Ramadhan Ration Program - Reminder

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25th Shabaan 1445AH, 7th March 2024



Assalaamualaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
The Jamat is reaching out to all its members who require ration assistance in
the Holy Month of Ramadhan.
The Jamat will provide ration vouchers to deserving families. The vouchers will
enable the families purchase ration of their choice from our list of ration
suppliers in the Jamat.
This is purely from clean funds and not a sadaqah and neither is it Zakat. You
do not need to be entitled to Zakat.

If you feel you need support, please fill in the form on the link
To enable processing of the vouchers, the form submission will close at 12:00
p.m on Friday 8th March 2024.

Your name and identity will be kept confidential.

If you know any family that is deserving but is reluctant to come forward, you
can suggest their name to any of the Welfare officers below so that they can
be contacted.

For any queries, kindly contact:

Abdulsattar Muzafferali Noorani: +254 707 692626
Farook Shaukatali Kadernani: +254 720 852547

Hon. Secretary

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