading dock, yourecognize three forms and allofthem mean trouble! First js the super villain Nitro, a man who can deal deadly blows by exploding parts of hisbody such as his fsts and eet, or even expiode his entie body. with the func devastating effects as bomb! Even worse, ater Slsinegrating himself inthis manner, he ean reform find repeat his attacks over and over. apparently an “unlimited numberof times. You seem to recall rom the ‘Avengers’ hies that Nits waa supposed to be under {Guard in a hoepital—too il to use his powers or even Stand trial, Obviously someone has feed and cured hhm,’The Viper seems a hkely candidat for that role. ‘She has the resources, 26 “The second form Is that ofBiactash, whose danger ouscybernetie whips can plercestecl armor eves be fae ple ou te date thi cna ore, but tonight he sn very tough co “The third form is what worl you the most Occupy- ing the attention of the twe erininals. toweling over thean io an eight oat, reaming rocket! Consrie tors nonsense worda come back fo you," «by te rocket red glare” He meaat i terally. They have a fea rnket andi foks as ey are preparing to sinh Blacklaah is pointing Nito in the erection of the warehouse. "Go in thefe™ he saya, “and walt Gnu Come into give theallelear “Why do'T have to take orders from you?" tro grows Because Viper trusted me with her plan and not vou Blaciash snaps, Niper baht Nige apts “She's ut a woman” “ufit weren't for her, you'd just be an old than yin on Your back compsining sbout the pain, That aug she gave you to help you concentate enought xb wl wear aff alo wouldnt annoy ter Were you unlese you wan teendupa prisoner is Ghat hospital again: ae Ning acre, but he goes into the warehouse a think, Viper has Niro cowed into submission with se drug tat eountert the ane hatte Doracly kept Nitro from exploding. And Blacllas Wel, he'd work for anyone. 1 must try to tae cut Blacklash without alerting Niro. SSeaking up on Bincklashn the well.t warehouse yardmay be diicut, butyouttope he willbe oo intent Sis ako arming the roe node you unt! es Perhaps you wil do bette to surpte hin w ‘your shield. pay eae lye want tosneak up Blaskish and ke himon andsio hand, move onto 96 if you'd prefer to throw Your shield at him fst, turnto 80. 27 15 te guard howls with pain as your shield slams into his body, yet he finds the strength to raise his, ‘Weapon and aim ita you. : SNe don't want a lot of aise, now, do we?” you ask, leaping over the bar and grabbing for the wespon. Make a Strength PEAT by rolling one die and adding the result to your Strength ability. If the total is 7 or fese, turn to 86. fit 6 or more, turn to 146. 16 nave to get that gun away from him. you think, ranging at your foe. Make a Strength FEAT by rolling fone-dig and adding the result to your Strength. Ifthe {otal is 7 or less turn to 68. itis or more, goo 197. 17 “re movite units are al stationed and at the she informs Pury. "All we needed was the ‘units brought fifty-four seasoned feld agents with me. ‘And as an added bonus, Captain Amertea will be help” ‘ng out. Consider him my second in-cormmand: ‘Pleased to meet Vou at last, sit. We hear so much boul you in taining” Director Chansler points out fone of her uniformed officers, “Agent Lamb will see {hat the troops are stationed properly. escort you to Mobiie Unit One ‘Turn to 189. 18 tn addition to being an important defensive tool, your shicid is a pretty handy weapon a6 well You Spring toward I ‘Nearby, the Sub-Mariner has just used some ripped- upToor tle to create a path through the flames enc. cling him, With a grin, he gives your shield a kick. but you land on it before ican slide very far away. ‘With your shield on your arm and the robot behind you. you continue toward your goal. "Tura to 178. 28 “Tl take the inside of the warehouse” you 19) ch ga tect rm ee 1 soe ree tas i ieculag ttn ianaennces epee Sa CES netting” omer ce ne ie tang eae ain aren eee ey SO ar cme cede cnc eh oye Sica reais econ at tea Sense arb as ae nr Bats alata Sean data ne She stn Seta eo nt yuo vee ge ct ee trang ce ese ace eerie tse meee TAB hc a tet” you wg aa ht ae SECA TDs Bog wag Ein ya rn ning te up on SSPE a nt LS oe an we agro sndle as wa = oid a et cat ene Tite doe tescs men epee edly ny et ine Tae eae ees ce “acc i ues Ala sarc, sweat gare! 2st Seer Sei oe these Saran ren ee criminal Nitro, * as TS ped tof tng wo 29 only hie hand, you realize. watching the eerle glow ‘about the villains fst fade. We'd better Keep this battle ‘Outside where there's more room to maneuver. "Having decided you don't want your opponent enter. ng the warehouse, you charge toward him, hoping to knock him away ftom the door and off the loading dock. Make an Endurance FEAT by rolling one die and ‘adding the result to your Endurance ability I the total Is 12 or more, goto 62. Ifthe totals, 10, or 11, turn to 36. [fits Bor less, move on to 114. 20 vou rush toward your foe with a yell. Make ani Endurance FEAT by rolling one die and adding the result your Endurance ability the totals Bor less, ‘tum to 48, fit ie 9 or more, turn to 168, 21 Ac tease 1 kept them from launching this rocket, you think, Add 8 to your fearma point total. Perhaps ‘ome experts can tellme something about I "You head back to your van and place a call to SHIELD. Within half an hour, an investigation team arrives, headed by no less than the director of SHIELD ‘himself, Nick Fury. a longtime frend and associate. Fury grins with delight when he spots the rocket. He listens intently to the events of our evening. "The rocket comes froma whale shipment that Viper hijacked from Uncle Sam last month," Fury explains to you, So what was the rocket's target?” “city Hall, Shield Headquarters, the U.N.” Something much more subtle, but equally dangerous" Fury begins you ask, 30 “Excuse me sit" Oneof his special agents interrupts him. "We fund this man lurking around “The agent thrusts forth an elderly rotund man ina eeepc a ro afe you?” Nick Fury nape. The man shakes free of tre agent holding him and pullghimee up proudly. "in Steven Curt own ia *Aihat do you know abou: this rocket? you ask. “Nothing®” the man repies quickly io quickly “Allow me: Cap" Mek Puy apg "You el low me Cap” Nick Puy says. "You belong to an political organizations, Mr Curia "a7 “The man shifts nervously. “Come on, I don't have all night the drector of SHIELD bark ma founding member of the People's Cholce of Latveria" Me Curis mumbles. Fury sighs. "Let me guess. Viper sold you one of these rockets to fre at some political opponent, WA ‘woul tha ber” Me Curis doean’tanswer. Instead he hangs his head. ‘ou guess. Mr. Hollman?” Nick Fury adresse SHIELD agent who brought Mr curds to him "The People's Choice of Latveria is @ pro-Doom group. Oppening them is Freedom Flight. Thetr Read. uarters fo on Staten Island, T believe.” Hoffman cxpounds Past south acroas the water” you note, 1 didn't do ie! Mr. Corte guops. sSou've got believe me, She red to selime one of thoe things, but refused. ‘ima man of peace ald. She laughed She sald Fa have one whether {ranted it or not and iT aida’ pay nerfor it ae'd take tout on my warehouse, She's madt Pease, you've got to believe cl" “Do you see what Vipers tying fo do now, Cap?" Fury ada you “Sou mean she's eltng these things to politica orga- nizations, tying to get them to we them on ech ther?” you sake 31 “That's right, And ifthe ongantzation is tofateror- sat Bent and refuses her ofr, abe male tok Eke they used it anyway” says Nick, “Kelghbortood weapons escalation” You shiver at she lniousnce ofthe scheme. "Taen, aa usual se lass ry to tame over in te ensuing violence and Ehnas" you guess, * precy the SHIELD rector answers. “Are you Angerested tn helping a fac her doe?™ “ou can coun ou me’ you assure. ‘Tum fo 143. 22. stright you agree. “Let's get eoing” With a photocopy of Agent Lamb's map n band, the three! you are escorted tothe factory basement where “calrance you selected ‘othe mines is located. ist dark" Agent Hofman comment “And spooky.” his partner adas. "Where are the ‘bate? she Jokes. . “rhe oniy thing down here ls one very large snake’ ourepl. You proceed along the passages swiftly until your paths interrupted by an unmarked vertical mine shaft Tat goes down a ong way. The hole cannot be skirted, and sithough you could probably leap over it, It 18 tunliely the SHIELD agents could o so. “two-man bridge?” you suggest to Agent Hofman. “The man nods."You better take the top he says, helping boost you to his shoulders, T always hate this maneuver” Agent Bronder mut. ters. "Tean't look she says as you balance on top of ‘eat tna aa prepare oa actos the {bu catch the opposite edge easly *"Comcon. Laura We don't wantto hang around here all day" Agent Hoffman call, "the female SHIELD agent bounces lightly across ‘your backs and ence salely across grabs onto your Ywrists to steady you as her partner climbs up your 32 body. Youscrambleuptheledge. Agent Bronde looks {quitepale, and not just rom the untural amination opiate ose pecs down ato hechasm ou "Nb afaldof heights?” you ask her. ‘Of coures not" se snaps. ‘That would be stupa” She pauses and then adds, "tm alto fling DOWN front heights “ome one’s keep moving? you order Soon ome toa eglon where the walls are better shored up. ‘They bean fo ook smooth end plied. “Looks like someone's een through here with a laser cannon Agent Hofinen notes. “Undoubtedly Viper” yousay nodding, “She aways ets hold of prety advastoed technology: beter keep down now. Phese tunnel realy ear sounds “ou come toa salraoe: Nake an Tatton FEAT by tolling one de and adding the el to your Intulion bil the ols or feast o 120. or tore urn (0 88. 33 23 voutry grabbing Blackiash in afullnelson, bathe fanages towhip histero lash aay fom Agent Hol Jan ad around your leg. The jl of lectsciy the vik Tain sends through hie weapon forees you to release fm. Subtract 8 from your Health point. Blak backs way wl, ig the cosa oni teleporter ring. He glows and dissppears, Haus Agent Brener grows fom beneath Black uash's gravity blo ory” you apologize. i's mot your fault? Agent Hoffman says. “We wouldn't have stood a chance without you Atleast We Eulheve our contingeney pla.” sles his partner comments as you Relp disentan- sf her fror the boo. : Sats the contingency plan?” you ask “Well it requires some nlercover work to follow up another up we aver" Hallman replies, eyeing you Phoughtlly is nere anything [can do?” you ask Asa matter offac, wehave away we can Mt Youn, youre wing” : “fiemeans catching Viper, t'm wiling” you answer tum ni?, 24 you decide to hit this monstrosity with all you've {ot rather tan ek having i'survivea lighter blow, 80 Sou aim your shield at its neck and heave i with all Jour might. "p atiempt this FEAT roll one dle and add the result to your Shield ability Ifthe total fs 19 oF less, turn (0 {98.1 20 or more, urn to 169. 25 ne HYDRA commander i a least as strong as You, He escapes from your hold, and triesto back away So he can vse his rifle, but Agent Bronder, having iready knocked out her own opponent, jams the butt ther ile inte the commanders knees, He crashes (0 34 the Moor. You knock him out with a blow to the back of ‘the neck. Add 1 to your Kerma polnts for helping to defeat and eapture the HYDRA commander. Fille fire echoes through the warehouse, and bullets ricochet off the back of your turtle shell Tur to 68. coin sah oy gp about gcay 26 oe sone pectin ea mente ‘your regards right now." ee ee ere compalan nate lve ing ou Vert gat sudo iste kyu ae Seen: Se ut, to might kaw oe STEEL eb arn taps ne ces nei me oe enamel pe pete es es e ETE eagnimaenety tacane or Stetina Tenth omeety tena scree is ais ae ae 1 navbar bythe re” De en Hoffman replies. Coed eed FT know meng hohe yu woe Sew ent cette Vcore by Viper's Renchmen. ee Ee nto tha Hateaa et 35 “Spe hundred!" you gasp. “And if Blacklash figures out how to copy the elec: tronic components, Viper could be making more ‘within the year” Hoffman points out. ‘You shake your head in shock. "Better move your backups forward. We've got to get some answers out of Nitro—fast!" you order. eae Nitro fs not particularly excited about cooperating with SHIELD, but apparently he has litte kking for Viper, ether, Unfortunately, there isn't much he can tellyou, He himself was virtually a prisoner in Viper's Hideout because she wasn't about to trust him until he proved himself He was always transported tn. and out Br her hideout with Blacklash by way of Viper’s matter transmitter so he can’t even tell you where the hideout is ‘ewe have got to get fix on that woman. There must be someting you can tell us, Niro” you insist. “She only goes out to collect money forthe rockets," the elderly vilain shrugs. "Catch het making a sale.” “Unfortunately, she doesn't send us engraved invita- tions to these events," Hoffman mutters. “She'll be sellinga rocket day after tomorrow to Free ‘dom Flight" Nitro volunteers. “What's Freedom Flight?" you ask. ‘Some dumb group We were supposed to hit with this rocket tonight. Their headquarters is on Staten. Island, We were supposed to make It look like the guy ‘who owns this place did it, cause Viper couldn't con- ‘Vince him to bay a rocket. [was supposed to blow up Inis warehouse o teach him a lesson." What made Viper think Me. Curis would want tohit Freedom Flight with a rocket?" you ask. eats me,” Nitro shrugs. ‘can answer that.” Hoffman says. “Curtis belongs to some group called the People's Choice of Latveria. ‘They're all gung-ho on Victor Von Doom. Freedom Filghe is trying to get him deposed” “Why would anyone support Vietor Von Doom?” you. 36 sl res ieee Eos have: unfortnetay, hed woe eater ten Pa Pupatyou were gong to bene Bronder argues, ‘She tld Blckiah he Stan lend wong ‘Add 5 points to your Karma for helping to capture ‘Nitro and the rocket, then turn to 98. ed a 2 ‘With a thrust of your fet oa the foor and your 27 arms gripping het wrists, you tose Viper Over Your head. Both of you rie to your fet simultaneously and kl ach other wary iper makes a move for a dart at her weapon's belt Just as you whisk your shield up from the floor, Viper eeps her darts coated with ke same deadly poison she secretes from her fangs. She throws one ofthe projec: tiles, but you block the miniature your tes, but you ‘miniature missile with y¢ ‘Turn to 118. 37 28 inspecting your fallen foe's pouch, you find his {avity bola,a weapon that generates an artificial grav- Sy eld tha wl weight anyone encangled in to the ound, You wrap i carefully around tts owner. Add 5 Points to your Karma total for defeating Blacklash.. ‘Now, how patient can Nitro be? you muse, fattening yourseitagulnst the wall by the door to the warehouse. ‘Not very you think in answer to your own question, when, less than three minutes later, you hear Nitro Approaching the door, muttering to himset "hat skeeping you, Blacklash?” the explosive man ‘njases from the door "You hold your breath, potsed for action, The moment Nitrosticks his head out the door. you clobber him with, your shicld and he collapses beneath you. don't like ambushing my foes, you think as you check Nitros vital signs, but haven't much chotee f they Insist on playing with rockets, You tie Nitra up ‘with Blacklashs whips. That won't hold him 1f he Wakes up and explodes, you tell yourself, but maybe the drug Blacklash mentioned will have worn off by then and Nitro won't be able 0 use his power again. ‘Make a Reason FEAT by rolling one dle and adding tne result to your Reason ably if ie total la 4or less, {urn to 108. Ifitis5 or more, goon to 12. 29 cet me something to tle this man up~" you ‘Start to sayr when in a sudden burst of power, the HYDRA leader breaks your hold. He turns the rifle back. ‘on you just as the double agent Hofiman tackles his. "Your foe fires at you as he falls to the floor. You feel a bullet graze your forehead. ‘You must subtract I point from your Health, and go to207. BO sou nit me guard feet-frst. As you pull yourself Spintoa guarded stance, your opponent remains ying ‘08 the oer. Tura to 184. 38 ‘Youand your partner reac’ the othersideotthe 31 seneimememaeete sete: 3 smal ating eal Se dere te eg a ce fe feng a nama eign or nro ane pos ace, Cae el eter Teutge he eae ee er reese tna ae couetmeslzgacgchin e omi yeng i spain eek tthe nine nt sya Naess Semon opin oe et oc aes erica ce ee nea! ceptor pean Ae bt Rob. Te een a vapors oR Se sch rire nce cengutt sald grea ona. “om peau Agent Hoftman halls a state police car parked 32 next tothe toll booth. You ate walting by te bus with ‘Agent Brondet, holding onte your prsoter. when you feel three rapid bangs on your shield. “Gunfire! you shout. “Slay down!” Shoving your prisoner and Agent Bronder out of the way, you spot {he sniper—the HYDRA bus driver, ‘As you leap back toward the bus, your attacker fires all the ammunition left {n his weapon at you, but the bullets bounce off your shield. Ashe tie frantically to feload, you stun him with puch and confiscate the ‘You identify yourself to the New Jersey State Troop. rca en ten Se ae Serkiy mel keener unig Bodie cs en a oie Ae eae sclnekti tides te ae Pah 39 Point for heping to capture them and fr keeping them ftom paripating inthe sosaultin Philadelphia. Hal an hout later, Nick Fury ands a SHIELD alr car at tne sate trooper barracks where you've been Wait {ng for him." take 1 by your sling faces that you Ibe good news for met the SHIELD decor ays “Wiper base isin Pitsburgh.” Bronder answers ‘Good work.” Fury comments. "You can give me the detaiison the way there Excuse me fora minute while {Topeak with the local plice and make sure that you eee ie vs ae praonen "Aer speaking sith the police and the prisoners for another baif ent hour, the SHIELD director Joins You fgain, “They're leting you go for good behavior. but ‘enenber, ean send you back any tne," Fury Jokes, ‘AS you leave the polce satlon and walk toward uty air car, ihe difector sys, "The HYDRA guard {You captured sald that the rald you were supposed to beonwas to capture Viper at Freedom Flight polieal Readquarters in Pitadelphia ‘iikh tank crews?" youask. “len'tthat litle heavy handed even or HYDRA Fury nods. "Especially considering Viper wasn! ven there Just betore | left New York had a feport {hat she was tying to sella rocket toa Freedom Fight Imember inva secret cellar beneath Freedom Fights former headquarierson Staten island. There was some ser of fight over money, Viper escaped, but Blacklash tas shot by the would-be customer He's in intensive are, se ton taleing just yet" But I Viper doesnt know that, she could be plen- hing to change her base right now” you figure. “Ehat's right." Fury agrees. "All the more reason to get going right now?” "Tan to 40. 33 viper reser gun just as your shield comes spine Hing toward her. Though the weapon's encrgy blast anhot harm the disk la sufilenly power to 40 deflect. Your shield crashes tothe ground and the energy beam charges toward you. eee ‘ou feel as though your cheat ison fre. Subtract 8 points rom your Heait,Youses the beam dsitcgeat {gas the weapon's power rack wears down, bxt ts hard to convince your boy that the free gone Its hard jt to breathe ilyou have 1Gor fewer Heath points, yourmust make an Endurance FEAT by roling One ie and adding the result to your Endurance ality ithe total a ares, {km to 160 the total ied or ore, orf You stl have ‘mote than 10 Health points, um to B6 Your tactic isn’t totally successful. You duck 34 quickly, and Nitro's exploding fist mocks his partner back, but you are not fast enough to avoid the brunt of his atack. Your head is ringing from the shock wave. and a searing heat travels across your neck, Subtract 6 from your Health point total, Furthermore, you now find yourself entangled in Blacklash’s gravity bola, and you are being dragged (0 the ground, Make an Endurance FEAT by rolling one die and add- {ng the result to your Endurance, Ifthe total is 10 oF less, tam to 90. if itis 11 or more, move on to 122, Alter binding your ankle, you rise and begin 35) carving footholds in the slick wal! with your shield. In light of your injury. climbing and halaneing isso diff cat that you do not succeed in the ist three attempts, ou siti the mine shaft for a moment taking deep breaths. The cool air seems to invigorate you Sunt moning your strength for a fourth ume, you finally Manage to scramble tothe too. Aira brief rest, you test yeur ankle. I's painful, but fot useless. You lit determanedly down the tunnel. Jeaving Viper’ phantom stalrase Behind. “Turn to 100. al 36 soustam into Nitro, mocking him away from the BG wane ei SMe teimebnanetlt = a 42 ‘Yanking your shield out from the pocket on the 97 backof your shirt, you charge toward the HYDRA com. mander. Hi rife shot ratles harmlessly against your shield, and his eyes widen as ft finally dawns on fim ‘who you really aze Make an Endurance FEATby rolling one dieandadd- ‘ng the result to your Endurance ality to knock down your foe. ifthe foal is 9 or less, turn 212 Ils 1Oor Better, turn 9 43. Your shield bounces off the robot's ankle with 38 rno apparent effect. Fortunately, ust as the mecha: noid’ blades slash down at you, you catch your shield on the rebound. As you ral itover your head to block the robot’s deadly blow, you realize that now you must dodge orrisk being hit by one ofthe robot's other fiend ish appendages. Turn to 6 By noon, the military Jet commandeered by 89 Nick Fury has landed at Pittsburgh's Allegheny County Airport. You are greeted at the gate by SHIELD's regional director for the area, Syivia Chanster. Tm glad to be able to give you some good news, Colonel Fury." she begins. “We caught Blacklash= Mark Scarlott lens (han tex minutes ago” “Congratulations. How didyou manage that?" Pury seks. ‘Luck mostly. We posted a lookout within minutes, after your phone call. and we spotted Searlott coming ut ofthe incline'slower station, in eWvillan dress. Withr ‘out hs costume, he couldn't give us too mich trouble, He was heading forthe Piraes game at Three Rivers Stadium" “Very good.” says Fury. “If Viper gave him the day off, its likely she isn't expecting us: “Uniess she's planning on ‘eaving him behind,” you suggest. 43 ou might be right the head of SHIELD agree, ase you prepared, Chana?" hs a hi egal decor 40 ou nop into Nick Fury’s SHIELD aircar with Agents Bronder and Hoffman and he lifts af from the Steet toward Philadelphia International Aiport, ‘Oh, Cap Fury adde, “thought Youd like to know Justone other ite pece inthis puzale hat we've ma ccd see "What's that, Nick?" you as “Constrictr’s part, We found out from one of the other captured HYDRA agents that Constrictor was the fone who told HYDRA that Viper had stolen the rockets, they had coveted for themselves “How did Constrctor know?" ‘Teeeems sometime last Week Constrctor was atthe ‘Cure Supply Warehouse, and he overheard Viper and Blacidast trying to intimidate someone Into buying fone ofthese rockets’ “What was Constrictor dotng there?” “Stealing something on consignment for HYDRA” Fury answers. “Which expiaing why he was eo elusive about what he knew." yousay. "Well east he had the good sense {o involve me init and not fust leave up to HYDRA Til second that” Agent Hoffman comments. il third i Agent Bronder adds. ‘Turn to 186. 44 You know you need to put this robot out of 44 action, but you'd like to Keep from losing points by Gestroying il. Without further hesitation, You fing ‘your adarantium shield at the robats left ante. ‘Toattempt this FEAT, roll oxe die and add the result to your Shield abilty. Ir the total i6 19 of less, turn (0 38: ftts200r21, ura to 128. I's 22. more, tum to You decline the sergeants advice about seeing 42 ‘a octor. You don‘ think anything is broken. You just feel ali stifand sore fom being smashed about Boning fresh unl, you wal backs to invest te the ruins of Freedom Fights former headguar- fers Tumn to, ‘en * ‘You crash into the HYDRA afent, and he slams 43 ‘nto the wall, his rile clatering onthe floor. Agent Hof finan tetrieves it. Add 2 to your Karma points for defeating this high-level HYDRA operative You check on the other HYDRA guard in the room. who met more than his match in Agent Hoffman, Hell De out fora while, you note. Turn to 82. Your target is standing too lose tothe rocket, 4G, causing your shield to bounce off the missiles curved surface without hitting Blacklash. Startled. fe ilsin 45 looks up with a shout Stu Jus: have te fo scoop up your shield as Black- dash pulls out his whip. Ie ashes serosa the adaman- tia ise with aloud crack. "font 73 se 9B ss on sry ta yu, en tg ing eenipc heen os oven yo wea ee eet aim tik ats ‘midsection. Make this Fighting mace ire ae eet Fee ee ee AG sou don't quite clear the expanse of the chasm, ‘utyou manage to grab hold of the opposite ledge—fust barely! After hauling yourself up tothe top you take a ‘Short breather before continuing. Soon, you come to & fegion ‘where the walls aze better shored up. They begin to look smooth and polished, as though they Were ct out by some special technology not yet in gen- eral use. 46 “This must be some of Viper’s excavations;” you decide ‘Then you come to a staircase leading up. Make an Inlultion FEAT by rolling one die and adding the result toyour Intultion ability. Ite (otal is 10 or les. turn to 191. Ite 11 or more, go to 196. Now that you are committed to the game, you 47 feel good about agreeing to play. You learn something from every team practice seasion and teach others al the same time. Add 1 Karma polntto your total. “Amelodic tone sounds, signaling the start of the con- test. Wasp immediately shrinks to near-invisible half ‘anineh ‘Namor rushes forward heedlessly, You fare pleased to see that Captain Marvel shows more cau ‘Hon and inspects the walls frst. Stil,one can't be 100 cautious, “Time to get our feet wet, C.M.2" you say. “Ig that what the Sub-Mariner {s doing?” your part ner says with a glagle as several nozzles shooting Jets of lame, spring from hidden panels in the floor. block ing Namor’s path. Gasping surprise, the Atantean backpedals to avoid the flery fountain, ‘Your amusement is cut short, however, you spot a basketballsized sphere drifting down from the celing. You recognize the sinister. highpitched whine emanat {ng from the sphere asa force-field barrier—something that could trap both you ane your partner ‘Heads up, lady!” you shout, pointing at the object hovering toward Your partner. “Standing stil isn't safe either!” you warn her as you cap aside to avoid capture by the foree field. ut ofthe corer af your ee, you aot several ny weighted squares of mosqulo netting dropping from theceling, ou hear the Wasp growlassheresurses het full sizein order to throw off ane a the insect-size traps. ‘Awalst high wall pops up from the floor. Just as you gre vaulting over it, ou notice that something Very tall hhas emerged from a door in he sie wail and that the a7 very tall something s qui clsingin on you. Taking Zaefensive crouch. you hurriedly study thls potential foeit ba sven ovis meta pated robot bring With Beaming, razor-sharp appendages! ‘Atempt an intuition FEAT by rolling one dle and adeling tne result to your Lnulion abt. the totals TOor ess, tum to 288. i's 11 er more, turn to 70. 4B commander Wright dodges your charge at the last moment. an you go lying off the edge of the tani, ‘Overhead you hear the sound of rile ire and a second later the HYDRA leader comes rashing down from the tank, shot dead or a sickening moment. you think Agent Hoffman might have lulled him instead of trying to capture him alive, but you spot Hoffman, still on the floor of the Warehouse, locked in hand-te-hand combat with the Diher veteran HYDRA agent. Emerging from the hatch- Mayo the opposite tank isa new HYDRA operative. He Thad probably been aiming at you before you took & dive, Instead he hit his own leader—ruining your ‘Chance to learn if Commander Wright knew the loca- tion of Viper's secret base “Turn to 62, 9 as you teave the bulling with Agents Hoffman ‘and Bronder, a SHIELD aircar drops down in front of You, The dizector of SHIELD. Nick Fury himself, Blghts. greeting you with high spirits, “We just cap- {ured Bilseldash,” he tells you, “He was helping Viper sella rocket (Freedom Flight in Staten sland, and got ‘himself shot” "By Aaron Gress?” you ask "Yes te. Gress got angry when Viper woulda’t show him a rocket without im showing her the cash first.” Fury confirms. “Blacklash is in intensive care and ‘won't be talicing for days. What do you have for me?” Ihe ase his agents, 48 “Vipers sectt base an isbugh Agent Bron answers proudly. eee “er on oe oc tri fom en cot SQ site emai de ceateayae eee sacha ama turn to 185. If the total is 19 or 20, go: tt $ than 18, turn to 44, ee _ ee a Soeprighemseeaa gotten SY saps tenant erat see cae Jos Sn ee eee gotten yoo aaa ae Ee aperme “Turn (6 133. ——— him to Adan City for some mision: and be prt ed 49 of taking orders. Chucked his teleporter ring, Then we ‘Caught him, Theonly things, can tell us much, He ‘Saye never knew where he was, since Viper would ‘Ondy let him in and out via the teleporter. "Atieaat we have one less super powered hireling to worry about where Viper’s concerned.” you note. tue” Fury replies. "Unfortunately. he big worry 18 ‘enough. There were aix hundred rockets on the ship- {nent Viper hijacked from Unele Sam, And she wast {he only one after ther. HYDRA was trying to get hold ofthem, as well, but she stole them out from under theie nose” “ts hard to say which would be worse:” you reply, thinking of the damage the world erime syndicate HY DRA could do with the rockets, since thelr ultimate {goal i also to rule the world. "Yee, But HYDRA would have sold most of tem over- seas, and we know moet of HYDRAs customers, Viper’s Gulte mad, You never know what she'll do next,” Fury ‘Shawers. "She's been convincing all sorts of people to Duy these rockets people you wouldn't think of as fa- palical or violent, until of course they use thelr pur. ‘chases. Viper seers tobe trying to starta civil war. and ‘ith those rockets, we could have as big a mess over Jere in America as they have in places ke Beirut or re- and or Central America Yea, Lace. She's hoping to topple the government 10 the resulting chaos, and maybe even seize control, So ‘whats your lead?” you ask. ‘wie know HYDRAs been trying to get the rockets pack from her, They attacked Freedom Flight’s head- Quarters in Philadelphia this moralng thinking she ould put in an appearance there, but HYDRA‘: really ‘tipping these days. Viper was at Freedom Flight’s old Jeadquarters on Staten Island. making a dealin a se- ret basement stronghold. The deal went sour, though. fand Blacklash got shot. He's in intensive care and te talng fora fev days: nd you're afraid Viper will escape before then.” wor HYDRA will attack her base. They've put i of 50 nly ong enough toreeruita minor army. So got Sing egenta recraca yesterday They went epposed to learn Vipers base. HYDRA sent one of thera oe this Freedom Flight assault this:norning’ The commander ofthe mission went banaaus when Viper didnt show tp. He threatened to shoot everyone fn eight. 80 ‘man had to blow is cover to stop him: ° ¥ at explains why noone wasanswe at Freedom Fight" Jou sate ae ‘There sa kneck onthe door and at Fury's command ayoung man in s SHIELD untform comes in. The looks a ite battered and very worried, ca ‘Cap, this is Ken Hofman, The agent I Just men- tioned is partner is still undercover st HYDIGA: work ing as a computer technician, and we nced you to get her out,” says Fury. - “rurato 108, Se ee cent tert mene tare BB fraser rt ae Cees Me I ee Ee tie naar akan mee ants im avate, ru ta oat ng 54 gaan Amen 2 SBELD en snes warms ro yur eae sh Sy ere ge to sr esac eu ae "ena gece En yy sgppemne, co ca Nk hi, tec ing engine fl nde 51 eee ee mm pec fg oe NE ede cared a a a coca you wonder Reread ced gt eh ea anu ce ater cee, Hue oe ey a al sexi i om BS opti ar ea Tit on say me tnre a aN aE UN Tes ieee S “RiiuL destioy you Captain.” she hisaes ae glow recreate et niges Peer 36 ne oro ant get? “Well, no. But Viper hasn't gone under that name for cs 5 out an oxganlaation with the arrogance vba may nol want to admin thelr own data bask Tera erwuncedheralegance to tem. stharcuat ee Sener smi "Fmgsing oe Pee gi token orm Aer eating, You and Agent Hoffman also leave the feds thin’ ot ead bakorgour dar ome Se aca mel sme 52 ‘more austere than last night's dinner, training con- Unues. After less than an hour. six men, including you and Agent Hoffman, are separated from the main group. ‘You, fortunately, are allowed toremain in your “urls costume, in deference, no doubt, to your sail. but the others are given HYDRA tniiorms to dress int complete with masks, ‘Then you are taken tothe windowless minibusin the underground garage, where Agent Bronder is already walling. Also dressed in a HYDRA uniform, she is ak tying hier mask. As soon as she fs sure you have seen, hier. she puts the mask on. All even of you are loaded onto the minibus. You. Hofman, and Bronder squeeze Into the back seat together. Amidst the hubbub of speculation among the other newly hired HYDRA agents, Bronder manages to whis. [per some information, "Madam HYDRA‘s secret base ‘m Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, under something called the Incline ‘Good work:" Hoffman whispers back, ‘Hey. Lowe it to the Tull: here,” Bronder admits. “You Were right about where I'd find Viper listed— under Madame HYDRA" ‘So where are we going?” you ask, “According to the computer—some assault in Phila- elphia. but that’s all would tell me, I had the con. Puter pick my name for a tank crew” “That's what | call a computer error” Hofman mut- ters, "What do-you know about tant “What's to kiow?" Bronder asks, "You put the pedal tothe metal, and the tank goes forward over anything, inthe wage" “Oh, brother” “I thought It would be easier for us to get away from this ttle group than from the training base,” Broader Whispers, indignant. “We might even want to figure ‘Out what HYDRA\s up ton Philadelphia” "Good thinking” you sey. “IT geta vote inthis” Agen: Hoffman interjecta, 53 like to leave before HYDRA gives her a tank to play ‘with? Ifyou want to make your escape as soon as possible, since you already know the location of Viper’s secret base, furn (0 2. you'd rather suick around to find out what HYDRA is up to, tura to 176, 57 vour shield hits the robot just as you had planned, knocking the mechanical creature to the Foor, where its deadly arms continue to thrash about. ‘You feel safe from the ereature now, since it appears Unable to right teelfand follow you. Add 1 Karma point {o your total fr not damaging the robot. ‘Jouare not solucky with your sielé, however. thas rebounded away from you aan awkward angle, allow. Ing Wasp to catch it in miair and toss it out of your immediate reach I you think you'd better retrieve the adamanttum disk’in case you need I again, turn to 18. If youd father race ahead without your shield before the com puter sends something cle ater you, turn to 145. 58 vou, pause on the bottom step. The SHIELD ‘agents behind you wait patiently. “if we elimb much higher, we'll be above ground” “What's the map say?" Bronder asks. “We went off Use edge of that several minutes ago.” {you inform her. "We're in Viper territory now. Turn off Your flashlights foramoment."Inthedark, you can see that all the steps from the center of the stairway up dow in the dare. Climbing the lower steps, you turn Your light back on to investigate more closely. You Touch the first glowing step with your shield. The shield goes right Uirough. its @ holographic projection." Lying down, you plunge your head through the light mage and investi- te what les beneath. Ite @ smooth, round pit about ilteen feet deep. 54 ‘Agent Bronder's head appears next to yours “There azertany snake. thoughtpswere supose tohave it doesn't always have :0 be snakes, Laura” her Pettis in tic movies “ato gong. naan Bronder you chuckle Nitrots ar swifter than hisage would warrant, 5Q and he retreats agely from your attack, Before he ean explode, you dodge behind your shield, “The shock wave from Nits attack—his whole body iscorporealating in a huge release of energy —throws you across the loading dock. Your unwilling fight I stopped the hard way by theside ofa truck trailer Sub- {tract 10 points from your Health. Iryour Health is 0. oF less, your adventure ends here. you are sil functioning, make an Endurance FEAT byrolig one de and adding me eau to your End ance ability. if the total Is 9 or less. goto 68. I he total {s 10 or mare, move on to 121. Your luck falls you as you creep closer to Black: 60 lash. You step on a broken plece of glass, and your quarry looks up, started by the crunching sound. Blacklash freezes for Just a moment as he reeognizes you. Then he regains the presense of mind to reach for ‘is whip and shout for his partner. Turn to 79. SHIELD takes care of mopping up the ware- 61 house after Agent Hoffman calls them on the minibus radio ‘Nick Fury informs you that HYDRA was wrong about ‘Viper being in Philadelphia that morning. "She was on Staten Island with Blacklash trying to sella rocket. but the Freedom Flight member she was trying to sell it 0 85 ot ntoan argument with her and shot Blacklash. He's {Pintensive care. Hopefully well be abe to get some: {ing out of hm soon" ‘Usfortunately tiga weelcbeforeBlacklash ie ae to talk to SHIELD, by he ime ne gives you the locaton of Vipecs secret base, the vilainese fas fled. You take Sot conolaton weve ntefact athe ae 6 Tore domestic incidents reports involving rou er the month, Agents Holinan and Bronder tnform you that apparently HYDRA got the rockets ffom Viger alter all-ana the erie syndicate has been Selling the missles overseas SHIELD has been able to fecover afew because HYDRA ls generally easier to Taek than Viper Of Vipers whereabouts they haven't Selue. fest once ' ike to capture her” you sigh. “ou til might get.a cance someday" Agent Hott And wecelike tobe there when youdo,"AgentBron- erase Sur aiventue ends ere, You ay bein aan, sb tracting two from your Saital Karma foal for losing Viper and te rockets 62. white you are waiting for Freedom Flight’ ofce toopen, you dress as Steve Rogers and have breakfast In alcal doer Reading the morning pape at you cat Your brealdast. you notice an article burted inte back tthe paper that reports that Nitro has been captured. by the authorities in Auantle City. ‘That should cramp Vipers style alte, you think. I wonder #fNitro’s volunteering any information? ‘Later, again In Your Captain America costume, you 56 climb the steps to the rundown townhouse that houses te organization kiown as Freedom Fight You {fe aware ofl the face at vingows along the street, fratching you, You don thaveto knockon the door ils {peeed the moment you teach the top step. ’Amidle-oged man, asarniet ooking as Mr, Cur tus stand belore you with his hand out ‘Capian Amertea the maa greets you a you shake tis hand, “Thus isa great honor Tm Kurt Cress, Wel ome o Freedom Flight’ new headquarters” ‘ir Gress ushers you into the bulling’s front room. [Amap and some rave posters of Latvera hang on te falls Cardboard boxes fala es are stacke along The flor Anold dese a table and some folding chalis fe the ony furniture, Theres one telephone. “Are you the only sialf member here, Mr, Gress?” “The eatareupstalr sleeping. We worked sohardat cleaning the place upand movingintoit yesterday that ‘wedidn't hear the news abeut our old headquarters Ul the evening” Then everyone stayed Up arguing “arguing?” ‘Well discussing tt was eally quite shocking, We never thought they would gotha ar" “who? “The Laverian Secret Police, ofcourse” “The rocket was launched fom a warehouse belong- tng to Steven Curtin” Naturally: He's one of thet toole—him and his Peo- ples Chotee Mr. Gress spits the words out wih dis Sain “hi. Cutis claims he isnt responsible, He doesn't smpress me as aman of violence” He didn't impresa me that way either” Mr, Gresa admits, "But Aaron had im pegged, guess. Aaron faid Curtis would ty something undettianded. Ub Aaron, thats my cousin. He'sthe reason I helped start Aha group, Seer my father eaehere rom Latverla im second generation American, but my father’s brother Stayed fp Latveria Hie son, my cousin Aaron, just ‘Seaped from there last year 87 “see. your coustn here now?” "Well no, He had some business to finish up in New York, He'll be here by tonight” Shir Gress, Mr Curtis claimshe was famed because he refused to purchase certain weapons from a terrorist kknownas the Viper. It's teasonableto assume the Viper ‘might offer you a similar deal so you can strike back in Fefaliation” “That's nonsense. We are not a terrorist organiza- tion, Captain America. We do not espouse violence. Currently we are only trying to det the US. Govern: tment to put pressure on the Latverians to free political Prisoners and grant due process of law tits citizens. hat so unreasonable?” Ne Me Gres: But the question: ld your organ zation’s argument last night involve changing Your {eang of attaining those goals In view of the deoiruc- tion of your original headquarters?” “fayen fi did, ean assure you that as long as am the head ofthis organization we will not be resorting to the enemy's tact “A‘very noble speech, Kurt." aw ‘accent says from the hall doorway better take a look gut the window." We're doomed” another volce cries. “About six other members of Freedom Flight come running down the bal sairs and line up behind the ‘woman in the doorway. They alllook anxiously toward Bret leader, Kore Gress. ‘You run to the window with Mr. Gress, Outside, ‘modem armored tank is rumbling dtectiy toward you! “Vankdng Mr Gress away from the wal, You push bimn ‘n the direction of his fellow Freedom Fllghters just aa ‘he tank comes crashing through the bullding with its [gum almed rightal you. “rp tse back exit, quickly!” you shout over the near deafening sound of falling bricks and plaster. But itis too ate toescape. Two armed men enter from the back room, and two others craw in from the hole ‘made by the tank. You are surrounded. wan with a thick "but maybe you'd 58 Even more astonishing isthe nature of your attack ers They are all masked and dressed n he green a forme of HYDRA, an intenatonal crmisal orga ation dedicated to word congucst: What docs FHYDIA baveto do wit all usbyoh wonder 'AHHYDRA commander sess forward brancishng hs rile menacigly. "Sos + Captain America, Freciom, FlgsreyouarallpaconesoltfYORA, Wicceaher™ Whe Mr. Gress aa, obviously confused, “Dos act tui Vgc were ah We know sncee:Grear"hes, Nerecket and your ve grand, Hand them over immediately.” 7 Trdoa't know what you talking about” Gress repli looking cleary Dew dered ‘The HYDRA leader nocls Mr, Gress back withthe butt forte “Don'tmate me angi. Folio! poops ‘when I'm angry’ "Be aso” you tell tie HYDRA leader. “Would they be conducting tn legelpurcasein ent ote? ‘The HYDRA leader dors nt sop think about et Insteadhe answers, "Nba, Captain America you woud shied, thinking your stupidlegalsysterh ould del wither, We wil eal wid her AYDRA wil puss thee! the ptehat tiemansvolccgcsupan octave ie Sounds nytetcal “Por what “For Yobbing un the HYDRA leader shouts, “and trying tinct violence in our terry. The womans stu you know" “ou nod, but reffan from addlog that the HYDRA leer deat cent eas it sae ethers "you don't turn her over meds in going to st someone” the commander serccekes ne ’utahe nt here! you tase “owe ying Jt &‘mnte one of the other HYDRA agents saya." think Capa ght, These people woulae Che Bulag weapons tom Viper right under his nose vrouidtney? 59 ‘The HYDRA agents all stare in astonishment at the agent who just spoke. Before they can react further, you grab the HYDRA agent nearest you and send him Spratling back through the Hote in the wall. When you {ook up, you find that the HYDRA agent who took your Side has taken out hls own partner witha rifle buit. ‘Unfortunately, the HYDRA leader has Mr. Gress up against the wall and Is alming his rile at the leader's ‘midsection. “Tknew you were a double agent, Hoffman!” the HYDRA leader screams at the other HYDRA agent. “I Toaded your rifle with blanks. Now. don’t move, or Til ‘hoot ts fool and then all of you From the wild way your attacker is swinging his rifle about, you suspect that he may shoot someone any. ‘Way, Youmustact quickly to get him outof the action. Ir You want to try to take him out with aflying kick, turn, {0 180. Ifyou think you'd be better of trying to grab at ‘him and his gun, turn to 16. 63 our shield catches the guard on the side ofthe head, and he collapses n'a dlezy spin. The other guard alge his weapon in your direction, but Agent Bronder surprises him by squirting him inthe face with the selt- get hose from behind the baz. “Jumping over the bar. you lay the guard out next to pisiriend witha quick right cross. Agent Bronder grabs fis rile as you retrieve your sci. Make a Reason FEAT by roling one die and adding the Fesull(o your Reason ability If the total is or less, move 10 118. Ir itis 6 or bette turn to 10. “Sorry. Gotta run. you Joke to your unappre: 64 ative mechanteal opponent as you tack your body {ato a rol, preparing to somersault past ft. It falls respond to Your hurr Nake an Agility FEAT by roing one die and adding theresult to your Agiity abil. rhe totals 10 or esse tum to 186. ifits 11 of more.turn to 113, For several moments you Night a growing dark- 65 ness. These two kids are couting'on me can't pass out now. Finally your viston clears and you ate able to draw a full breath of air. To late! While Agent Broder’ full attention fon scooping Nitro gaseous form into het ‘Yacutum cleaner, Blacklash has faken aim at her back ‘with his whip. “Turn to 190. Viper Jerks a dart out from her weapon's beit, 66 You Know she Keeps these try misses coated with lethal snake Venom As she prezaresto jab you with the ‘weapon, you roll away and grab up your shield from {he oor beside you. The dart smashes hasmlesely Aegust he adamaatiam disk “have to put an end to these ticks" you resolve. Make a Fighting FEAT by relling one dleandadding ie Fesult to your Fighting ski. {the total is 19.or ess, Move on to 163. itis 1d oF more, tum to 64, 61 67 something about the voice of your anonymous caller te very fri “TEook ya gotta trust me, Itient a tap or anything” tne man's foie whines, and suddenly you know exactly woe “it had better not be. Constriter you reply, forthe callers none other than Frank Schllching alla the Goncteicon a dangerous supervillain you ave ought ‘Sith before ut ere have also been afew occasions when Con. ssretor has helped yous though usually for his own Stith reasons “Sheesh wat are you? Paychie? Did you have to say my tame?" Coney complains. "Suppowe come ‘Sue tapped the phone?" nS coy Cool, Constricion” you urge. “if someone tried that Ta know, Now, suppose you teime what thisivall bout?" I don't know all that much about tt~but shel tnvowed In” “Hen licht vhs though he ‘Her Vipe” Schlichting whispers as though he's atid someone wilovernear him onhisend of te line ‘fou cat blame hm for being ara“ Viper?” you echo the name ina whisper yourtell A shiver races Up Sourspine forthe Viper oie of your most deadly an {iioasencimles,Obsesed with power, she has become tr intemnatonal terrorist Getermined to destoy the Unwed Staten mnfeah,Vipec the hood repeats. “tm only teling you because I now she's eray and someone's gota sop ben whats she up to you query. Tidont trow exact only koow somethings gonna happen a that warehouse tonight. Something Pout the Pocksts ed glare. Don't an me What ta fea eause don't now. Just stop he ‘How do you know stout the warehouse? “Tithave to take te thon that question. Trust me. uti?” 62 “Where ean teach you?” you sigh. “Don’t bother trying I'm aking a trip—far, far away. Hepeinaout go you ono hrm dead meat. Sood Ick Flagman.” ‘There is a click on the phone as your informant bangs “euppose there's @ chance Constrctor is on the level. Better safe than sory" you say with a opecally where Viper'sceacerneds - “mn to 1, you grab at the HYDRA tater ste, but his 6B ep soo irong He managen otra he gun toward Sau and fre un‘shoots through your lg a8 your opponent pushes you back out of his way. Suerte 2 rom Your Feats gon “Thinking of he evttane you mus protect, you ane fclng shock sweeptigoeryourbny: You sit make an Endurance FEAT rollhg on le and add Irathereslttoyeur Endurance Ith uli Soriecs {tin fo'78 tft or more,move ono 207 ‘Agent Bronder fires her own rifle over the head 69) of the HYDRA fledging who tied shooting You from the other tank. He ducks back inside the tanic. “Betray in theret" Bronder shout gent Hoffman finishes hc own sparring partner ff tossing hm into the nde ofa tank He taken hod of Gemntander Wg ule you remove your Tre com ume, revealing Your true anform and inaking i pose. ble for you to retsieve your shield : ‘Why'd it take you 8 lng to polish of that one?” ‘gpd eats ier parte fewas ough. retarte Hofman, “What are yous dein on he ground oo ae “Sor of wrenehed my ankle atte “That was petty stupid" 63 “Notas stupas the two guys in that tank tying to maka get away: Bronder sighs potnting o one of the tanks ast rumbles toward the unopen garage door. Mtthey don-emove very fast éothe" You note wry. “Oh, Look Bronder inugas aa the oer tank Stars following. “Their pals have got the same idea” sBctcr give SHIELD a call ftom Ue mibus* you suggest to Agent Hofiman. ‘Sfhere should tell them they're heading?” “don't think they know.” Laura salcker, “We've captured theonly three HYDRA agents who were ami: {ar withthe misslon or how to run the tks for that matter “faye I should stop them before they cause any damage of hurt themselves” you 58 “hol Look! They've discovered feverse:” Bronder ssp asthe fret tan backs up Into the one bed $e treads lock ogaimet one another. ‘Gace you and the SHIELD agents have exhausted a chuckle from their predicament, you send Agent Hof than to call SHISLD, while you Hep the three HYDRA oilers. "The hatch ofone of the tanks opens and ahead peeks cout Agent Bronder fires another warning shot shout {ng bu seay in your room until we say you can come ut” The hateh closes immediatly “They may gure out how tooperate those cannons.” > rat would be interesting” Bronder comments. ‘ou help Bronder into the minibus and then load your prisoners aboard. Agent Hofman pulls the mnt Uisoute! the warehouse just as SHIELD arrives. Add to your Karma points for “capturing” the tanks from HYDRA and kecping them from attacking Freedom Flight “The SHIELD reinforcements, under the direction of ‘Nick Fury, take charge of the tanks and Your prisoners ‘when they arive “Sou were right about the HYDRA commandes" he tenia you aller interrogating the prisoners. "He knew 6 the Viper’ hideout allright, and he cracked ikea nut. ‘Apparently he's ben under alot pressure to capture ie Viper “Considering what usuelly happens to HYDRA agents who fa you reply. ats understandables Yes. Wontealy, he wouldn't have caught her here today anyway. She wasn’t atthe Freedom flight's Phi ‘delpla headquarters, she was at thelr old headquat- {cron State sland: Blacklaoh wae with her and he fot shot by Aaron Gress of Freedom Flight the gu fost his coo! when Viper wotldn’t sell him a rocket on (real, BlacKaah tom intensive caze “But Viper escaped?” you tse Fury nods. “And we're fra she may be considering roving her base, in ease Blaekash wakes up and talks But we know where ee laf we hurry” “Where's that? “Someplace you already know. Her secret base 1s a complex hidden beneath the Incine in Pittsburgh, Penneyvania ou fought ere with te Avengers “es: Iwill be good to see the under circumstances" Peeleeeeee eo thet ge tote apo pronto Nkaug Turn t 40, Like @ mechanical Grim Reaper, the robot 70) moves forward, its curved bade arma thrashing back and forth, threatening to cut down anything or anyone tnits path. Since the other three Avengersareallable to fly, you realize that you alone are vulnerable to this monster's attacks. “Tearing Your eyes away from the robot's weaponry of 65 hacking machetes, twisting daggers, jabbing spears, and slashing ewords, you concentrate instead on the Tobot sect, Those just might be its Achilles” heel, 600 ‘speak, you think, ting tat the robots feet move just aba person's would, but without the protection of flesh, About the ankles. "rTean just break the font or Jam something tnto you thing! may be able to Immobllize the robot with: ‘but damaging il too severely. The only thing you have ‘at hand to am the robot's ankle is your shield, and you iknow that getting your shield back ater tossing itclose ‘0 the floor wil be a tricky maneuver. but ifyou believe {IC will prove successful, turn to 41. i you want to try throwing your shield higher so you wall be more likely {ocatch ion the rebound, turn to 182, 71 ou are stil a Ite dazed, and your reflexes are tunable to compensate for a sudden movement away from the terminal that Viper makes, Your shield misses her by inehes, Dut smashes into the computer terial ‘al, sending sparks fying ‘Viper gasps and whirls around, Oring a hand laser pistol at Yout An explosive sensation covers your chest fs the weapon's beam sears through your costume and ‘armor. You must subtract 6 from Your Health points. you are out of Health points, your adventure ends here. you are stil healthy enough to goon. turn to 218. 72 wonder why this basement iss0 small. unless Freedom Flight’s members really were tightened of Latverian seeret police, If there Is such a thing. you think, In which case, they may have had some sort of secret escape exit ‘Scarching along the walls of the basement for some structural pecularity that would indicate @ secret el, You spy a portion ofthe wall that does not meet be inde craft blown ant fram hebind the wal 66 What have we here? you wonder. Feeling along the bricks. you discover one that's loose. Pushing causes ‘section ofthe wall to swing back. “Freeze!” afemale voice shouts rom the other side of the secret door. Peering Into the darkness beyond. you can discern, the figure of a man and a woman, both with pistols aimed at you, “Laura!” the man says urgently. lowering his gun and pushing his partner's down. “its Captain Amer- fea" ‘The man flicks alight switch to reveal a room fur nished with a desk, chair. and.cot. A phone site on the 4esk. There isa closed door inthe back ofthe room. “Well, he looked like Blacklash through that ny peephole’" the woman squeaks, offended. “Blackiash has a ponytail ereston his helmet, and he ‘doesn't carry a shield" the man chides. ‘Atleast Tknow the difference between Latveria and Latvia," the woman mutters sinking onto the cot. “Excuse me.” you interrupk, ‘bul You seem to have me ata disadvantage.” “Oh, I'm sorry” the man responds. He hands you an. 1D folder. "Ken Hoffman, SHIELD. This is may partner, Laura Bronder” “Pleased to meet you." you answer. “was 80 sure he was Blacklash:” Agent Bronder mopes. “What are you doing here?" you ask. “Timagine the same thing you're dotng—checking ‘out leads on the Viper" Agent Hoffman says. "Colonel Fury sald you'd been involved inthe Curtis Warehouse ick Fury certainly 1s well informed.” you note, marveling at the efllelency of the director of SHIELD, ‘who Isa long-time friend and assoctate “We caught Nitro thismornng, He told ushe ran into you lastnight” Hoffman exphins. "Apparently he got {ed up with working for Viper and quit her. She didn't ‘nist him with any information, though. He didn’ 67

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